maths-groups material

Group Theory
The chapters in this Unit are
Sub Groups
Normal Subgroups
Permutations (permutation groups)
Cyclic Groups
1)Binary operation : Let S be any non-empty set, then S X S contains all ordered pairs(a,b) where a,b ∈ S.
Any mapping f:S X S → S is called a binary operation on S.
Examples: + and . are binary operations on ‘N’
2) A Binary operation * on a set S is said to be associative if (a*b)*c = a*(b*c) ∀ a,b,c ∈ S
3) A Binary operation on a set S is said to be commutative if a*b = b*a ∀ a,b ∈ S
4) A pair (S,*) is called as a binary system if S is any non-empty set and * is binary operation on S.
We also call a binary system as an algebraic structure.
5) Suppose (S,*) is a binary system and let e ∈ S, then e is called as
(i) left identity if e*a = a for all a∈ 𝑆
(ii) right identity if a*e = a for all a∈ 𝑆
If e is both left and right identity element, then e is called identity in S *.
6) Suppose (S,*) is a binary system and let a ∈ S; let e be the identity element in S. Then an element b in S
is said to be ‘the inverse of a’ if a*b = b*a = e.
Note: if a*b=e is only satisfied, we call b as right inverse of a, and
If b*a =e is only satisfied, we call b as left inverse of a.
7) A binary system (S,*) is said to be a semi group if * is associative on S.
8) A binary system (S,*) is called a monoid if * is associative on S and S has identity element *.
Examples: (W,+) is a monoid; (N,+) is a semi group but not a monoid because it has no identity +
Group: A binary system (G,*) is called a group if
(i) * is associative on G i.e. (a*b)*c = a*(b*c) ∀ a,b,c ∈ G
(ii) there is an element e in G such that e*a = a*e = a for all a ∈G
(iii) for each a in G there is an element b in g such that a*b = b*a = e.
Abelian group: A group (G, *) is called as an Abelian group if * is commutative on G i.e. a*b = b*a ∀ a,b ∈G.
Examples: (Z,+), (Q,+), (R,+) are Abelian groups.
Order of a Group: The number of elements in a group (G,*) (either G is finite or infinite) is called order of
that group it is denoted by 0(G) or |G|.
Order of an element in a Group: Suppose (G,*) is a Group with identity element ‘e’. Let a∈G, if there
exists a least positive integer n such that an = e then we say that order of a = n denoted by 0(a)=n. If there
is no such integer then we say that a has order infinite or zero order.
Note: order of identity element in any group is “1”
Cancellation laws: suppose (S,*) is a binary system. For a,b,c ∈S
If (i) a*b = a*c then b=c and (ii) b*a = c*a then b=c (i)and (ii) are called as left, right cancellation laws.
Group Theory
Theorem 1: In a group G, for a,b,x,y ∈G, the equations ax = b and ya = b have unique solutions.
Proof: Suppose (G,.) is a Group with identity element ‘e’ and let a,b ∈G
By inverse law in G, we have a-1 ∈G also by closure law; we have a-1b ∈G.
Now consider ax = b
Also if x= a-1b then a(a-1b) = (a a-1)b (associative law)
Now consider ax = b ⟹ a-1(ax) = a-1b
⟹(a-1a)x = a-1b
⟹ex =a-1b
⟹x = a-1b
∴ x = a-1b is a solution of the equation ax =b
Uniqueness: if possible suppose let x1, x2 be two solutions of the equation ax =b
Then ax1 =b and ax2 =b ⟹ ax1 =ax2 ⟹x1=x2 (left cancellation law)
∴ The solution is Unique
Similarly we can prove that y = ba-1 is the solution for the equation ya = b
Hence the theorem.
Note: The condition in the above theorem is a necessary and sufficient condition for a group.
Theorem 2:A finite semi group (G,.) satisfying cancellation laws is a group (or)
A finite set G with a binary operation ’.‘ is a group if . is associative and cancellation laws hold in G.
Proof: Suppose G={ a1,a2,} is a semi group with n distinct elements. Suppose G has cancellation laws.
We have to prove that (G,.) is a group.
Let a ∈G; now, consider the products {aa 1, aa2, aa3, …. aan}. By closure law all these elements belong to G.
Also all these elements are distinct.
{ ∵ suppose aai = aaj for i ≠j then ai = aj by using left cancellation law
Which is a contradiction to all the elements in G are distinct
Since G is finite all the above product elements must be equal to elements of G in some order.
Now let b∈G, therefore ∃ some i such that aai = b.
Hence the equation ax = b has solution in G
Similarly we can prove that the equation ya = b has solution in G by taking products {a1a,a2a, …ana}
∴ by theorem 1 (G,.) is a group.
