Conargo Shire Council Policy Structures within Road Reserves Date Policy 8.3 12/12/2013 Version No Minute No 1 Structures within Road Reserves Policy Policy No: 8.3 Date Reviewed: December 2013 Version: 1 Ver 1 Page 1 Conargo Shire Policy STRUCTURES WITHIN ROAD RESERVES POLICY 1.0 Purpose: Council as the delegated Road Authority for roads gazetted into its management has the duty to ensure that private structures erected in, on, above or below the road reserves are approved, meet the necessary standards to ensure safety and capacity and ensure the community’s interest is not compromised. 2.0 Definitions: In this policy: Area means the Conargo Shire Local Government Area. Road Reserve means any land that is dedicated or declared as public road and gazetted into the control of Conargo Shire Council (including nature strips). Nature strips means the section of the road reserve between the property boundary and the edge of the road. Permanent Structure means • Any structure that is made from permanent materials such as reinforced concrete, steel or brickwork. • Requires significant (or of a capital works nature) structural and site works. • Is not easily removed and the disturbed area would be difficult to restore Temporary Structure means it is any structure that is: • required for the duration of construction associated with an approved or exempt development activity or event. • does not require significant (minor works nature) structural works • easily removed and area easily reinstated • Intended for short term erection only Road Formation means the portion of roadway that extends from the outer batter to outer batter on a rural road or extremity of the footpath to the extremity of the footpath on an urban road. Carriageway means the portion of roadway that can be generally used by vehicles, e.g. from edge of shoulder to edge of shoulder in a rural area or from kerb to kerb in an urban area. 3.0 Objectives: To permit certain structures to be erected in, on, above or below road reserves on a uniform basis in compliance with the Local government Act 1993 and the Roads Act 1993; Policy No: 8.3 Date Reviewed: 05/08/2015 Ver 1 Page 2 Conargo Shire Policy To ensure that private structures in, on, above or below road reserves are approved for installation; To ensure appropriate standards of design and construction are used; To ensure the safety of the public when using the public road reserves is maintained; To ensure that responsibility for the ownership, construction and maintenance of any structure is clearly defined; To ensure the risk to Council is minimised; To refuse structures that do not meet the requirements of this policy or the relevant legislation; 4.0 Scope: This policy applies to all of the following private structures in Road Reserves that are deemed to be of a permanent nature: Stock Grids Fences (not including boundary fences) Gates Stock and Domestic Water Supply Lines Stormwater drainage structures Irrigation drainage structures (excluding Irrigation Company structures covered by the CAAT agreement) Private access roads (including gateways) Landscaping Structures that do not fit within this policy are structures that reside in, on, above or below road formations that are controlled by other bodies such as State or Federal governments or structures dealt with by other legislation such as boundary fences etc. If a structure requires a Development Application, then any consent issued will include conditions listed in this Policy. Any permanent structure that does not fit within this policy shall be dealt with on a case by case basis by submission to Council for appropriate consideration. 5.0 Legislation Consent to erect a structure on Road Reserves is covered under Sections 138 and 139 of the Roads Act 1993. 138 Works and structures (1) A person must not: (a) erect a structure or carry out a work in, on or over a public road, or (b) dig up or disturb the surface of a public road, or Policy No: 8.3 Date Reviewed: 05/08/2015 Ver 1 Page 3 Conargo Shire Policy (c) remove or interfere with a structure, work or tree on a public road, or (d) pump water into a public road from any land adjoining the road, (e) connect a road (whether public or private) to a classified road, otherwise than with the consent of the appropriate roads authority 139 Nature of consent (1) A consent under this Division: (a) may be granted on the roads authority’s initiative or on the application of any person, and (b) may be granted generally or for a particular case, and (c) may relate to a specific structure, work or tree or to structures, works or trees of a specified class, and (c1) in relation to integrated development within the meaning of section 91 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 , is subject to Division 5 of Part 4 of that Act, and (d) may be granted on such conditions as the appropriate roads authority thinks fit. 6.0 Application Process Applicants wishing to erect structures in, on, above or below road reserves (either permanent or temporary) shall submit an application by completion of the Form “8.3A – Road Opening Application and Approval” and payment of the Application Fee as prescribed in Conargo Shire’s Annual Fees and Charges. (Note: Payment of fees is non-refundable and application does not imply approval) Upon receipt of an application Council staff will complete the register (Form 8.3B) to record the application details and forward the application to the appropriate Council officer for assessment. The register number shall be recorded on the application form. 7.0 Assessment Process Approval will be subject to the consideration and risk assessments undertaken by the General Manager or his delegated officer to ensure Clause 3.0 of this policy is adequately covered. Refer the following flow chart for normal approval conditions. The General Manager or his delegate may impose certain other conditions that are site specific for the structure in question and these will be listed on Form “8.3A – Road Opening Application and Approval”. Once a decision has been made to approve or reject an application, the application form should be signed and a copy sent back to the applicant. It should also be saved into Infoxpert along with all relevant agreements or documentation with a Policy No: 8.3 Date Reviewed: 05/08/2015 Ver 1 Page 4 Conargo Shire Policy permanent retention date. The Infoxpert Document ID should also be recorded into the register. 