E4142 REPÚBLICA DE MOÇAMBIQUE MINISTÉRIO DA PLANIFICAÇÃO E DESENVOLVIMENTO DIRECÇÃO NACIONAL DE SERVIÇOS DE PLANEAMENTO Mozambique Integrated Growth Poles Project (P127303) PEST MANAGEMENT PLAN (PMP) Draft Final Maputo, February, 2013 0 Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................2 2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION .....................................................................................................2 3. PROJECT TARGETED AREAS ........................................................................................... 3 4. POLICY AND INSTITUTIOAL FRAMEWORK ............................................................... 5 5. PEST MANAGEMENT APPROACH ..................................................................................6 5.1 Current and anticipated pest problems ........................................................................................... 7 5.2. Relevant IPM experience within the project area .......................................................................... 7 5.3. Current pest management practices ............................................................................................... 8 5.4. Pesticide management ................................................................................................................... 8 6. ENVIROMENTAL, OCCUPATIOAL AND PUBLIC HEALTH POTENTIAL IMPACTS, MITIGATION MEASURES AND MONITORING ............................................9 6.1. Towards IPM ................................................................................................................................ 12 6.2. Authorized pesticides ................................................................................................................... 15 7. INDICATIVE BUDGET ..................................................................................................... 15 Highly hazardous (Class l b) technical grade active ingredients of pesticides (common name) ...... BB LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Overview of pesticide management ....................................................................... 10 Table 2. Potential impacts, mitigation measures and indicators of monitoring ........................... 12 Table 3: Objectives of an IPM .......................................................................................... 14 LIST OF ANNEXES Annex 1: Registered Pesticides in Mozambique (June 2012).....................................................A Annex 2: WHO Pesticide Classification List ...................................................................... BB Annex 3: List of People Consulted .................................................................................. GG Annex 4: Terms of Reference for the Formulation of the ESMF, PMP and RPF ..................... HH 1 1. INTRODUCTION The increase of modern agriculture and agribusiness development areas associated with the Integrated Growth Poles Project (Project) may lead to an increase in pest populations and subsequently a raise in pesticide usage to control them, as well as an increase in the use of chemical fertilizers. Any increase in pest populations may be detrimental to agricultural productivity or human/animal health, which in turn will increase the dependency on pesticides. Any subsequent increase in the use of chemicals has the potential to cause harm to users, to the public and to the environment. In the context of this Project, a pest may be defined as any organism whose presence causes economic loss or otherwise detracts from human welfare. The term covers a broad range of organisms (plants, animals and microorganisms) that reduce productivity of agriculture. Pest management issues can be raised on a variety of smallholder and small-scale commercial agriculture sub-projects such as: New land-use development or changed cultivation practices in an area; Expansion of agricultural activities into new areas; Diversification into new agricultural crops, particularly if these tend to receive high usage of pesticides - e.g. sugar-cane, fruit, vegetables, cotton and rice; Intensification of existing low-technology agriculture systems. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) based pest management is a mix of farmer-driven, ecologically based pest control practices that seek to reduce reliance on chemical pesticides. It involves: i) managing pests (keeping them below economic impact levels) rather than seeking to eradicate them; ii) relying, to the extent possible, on non-chemical measures to keep pest populations low; and iii) selecting and applying pesticides, when they have to be used (rational use), in a way that minimizes adverse effects on beneficial organisms, humans and the environment (World Bank Pest Management Guidebook – http://go.worldbank.org/JORIVUFLRO). This report presents the Pest Management Plan (PMP) to manage potential pest problems that may develop and help ensure that the use of all pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, chemical fertilizers and other chemicals associated with the Project will be handled properly and in accordance with World Bank Operational Policy 4.09 – Pest Management. According to this policy the PMP is based on the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach, which promotes good agricultural practice through the use of responsible and sustainable activities that will result in a rational and a reduction in pesticide use. This PMP is focused particularly on three main crop systems to be developed by the Project: flatland medium-scale rice, flatland medium-scale sugar-cane and flatland and upland small-scale horticulture. 2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project will have four main components with the following preliminary allocation of funds: Component 1: Support for the Tete agribusiness growth pole in the Zambezi Valley (US$ 39.0 million): The objective of this component is to provide integrated support for the upgrading of targeted local infrastructure and privately-executed public investments primarily oriented towards increasing smallholder production, linking smallholder farms and MSMEs to emerging supply chains, and increasing agro-processing activities in the Zambezi Valley. The local infrastructure investments will focus on the districts of Angonia, Tsangano, and Macanga in Tete Province to upgrade two key rural roads linking agricultural areas to primary roads that will provide producers all weather access to markets. This component is subdivided into two subcomponents, namely: Subcomponent 1A: Upgrading of local infrastructure (US$ 21.5 million) that will consist of the 2 (A) Rehabilitation of Market Access Roads, and (B) Minor civil and ancillary works. Sub-component 1B: Innovation and Demonstration Catalytic Fund (IDCF) investments in the Zambezi Valley (IDA allocation: US$17.5 million, Total: US$35.0 million) to improve the ability of smallholder farms/MSMEs in the Zambezi Valley to access markets through market-oriented private and complementary public investments. Component 2: Support for the Nacala Special Economic Zone (SEZ) in the Nacala Corridor (US$ 43.0 million): The objective of this component is to provide support for the development of the Nacala Corridor. Activities are focused on (a) upgrading last-mile infrastructure for the development of the Nacala SEZ (water supply system and an access road), and (b) supporting privately-executed public investments to increase smallholder production, link smallholder farms to emerging supply chains, and increase agro-processing activities. This components is also subdivided into two subcomponents: Sub-component 2A: Upgrading of Nacala SEZ physical infrastructure (US$ 30.5 million) and Sub-component 2B: Innovation and Demonstration Catalytic Fund (IDCF) investments in the Nacala Corridor (IDA allocation US$12.5 million, Total: US$25.0 million), with similar objectives and modality as those expressed for Sub-component 1B. Component 3: Institutional Development and Capacity Building (US$10.0 million): The objective of this component is to provide multi-year support to key public agencies to strengthen their capacity to plan, coordinate and implement public and multilateral investment programs. At the National level the focus will be on building capacity of the newly established Department of Public Investments within MPD. At the Provincial level the capacity building activities will focus on ZVDA and GAZEDA with some support for the Provincial and Municipal authorities. The component will finance (i) Training, equipment and consultancies for planning, coordination and implementation of public investment programs, (ii) training, equipment and consultancies for the ZVDA and related public sector agencies in the Zambezi Valley, and (iii) training, equipment and consultancies for GAZEDA and related public sector agencies in the Nacala Corridor. Component 4: Project Implementation (US$8.0 million): Investments under this component will support the operations of the PCU in MPD which includes two regional Project Managers colocated in ZVDA and GAZEDA to coordinate and support Project implementation. The component will support project implementation costs including: (i) PCU staff (ii) PCU operating costs, (iii) consultants for ANE to supplement contract supervision capacity, (iv) IDCF Fund Manager and initial project preparation costs, (v) training and consulting studies (vi) data collection, compilation and analysis and establishing a Project monitoring and evaluation system, (vii) safeguards management including training, preparation of RAPs, ESIAs and ESMPs and monitoring of implementation of safeguards instruments (viii) impact evaluation. 3 - PROJECT TARGETED AREAS In broad terms the project area comprises two important Mozambican clusters in the central and northern regions, namely: (i) the Zambezi Valley; and (ii) the Nacala Corridor. (i) The Zambezi Valley covers 35 districts in the four provinces of Tete, Manica, Zambezia and Sofala and as shown in Figure 2, below. In the four provinces the 35 districts falling under the Zambezi valley are: Manica Province: Bárue, Guro, Macossa and Tambara; Sofala Province: Caia, Chemba, Cheringoma, Gorongosa, Maríngue, Muanza and Marromeu Tete Province: Angónia, Cahora Bassa, Changara, Chifunde, Chiúta, Cidade de Tete, Luenha, Macanga, Mágoe, Marávia, Moatize, Mutarara, Tsangano and Zumbu; Zambézia Province: Morrumbala, Mopeia, Chinde, Milange, Mocuba, Maganja da Costa, Namacurra, Inhassunge, Nicoadala and Quelimane. 3 Figure 1: The Districts of the Zambezi Valley (ii) Nacala Corridor covers 12 districts from, traditionally, the two provinces of Niassa and Nampula and now Tete, due to the current extension of the Corridor to Moatize from where the coal originates and is planned to be exported through Nacala. In the three provinces the 12 districts falling under Nacala Corridor are: Tete Province: Moatize Niassa Province: Mecanhelas and Cuamba Nampula Province: Malema, Ribaue, Nampula (Rapale), Nampula City, Meconta, Monapo, Mossuril, Nacala-a-Velha and Nacala Porto. 4 Figure 2: The Project districts in Nacala Corridor Within these two broader clusters, the project will focus on a limited number of areas and districts. Within the Zambezi Valley, focus will be on Tete Province, on the Angonia growth pole, comprising the districts of Angonia, Tsangano, and Macanga districts. Figure 3: Angonia growth pole While in Nacala Corridor the project will focus on the Nacala growth pole (Nacala SEZ), covering the districts of Nacala Porto and Nacala-a-Velha both in Nampula Province. 5 Figure 4: Nacala growth pole In Tete province the project will target increasing agricultural production and processing, while in Nampula it will target light manufacturing and logistics. This initial definition of the project boundaries may be refined as more spatial details become available. 