Call for Early Career Researchers to a workshop on: Next Generation Sequencing applications to improve livestock welfare, food security and socioeconomic stability in Brazil Under the Researcher Links scheme offered within the Newton Fund, the British Council, CNPq and CONFAP will be holding a workshop on the above theme in Sao Paulo, Brazil on 12-16th October 2015. The workshop is being coordinated by Dr James Cronin (Swansea University, UK) and Dr Vera Hossepian de Lima (UNESP, Brazil), and will have contributions from other leading researchers Prof. Martin Sheldon (Swansea University, UK); Prof. Samuel Sheppard (University of Oxford and Swansea University, UK); Prof. Jose Fernando Garcia (UNESP, Brazil); and Prof. Lucia Galvão de Albuquerque (UNESP, Brazil). We are now inviting Early Career Researchers from the UK and Brazil to apply to attend this workshop. All travel and accommodation expenses will be covered by the Researcher Links programme. The application form, found at the end of this document should be sent to before the deadline of July 31st 2015. Introduction The Researcher Links programme, now co-funded under Newton Fund, provides opportunities for early career researchers from the UK and Brazil to interact, to learn from each other and to explore opportunities for building long-lasting research collaborations The workshops will provide a unique opportunity for sharing research expertise and networking. During the workshops early career researchers will have the opportunity to present their research in the form of a poster/short oral presentation and discuss this with established researchers from the UK and Brazil. There will be a focus on building up links for future collaborations and participants selected on the basis of their research potential and ability to build longer term links. The Sheldon lab will provide an exemplar disease system where host-pathogen interactions have been explored extensively The workshop The objectives of the workshop are to identify the key areas where NGS technologies can be utilised in the improvement of animal welfare and by association increase the efficiency and quality of food production, the profitability of farming and encourage socioeconomic stability. The Sheldon lab will provide an exemplar disease system where host-pathogen interactions have been explored extensively Participants will gain extensive knowledge of NGS technologies, enabling them to make informed decisions in choosing the appropriate application for their research. In collaboration with researchers from the MRC cloud-computing infrastructure for microbial bioinformatics ( participants will use state-of-the-art genomics techniques to analyse sequence data and explore the relationship between isolates at a population level as well as the role of specific genes. The role of NGS in epidemiology, antimicrobial resistance, the management of disease outbreaks and the evolutionary basis of pathogenesis will be explored Lead Researchers will contribute expertise focusing on two main NGS strategies in livestock disease or welfare. Firstly, the identification and characterisation of disease-causing pathogens for targeted therapy. Secondly, the use of functional genomics approaches in the identification of traits contributing to better feed conversion and improved fecundity in the whole animal For more details: Application and Deadline We are recruiting early career researchers based in the UK or Brazil to apply to attend the workshop. The British Council, under the Newton Fund, will cover the costs related to the participation to the workshop, including: travel (both international and local), accommodation and meals Please note:Travel insurance and medical insurance are not covered by the British Council Applicants need to fill the attached application form and send to by July 31st 2015 Eligibility Criteria: Applications must be submitted using the attached application form Application must be submitted before the above deadline Participants must be early career researchers: these are defined as holding a PhD for less than 10 years on the start date of the workshop Participants must be affiliated to a UK or Brazilian higher education or research institute at the time of the application (Nationality of the participant is not a factor) Assessment of the Application Each application will be assessed on the basis of the following criteria: Experience and relevance of the applicant’s research area to the workshop Motivation and contribution to the aims of the workshop Description of the expected impact through the participation in the workshop Ability to disseminate workshop’s outcomes Notification of results Applicants will be notified by e-mail 2 months prior to the workshop Equal Opportunities The British Council is committed to equal opportunities and diversity in all its activities and this includes the avoidance of any bias in the assessment of applications due to gender, disability, racial or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, or religious belief. Participants’ selection undertaken by workshop organisers must not contravene this policy. Extra support to enable participation of early career researchers with special needs will be given Application Form 1. Applicant Name and title Gender (to monitor statistic participation – this will not be considered during assessment) Position and institution Postal address Email Phone number Brief CV (academic career, your main publications (please list up to 6 of your best publications), research income, and your strongest indicators of esteem (e.g. invitations to present your work) – (3500 characters maximum) 2. Abstract - Please give a summary of your area of research (1500 characters maximum) 3. Please describe your motivation to attend the workshop and how the workshop matches your professional development needs (500 characters maximum) 4. Please describe the expected impact of your participation to the workshop on your personal and professional development, including your ability to work on an international level (500 characters maximum) 5. Please indicate how you will disseminate the outcomes of the workshops and the new knowledge/skills you have acquired (500 characters maximum) 6. Workshops will take place in English as standard. Please indicate your ability to work and communicate in English Native speaker Good Excellent Need support 7. If successful. Would you prefer an oral or poster presentation? Oral 8. Poster Please use this space to give any additional information that you feel is relevant for the application (1000 characters maximum)