8.0 Associated Documents Other internal documents associated with this policy include: o o o o o o o Form 8.3A – Road Opening Application and Approval Form 8.3B – Road Opening Permit Register Policy 8.1 – Stock Grid Policy Extract from RTA Road Design Guide for Property Access Conargo Shire Standard Drawing RCP1 (Pipes and Headwalls) Standard Technical Clauses for Pipe and Headwall Installation Landowner Agreements (Agreement to grant positive covenant and LPMA Form 13PC Positive Covenant) 9.0 Appeal Applicants may appeal the process by lodging an appeal in writing addressed to the General Manager, clearly stating reasons and arguments why the application should be approved. Council will make a decision on the appeal and the Council resolution will be final and binding. Policy No: 8.3 Date Reviewed: 05/08/2015 Ver 1 Page 5 ASSESSMENT FLOWCHART Road Opening Application received and Application Fees paid. Permanent Structure. Is it a Permanent Structure or Temporary Structure? Stock Grid. Standard Conditions apply as well as conditions in Stock Grid Policy 8.1. Fence / Gate. Is this a replacement of an existing grid? Yes. Temporary Structure. General Manager or his delegate to determine approval/refusal of application and specify appropriate conditions. No. No approval under the policy (may be referred to Council. Other. Stormwater drainage. Irrigation Structures. Standard Conditions apply + conditions relating to Stormwater Drainage and Irrigation Structures. Private Access Rds. (including gateways). Standard Conditions + Private Access or Gateways Conditions + extracts from the RTA Road Design Guide + Pavement Design or Council standards. Stock / domestic water supply. Standard Conditions + conditions relating to Stock and Domestic Water Supply. Landscaping. Standard Conditions + Landscaping Conditions. Conargo Shire Policy CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL The following conditions of approval will apply to the relevant structure as detailed in the flow chart above. However the General Manager or his delegated officer may impose certain other conditions that are site specific. Standard Conditions Standard Conditions will apply to all applications that are approved. 1. Work cannot commence within the road reserve until approval has been given and all pre-commencement conditions have been met. 2. Certificates of Currency of Insurance for Public Liability Insurance with a minimum amount of $20,000,000 noting Council as an interested party on the policy must be provided prior to commencement of works. 3. Traffic Control Plans shall be designed by an authorised / qualified person in accordance with AS1742.3 and the Roads and Maritime Services “Traffic Control at Worksite Manual” and submitted for approval prior to commencement of works. 4. The road, including surrounding road reserve, shall be restored and kept restored to a condition at least equal to that applying before any work is commenced. 5. Any damage caused to: (a) any property or person; or (b) any part of the road or public places including the road surfaces, footpaths, kerbing, guttering, drains, gullies or other constructions vested in or under the control of Council, by reason of any work done by the Applicant shall be made good by the Applicant to the satisfaction of Council and if the Applicant fails to do so then Council may make good such damage and the cost incurred in so doing shall be paid by the Applicant to the Council. 6. No action or activity shall at any time be done upon the land which shall create nuisance, grievance, damage or disturbance of the occupiers or owners of the properties adjoining the land. 7. The Applicant is the owner of the structure regardless of the structure type and accepts responsibility for it and its repair and maintenance unless caused by Council’s act, negligence or default. 8. Council reserves the right to demolish and remove all or any part of the structure at any time without compensation to the owner if the land is required for public use and if the owner fails to maintain the structure in a safe condition then the cost will be borne by the owner. 9. Subject to Council approval of the structure, the owner is to contact all utility authorities or other road authorities as may be required to seek and obtain permission for the structure and comply with their conditions. Note; On all roads that are the shared responsibility with Roads and Maritime Services, then Council approval will be subject to any conditions that RMS apply. 10. As constructed drawings are to be submitted showing construction detail and adequate information to enable the location of the structures if required. Policy No: 8.3 Date Reviewed: December 2013 Ver 1 Page 7 Conargo Shire Policy 11. The Applicant is liable for and indemnifies Council against all losses, damages, costs, expenses and other liabilities arising from or incurred in connection with: (a) damage, loss, injury or death caused by the act of negligence or default of the Applicant or of the Applicant’s employees and agents or by faulty fittings or fixtures brought upon or affixed to the land by the Applicant; and (b) Council doing anything which the applicant must do under this consent but has not done or has not done properly. 12. The Applicant releases Council from, and agrees that Council is not liable for, any losses, damages, maintenance, costs, expenses or other liabilities arising from or incurred in connection with: (a) damage, loss, injury or death (including natural disasters) unless it is caused by the Council’s act, negligence or default; and (b) anything the Council is permitted or required to do under this consent. Stock and Domestic Water Supply Conditions 1. All pipes to cross the road at right angles to the centreline of the road 2. All pipes are to have minimum clear cover over top of pipe of 800mm below centre of road surface, 300mm below table drains and 600mm below the natural surface elsewhere in the road reserve. 