Chapter Constitution - The University of Tulsa

Constitution of The University of
Tulsa Chapter of the Society for
Military Psychology
1. The name of this organization shall be The University of Tulsa Chapter of the Society for
Military Psychology (Division 19 of the American Psychological Association [APA
a. Hereinafter, this organization will be referred to as the Chapter
2. The purpose of this Chapter shall be to promote and uphold the mission of the APA D19
which is:
a. To advance psychology as a science, as a profession, and as a means of promoting
human welfare through research, the application of research findings to military
problems, the encouragement of professional relationships among psychologists,
veterans, and students interested in the application of psychological knowledge
and techniques to military problems; and
b. To foster wide dissemination and application of scientific knowledge and state ofthe-art advances in areas relevant to military psychology
1. All members and affiliates of the University of Tulsa and/or the immediate military
psychology community will be welcomed and accepted
2. There will be four classes of members:
a. Chapter Advisors, including, but not limited to, the Faculty Advisor and the
Graduate Student Advisor;
i. The Faculty Advisor will be selected based upon a mutual agreement
between the faculty member and the Commanding Officer
ii. The Graduate Student Advisor will be appointed by the APA D19 Student
Affairs Committee (SAC) as the Division 19 Campus Graduate Student
b. Student Troops who may be defined as any Chapter participant, other than an
officer or advisor, that is a current student of the University of Tulsa;
c. Staff Troops who may be defined as any Chapter participant, other than an officer
or advisor, that is a current employee of the University of Tulsa; and
d. Affiliate Troops who may be defined as any Chapter participant, other than an
officer or advisor, that is not a current affiliate of the University of Tulsa
1. The Chapter Officers shall consist of a duly selected Commanding Officer, Executive
Officer, Command Sergeant Major, and Budget and Logistics (S4) Officer
a. To be eligible for office, a candidate must be a current affiliate of the University of
Updated 02/10/14
2. The Commanding Officer will be the Division 19 Campus Representative selected by the
a. The term length served by the Commanding Officer will be stipulated by the APA
D19 SAC during the application process
b. To be eligible for application, the candidate must be a current member/affiliate of
the APA D19
c. In the event that the APA D19 SAC appoints only one Campus Representative,
said representative will serve the duties of both the Graduate Student Advisor and
the Commanding Officer
3. The Commanding Officer will determine the term length (one or more semesters) and the
selection process to be utilized for incoming Chapter Officers no later than one month
prior to the current Chapter Officers’ completed term
1. All Chapter Officers are representatives of the University of Tulsa and the APA D19, and,
thus, are expected to abide by the mission, purpose, and policies of such entities
2. The Commanding Officer shall fulfill all duties and expectations laid out by the APA D19
SAC, seek and follow the guidance of Chapter Advisors, call and preside at the meeting of
the Chapter, determine that all duties of the other Chapter Officers are performed in
accordance with the constitution, report directly to the APA D19 SAC, and promote the
function and purpose of the Chapter and the APA D19
3. The Executive Officer shall assist the Commanding Officer in the performance of his/her
duties and act on their behalf and assume their responsibilities upon the absence of the
4. The S4 Officer shall collect the revenues owed to the Chapter, coordinate event funding,
and maintain appropriate record in accordance with the SOC/FAC guidelines for
5. The Command Sergeant Major shall record the minutes of all Chapter meetings, facilitate
university-wide advertisement and communication, and document attendance for all
Chapter meetings
6. A Chapter Officer may be removed for non-performance of his/her duties by a two-third
majority vote of the Chapter that has a quorum
1. The Chapter shall have an Executive Committee consisting of all Chapter Officers (as
listed in Article III, Section I) as voting members
a. In addition, the Chapter Advisors are encouraged to attend meetings of the
Executive Committee of the Chapter with the right to make and second motions,
to participate in the discussions and debate, and to report regarding the progress
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of the work within the areas of their responsibilities as well as advise the
Executive Committee with regard to the likely impact of matters under
2. The Executive Committee shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Chapter.
All actions of the Executive Committee that are of a continuing or policy nature are
subject to the approval, by majority vote, of the membership present
3. The Commanding Officer shall be Chairperson of the Executive Committee, and the
Command Sergeant Major shall be Secretary of the Executive Committee
1. Chapter meetings shall occur at least on a monthly basis at a time selected by the
membership at large
2. Executive Committee meetings attended by all Chapter Officers and Chapter Advisors
shall occur at least on a monthly basis at a time, no less than a week prior to the
corresponding monthly Chapter meeting, selected by the Chapter Officers
1. A selection system may be implemented for the appointment of new Chapter Officers no
less than one month before the end of the current Chapter Officers’ terms
a. The selection process must be completed by this time
b. Specific deadlines and requirements will be determined by the current
Commanding Officer
1. All members in good standing are eligible to vote with the exception of the president, who
shall cast his/her vote in the event of a tie
2. Voting shall only take place when quorum has been met
a. Quorum shall be defined as two-thirds of the Chapter membership
1. Elections may be held in lieu of a Commanding Officer led selection process no less than
one month before the end of the current Chapter Officers’ terms
a. Nominations for Chapter Officer shall be submitted to the Command Sergeant
Major at least one week prior to the election
b. Votes shall be counted by current Commanding Officer
c. The new officers shall take office at the beginning of the following semester
d. Special elections shall take place in the event that an officer is unable or unwilling
to complete his or her term of office
i. The president shall be responsible for calling a special election
ii. This shall be arranged as soon as feasible
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1. The constitution may be amended by a two-third vote of quorum
2. The amendments to the constitution must be submitted at a meeting previous to the night
of voting
1. Candidates for the Division 19 Campus Representative, and anyone interested in
becoming a member/affiliate of the APA D19 shall pay annual dues to the APA D19
a. The membership basic dues shall be paid to APA D19 by APA from each
member/affiliates annual dues to APA as provided in Article XIX, Section 4, of
the APA's Bylaws
2. Additional Chapter membership basic dues, and special assessments, may be
recommended by the Commanding Officer with the approval of the Executive Committee
of the Chapter, and shall be established by majority vote of the membership present
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Updated 02/10/14