Hence the theorem
Note: Inverse of an element in a Group is Unique.
Suppose (G,*) is group with identity element ‘e’
Let a∈G. now if possible suppose b and c are inverses for a.
∴ a*b = b*a = e and a*c = c*a = e
Now consider b= b*e
= b * (a *c)
(e is identity)
( e value)
= (b *a) * c
= e *c
(b * a = e)
( e is identity)
∴ Inverse of an element in a group is unique.
Group Theory
Theorem 3: In a Group (G,.) o(a) = o(a-1) ∀ a ∈G
Proof: Suppose (G.) is a group with identity element ‘e’ and let a ∈G. suppose o(a) = p and o(a-1) = q
We have to prove that p = q
∴ By definition ap = e and (a-1)q = e and p,q are least positive integers with this property.
Now consider ap = e
Now consider (a-1)q = e
⟹ (aq)-1 = e
⟹ ( ap ) -1= e-1
⟹aq = e-1
⟹ (a-1)p = e
(inverse e is e)
(by definition of order of a -1)
⟹aq = e
(inverse of e is e)
⟹p ≤q
(by the definition of o(a) )
Hence p = q
Hence the theorem.
Theorem 4: let (G,.) is a group and a ∈G with o(a) = n. then am= e iff n|m.
Proof: consider given data, i.e. o(a) = n ⟹an = e and n is the least positive integer with this property
We have to prove that am= e iff n|m.
Converse part: suppose n|m
∴ By definition ∃ a positive integer q such that m = nq
Now consider am = anq = (an)q = eq = e
Main part: suppose am= e
We have n and m belong to Z; by division algorithm in integers ∃ integers q and r such that
m = nq + r with 0 ≤ r <n
here r = 0 is must.
{ ∵ suppose r ≠ 0, then we have am= e
nq +r
⟹(a)nq .ar = e
⟹ (e) =e
⟹ar =e and o < r < n
which is a contradiction to order of a is n }
hence m = nq i.e. by definition n | m.
hence theorem.
Theorem 5: The order of every element of a finite group is finite and is less than or equal to order of the group.
Proof: suppose (G,.) is a finite group and let a ∈G.
First we prove that order of a exists and is finite then o(a) ≤0(G)
We have by closure law in G, a, a2, a3, a4, … all elements ∈G.
Since G is a finite set the above elements must repeat.
Hence ∃ r and s such that r ≠ 𝑠 and r>s with ar = as
⟹a r-s = a0
⟹am = e ( let r-s = m and a0 = e)
⟹let n be the least positive integer with an =e
∴ order of a exists and it is finite
Group Theory
Now we prove that o(a) ≤0(G)
If possible suppose o(a) = n and 0(G) = m with n >m
Now consider the powers of a i.e. a, a2, a3, a4, …an; We have by closure law all these elements belong to G,
And they are distinct.
{ ∵ suppose they are not distinct hence they must repeat.
Hence ∃ r and s such that r ≠ 𝑠 and r>s with ar = as and 1≤ s < r ≤ n
⟹a r-s = a0 = e
Here 0 < r-s < n with ar-s = e
which is a contradiction to o(a) = n }
But this is impossible when n>m ( Because we cannot insert n distinct elements in m places when n>m)
Hence our supposition is wrong.
∴o(a) ≤0(G)
Hence the theorem.
Complex: Any non-empty subset of a group is called a complex.
Complex multiplication: if M and N are two complexes of a group G then their product is given by
MN = {x y/ x ∈ M, y∈N}
Inverse of a complex: If M is a complex of a group G. then its inverse is given by M -1 = { x-1/x∈M}.
Note: (i) Multiplication of complexes is associative in any group.
(ii) if M and N are complexes then (MN)-1 = N-1M-1.
Subgroup: suppose (G,.) is a group. Then any complex H of G is called a subgroup of G if H itself is a
group with the operations defined on G. if H is a subgroup of g then we denote it as H < G (when H is a
proper subset of G) or H ≤G.
Ex: (Z,+) is a subgroup of (Q,+)
Note:(i) For any group G; {e} and G itself are subgroups. These are called trivial or improper subgroups of G
(ii)The identity element in a group and the identity elements in its any subgroup are same.
Theorem1: necessary and sufficient condition theorem:
Statement: Suppose H is a non-empty complex of a group G. the necessary condition for to be subgroup
of G is ∀ a,b, ∈ H, a.b-1 ∈H where b-1 is the inverse of b in G.
Proof: Given that (G,.) is a group and H is any non empty complex of G.