3. Pipes under 225mm diameter in size to be placed under a sealed road must be under-bored for at least a width of 5 metres each side of the seal and trenching will not be allowed. 4. Where trenching is approved, the trench shall be excavated to a minimum width, sufficient only to lay the pipes. Backfilling is to be carried out in 150mm layers and compacted to 100% standard density. A minimum 450mm layer of crushed rock or approved gravel is to be placed in the top layers of the backfill to provide a flush surface with the existing road. Sealing is to be reinstated to the satisfaction of the Council’s Works Manager. 5. Reticulation pipes will not be allowed to be routed through stormwater or drainage pipes. 6. A suitable sleeve must be placed as a conduit for the reticulated pipe, under the road to extend at least to the width of the table drain each side of the pavement and shoulders. 7. Clearly visible markers shall be erected either side of the road indicating the exact location of the structure within the road reserve. The markers shall clearly note the pipe contents. Stormwater Drainage and Irrigation Structure Conditions 1. All structures that encroach in, on, above or below the carriageway of the road must have a design submitted for approval, certified by a suitably qualified person. (Deemed minor stormwater structures may be certified by the Council) 2. All structures below the carriageway must be designed to meet HML (Higher Mass Limit) loadings in accordance with the appropriate Australian Standards. 3. All structures that impact on the carriageway must have a design suitable to allow access for Restricted Access Vehicles such as B-doubles and Road Trains, especially considering their turning pathways and axle loadings. Policy No: 8.3 Date Reviewed: 05/08/2015 Ver 1 Page 8 Conargo Shire Policy 4. Stormwater drainage pipes are to have concrete headwalls, wing walls and aprons with a suitable cut-off wall. Single cell pipes greater than 750mm diameter or multiple cell installations must have cast in-situ headwalls, wing walls and aprons in accordance with Conargo Shire Standard Drawing RCP1. 5. Trenching, bedding, backfill and installations of drainage structures is to be in accordance with the Conargo Shire Standard Specification or an approved alternative. 6. In all cases adequate provision is to be made for satisfactory drainage of the road. 7. Pipes under all roads shall be of sufficient length to contain the existing roadway, batters and table drains, with a minimum pipe length of 29.28 metres on all Regional, Primary Local and Secondary Local roads, and 21.96 metres on all other minor Shire roads or as determined by site specific conditions. 8. Access along the roadway for normal traffic must be maintained at all times. 9. Pipes under 225mm diameter in size to be placed under a sealed road must be under-bored and trenching will not be allowed. 10. All structures that exceed the Australian Standards for hazards (both above road height and below road height) within the clear zone must have specifically designed guard rails or barriers installed. 11. Where the Applicant applies to construct a permanent structure that will encroach in, on, above or below the formation of the road the Applicant will, as a condition of Council’s approval, enter into an Agreement to Grant a Positive Covenant in favour of Council requiring the Applicant and his heirs, assigns and successors in title to keep the terms of this Policy in respect of the structure and procure the registration of such a Covenant in respect of the Applicant’s land. The preparation of the agreement and preparation and registration of the Positive Covenant, and the payment of the costs thereof by the Applicant will be a condition precedent to the commencement of the work in respect of the structure. 12. For major works, or works of high risk, Council may require a bond or a bank guarantee to cover the cost of default or reinstatement (determined by the General Manager or his delegate), which will be refunded or released upon satisfactory completion. 13. The applicant shall give at least 48 hours notice to Council before commencement of any work. Private Access Roads or Gateways Conditions 1. Private access that links to a Council Road must be constructed in accordance with The Roads and Maritime Services standard access as defined in the RTA Road Design Guide. 2. Special conditions applied will take into account the requirement for access of Restricted Access Vehicles such as B-doubles and Road Trains and the design amended accordingly. 3. All access onto a sealed road will have a sealed apron of minimum length (along the centre line of the access measured from the edge of seal) of 5 metres. 4. Pavement design for the access will be determined on a site by site basis and specified in the conditions by the Conargo Shire Director of Engineering. Policy No: 8.3 Date Reviewed: 05/08/2015 Ver 1 Page 9 Conargo Shire Policy 5. In all cases adequate provision is to be made for satisfactory drainage of the road. 6. Access will not be approved in areas of poor sight distance or areas that create unacceptable risks. 7. These conditions will apply for all accesses associated with development or other approvals. Landscaping Conditions 1. Any fencing associated with the protection of landscaping works such as tree plantings will not be considered under the normal fencing requirements in the flow chart and is eligible for approval under these conditions. 2. Landscaping will not be approved where the landscaping will impact on the roadway, drainage and safe sight distance. Due regard shall be given to the future growth of plantings. 3. Approval will not be given in areas of narrow road reserves which may result in future liability for the Council. 4. The approval for landscaping works will not entitle the applicant to exclusive use of the road reserve. 5. Council reserves the right to remove the landscaping works at any time. Review Date This policy has a life of 4 years. It will be reviewed every 4 years. Council Meeting Adoption Date: 12th December 2013 Next review: December 2017 Policy No: 8.3 Date Reviewed: 05/08/2015 Ver 1 Page 10