4. POLICY AND INSTITUTIOAL FRAMEWORK Mozambique has enacted good pesticide legislation (Ministerial Diploma 153/2002 of 11 September 2002 (Pesticides Regulation) and Decree 6/2009 of 31 March 2009 (Pesticides Management Regulation)) but the capacity to enforce the legislation is weak. According to this legislation only pesticides registered with the National Directorate of Agrarian Services (DNSA) can be used in Mozambique. These include a list of pesticides products that are classified according to their toxic potential (Article 9). Of the 188 registered pesticides, 109 are class III; 67 class II and only 12 class I (being Class I the most toxic ones). Composition and physical-chemical characteristics of the pesticides proposed for registration are conform to the specifications from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) and must appear on the label. The regulation also requires proper packaging and handling which meet the necessary requirements regarding occupational health and safety. Emphasis is currently placed on the identification, classification, proper storage and disposal of obsolete pesticides of which 900 tones are believed to be stored under poor conditions throughout Mozambique. Another legal instrument that is mentioned in this PMP is the Environmental Quality Standards and Effluents Emissions Regulation approved by the Council of Ministers in May 2004 (Decree 18/2004) and published in the government’s gazette (Boletim da República number 22 of 2 of June 2004). It is aimed at controlling and maintaining the level of concentration of pollutants at an admissible level. The Ministry for the Coordination of Environmental Affairs (MICOA) is responsible for ensuring compliance with this Regulation, in close collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture (MINAGRIRI). 6 There are no specific policies concerning pest management and crop protection in the context of IPM approaches in Mozambique. Research into plant health and to a certain extent IPM approaches have been carried out by the National Agrarian Research Institute (IIAM) and the Eduardo Mondlane University (UEM). Currently IPM approaches in the field are at an early stage of development in Mozambique. Agriculture practices presently rely more on the use of conventional pesticides. Institutional capacity is represented at central, provincial and district levels. At the central Level and according to Pesticides Regulations Ministerial Diploma 153/2002 DNSA of the MINAGRI, through its Registration Unit, MINAGRIRI is the official agency responsible for the registration of pesticides and the issuing of permits for their use, after approval by the National Directorate of Health (DNS/MISAU), the National Directorate for Environmental Impact Assessment (DNAIA/MICOA) and the National Institute for Agrarian Research – Department of Animal Science (IIAM/DCA). MINAGRI has established a Technical Advisory Committee, which provides advice on issues related to the Pesticide Regulations. This Committee includes representatives from various departments within MINAGRI and other Institutions (MICOA, MISAU, the National Institute for Standardization and Quality-INNOQ) as well as the private sector. The Provincial Directorate of Agriculture (DPA) through the Agricultural Services is the institution responsible for inspecting if users have a use, handling or transportation permit. It also should monitor the use and impact of pesticides from agricultural activities and report to DPCA. At the district level pesticide use, handling and transportation is controlled by SDAE, which works with an extension team in providing training for farmers on this matter. Though continuous efforts are being made by the various government-led agriculture projects, particularly in terms of awareness raising, it still can be said that the capacity to deal with pesticide management issues remains relatively weak in Mozambique. The above-mentioned institutions face limited human, material and financial resources to carry out their activities. For example, pesticide residues are not being monitored on export crops, nor on crops for the domestic market; poisoning statistics by pesticides are not available; and medical staff at rural clinics is not trained to recognize and adequately treat pesticide poisoning; and antidotes are not systematically available in rural areas, and in certain remote provincial urban centers. In the context of the Project it is recommended to rely on some of the strategic partners such as private companies and NGOs to successfully implement this PMP. Several NGOs, private companies/businesses and specialized and/or experienced Civil Society Organizations (NGOs/established and trained Farmers Associations, etc.) can be actively and systematically involved in the process to successfully implement or help accompany the implementation of this PMP. In fact, recent experience has shown that there are several NGOs and private companies that have their own strong agriculture units, with well-trained and capable personnel, including those with the necessary knowledge and skills to deal with pesticides. Also the two Safeguard Specialists, whom will be part of the PCU and assist ZVDA and GAZEDA, will need to be involved in capacity building with regard to Pest and Pesticide Management. 5. PEST MANAGEMENT APPROACH This section presents the current and anticipated pest problems relevant to the Project, relevant IPM experience within the project area, assessment of proposed or current pest and pesticide management approaches and recommendations. In line with the Project project intervention area emphasis is on Angonia agricultural growth pole, which will focus on agriculture development. 7 5.1 Current and anticipated pest problems In general pest attack is low in the Project targeted areas, but there is a range of pests, diseases and weeds reported by farmers, officials and the literature. The current impact from these pests is low (sometime unknown), except perhaps the red locust that attacks some of the areas. However, the expected pest incidence increase in the rice, sugar-cane, fruit and vegetables crop in the Project subproject areas will likely reverse that situation and some pests may become a major economic problem, especially for medium-scale subprojects and, thus an increase in pest control measures and rational use of chemical fertilizers will be needed for this project. There are control measures (chemical, cultural and biological) for each crop that can be used in case an outbreak is observed. In all areas current pest occurrence and pesticide use is currently low but an increase in crop area, especially of monoculture crops, may result in an increase of pest occurrence, especially birds (for rice production areas granivorous birds are an important pest), red locust and rats. These are currently reported to be the major pests in these areas. However, pesticide use is expected to be kept at minimum level because of poor access to low priced and generic pesticides. The development of agricultural activities by a series of farmers, including smallhoder farmers and small and medium commercial producers may cause the following potential impacts: Stalk borers, brown plant hopper and armyworm could increase, but the result should not be an automatic increase in insecticide application than currently exists in the command area since less than half the farmers apply only one or more sprays per season; Rice diseases are unimportant at the moment, but because of the increased cost base of the irrigated rice, farmers will be more willing to apply a fungicide to protect their investment. Blast and brown spot could increase, if two rice crops per year are grown. There is no reason to believe that fungicide use will be greater than presently very low levels that already exists in the area. The same consideration applies to weeds, diseases, as well as chemical fertilizer use. A series of interventions in these sites may result in the following potential impacts: Some stalk borers could increase, but the result should not be more insecticide application than currently exists in the command area; Some diseases such as red rot and pineapple disease may entry through stalks damaged by borers, rat damage or any such injuries. Purple nutsedge and broad leaf weeds may also develop. Given the variety of crops, pests and sites to be developed with small-scale horticulture, the specific consequences for each individual pesticide in the long-term are difficult to predict but are expected to be minimal. Overall, the intensification of vegetable production will tend to result in general increase in the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers. In the first few years there could be sporadic outbreaks, especially insects and diseases not normally considered pests, as the ecology of the crops and resident insect/pathogen population will need to find a balance. The rotation and juxtaposition of crops are important influences on pest and diseases attack and these will need to be monitored. If outbreaks on a particular crops occur repeatedly the best solution may be avoid cultivating it for a certain time. 5.2. Relevant IPM experience within the project area There is a fair amount of knowledge regarding to IPM in the Project command area, but it is rarely put into practical use. This is because farmers believe that chemicals are more efficient than any other cultural practices they may adopt. However, farmers in a number of districts prefer crop 8 rotation (tomato is rotated with sprouts and beans or onions every two years) and intercropping (vegetables and legumes) as being efficient in controlling some pests specially insects and fungus is being practiced. It is to be expected that these techniques could also be applied in the large areas to be developed under the Project, as they are common practice in Mozambique. 5.3. Current pest management practices At present pest and plant disease control is limited by a combination of lack of knowledge, equipment, supplies and finance. In general, smallholder farmers in the project area take various measures to minimize or avoid pest infestations such as weeding and application of insecticides and herbicides. Weed control is generally achieved through a combination of tillage-seedbed preparation by several passes of the traditional ox-drawn plough (or manually) and subsequent inter-row weed control cultivations in row crops. Comprehensive data on pesticides use are not available, but most farmers referred to Cypermethrin, Mancozeb, Cobox and Teodan, all under Class III, as the main pesticides they use. Pesticides are purchased from private vendors. Applications are conducted without proper equipment and according to some information, expiration dates are not always observed. However, the extension services of the Provincial Directorates of Agriculture (DPA) provide training in these subjects, which include among others: type and amount of pesticide per crop, time of application, poisonous effects of pesticides on humans (particularly women, elderly, youth/toddlers, and vulnerable groups such as handicapped), animals (i.e. direct impacts on the food-chain) and the environment. However, the extension network is poorly equipped and faces several limitations to properly conduct their work. Control of birds and wild animals (scarce in the targeted area) are mainly done by using the traditional way of scaring (the use of scarecrows is very common especially in rice production areas), chasing and guarding of animals. 