We have to prove that H is a subgroup of G iff ∀ a,b, ∈ H, a.b-1 ∈H
Main part: (necessary part): suppose that H is a subgroup of G.
Let a,b, ∈ H, since H is subgroup of G so H itself is a group. Since H is a group, by inverse law b -1 ∈H.
Hence by closure law a.b-1∈H.
Converse part: (sufficient part):
Conversely, suppose ∀ a,b, ∈ H, a.b-1 ∈H. →(1)
Since H is non-empty ,let a ∈H
In the equation (1) take a in place of b then a.a-1 ∈H i.e. identity element e ∈H.
Taking a=e and b=a in equation (1) we get e.a-1 ∈H i.e. a-1 ∈H.
Again taking b∈H then b-1 ∈H
Now a∈H and b-1 ∈H , using (1) a.(b-1)-1 ∈H
a.b ∈H
Group Theory
Since all the elements H are in G, associative law holds clearly in H.
Hence by definition H is a group ‘ .’
∴ H is a subgroup of G.
Hence the theorem
Theorem2: Intersection of two subgroups is a subgroup.
Proof: suppose (G,.) is a group and M and N are two subgroup of G
Since each subgroup contains identity element ‘e’ so M∩N contains ‘e hence M∩N ≠ ∅ .
Now let a.b ∈ M∩N then a.b ∈ M and a.b ∈ N
Since M and N subgroups of G by necessary and sufficient condition theorem ab -1∈M and ab-1∈N
Hence ab-1∈ M∩N. hence M∩N is a subgroup of G (using necessary and condition theorem)
Hence the theorem.
Note:(1) From the above theorem we can say that the intersection a finite collection of subgroups of a
group is again a subgroup.
(2) The union of two subgroups of a group need not be a subgroup. For this consider the example
Let the group be (Z6, +6) = {0,1,2,3,4,5} and S={0,2,4} and T={0,3} then S and T are subgroups of Z6.
But S U T is not a subgroup of Z 6. Because 2, 3 ∈ S U T but 2+3 = 5 ∉ S U T i.e. closure law fails
Theorem3: Union of two subgroups is subgroup iff one is contained in the other.
Proof: suppose (G,.) is a group and M and N are two subgroups of G
We have to prove that M U N is a subgroup of G iff either M ⊂N or N⊂ M.
Converse part: suppose either M ⊂N or N⊂ M.
Now if M ⊂N then MUN = N also if N⊂ M then M U N = M. in any of the case M U N is a subgroup of G
because M and N subgroups of G.
Main part: suppose M U N is a subgroup of G.
Now we prove that either M ⊂N or N⊂ M.
In a contrary way suppose that M⊄N and N⊄M
Since M⊄N, there exists x ∈M such that x ∉N, Similarly since N⊄M there exists y ∈N such that y ∉ M
But both x and y ∈M U N
Since M U N is a sub group, by closure law xy ∈MUN.
⟹either x.y ∈M or xy ∈N or xy ∈ both M and N
Suppose xy∈M, we have x∈M since M is group x-1 ∈M
Since xy∈M and x-1 ∈M, by closure law x-1 xy∈M
i.e. y∈M. which is a contradiction
xy∈M and
Suppose xy∈N, we have y∈ 𝑁 since N is group y-1 ∈N
Since xy∈N and y-1 ∈N, by closure law xy y-1∈M
i.e. x∈N. which is a contradiction
in any case we are getting a contradiction.
xy∈N and
Hence our supposition is wrong.
y-1∈ 𝑁
∴ M ⊂N or N⊂ M is obvious.
Hence the theorem.
Group Theory
Theorem 4: If H is any subgroup of a group G then H -1 = H
Proof: suppose H is a subgroup of group (G,.)
We have to prove that H-1 = H
We prove this by showing that H-1⊂ H and H ⊂ H-1
We know that H-1 = { x-1/x∈H}.
Let x ∈H, since H is a group by inverse law, x-1 ∈H.
∴ H-1⊂ H ( because by definition of H-1, x-1 ∈H-1)
Let x ∈H, since H is a group by inverse law, x-1 ∈H. but by definition of H-1, (x-1)-1 ∈H-1. i.e. x∈H-1.
∴ H ⊂ H-1
Hence H-1 = H.
Group Theory
In this chapter, we consider G is a group under multiplication and H is any subgroup of G.
A sub group H of a group G is said to be a normal subgroup of G if ∀ x ∈ G and ∀ h ∈ H, xhx-1 ∈ H.
Note: 1) From the above definition we conclude that xHx-1 ⊂ G
2) for every group G, {e} and G itself are normal subgroups of G, they are called as improper or trivial
normal subgroups