5.4. Pesticides management Field observations indicate that although farmers are aware that pesticides are poisonous to their health, their responses indicate that pesticides are a major occupational health and environmental risk. In particular some pesticides are often sold in non-standard containers without proper instructions, effective protective clothing and equipment is seldom available (even where it exists it is not used), on-farm storage sites are highly hazardous (sun and rain exposure), used containers are washed-out in local water bodies and the containers re-used for other purposes, of which some domestic ones without proper precautions. Conversations with farmers reveal limited knowledge and the lack of application of safety practices. Data on pesticides poisoning and environmental contamination are often not available or difficult to obtain since no regular government system exists for regular monitoring of the risks. Moreover, medical staffs at rural clinics are not well trained to recognize and adequately treat pesticide poisoning, and antidotes are not systematically available in rural and in some remote provincial urban areas. In summary the main pesticide management problems in the project targeted area are: Irrational use when applied, which may result in problems for human health and the environment, especially the contamination of soils. Signs of soil contamination/depletion have been observed in some areas, including soil salt accumulation; Use of out-of-date pesticides (observed in most of areas); Use of non-authorized and/or non-labeled pesticides or the use of re-packaged pesticides; Application without the adequate equipment, with an increase of the risk of contamination; Use of empty pesticide's packages for domestic use, washed in rivers and leading to their contamination. No adequate monitoring of pesticides use and handling is carried out. 9 Overall though, the Government through its various investments in the sector is deploying continuous efforts. However, there is a need to improve current pest and pesticide management practices within the Project areas. The following actions could need to be further developed: Table 1: Overview of pesticide management Nr 1 Area of intervention Strategic aspects 2 Operational aspects 3 Education building and capacity Recommended interventions Promote IPM within PROJECT areas, if available, to reduce the reliance on pesticides Promote the design and implementation of monitoring plans that reduce pesticide use, improve pesticide selection, use, storage and disposal and create awareness with regard to health impacts and impacts on the environment, etc. Promote the use of precautionary measures such as the use of protective clothing and proper equipment, cleaning of spray equipment, wash after completing spraying activities and observing reentry points, observation of expiration dates and disposal of containers in an environmentally acceptable manner and proper storage of the remainder of pesticides Rational application of chemical fertilizers Promote the use of bio-agriculture, using natural manure as both a possible pesticides on targeted species, as well as fertilizer Awareness raising and sensitization campains on the rational application methods and IPM practices: selection of the most appropriate pesticides for a specific crop, when and how much to spray in order to reduce economic damage, when to repeat spraying, etc. 6. ENVIROMENTAL, OCCUPATIOAL AND PUBLIC HEALTH POTENTIAL IMPACTS, MITIGATION MEASURES AND MONITORING At present, occupational and health safety regulations in Mozambique are not yet detailed and sector specific regulation are available only for a limited number of sectors (e.g. the health sector established its specific guidelines in December 20081). Sectors and companies with high risk of accidents or occupational hazards are encouraged and required to establish workplace safety committees to ensure compliance with health and safety norms, investigate the causes of accidents and organize preventive measures. In recognition of a series of constraints, emphasis has been on practical and easy to follow systems and procedures, which are highly relevant for the Project. “MISA/DNAM (December 2008) – “Guidelines on Safety and Health in the Workplace”, Maputo, Mozambique” 1 10 This section deals with the impacts associated with the increase in the use of agricultural pesticides and chemical fertilizers that may result from changes in agricultural practices and intensification. The impacts expected from this project are specially associated with the current pesticide management practices identified in section 4.3. Thus, mitigation measures are designed to avoid the use of, or properly manage chemical use and improve IPM in the region. The strategy for implementation of suggested mitigation measures is therefore to utilize the existing structure of DPAs in which the agricultural extension teams supervises and train farmers in the use of chemicals. Capacity building is however necessary at all sites and in all areas in order to build up existing farmers inclination of keeping agro-chemical use at a minimum. For aspects in which expertise has not yet been developed the strategy is to utilize technical assistance provided by the Project with a strong emphasis on strengthening the awareness raising among women, children, elderly farmers through continuous public information, consultation and participation workshops (i.e. farmer-field schools with hands-on demonstrations on the practicality and efficiency of selecting, using, storing and disposing off pesticides and its containers). The objective of this section is to ensure that: Any intensification of agriculture practices does not automatically result in an increase in the use of agricultural chemicals; Farmers have support and advice in pest and soil management in order to cope with their new pattern of agriculture; and Food production in PROJECT supported subprojects is safe in terms of pesticide minimum residue level and has been produced with particular attention to human and environmental health and safety. The table below is an attempt of presenting a systematic overview of potential impacts of pesticide misuse, applicable mitigation measures and monitoring indicators. 11 Table 2. Potential impacts, mitigation measures and indicators of monitoring Pesticide management issue Excessive use of (out-of-dated) chemicals, disposal of containers in rivers and stream, use of nonauthorized and/or non-labeled pesticides. Potential impact Mitigation measure Decrease in water quality for consumption and irrigation Proliferation of aquatic weeds Loss of biodiversity in particular of aquatic species Regulatory application of pesticides (type, labeling and quantity); Promote recycling of containers; Monitor aquatic biodiversity and weeds. Number of farmers using pesticides properly (observing expiration dates and dosages); Regulatory application of pesticides (type, labeling and quantity); Promote the use of cultural and biological control measures (Table 1). Regulatory application of pesticides (type, labeling and quantity); Promote the use of cultural and biological control measures (Table 2) Promote the recycling of packages; Regulatory application of pesticides (type, labeling and quantity); Monitor aquatic biodiversity and fishing activity; Promote first aid training to farmers. Patterns of soil quality referred in the regulation (Decree 18/2004) Excessive use of (out-of-dated) chemicals, use of non-authorized and/or non-labeled pesticides Excessive use of (out-of-dated) chemicals, use of polluted water Use of empty pesticide's packages, washed and disposed in rivers, consumption of polluted water, excessive use of chemicals Increase in soil toxicity Poor crop yield; Unacceptable levels of pesticide residues in harvested produce and in the food chain. poisoning of workers/farmers and detrimental effects on human health Toxicity to fish Application without protective equipment increased number of accidents and injuries Indicators of monitoring Promote the use of protective equipment; Promote first aid training Number of aquatic weeds; Abundance (n/ha) of plant resource species (e.g medicine, food); Patterns of water quality referred in the regulation (Decree 18/2004) Number of farmers using biological and cultural measures. Productivity per crop; Quality of the product; Number of farmers using biological and cultural measures. Observed changes in the following areas: Number of farmers recycling containers; Number of packages washed and disposed in rivers; Patterns of water quality referred in the regulation (Decree 18/2004); Fishing yields; Number of farmers trained in first aid. Number of workers/farmers using protective equipment; Number of 12 Pesticide management issue Potential impact Mitigation measure Indicators of monitoring workers/farmers trained in first aid; Number of accidents/injuries per season. Overall, pesticide misuse may also result in: (i) Elimination of the natural enemies of crop pests and consequent loss of natural pest control that keeps the populations of crop pests very low; and (ii) Development of pest resistance to pesticides, encouraging further increases in the use of chemical pesticides (vicious cycle). 6.1. Towards IPM To mitigate the impacts the overall approach of the Project should be to keep pesticide use at a minimum or avoid it and ensure that any necessary use is intelligent, rational and considered part of an IPM approach in line with OP 4.09 and BP 4.01 (OP 4.09/BP 4.01). The exact IPM approach should be defined according to site conditions and capacity of the farmers to adopt and implement new techniques. 13 The Objectives of an IPM approach are: Table 3: Objectives of an IPM Main areas of and issues for intervention IPM mainstreaming Actions required Embed IPM into the project key components of: (i) (ii) production and commercialization of smallholder agriculture: and make it a practical element affecting all aspects of extension and training Increased use and reliance on chemical pesticides (i) Promote adoption of IPM practices through farmer education and training (ii) Develop strategies to move farmers away from pesticide-dependent pest control practices and promote use of biological control Change current pest management practices (i) Allocate adequate resources to implement National Plant Protection Policy (ii) Increase IPM awareness amongst policy makers and farming community; (iii) Abolish free distribution of pesticides to farmers and promote safe handling and application of pesticides. (i) Strengthen institutional capacity of MIC (to the extent needed) and MICOA to effectively supervise compliance with pesticide legislation Enforcement of legislation IPM research extension and (i) Strengthen IPM research at MADER/Relevant Research Institutions (ii) Strengthen IPM extension (iii) Strengthen collaboration between MICOA and MADER for field implementation of IPM (iv) Involve NGOs and Communities in promoting IPM activities (v) Implement participatory approaches in IPM for farmers to learn, test, select and implement IPM options to reduce losses due to pests and diseases Environmental hazards of pesticide misuse (i) Create public awareness of the hazards of pesticide misuse through public awareness campaigns (ii) Regular assessment of pesticide residues in irrigated agricultural production systems and in harvested produce. (iii) Monitoring of pesticide poisoning in the farming and rural communities. Increase in vector populations and of vector borne diseases such as malaria (i) Collaborate with other IPM programs in the region. (ii) Establish strong collaboration between Africa Stockpile Program and national malaria control project (iii) Conduct regular vector surveillance. Monitoring (i) Establish a participatory monitoring system that provides early warning on pest status, (ii) identify at what level economic losses will occur, (iii) identify main pest species, beneficial, regular and migratory species 14 A significant factor that can be expected to work as constraint in the uptaking of IPM practices is the attitude that pesticides are modern “medicines” that provide fast and effective cure for all problems affecting a crop. Thus the success of any IPM strategy depends not only on the ability of the Project to define an IPM program and link with strategic partners (private companies or NGOs), but also on the capacity of the different actors (government, extension service, farmers, strategic partners) to fulfill their commitments in these areas. The latter requires some investment in training and capacity building in several topics of IPM and the implementation of this PMP as referred in the main ESMF document (Chapter 11 – Training and capacity building requirements). It is recommended that the Project hire an experienced IPM specialist to act as both principal technical resource person and facilitator (for training), for which national expertise is available. The focus on monitoring and evaluation must be based on the assessment of the increase in IPM capacity, the extent to which IPM techniques are being adopted in crop production and the economic benefits that farmers derive from adopting IPM. Indicators for monitoring IPM adoption could be but not limited to: Monitoring indicators Number of farmers/percentages over time Number of farmers who have adopted IPM practices Number of farmers who have received training in IPM methods Number of crops in which IPM is applied Quantification of economic, health, environmental and social benefits Extent of area in which pesticides are used Efficiency of pesticide use: type of pesticides used, rational use, handling, storage and disposal of pesticide residues and pesticide containers Level of reduction of pesticide purchase Monitoring will be a continuous function that will use a systematic collection of data on the abovementioned indicators and other in order to measure progress over time. Evaluation on the other hand will be the periodic assessment of sustainability, relevance, impact, effectiveness and efficacy of an intervention in relation to stated objectives. Evaluation measures achievements in relation to institutional policies, project objectives, and the goals set for each operation. 6.2. Authorized pesticides Unless the project switches to and enforces an organic approach, it is inevitable that pesticides will be recommended for use on some sites and crops. In the territory defined by the Angonia Growth Pole the use of agro-chemicals, including pesticides is already a reality. As stated in the ESMF document, when compared with other provinces, Tete province has been ranking high at the national level in the use of agro-chemicals. At present, this is mainly associated with the production of tobacco and cotton and to some extent horticulture. In light of what local stakeholders perceive to be the ultimate intentions of the Project they foresee that the use of agro-chemicals might have to be intensified. Under the World Bank funding for the Project, no funding for pesticide acquisition will be provided for farmers. However, it would be recommended to elaborate a provisional list of less harmful pesticides that can be used. A list of registered pesticides in Mozambique is provided as an Annex of the Pesticide Regulation (Ministerial Diploma 153/2002 of 11 September 2002) and includes among others: cypermethrin, deltamethrin, mancozeb and dimethoate. The list is updated on a regular basis and Annex 1 of this document presents the latest version updated in June 2012. Annex 2 of this document presents the WHO Pesticide Classification List by level of hazardousness. The list could guide the classification of pesticides eventually to be used. 15 7. INDICATIVE BUDGET The costs of PMP implementation will depend on the scale and details of the program to be agreed upon. A preliminary budget estimate for the implementation of this PMP is US$265,000, itemized as follows: Item Total Amount US$ PMP Implementation Orientation workshops Training of trainers Training of farmers/demonstrations Technical Assistance Monitoring and evaluation Total 10,000.00 50,000.00 75,000.00 80,000.00 50,000.00 265,000.00 16 Annexes A Annex 1: Registered Pesticides in Mozambique (June 2012) LISTA DOS PESTICIDAS REGISTADOS EM MOÇAMBIQUE -JUNHO DE 2012 Nº. MARCA DO PRODUTO SUBSTÂNCIA ACTIVA CATEGORIA 667 Abate 50% EC Temephos 500 g/l 979 Acarthrin 20% EC 769 CLASSE FOR. AGENTE VALIDADE SITUAÇÃO Insecticida III EC Agrolândia, Lda 2016.03.02 re-registado Fenpropathrin 200 g/l Insect./Acar. II EC Agrifocus, Lda 2015.08.30 Re-registado Acatop 55% SC Fenbutation Oxide 550 g/l Insecticida II SC Agrifocus, Lda 2015.11.30 Re-registado 653 Accotab 33% EC 826 Ace 75% SP Pendimetalina 330 g/l Herbicida III EC Agrolândia, Lda 2016.03.02 Re-registado Acephate 750 g/kg Insecticida III SP Export Marketing CO, Lda 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 771 Acephate 75% SP Acephate 750 g/kg Insecticida III SP 2016.03.02 Re-registado 1240 Aceta-Cure 90% EC Acetochlor 900 g/l Herbicida III EC Agrolândia, Lda Curechem Moçambique, Lda 2017.03.30 Registado 1089 Acmidazol 20% SL Acetamiprid 200 g/l Insecticida II SL Contabill (Moç.), Lda 2015.09.30 Registado 695 Thiamethoxam 250 g/kg Insecticida III WG Prime Moçambique, Lda 2015.11.30 Re-Registado 1178 Actellic 30% CS Pirimiphos Methyl 300 g/l Insecticida III CS Agrifocus, Lda 2016.11.30 Registado 106 Actellic 50% EC Pirimifos metill 500 g/l Insecticida III EC Agrifocus, Lda 2016.08.30 Re-registado 949 Agita 1% GB Thiamethoxam 10 g/kg+ Insecticida III GB Agrifocus, Lda 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 949 Agita 1% GB Tricozene 1 g/kg+ Insecticida III GB Agrifocus, Lda 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 948 Agita 10% WG Thiamethoxan 100 g/kg+ Insecticida III WG Agrifocus, Lda 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 948 Agita 10% WG Tricozene 0,05 g/kg+ Insecticida III WG Agrifocus, Lda 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 1237 Agrisulph 80% WG Enxonfre 800 g/kg Fungicida/Acaricida III WG Agrifocus, Lda 2017.02.29 Registado 1121 Agrithion 64% UL Fenthion 640 g/l Insecticida II UL Agrifocus, Lda 2016.04.30 Registado 1120 Agrithrin 1,2% UL Ciflutrina 12 g/l Insecticida II UL Agrifocus, Lda 2016.04.30 Registado 1190 Agro-Fenvarelato 20% EC Fenvarelato 200 g/l Insecticida II EC Agro Global, lda 2017.02.29 Rgistado 1196 Agromate 72% SL MSMA 720 g/l Herbicida II SL Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2017.02.29 Rgistado 624 Abamectina 18 g/l Insecticida II EC Agrifocus, Lda 2016.11.30 Re-Registado 1153 Alfa 10% EC Alfa-Cipermetrina 100 g/l Insecticida II EC Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2017.02.29 Registado 1188 Alfapor Spray And Dip Alfa-cipermetrina 50 g/l Insecticida II Medimoc, S.A 2017.03.30 Registado Actara 25 WG Agromectin 1.8% EC A LISTA DOS PESTICIDAS REGISTADOS EM MOÇAMBIQUE -JUNHO DE 2012 1189 Alfatix Spray And Dip Flumetrina 20 g/l Insecticida III Medimoc, S.A 2017.03.30 Registado 1227 Alligator 50% EC Alpha-cipermetrina 10% 460 EC Pendimentalina 500 g/l Herbicida III EC Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2017.02.29 Registado Alfa-cipermetrina 100 g/l Insecticida II EC Sapec S.A. 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 1125 Altair 75% WG Isoxaflutole 750 g/kg Insecticida III WG 2015.05.31 Registado Ametryn 800 g/kg Herbicida III WP Agrifocus, Lda Curechem Moçambique, Lda 1266 Ametryn-Cure 80% WP 2017.03.30 Registado 1002 Amiflex 23,75% TR WP Amitraz 237,5 g/l Insecticida/carracicida III WP Agrifocus, Lda 2017.02.29 Re-registado 813 Amitraz 125 g/l Carracicida II EC Agrifocus, Lda 2014.12.31 Re-Registado 1187 Amitix Spray DIP Amitraz 125 g/l Insecticida III Medimoc, S.A 2017.03.30 Registado 259 Probinebe 700 g/kg Fungicida III WP 2015.11.30 Re-registado 1164 Aphiscure Gold 51% SP Acephate 500 g/kkg+ Insecticida III SP 2017.02.29 Registado 1164 Aphiscure Gold 51% SP Imidacloprid 18 g/kg+ Insecticida III SP Agrolândia, Lda Curechem Moçambique, Lda Curechem Moçambique, Lda 2017.02.29 Registado 874 Apron Star 42% WS Difenaconazol 20 g/kg + Insect/Fung. III WS Prime Moçambique, Lda 2015.11.30 Re-registado 874 Apron Star 42% WS Metalaxyl 200 g/kg + Insect/Fung. III WS Prime Moçambique, Lda 2015.11.30 Re-registado 874 Apron Star 42% WS Thiamethaxam 200 g/kg + Insect/Fung. III WS Prime Moçambique, Lda 2015.11.30 Re-registado 1104 Arietis 25% SC Azoxistrobin 250 g/l Fungicida III SC Agrifocus, Lda 2016.03.02 Registado 1295 Armicarbazone 700 WG Armicarbazone 700 g/kg Herbicida III Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2017.06.30 Registado 827 Arrow 5% EC Alpha-Cypermetrina 50 g/l Insecticida II EC Export Marketing CO, Lda 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 926 Arrozan 48% SL Bentazone 480 g/l Herbicida III SL Agrifocus, Lda 2016.11.30 Re-registado 782 Arroztar 25% EC Oxadiazão 250 g/l Herbicida III EC Agrifocus, Lda 2016.08.30 Re-registado Imazapyr 250 g/l d-Allethrin/Pynamin Forte 0,2% Herbicida II SL Agrolândia, Lda 2016.03.02 Re-registado Inseticida III Aggy, Lda 2017.02.29 Registado Repelente III Aggy, Lda 2017.02.29 Registado 1145 Atack Insect Killer IR 3535 0,25% d-Allethrin /Pynamin Forte 0,2% Insecticida III Aggy, Lda 2017.02.29 Registado 1144 Atack RoachKiller Tetramethrin 0,0485+ Insectcida III Aggy, Lda 2017.02.29 Registado Amigard 12.5% EC Antracol 70% WP 325 Arsenal 25% SL Atack Citronela Mosquito 1179 Coils Atack Control Insect 1146 Repellent Spray WG B LISTA DOS PESTICIDAS REGISTADOS EM MOÇAMBIQUE -JUNHO DE 2012 510 Atrazerba 50% FL Atrazina 500 g/l Herbicida III FL Sapec S.A. 2015.03.30 Re-registado 351 Avi-Ciflutrina 1,2% UL Ciflutrina 12 g/l Insecticida II UL Moz Vector Control 2015.11.30 Re-registado 980 Avi-Fenitrothion 96% UL Fenitrothion 960 g/l Insecticida II UL Moz Vector Control 2015.12.30 Re-registado 395 Avi-Fenthion 64% UL Fenthion 640 g/l Insecticida II UL Moz Vector Control 2015.11.30 Re-registado 832 Fenvarelate 200 g/l Insecticida II EC Moz Vector Control 2016.03.02 Re-registado 886 Avi-fenvarelate 20% EC Avi-Lambda Cyhalothrin 5% EC Lambda-Cyhalothrin 50 g/l Insecticida II EC Moz Vector Control 2015.11.30 Re-registado 833 Avi-Sipermetrina 20% EC Cipermetrina 200 g/l Insecticida II EC Moz Vector Control 2015.11.30 Re-registado 884 Avisnail 5% RB Cabaryl 20 g/kg+ Insecticida III RB Agrolândia, Lda 2016.03.02 Re-registado 884 Avisnail 5% RB Metaldehyde 30 g/kg+ Insecticida III RB Agrolândia, Lda 2016.03.02 Re-registado 462 Azupec 80% WP Fungicida III WP Sapec S.A. 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 697 Bactivec Biolarvicida III Biochem, lda 2016.08.30 Re-registado 961 Bacto power BTI Insecticida III Bio Power (Africa), Lda 2017.05.31 Re-registado 1117 Balence HF 23 ES Enxofre 800 g/kg Bacillus Thuringensis S.H. 14 Bacillus Thuringensis Var Israelensis-Spores Beaveria bassica estripe HF 23 1,12% Insect. Biológico III Bedson Moçambique, Lda 2016.09.30 Registado 842 Bandit 35% SC Imidacloprid 350 g/l Insecticida II SC Agrifocus, Lda 2015.03.30 Re-registado 903 Bandit 70% WG Imidacloprid 700 g/kg Insecticida II WG Agrifocus, Lda 2016.08.30 Re-registado 194 Basagran 48% SC Bendioxido 480 g/l Herbicida III SC Agrolândia, Lda 2016.03.02 Re-registado 1003 Baycor 30% DC Bitertanol 300 g/l Fungicida III DC Agrolândia, Lda 2016.03.02 Re-registado 433 Bayfidan 25% EC Triadimenol 250 g/l Fungicida III EC Agrolândia, Lda 2016.03.02 Re-registado 997 Bayfidan 3% GR Baygon cCockroaches ants Odurless Baygon cCockroaches ants Odurless Baygon Cockroaches and Ants Baygon Mosquitos Cockroaches ants and flies extra Odourless Triadimenol 30 g/kg Fungicida III GR Agrolândia, Lda 2015.11.30 Re-registado Cypermethrin 1,04 g/kg Insecticida III Abba Representações, Lda 2017.02.29 Re-registado Imiprothrin 1,0 g7kg+ Insecticida III Abba Representações, Lda 2017.02.29 Re-registado Imiprotrin 1,0 g/kg+ Insecticida III Abba Representações, Lda 2015.04.30 Re-registado Imiprothrin 0,34 g/kg+ Insecticida III Abba Representações, Lda 2017.02.29 Re-registado 916 916 917 914 C LISTA DOS PESTICIDAS REGISTADOS EM MOÇAMBIQUE -JUNHO DE 2012 628 Baygon Mosquitos Cockroaches ants and flies extra Odourless Baygon Mosquitos Cockroaches ants and flies extra Odourless Baygon Mosquitos Cockroaches ants and flies extra Odourless Baygon Multipurpose Insect Spray Baygon Multipurpose Insect Spray Baygon Multipurpose Insect Spray Baygon Multipurpose Insect Spray 482 Baytan 15% DS Triadimenol 150 g/kg Fungicida III DS Agrolândia, Lda 2015.11.30 Re-registado 346 Bayticol 2% EC Flumetrina 20 g7l Carracicida III EC Sogrep, Lda 2017.03.30 Re-registado 745 Bb Plus Beauveia bassica 2x10 esporos/g Insecticida III Agrifocus, Lda 2016.04.30 Reregistado 467 Benopec 50% WP Benomil 500 g/kg Fungicida III WP Sapec S.A. 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 828 Best 48% EC 914 914 914 628 628 628 Pipernil Butoxide 10 g/kg Insecticida III Abba Representações, Lda 2017.02.29 Re-registado Prallethrin 0,4 g/kg+ Insecticida III Abba Representações, Lda 2017.02.29 Re-registado Tetrachlorvinphos 2.0 g/l+ Insecticida III Abba Representações, Lda 2017.02.29 Re-registado Imiprothrin 0,34 g/kg+ Piperonyl Butoxide 10 g/kg+ Insecticida III Abba Representações, Lda 2015.11.30 Re-registado Insecticida III Abba Representações, Lda 2015.11.30 Re-registado Prallethrin 0,4 g/kg+ Insecticida III Abba Representações, Lda 2015.11.30 Re-registado Tetramethrin 2,0 g/kg+ Insecticida III Abba Representações, Lda 2015.11.30 Re-registado Chlorpyrifos 480 g/l + Insecticida II EC Export Marketing CO, Lda 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 1083 Biokmetine 5% EC Emamectin Benzoate 50 g/l Insecticida II EC Agrifocus, Lda 2015.11.30 Re-registado 1204 Biomiprid 20% SP Acetamiprid 200 g/kg Insecticida III SP Agrifocus, Lda 2017.02.29 Registado 699 Insecticida III SL Agrifocus, Lda 2016.08.30 Re-registado 1080 Biophos 57% FW Acetamiprid 222 g/l Fosforeto de Aluminio 570 g/kg Insecticida I FW Agrifocus, Lda 2016.09.30 Registado 1082 Biotick 1% PO Flumethrin 10 g/kg Insecticida III PO Agrifocus, Lda 2015.05.31 Registado 1111 Bispirice 40% SC Insecticida III SC Neoquímica, lda 2016.03.02 Registado 1293 Brigader 75% WG Sódio Bispyribac 400 g/l Halosulfuron-Mthryl 750 g/kg Herbicida III WG Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2017.06.30 Registado 952 Brodifacoum 0,75 g/l Rodenticida I CB Agrifocus, Lda 2015.04.30 Re-Registado 1233 Bromacil 80% WP Bromacil 800 g/kg Herbicida III WP Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2017.04.30 Registado 1222 Bromopropylate 50% EC Bromopropylate 500 g/l Insect./Acaricida III EC Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2017.04.30 Registado Biomiprid 22.2% SL Brokir 0,075% CB D LISTA DOS PESTICIDAS REGISTADOS EM MOÇAMBIQUE -JUNHO DE 2012 1216 Bromoxynil 25,5% EC Bromoxyl 255 g/l Herbicida III EC Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2017.02.29 Registado 947 Picloram 240 g/l Herbicida III SL Agrifocus, Lda 2015.03.30 Re-Registado S-Bioallethrin 15 g/l Alfa Cypermethrina 50% g/kg Insecticida II UL Fumilar, Lda 2016.11.30 Re-Registado Browser 24% SL 1035 Bugstop 22,5% ULV Bugstop Alpha1036 Cypermethrin 5% WP Insecticida II WP Fumilar, Lda 2016.11.30 Re-Registado Bacillus Thuringiensis var Israelensis(Bti) 3200 IU/mg Insecticida III WG Fumilar, Lda 2016.11.30 Re-Registado Bromadiolone 0,05 g/kg Rodenticida I BB Fumilar, Lda 2016.11.03 Re-Registado Diethyltoluamide 195 g/kg Insecticida III PC Fumilar, Lda 2016.11.30 Re-Registado Lambda-cyhalothrin 100 g/l Lambda-Cyhalothrin 100 g/kg Insecticida II CS Fumilar, Lda 2017.02.29 Registado 1041 Bugstop bacillus Thuringensis WG Bugstop Bromadiolone 0,005% BB Bugstop Insect Repellent Lotion PC Bugstop LambdaCyhalothrin 10% CS Bugstop LambdaCyhalothrin 10% WP Insecticida II WP Fumilar, Lda 2016.11.30 Re-Registado 323 Bulldock 0,05% GR Beta ciflutrina 0,05 g/kg Insecticida II GR Agrolândia, Lda 2015.11.30 Re-registado 1229 Buprofenzin 50% WP Calda bordaleza Sapec 470 20% WP Buprofenzin Insecrida III WP Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2017.04.30 Registado Sulfato de cobre 200 g/kg Fungicida II WP 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 1156 Carbo 25% EC Carbosulfan 250 g/l Insectcida II EC Sapec S.A. Curechem Moçambique, Lda 2017.02.29 Registado 504 Carbofurão 5% GR Carbofurão 50 g/kg Insecticida II GR Sapec S.A. 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 599 Caribur 25% EC Triadimenol 250 g/l Fungicida III EC Sapec S.A. 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 506 Carratox 12,5% EW Amitraz 125 g/l Carracicida III EW Sapec S.A. 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 522 Carrotox pour-on 3% SC Amitraz 30 g/l Carracicida III SC Sapec S.A. 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 1134 Cekumetrin 10% EC Cipermetrina 100 g/l Insecticida II EC Agro Global, lda 2016.09.30 Registado 1137 cekuthoate 40% EC Dimetoato 400 g/l Insecticida III EC Agro Global, lda 2016.09.30 Registado 1029 Celcron 50% EC Insecticida II EC TECAP, LDA 2016.09.30 Re-Registado 1028 Celphos 57% FT Profenofos 500 g/l Fosforeto de aluminio 570 g/kg Insecticida I FT TECAP, LDA 2016.09.30 Re-Registado 797 Fipronil 200 g/l Insecticida II SC 2016.08.30 Re-Registado Metamidofos 585 g/l Insecticida I SL Agrifocus, Lda Curechem Moçambique, Lda 2017.02.29 Registado 1038 1039 1040 1186 Censor 20% SC 1163 Chemaron 58% SL E LISTA DOS PESTICIDAS REGISTADOS EM MOÇAMBIQUE -JUNHO DE 2012 1163 Chemeron 58% SL Metamidofos 585 g/l Insecticida I SL 1149 Chemlaxyl 72% WP Metalaxyl 80 g/kg+ Fungicida III WP 1148 Chlopyrifos 48% EC Chlorimuron - Ethyl 25% 1213 WG Chlorpyrifos 480 g7l Insecticida II EC Curechem Moçambique, Lda Curechem Moçambique, Lda Curechem Moçambique, Lda Chlorimuron Ethyl 250 g/kg Herbicida III WG 1200 Chloroflo 50% SC Chlorotalonil 500 g/l Fungicida III SC 1148 Chlorpyrifos 48% EC Chlorpyrifos 480 g/l Insecticida II 517 Cialon 10% WP Lambda-cialotrina 100 g/kg Insecticida 549 Cialon 2,5%EC Lambda-cialotrina 25 g/l Insecticida 545 Ciclor 72% EC Cipermetrina 120 g/l + 545 Ciclor 72% EC 641 641 2017.02.29 Registado 2017.02.29 Registado 2017.02.29 registado Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2017.06.30 Registado 2017.02.29 Registado EC Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda Curechem Moçambique, Lda 2017.02.29 Registado II WP Sapec S.A. 2015.03.30 Re-Registado II EC Sapec S.A. 2015.03.30 Re-Registado Insecticida II EC Sapec S.A. 2015.03.30 Re-Registado Clorpirifos 600 g/l + Insecticida II EC Sapec S.A. 2015.03.30 Re-Registado Ciper Pro 72% EC Cipermetrina 120 g/l+ Insecticida II EC Agrifocus, Lda 2016.08.30 Re-registado Ciper Pro 72% EC Profenofos 600 g/l+ Insecticida II EC 2016.08.30 Re-registado 1159 Class 25% DF Chloromuron Ethyl 250 g/l Herbicida III DF Agrifocus, Lda Curechem Moçambique, Lda 2017.02.29 Registado 1184 Claw 50% SC Herbicida III SC Agrifocus, Lda 2016.11.30 Registado 1010 Climax 60% WP Metazachlor 500 g/l Metsulfuron -Methyl 600 g/kg Herbicida III WP Agrifocus, Lda 2016.07.31 Re-registado 1274 Clomazone 48% EC Clomazone 480 g/l Herbicida II EC Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2017.03.30 Registado 1113 Cock Brand Cock Brand Micro 1138 Fumança e Perfumado Cock brand Repelente Dispositivo Eléctrico e 1139 líquido para Mosquitos. D-Allthrin Repelente III Evergreen, Lda 2015.11.30 Registado D-Allethrin 3,5 g/kg Insect.7Repelente III Maet Trading 2016.09.30 Registado Transflutrin 10 g/l Insect.Repelente III Maet Trading 2016.09.30 Registado Cock Brand Repelentes 1141 Líquido Para Mosquitos Transflutrin 10 g/l Insect./Repelente III Maet Trading 2016.09.30 Registado 1140 Cock brand Sem Fumança D-Allethrin 3,5 g/kg Insect./Repelente III Maet Trading 2016.09.30 Registado 845 Codal Gold 402.5 DC Prometryn 250 g/l+ Herbicida III DC Syngenta, Agro Services 2015.03.30 Re-registado 845 Codal Gold 402.5 DC S-Metolacloro 162,5 g/l+ Herbicida III DC Syngenta, Agro Services 2015.03.30 Re-registado F LISTA DOS PESTICIDAS REGISTADOS EM MOÇAMBIQUE -JUNHO DE 2012 1011 Colony 75% WP Chlorsulfuron 750 g/kg Herbicida III WP Agrifocus, Lda 2016.07.31 Registado 868 Colosso 12.5% PO Cipermetrina 50 g/l+ Carracicida III PO TECAP, LDA 2015.11.30 Re-registado 868 Colosso 12.5% PO Citronelal 5 g/l+ Carracicida III PO TECAP, LDA 2015.11.30 Re-registado 868 Clorpirifos 70 g/l+ Carracicida III PO TECAP, LDA 2015.11.30 Re-registado Cipermetrina 150 g/l+ Insecticida III EC TECAP, LDA 2015.11.30 Re- registado Citronelalal 10g/l+ Insecticida III EC TECAP, LDA 2015.11.30 Re- registado 866 Colosso 12.5% PO Colosso Pulverização 41% EC Colosso Pulverização 41% EC Colosso Pulverização 41% EC Clorpirifos 250 g/l+ Insecticida III EC TECAP, LDA 2015.11.30 Re- registado 851 Confidor 70% WG Imidaclopride 700 g/kg Insecticida II WG Agrolândia, Lda 2015.11.30 Re-registado 455 Controler 48% SE Alacloro 336 g/l + Herbicida III SE Sapec S.A. 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 455 Controler 48% SE Cooper Aerosol Fly and Mosquito Killer Cooper Aerosol Fly and Mosquito Killer Atrazina 144 g/l + Herbicida III SE Sapec S.A. 2015.03.30 Re-Registado Pertrin 15 g/kg+ Piperonyl Butoxide 15 g/kg+ Insecticida III AE Moz Vector Control 2015.11.30 Re-registado Insecticida III AE Moz Vector Control 2015.11.30 Re-registado 871 Cooper Count - N 316 SL Copper-Flow-Plus 31.5% 1235 SL Acetato de Amónio Cúprico Acetato de amónio de cobre 315 g7l Fungicida III SL Soluções Rurais, lda 2017.02.29 Re-registado Fungicida/Bactericida III SL Agrifocus, Lda 2017.02.29 Registado 1034 Cotvalerate 20% EC Fenvalerate 200 g/l Insecticida II EC Agrifocus, Lda 2016.11.30 Registado 1307 Cotzeb 80% WP Mancozeb 800 g/kg Fungicda III WP Chanral Mozambique, Lda 2017.06.30 Registado 843 Imidacloprid 700 g/kg Insecticida II WS Agrifocus, Lda 2015.04.30 Re-Registado 1236 Crater 455 SC Mancozeb 455 g/l Fungicida III SC Agrifocus, Lda 2017.02.29 Registado 956 Crescendo 48% EC Clomazone 480 g/l Herbicida III EC Agrifocus, Lda 2015.11.30 Registado 746 Crop Guard 90% EC Furfural 900 g/l Nematicida I EC Agrifocus, Lda 2015.04.30 Re-registado Fungicida III SC Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2017.02.29 Registado Insecticida III WP Agro Global, lda 2017.02.29 Registado Fungicida III WP Sapec S.A. 2015.03.30 Re-Registado Insect./Nematicida I GR Agrolândia, Lda 2015.11.30 Re-registado 866 866 967 967 Courage 70% WS 1201 CungFu 53,8% SC 459 Cuprital 50% WP Hidróxido de Cobre 538 g/l Oxicloreto de cobre 500 g/kg Oxicloreto de cobre 500 g/kg 126 Curaterr 10% GR Carbofurão 100 g/kg 1180 Cupagrex 50% WP G LISTA DOS PESTICIDAS REGISTADOS EM MOÇAMBIQUE -JUNHO DE 2012 1162 Curethane 80% WP Mancozeb 800 g/kg Fungicida III WP Curechem Moçambique, Lda 2017.02.29 Registado 1000 Cyflex 1% PO Cyflutrina 10 g/l Inescticida/Acaricida III PO Agrifocus, Lda 2017.02.29 Re-registado 662 Ciflutrina 10g/l Insecticida III PO Sogrep, Lda 2015.11.30 Re- Registado 1194 Cyperin 20% EC Cipermetrina 200 g/l Insecticida II EC Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2017.02.29 Registado 1302 Cypermethrin 10% EC Cypermethrin 100 g/l Herbicida II EC Chanral Mozambique, Lda 2017.06.30 Registado 1034 Cypermethrin 20% EC Cypermethrin 200 g/l Insecticida II EC Chanral Mozambique, Lda 2017.06.30 Registado 862 Cipermetrina 50 g/l+ Carracicida III PO TECAP, LDA 2015.11.30 Re-registado Cipermetrina 150 g/l Insect./carr, II SL TECAP, LDA 2015.09.30 Re-registado 1195 Datathion 50% EC Mercaptotião 500 g7l Insecticida II EC Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2017.02.29 Registado 620 Daw MCPA 400 SL MCPA 400 g/l Herbicida Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2016.11.30 Re-registado 817 Daz-Dust 2% DP Diazinon 20 g/kg Insecticida III DP Sogrep, Lda 2015.11.30 Re-registado 816 Dazzel N.F 30% EC Diazinon 300 g/l Insect./Carracicida II EC Sogrep, Lda 2015.11.30 Re-registado 311 Decis D 10,4% UL Deltametrina 4 g/l+ Insecticida II UL Sapec S.A. 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 311 Decis D 10,4% UL Dimetoato 100 g/l+ Insecticida II UL Sapec S.A. 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 783 Decis Forte 10% EC Deltametrina 100 g/l Insecticida II EC Agrolândia, Lda 2015.11.30 Re-registado 1112 Defender 25% EC Triadimenol 250 g/l Fungicida II EC Neoquímica, lda 2016.03.02 Registado 889 Deli Tab 25% TB Deltametrina 250 g/l Insecticida II TB Agrifocus, Lda 2016.01.31 Re-registado 446 Delta 2,5% EC Deltametrina 25 g/l Insecticida II EC Sapec S.A. 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 480 Delta Super 25,75% EC Deltametrina 7,5 g/l + Insecticida I EC Sapec S.A. 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 480 Delta Super 25,75% EC Monocrotofos 250 g/l+ Insecticida I EC Sapec S.A. 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 474 Delta TOP 40,9% EC Deltametrina 9 g/l + Insecticida II EC Sapec S.A. 2015.03.30 Re-registado 474 Delta TOP 40,9% EC Dimetoato 400 g/l+ Insecticida II EC Sapec S.A. 2015.03.30 Re-registado 520 Deltatrine 2,5% EC Deltametrina 25 g/l Insecticida II EC Sapec S.A. 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 519 Deltatrine 2,5% WP Deltametrina 25 g/kg Insecticida III WP Sapec S.A. 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 523 Deltatrine 5% WP Deltametrina 50 g/kg Insecticida II WP Sapec S.A. 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 863 Cylence 1% PO Cypermil 5% PO Cypermil Pulverização 15% SL H LISTA DOS PESTICIDAS REGISTADOS EM MOÇAMBIQUE -JUNHO DE 2012 696 Demand 2.5 CS Lamblacialotrina 2.5g/l Insecticida III CS Syngenta, Agro Services 2014.12.31 Re-Registado 524 Detox 5% EC Deltametrina 50 g/l Carracicida II EC Re-Registado 789 Diatomites 100% WP Dióxido de Silica Insecticida III WP 1155 Dichlorvos 10% EC Diclofop - Methyl 37,8% 1220 EC Diclorvos (DDVP)100 g/l Insecticida I EC Sapec S.A. 2015.03.30 Diatomites de Moçambique, Lda 2015.08.30 Curechem Moçambique, Lda 2017.02.29 Dicofop-Methyl 378 g/l Herbicida III EC Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2017.06.30 Registado 1086 Difacoum 0,005% Pellet Brodifacoum 0,0055 g/kg Rodenticida I RB Contabill (Moç.), Lda 2015.08.30 Registado 435 Dimetoato 40% EC Dimetoato 400 g/l Inseticida II EC Agrolândia, Lda 2016.03.02 Re-registado 870 Dimilin 2% GR Diflubenzuron 20 g/kg Insecticida II GR Agrifocus, Lda 2015.11.30 Re-registado 869 Dimilin 2% TAB Diflubenzuron 20 g/kg Insecticida III TB Agrifocus, Lda 2015.11.30 Re-registado 869 Dimilin 2% TB Diflubenzuron 20 g/kg Insecticida III TB Agrifocus, Lda 2015.11.30 Re-registado 957 Dinamic 70% WG Amicarbazone 700 g/kg Herbicida III WG Agrifocus, Lda 2015.11.30 Re-Registado 461 Dipec 80% WP Diurão 800 g/kg Herbicida III WP Sapec S.A. 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 1119 Diprimid 20% SL Imidacloprid 200 g/l Insecticida II SL Neoquímica, lda 2016.03.31 Registado 1075 Dithane NT 60% OS Mancozeb 600 g/kg Fungicida/Acaric. III OS Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2016.11.30 Re-registado 1078 Dithane NT 80% WP Mancozeb 800 g/kg Fung./Acaricida III WP Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2016.11.30 Re-registado 1202 Divos 100% EC Dichlorvos 1000 g/l Insecticida I EC Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2017.02.29 Registado 718 Doom Mosquito Coils Prallethrin 0,40 g/Kg Insectcida II Amazon Marketing, Lda 2017.06.30 Re-registado 722 Doom Super Deadly Killing Pralethrin 0,04 g/kg Insecticida II Amazon Marketing, Lda 2017.06.30 Re-registado 344 Drastic deadline 1% DP Flumethrin 10 g/l Carracicida II DP 2015.11.30 Re-registado 1098 Duduthrin 5% EC Lambda cyhalothrin 50 g/l Insecticida II EC Sogrep, Lda Twiga Chemicals Indust.Moz. lda 2015.08.30 Registado 681 Duett 25% SC Carbemdazim 125 g/l + Fungicida III SC Agrolândia, Lda 2016.03.02 Re-registado 681 Duett 25% SC Epoxiconazole 125 g/l+ Fungicida III SC Agrolândia, Lda 2016.03.02 Re-registado 623 Dursban 48% EC Clorpirifos 480 g/l Insecticida II EC Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 30.11.2016 Re-registado 623 Dusban 48% EC Clorpirifos 480 g/l Insecticida II EC Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2017.02.29 Re-registado 537 Dynamec 018 EC Abamectin 18 g/l Insecticida II EC Prime Moçambique, Lda 2016.04.30 Re-registado Re-registado Registado I LISTA DOS PESTICIDAS REGISTADOS EM MOÇAMBIQUE -JUNHO DE 2012 1072 Ectomin 10% EC Cypermethrin 100 g/l Carracicida III EC Agrifocus, Lda 2015.08.30 Registado 954 Ectopor 2% SA Cypermethrin 20 g/l Insecticida III SA Agrifocus, Lda 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 472 Ekyp MZ 72% WP Mancozeb 640 g/kg+ Fungicida III WP Sapec S.A. 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 472 Ekyp MZ 72% WP Metalaxil 80 g/kg+ Emamectin Benzoate 1,9% EC Emamectin benzoate 19 g/l Fungicida III WP Sapec S.A. 2015.03.30 Re-Registado Insecticida II EC Agrifocus, Lda 2016.03.31 Re-registado 982 1027 Endocel 35% EC Endosulfao 350 g/l Insecticida I EC TECAP, LDA 2016.09.30 Re-Registado 447 Endopec 35% EC Endosulfão 350 g/l Insecticida I EC Sapec S.A. 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 825 Enticer 35% EC Endosulfão 350 g/l Insecticida I EC Export Marketing CO, Lda 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 1197 Epicure 0,4% SL Abamectin 4 g7l Insecticida III SL 2017.02.29 Registado 1245 Ethe-Cure 48% EC Ethephon 480 g/l Herbicida III EC Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda Curechem Moçambique, Lda 2017.03.30 Registado 518 Eticide 101% EC Etião 1010 g/l Insecticida II EC Sapec S.A. 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 508 Etylit MZ 70% WP Fosety-Aluminio 350 g/kg + Fungicida III WP Sapec S.A. 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 508 Etylit MZ 70% WP Mancozebe 350% g/kg+ Fungicida III WP Sapec S.A. 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 879 Extreme 50% WG Chlorimuron 500 g/kg Herbicida III WG Agrifocus, Lda 2015.11.30 Re-registado 791 Extreme 75% WP Chlorimuron 107 g/kg Herbicida III WP Agrifocus, Lda 2016.08.30 Re-registado 791 Extreme 75% WP Metribuzin 643 g7kg+ Herbicida III WP Agrifocus, Lda 2016.08.30 Re-registado 538 Falcon Gold 96% EC S - Metolacloro 960 g/l Herbicida III EC Prime Moçambique, Lda 2015.11.30 Re-Registado 774 Falcovos 100% EC Insecticida I EC Export Marketing CO, Lda 2015.03.30 Re-registado 773 Falfume 57% FT Diclorvos 1000 g/l Aluminium Phosphide 570 g/kg Insecticida I FT Export Marketing CO, Lda 2015.03.30 Re.registado 1292 Farmatole 750 WG Isoflutole 750 g/kg Herbicida III WG Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2017.06.30 Registado 686 Alfa-Cypermethrin 100 g/l Insecticida II EC Agrolândia, Lda 2016.03.02 Re-registado 1228 Febutatin Oxide 55% SC Febutatin Oxide 550g/l Insecticida II SC 2017.04.30 Registado 1150 Fencure 20% EC Fenvarelato 200 g/l Insecticida II EC Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda Curechem Moçambique, Lda 2017.02.29 Registado 857 Fendona 5% WP Alfa-cipermetrina 50 g/kg Insecticida III WP Agrolândia, Lda 2016.03.02 Re-registado 738 Fendona 6% SC Alfa-cipermetrina 60 g/l Insecticida III SC Agrolândia, Lda 2016.03.02 Re-registado Fastac 10% EC J LISTA DOS PESTICIDAS REGISTADOS EM MOÇAMBIQUE -JUNHO DE 2012 440 Fenvarelate 20% EC Fenvarelate 200 g/l Insecticida II EC Sapec S.A. 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 544 Ficam 80% WP Bendiocarbe 800 g/kg Insecticida II WP Moz Vector Control 2015.08.30 Re-registado 821 Fighter 20% EC Fenvarelate 200 g/l Insecticida II EC Export Marketing CO, Lda 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 368 Finale 0,002% RB Finale Rat And Mouse Grain Bait Finale Rat And Mouse Pellets Finale Rat And Mouse Wax Bait Brodifacume 0,02 g/kg Rodenticida I RB Sapec S.A. 2015.03.30 Registado Difethilone 0,025 g/kg Rodenticida II RB Moz Vector Control 2015.11.30 Re-registado Difethilone 0,025 g/kg Rodenticida II RB Moz Vector Control 2015.11.30 Re-registado Difethilone 0,025 g/kg Rodenticida II RB Moz Vector Control 2015.11.30 Re-registado 1017 Finepic 70% WG Imazapic 700 g/kg Herbicida III WG Agrifocus, Lda 2016.07.31 Re-registado 907 Fiprogel 2,15% PC Fipronil 21.5 g/kg Insecticida III PC Agrifocus, Lda 2016.08.30 Re-registado 492 Fitanol 80% EC Óleo de Verão 800 g/l Insecticida III EC Sapec S.A. 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 739 Flint 50% WG Trifloxystrobin 500 g/kg Fungicida III WG Agrolândia, lda 2016.03.02 Re-Registado 1090 Flosatex 41% SL Glifosate 410 g/l Herbicida III SL Contabill (Moç.), Lda 2015.08.30 Registado 892 Fluomet 50% SC Fluometuron 500 g/l Herbicida III SC Agrifocus, Lda 2016.08.30 Re-Registado 193 Focus Ultra 2% EC Cicloxidim 20 g/l Herbicida III EC Agrolândia, Lda 2016.03.02 Re-registado 329 Folicur 25% EW Tebuconazole 250 g/kg Fungicida III EW Agrolândia, lda 2015.11.30 Re-Registado 1191 Fortana bio 2% DP Piretrum 20 g7l Insecticida III DP Agro Global, lda 2017.02.29 Registado 728 Fortis K 5% EC Lambda-cyhalotrin 50 g/l Insecticida II EC Agrifocus, Lda 2015.04.30 Re-Registado 701 FrontierOptima 72% EC Herbicida II EC 2016.03.02 Re-registado Insecticida I FT Agrolândia, Lda Curechem Moçambique, Lda 2017.02.29 Registado Herbicida III WG Agrifocus, Lda 2016.03.31 Re-registado 2015.11.30 Re-Registado 944 969 943 996 Furnace 75% WG S-Dimethenamol 720 g/l Aluminium Phosphide 560 g/kg Halosulfuron-Methyl 750 g/kg 648 Fusilade Forte 150 EC Fluazifop-p-butil 150 g/l Herbicida III EC 1168 Fusion Super 12,5% EC Fluazifop-p-butyl 125 g/l Herbicida III EC Prime Moçambique, Lda Curechem Moçambique, Lda 2017.02.29 Registado 405 Garlon 48% EC Triclopyr 480 g/l Herbicida III EC Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2016.11.30 Re-registado 316 Gaucho 70 WS Imidacloroprid 700 g/kg Insecticida II WS Agroquímicos, Lda 2014.12.31 Re-Registado Spinosad 0,24 g/l Insecticida III Timber Land, Lda 2016.03.02 Registado 1172 Fumate 56% FT 1114 GF-120 NF K LISTA DOS PESTICIDAS REGISTADOS EM MOÇAMBIQUE -JUNHO DE 2012 1031 Glicel 41% SL Glyphosate 410 g/l Herbicida III SL TECAP, LDA 2016.09.30 Re-Registado 1305 Glycot 36% SL Glifosato 360 g/l Herbicida III SL 2017.06.30 Registado 1243 Glypho-Cure 41% SL Glyphosate 410 g/l Herbicida III SL Chanral Mozambique, Lda Curechem Moçambique, Lda 2017.03.30 Registado 430 Fipronil 0,005 g/kg Insecticida III RB Agrolândia, Lda 2016.03.02 Re-registado Herbicida II SL Agro Global, lda 2017.02.29 Registado Insecticida III Agrifocus, Lda 2016.04.30 Re-registado Goliath Gel 0,05% RB 1181 Gramozat 20% SL 734 Green Muscle 40% SU Paraquato 200 g7l Metarhizium anisopliae IMI 330189, 2x10 esporos/litro 958 Grenade 50% SC Acetocloro 178,6 g/+ Herbicida III SC Agrifocus, Lda 2015.11.30 Re-Registado 958 Grenade 50% SC Atrazine 160,7 g/l+ Herbicida III SC Agrifocus, Lda 2015.11.30 Re-Registado 958 Grenade 50% SC Dichlormid 22,3 g/l+ Herbicida III SC Agrifocus, Lda 2015.11.30 Re-Registado 958 Grenade 50% SC Herbicida III SC Agrifocus, Lda 2015.11.30 Re-Registado 688 Griselesf Terbuthylazine 160,7 g/l + Bacillus Sphaericus Cepa 2364 - 0,5% Agente Biológico III 2016.08.30 Re-registado 1248 Halosulfur-Cure 75% WG Halosulfuron 750 g/kg Herbicida III WG Biochem, lda Curechem Moçambique, Lda 2017.03.30 Registado 803 Halt 5% WP Bacillus Thuringiensis Serovar Kurstaki 5x10/mg Insecticida III WP Agrifocus, Lda 2016.11.30 Re-registado 792 Hatchet 10% SL Imazipyr 100 g/l Herbicida III SL Agrifocus, Lda 2016.08.30 Re-registado 473 Herbofital 40% SL MCPA 400 g/l Herbicida III SL Sapec S.A. 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 502 Heteren 25% Ec Oxidiazão 250 g/l Herbicida III EC 2015.03.30 Re-Registado Hexazinone 240 g/l Hidróxido de cobre 500 g/kg Herbicida III EC Sapec S.A. Curechem Moçambique, Lda 2017.03.30 Registado Fungicida III WP Sapec S.A. 2015.03.30 Re-Registado Hydramethylnon 21,5 g/kg Alkylaryl Polioxietileno Glicol + Insecticida III PC Agrifocus, Lda 2016.08.30 Re-registado Adjuvante III Soluções Rurais, lda 2017.02.29 Re-registado Ester Fosfórico 85 g/l+ Sistema Tampão de ácidos orgânicos 497 g/l Adjuvante III Soluções Rurais, lda 2017.02.29 Re-registado Adjuvante III Soluções Rurais, lda 2017.02.29 Re-registado 1218 ICA-Prochloraz 45% EC Prochloraz 450 g7l Fungicida III Ec Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2017.04.30 Registado 787 Lambda-cyhalotrina 100 g/l Insecticida II EC Agrifocus, Lda 2016.03.30 Re-Registado 1246 Hexa-Cure 24% EC 471 Hicobre 50% WP 908 Hydragel 2,15% PC 987 Hygrobuff 4 987 Hygrobuff 4 987 Hygrobuff 4 Icon 10% CS L LISTA DOS PESTICIDAS REGISTADOS EM MOÇAMBIQUE -JUNHO DE 2012 121 icon 10%WP Lambda-cialotrina 100 g/kg Insecticida II WP Agrifocus, Lda 2016.08.30 Re-registado 592 Icon 2,5% CS Lambda-Cialotrina 25 g/l Insecticida II CS Agrifocus, Lda 2016.08.30 Re-registado 120 Icon 2,5% EC Lambda-Cialotrina 25 g/l Insecticida II EC Agrifocus, Lda 2016.08.30 Re-registado 1030 Imidacel 20% SL Imidacloprid 200 g/l Insecticida II SL 2016.09.30 Re-registado 1160 Imidacure 20% SL Imidacloprid 200 g7l Insecticida III SL TECAP, LDA Curechem Moçambique, Lda 2017.02.29 Registado 906 Imidacloprid 21,5 g/kg Insecticida III PC Agrifocus, Lda 2016.08.30 Re-registado 1215 Imposter 75% WP Metribuzin 643 g/lkg Herbicida III WP Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2017.02.29 Registado 1085 Imutruzine 48% SC Metribuzin 480 g/l III SC Contabill (Moç.), Lda 2017.06.30 Registado 1232 Iniconazol 5% SC Iniconazole 50 gkg Herbicida Regulador de crescimento III WP Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2'017.06.30 Registado 1118 Insectido 5% EC Lambda-Cyhalothrin 50 g/l Insecticida II EC Neoquímica, lda 2016.03.31 Registado 1211 Iprodione 25,5% SC Iprodione 255 g/l Fungicida III SC Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2017.04.30 Registado 464 Judo 5% EC Lambda-cialotrina 50 g/l Insecticida II EC Sapec S.A. 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 475 Judo forte 16,5% EC Lambda-cialotrina 15 g/l + Insecticida II EC Sapec S.A. 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 475 Judo forte 16,5% EC Profenofos 150 g/l+ Insecticida II EC Sapec S.A. 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 476 Judo TOP 41,5% EC Dimetoato 400 g/l+ Insecticida II EC Sapec S.A. 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 476 Judo TOP 41,5% EC Lambda-cialotrina 15 g/l + Insecticida II EC Sapec S.A. 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 1183 Kalach 70% WG Glifosato 700 g/kg Herbicida III WG Agrifocus, Lda 2016.11.30 Registado 668 Karate 5% CS Lambda-cialotrina 50 g/l Insecticida II CS Prime Moçambique, Lda 2015.11.30 Re-Registado 804 kembuf 25% SL SL Imidagel 2,15% PC Acido Fosforico 250 g/l Agente tampão III Agrifocus, Lda 2016.08.30 Re-registado 1132 King Insectos Rastejantes Permetrina 2,5 g/kg + Insecticida III Agro Global, lda 2016.09.30 Registado 1132 King Insectos Rastejantes Insecticida III Agro Global, lda 2016.09.30 Registado 1131 King Insectos Voadores Piretrina 1 g/kg+ Butoxido de Piperonilo 3,3 g/kg+ Insecticida III Agro Global, lda 2016.09.30 Registado 1131 King Insectos Voadores d-alletrina 0,82 g/kg+ Insecticida III Agro Global, lda 2016.09.30 Registado 1131 King Insectos Voadores Permetrina 0,4 g/kg+ Insecticida III Agro Global, lda 2016.09.30 Registado 500 Deltametrina 250 g/kg Insecticida III Moz Vector Control 2015.11.30 Re-Registado K-O Tab M LISTA DOS PESTICIDAS REGISTADOS EM MOÇAMBIQUE -JUNHO DE 2012 815 K-O Tab 1-2-3 Insecticida III Kocide 2000 53,8% WG Deltametrina 250 g/kg Hidróxido de Cobre 538 g/kg Moz Vector Control 2015.11.30 Re-registado 730 Fung./Bactericida III WG Agrifocus, Lda 2015.04.30 Re-registado 737 K-Othrine 25% WG Deltametrina 250 g/kg Insecticida III WG Moz Vector Control 2015.11.30 RE-registado 360 Kumulus DF 80% WG Enxofre 800 g/kg 785 Laduma 100% GR Bromacil 760 g/kg+ Fungicida III WG Agrolândia, Lda 2016.03.02 Re-registado Herbicida II GR Agrifocus, Lda 2016.07.31 Re-registado 785 Laduma 100% GR Tebuthiuron 240 g/kg + Herbicida II GR 2016.07.31 Re-registado 1269 LambdaCure 5% EC Lambda-Cyhalothrin 50 g/l Insecticida II EC Agrifocus, Lda Curechem Moçambique, Lda 2017.03.30 Registado 1306 Lamdacot 25% EC Lamba Cyhalothrin 250 g/l Insecticida II EC Chanral Mozambique, Lda 2017.06.30 Registado 950 Larvadex 1% DP Cyromazine 10 g/kg Insecticida III DP Agrifocus, Lda 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 163 Larvin 37,5% SC Tiodicarbe 375 g/l Insecticida I SC Agrolândia, Lda 2015.11.30 Re-Registado 846 Lava 80% WG Tebuthiuron 800 g/kg Herbicida II WG Agrifocus, Lda 2015.04.30 Re-Registado 1294 Leili Prosynergist 66% SC Crosynergist 660 g7l Adjuvante III SC Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2017.06.30 Registado 1109 Magistral L 20% PF Tiabendazole 200 g/kg Fungicida III EC Bedson Moçambique, Lda 2016.09.30 Registado 1116 Magistral L 5% EC Tiabendazole 50 g/l Fungicida III EC Bedson Moçambique, Lda 2016.09.30 Registado 975 Pirimifos Methyl 500 g/l Insect./Acaricida III EC Agrifocus, Lda 2015.11.30 Re-Registado 1123 Majestic super 2% DP Permetrin 3 g/kg+ Insecticida III DP Agrifocus, Lda 2016.04.30 Registado 1123 Majestic super 2% DP Pirimfos methyl 16 g/kg+ Insecticida III DP Agrifocus, Lda 2016.04.30 Registado 974 Majestic Ultra 50% EC Permetrina 100 g/l+ Insecticida III EC Agrifocus, Lda 2015.11.30 Re-Registado 974 Majestic Ultra 50% EC Pirimifos Methyl 400 g/l+ Insecticida III EC Agrifocus, Lda 2015.11.30 Re-Registado 505 Malatiol 80% EC Malatião 750 g/l + Insecticida II EC Sapec S.A. 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 505 Malatiol 80% EC Óleo de Verão 50 g/l Insecticida II EC Sapec S.A. 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 621 Mamba 360 SL Glifosato 360 g/l Herbicida III SL Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2016.11.30 Re-registado 1076 Mamba MX 48% SL Glifosato 480 g/l Herbicida III SL Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2017.06.30 Registado 457 Mancopec 80% WP Mancozebe 800 g/kg Fungicida III WP Sapec S.A. 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 823 Mascot 72% WP Mancozeb 640 g/kg+ Fungicida III WP Export Marketing CO, Lda 2015.03.30 Re-Registado Majestic 50% EC N LISTA DOS PESTICIDAS REGISTADOS EM MOÇAMBIQUE -JUNHO DE 2012 823 Mascot 72% WP Metalaxyl 80 g/kg+ Fungicida III WP Export Marketing CO, Lda 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 867 Mata Bicheiras 2,03% AE Clorpirifos 7,1 g/l + Carracicida III AE TECAP, LDA 2015.11.30 Re-registado 867 Mata Bicheiras 2,03% AE Dilclorvos 11,5% g/l+ Carracicida III AE TECAP, LDA 2015.11.30 Re-registado 867 Violeta Genciana 1,7 g/l+ Carracicida III AE TECAP, LDA 2015.11.30 Re-registado 970 Mata Bicheiras 2,03% AE Maxforce Ant Bait Granules Hydramethylnon 10 g/kg Insecticida III RB Moz Vector Control 2015.11.30 Re-registado 940 Maxforce Gel Hydamethylnon 21.5 g/kg Insecticida III Moz Vector Control 2015.11.30 Registado 945 Maxforce IC Imidacloprid 21,5 g/kg Insecticida III Moz Vector Control 2015.11.30 Re-registado 1110 Maxforce Quantum Imidacloprid 0,3 g/kg Insecticida III Neoquímica, lda 2016.03.31 Registado 1143 Mazole 80% WP Mancozeb 800 g/kg Fungicida III WP 2017.06.30 Registado 1265 MCPA 400 SL MCPA 400 g/l Herbicida III SL Contabill (Moç.), Lda Curechem Moçambique, Lda 2017.03.30 Registado 1107 Medi Soft Diethyltoluamide 130 g/lg Repelente III Líder, lda 2015.10.30 Registado 477 Megatop 50,5% WP Cimoxanil 40 g/kg + Fungicida III WP Sapec S.A. 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 477 Megatop 50,5% WP Mancozebe 465 g/kg+ Fungicida III WP Sapec S.A. 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 682 Meltatox 40% EC Dodemorph 400 g/l Fungicida III EC Agrolândia, Lda 2016.03.02 Re-registado 361 Metiocarbe 800 g/kg Insent/Molu. II WP Agrolândia, Lda 2015.11.30 Re-Registado Metaldeido 10 g/kg + Insecticida II RB Agrolândia, Lda 2015.11.30 Re-Registado 646 Mesurol 80 WP Mesurol Super Snail Pellets 1.5% RB Mesurol Super Snail Pellets 1.5% RB Metiocarb 5 g/kg+ Insecticida II RB Agrolândia, Lda 2015.11.30 Re-Registado 466 Metacidine 40% WP Metidatião 400 g/kg Insecticida I WP 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 1152 Metalochlor 960 EC Metaman FAE PM 72% 1136 WP Metaman FAE PM 72% 1136 WP Metalochlor 960 g/l Herbicida III EC Sapec S.A. Curechem Moçambique, Lda 2017.02.29 Registado Mancozeb 640 g/kg+ Fungicida III WP Agro Global, lda 2016.09.30 Registado Metalaxyl 80 g/kg+ Fungicida III WP Agro Global, lda 2016.09.30 Registado 1198 Methomex 90% SP Metomil 900 g/kg Insecticida I SP Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2017.02.29 Registado 986 Metrad 75% WG Diuron 400 g/kg+ Herbicida III WG Agrifocus, Lda 2016.03.31 Re-Registado 986 Metrad 75% WG Metribuzin 360 g/kg+ Herbicida III WG Agrifocus, Lda 2016.03.31 Re-Registado 646 O LISTA DOS PESTICIDAS REGISTADOS EM MOÇAMBIQUE -JUNHO DE 2012 1165 Metribuzin 48,5 g7l Metribuzin 485 g/l Herbicida III EC Curechem Moçambique, Lda 2017.02.29 Registado 1091 Metridonol 25% EC Triadimenol 250 g/l Fungicida II EC Contabill (Moç.), Lda 2015.09.30 Registado 503 Metribuzina 700 g/kg Herbicida III WP Sapec S.A. 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 1084 Midaclordan 20% SL Imidacloprid 200 g/l Insecticida II SL Contabill (Moç.), Lda 2015.09.30 Registado 661 Amitraz Insect./Carracicida II EC Sogrep, Lda 2015.11.30 Re-registado Amitraz 237,5 g/kg carracicida III WP Sogrep, Lda 2016.04.30 Re-registado Metry 70% WP Milbitraz 12,5% EC 1001 Milbitraz TR 23,75 WP 64 Milraz 76% WP Propineb 700 g/kg + Fungicida III WP Agrolândia, Lda 2015.11.30 Re-registado 64 Milraz 76% WP Urzate 60 g/l+ Fungicida III WP Agrolândia, Lda 2015.11.30 Re-registado 1088 Milsulf 80% WP Enxofre 800 g/kg Acaricida/Fungicida III WP 2015.08.30 Registado 1101 Milthane Super 80% WP Mancozeb 800 g/kg Fungicida III WP 2015.10.30 Registado 1171 Mitekill 20% EC Amitraz 200 g7l Insecticida/Acaricida II EC Agrifocus, Lda Twiga Chemicals Indust.Moz. lda Curechem Moçambique, Lda 2017.02.29 Registado 998 Etoprofos 150 g/kg Nameticida II GR Agrolândia, lda 2015.11.30 Re-Registado 1033 Molinato 72,7% EC Molinato 727 g/l Herbicida II EC Agrifocus, Lda 2016.11.30 Re-registado 784 Monceren GT 390 FS Imidacloprid 233 g/l+ Insect./Fungicida III FS Agrolândia, Lda 2015.11.30 Re-Registado 784 Monceren GT 390 FS Pencicurão 50 g/l+ Insect./Fungicida III FS Agrolândia, Lda 2015.11.30 Re-Registado 784 Monceren GT 390 FS Tirame 107 g/l+ Insect./Fungicida III FS 2015.11.30 Re-Registado 1151 Monocrotophos 40% EC Monocrotophos 400 g/l Insecticida I EC Agrolândia, Lda Curechem Moçambique, Lda 2017.02.29 Registado 454 Monopec 40% SL Monocrotofos 400 g/l Insecticida I SL Sapec S.A. 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 456 Montana 36% SL Glifosato 360 g/l Herbicida III SL Sapec S.A. 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 1046 Moz Abamec Plus 18% EC Abamectin 180 g/l Insecticida II EC Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2016.11.30 Registado 1064 Moz Acephate 75% EC Acephate 750 g/l Insecticida III SP Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2016.11.30 Re-registado 1058 Moz Acetochlor 70% EC Acetochlor 700 g/l Herbicida III EC Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2016.11.30 Re-registado 1069 Moz Acetochlor 90% EC Moz Aluminium Phosphide 1054 Pellets Moz Aluminium Phosphide 1071 Tablets Acetochlor 900 g/l Aluminium Phosphide 560 g/kg Aluminium Phosphide 570 g/kg Herbicida III EC Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2016.11.30 Re-registado Insecticida I Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2016.11.30 Re-registado Insecticida I Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2016.11.30 Re-registado Mocap 15% GR P LISTA DOS PESTICIDAS REGISTADOS EM MOÇAMBIQUE -JUNHO DE 2012 1052 Moz Ametryn 50 SC Ametryn 500 g/l Herbicida III SC Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2016.11.30 Re-registado 1048 Moz Cartap 50%b SP Cartape 500 g/kg Insecticida II SP Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2016.11.30 Re-registado 1045 Moz Controller Cymozanil 60 g/kg+ Fungicida III WP Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2016.11.30 Registado 1045 Moz Controller Moz Copper Oxychloride 1230 85% WP Mancozeb 700 g/kg+ Oxycloreto de Cobre 850 g/kg Fungicida III WP Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2016.11.30 Registado Fungicida III WP Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2017.04.30 Registado 1050 Moz Cyromazine 75% WP Moz Delta-M-Longacting 1073 50 WP Cyromazine 750 g/kg Insecticida III WP Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2016.11.30 Re-registado Deltamethrin 500 g/kg Insecticida II WP Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2016.11.30 Re-registado 1051 Moz Deltamterina 25% EC Moz Difenoconazole 25% 1062 EC Deltametrina 250 g/l Insecticida II EC Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2016.11.30 Re-registado Difenoconazole 250 g7l Fungicida III EC Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2017.02.29 Registado 1061 Moz Diuron 80% SC Diuron 800 g/l Herbicida III SC Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2016.11.30 Re-registado 1056 Moz Fenamiphos 400 SC Fenamiphos 400 g/l Insecticida I SC Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2016.11.30 Re-registado 1059 Moz Fenthion 50% EC Moz Fluazifop-P-Butyl 125 1049 EC Moz Hexaconazole7,5% 1217 EC Fenthion 500 g/l Insecticida II EC Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2016.11.30 Re-registado Fluazifop-P 125 g/l Herbicida III EC Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2016.11.30 Re-registado Hexaconazole 75 g/l Fungicida III EC Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2017.04.30 Registado 1068 Moz Hexazinone 24% SL Hexazinone 240 g/l Herbicida III SL Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2016.11.30 Re-registado 1070 Moz imidacloprid 35% SC Imidacloprid 350 g/l Insectcida II SC Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2017.02.29 Registado 1053 Moz Kleen 36% WP Moz Lambda--C1044 Longacting 10% WP Moz Lambda-Cyhalothrin 1067 5% EC Glyphosate 360 g/l Lambda-Cyhalothrin 100 g/kg Herbicida III WP Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2016.11.30 Registado Insecticida II WP Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2016.11.30 Re-registado lambda-Cyhalothrin 50 g/l Insecticida II EC Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2016.11.30 Re-registado 1047 Moz Metolachlor 96% EC Metolachlor 960 g/l Herbicida III EC Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2017.02.29 Registado 1066 Moz Metribuzin 48% SC Metribuzin 480 g/l Herbicida III SC Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2016.11.30 Re-registado 1060 Moz MSMA 72% SL MSMA 720 g/l Herbicida III SL Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2016.11.30 Re-registado 1063 Moz Paraquat 20% SL Paraquat 200 g/l Herbicida II SL Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2016.11.30 Re-registado 1219 Moz Propanil 36% EC Propanil 360 g/l Herbicida III EC Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2017.04.30 Registado Q LISTA DOS PESTICIDAS REGISTADOS EM MOÇAMBIQUE -JUNHO DE 2012 Moz Tebuconazole 25% 1057 EC Tebuconazole 250 g/l Fungicida III EC Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2016.11.30 Re-registado 1065 Moz Terbufos 15% GR Terbufos 150 g/kg Insecticida I GR Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2016.11.30 Re-registado 1055 Moz Tornado 0,01% BB Difacoum 0,1 g/kg Rodenticida II BB 2016.11.30 Re-registado 1264 MSMQA-Cure 72% EC MSMA 720 g/l Herbicida III EC Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda Curechem Moçambique, Lda 2017.03.30 Registado 1147 Mycoguard 72% SC Chlorothalonil 720 g/l Fungicida III SC Agrifocus, lda 2016.07.31 Registado 955 Difenaconazole 250 g/l Fungicida III EC Agrifocus, Lda 2015.04.30 Re-Registado 1124 Ndzow 1,13% DP Deltametrina 1.3 g/kg+ Insecticida III DP Agrifocus, Lda 2016.04.30 Registado 1124 Ndzow 1,13% DP Fenitrotião 10 g/kg+ Insecticida III DP Agrifocus, Lda 2016.04.30 Registado 1087 Neltylxyl 72% WP Metalayl 80g/kg+ Fungicida III WP Contabill (Moç.), Lda 2017.06.30 Registado 1087 Neltylxyl 72% WP Mancozeb 640 g/kg+ Fungicida III WP Contabill (Moç.), Lda 2017.06.30 Registado 387 Nemacur 10% GR Fenamifos 100 g/kg Nematicida I GR Agrolândia, Lda 2015.11.30 Re-Registado 483 Nemacur 40% EC Fenamifos 400 g/l Nematicida I EC Agrolândia, Lda 2015.11.30 Re-registado 951 Neporex 2% WG Cyromazine 20 g/kg Insecticida III WG Agrifocus, Lda 2015.04.30 Re-Registado 1130 Nimbus 80% WG Enxofre 800 g/kg Nokalt Pulverização 12,5% 861 EC Amitraz 125 g/l Fungicida III WG Agro Global, lda 2016.09.30 Registado Carracicida III EC TECAP, LDA 2015.09.30 Re-registado 882 Óxido Cuproso 860 g/kg Fung./Bactericida III WG 2016.03.02 Re-registado 1261 NP 9-90% SL Nonephenol 900 g/l Molhante III SL Agrolândia, Lda Curechem Moçambique, Lda 2017.03.30 Registado 984 Nuvam 100% EC Diclorvos 1000 g/l Insecticida I EC Agrolândia, Lda 2016.03.02 Re-registado 985 Nuvam Profi 12,4% AE Diclorvos 124 g/l Insecticida II AE Agrolândia, Lda 2016.03.31 Re-registado 984 Nuvan 100% EC Dichlorvos 1000 g/l Insecticida I EC Agroquímicos, Lda 2016.03.30 Registado 985 Nuvan Profi 12,4% AE Dichlorvos 124 g/l Insecticida II AE Agroquímicos, Lda 2016.03.31 Registado 1193 Oleofix 70% EO Óleo de verão 700 g/l Insecticida III EO Agro Global, lda 2017.02.29 Registado 469 Orizerba 36% EC Propanil 360 g/l Herbicida III EC Sapec S.A. 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 485 Ortiva 25% SC Azoxistrobin 250 g/l Fungicida III SC Prime Moçambique, Lda 2015.11.30 Re-Registado Oxamil 310 g/l Nematicida I SL Agrifocus, Lda 2016.11.30 Registado Navigator 25% EC Nordox 86% WG 1185 Oxadate 31% SL R LISTA DOS PESTICIDAS REGISTADOS EM MOÇAMBIQUE -JUNHO DE 2012 1267 Oxycure 85% WP Copper Oxycloreto 850 g/kg Fungicida III WP Curechem Moçambique, Lda 2017.03.30 Registado 978 Padlock 25% SC Quinclorac 250 g/l Herbicida III SC Agrifocus, Lda 2016.03.31 Re-registado 999 Pali 25% WG Deltametrina 250 g/kg Insecticida III WG Agrifocus, Lda 2016.01.31 Re-registado 1081 Pali 5% WP Deltamethrin 50 g/kg Insecticida II WP Agrifocus, Lda 2015.05.31 Registadfo 1207 Pantera 4% EC Quizalofop-P-tefury40 g7l Herbicida II EC Agrifocus, Lda 2017.02.29 Registado 401 Alphamethrin 70 g/l Carracicida II EC Agrifocus, Lda 2015.04.30 Re-Registado 1303 Paracot 20% SL Paraquat 200 g/l Herbicida II SL 2017.06.30 Registado 1262 Para-Cure 20% SL Paraquat 200 g/l Herbicida III SL Chanral Mozambique, Lda Curechem Moçambique, Lda 2017.03.30 Registado 458 Paraxone 20% SL Paraquato 200 g/l Herbicida II SL Sapec S.A. 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 540 Patron 75% WP Peaceful Sleep Mosquito Rpellent Stick Peacegul Sleep Mosquito Repellent Cyromazine 750 g/kg Insecticida III WP Prime Moçambique, Lda 2016.04.30 Re-registado Diethyltoluamide 11,90 g/kg Repelente III Amazon Marketing, Lda 2017.06.30 Re-registado Diethyltoluamide 22.5 g/kg Repelente III 2017.06.30 Re-registado 1263 Pendimentalina 50% EC Pendimantalina 500 g/l Herbicida III EC Amazon Marketing, Lda Curechem Moçambique, Lda 2017.03.30 Registado 829 Permise 20% SC Insecticida II SC Moz Vector Control 2015.11.30 Re-registado 581 Phosgard 56% FT Imidacloprid 200 g/l Fosforeto de alumínio 560 g/kg Insecticida I FT Agro Global, lda 2015.11.30 Re-registado 1226 Picloram 24% SL Picloram 240 g/l Herbicida III SL Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2017.04.30 Registado 192 Pix 0,5% SL Reg. De crescimento III SL Agrolândia, Lda 2016.03.02 Re-registado 743 PL Plus Mepiquat Chloride 50 g/l Paecilomyces lilacinus strain 251, 2x10 esporos/litro Nematicida III Agrifocus, Lda 2016.04.30 Re-regiatado 1133 Policar MZ 80% WP Mancozeb 800 g/kg Fungicida III WP Agro Global, lda 2016.09.30 Registado 304 Poliram Combi 80% WP Metiram 800 g/kg Fungicida III WP Agrolândia, Lda 2016.03.02 Re-registado 254 Polo 50% SC Diafentiuron 500 g/l Insecticida II SC Prime Moçambique, Lda 2016.04.30 Re-registado 465 Poney 75% SP Acefato 750 g/kg Insecticida III SP Sapec S.A. 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 814 Pourcide NF 11.1% PO Alphamethrin 5,6 g/l + Carracicida II PO Agrifocus, Lda 2014.12.31 Re-Registado 814 Pourcide NF 11.1% PO Cypermethrin 11,1 g/l + Carracicida II PO Agrifocus, Lda 2014.12.31 Re-Registado 721 720 Paracide 7% EC S LISTA DOS PESTICIDAS REGISTADOS EM MOÇAMBIQUE -JUNHO DE 2012 814 Pourcide NF 11.1% PO Piperonyl Butoxide 75 g/l + Carracicida II PO Agrifocus, Lda 2014.12.31 Re-Registado 814 Pourcide NF 11.1% PO Tetrachlorvinphos 20,4 g/l+ Carracicida II PO Agrifocus, Lda 2014.12.31 Re-Registado 1225 Priclopyr 48% EC Triclopyr 480 g7l Herbicida III EC Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2017.02.29 Registado 1225 Proclopyr 485 G/l Triclopyr 480 g/l Herbicida III EC Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2017.02.29 Registado 1223 Profenofos 50% EC Profenofos 500 g/l Insecticida II EC 2017.04.30 Registado 1166 Proper 10% EC Propaquizafop 100 g/l Herbicida III EC Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda Curechem Moçambique, Lda 2017.02.29 Registado 702 Imidacloprid 200 g/l Insecticida II SL Agrifocus, Lda 2016.11.30 Re-Registado Pyriproxyfen 100 g7l Aluminium Phosphide 570 g/kg Insecticida III EC Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2017.04.30 Registado Insecticida I FT Agro Global, lda 2016.09.30 Registado III PC Moz Vector Control 2015.11.30 Re-registado Protect 20%SL 1224 Pyriproxyfen 10% EC 1129 Quickphos 57% FT 939 Racumin Paste Coumatetralyn 0,37 g/kg Rodenticida 941 Racumin Tracking Powder Coumatetralyn 7,5 g/kg Rodenticida II DP Moz Vector Control 2015.11.30 Re-registado 1077 Rainbow 2,5% OD Penoxsulam 25 g/l Herbicida III OD Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2014.12.31 Registado 719 Difethilote 0,25 G7kg Rondenticida I 2017.06.30 Re-registado 1167 Ratikill 80% AB Zin phosphide 800 g7kg Rodenticida I AB Amazon Marketing, Lda Curechem Moçambique, Lda 2017.02.29 Registado 822 Zinc Phosphide 800 g/kg Fungicida I AB Export Marketing CO, Lda 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 1135 Raudo 36% SL Glyphosate 360 g/l Herbicida III SL Agro Global, lda 2016.09.30 Registado 1291 Rebel 500 WG Chlorimuron -Ethyl 500 g/kg Herbicida III WG Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2017.06.30 Registado 383 Regent 20% SC Fipronil 200 g/l Insecticida II SC Agrolândia, Lda 2016.03.02 Re-registado 968 Responsar Hot Fog Cyfluthrin 2,2 g/l Insecticida II UL Moz Vector Control 2015.11.30 Re-registado 924 Revival 10% WP Lambda-cyhalothrin 10 g/kg Insecticida II WP Agrifocus, Lda 2014.12.31 Registado 923 Revival 2,5% EC Lambda-Cyhalothrin 25 g/l Insecticida II EC Agrifocus, Lda 2014.12.31 Registado 546 Ridomil Gold 68% WP Mancozebe 640 g/kg + Fungicida III EC Syngenta, Agro Services 2014.11.30 Re-Registado 546 Ridomil Gold 68% WP Metalaxil 40 g/kg+ Fungicida III EC Syngenta, Agro Services 2014.12.31 Re-Registado 844 Ridomil Gold MZ 68 WG Mancozeb 640 g/kg+ Fungicida III WG Prime Moçambique, Lda 2015.11.30 Re-Registado 844 Ridomil Gold MZ 68 WG Metalaxyl-M 40 g/kg+ Fungicida III WG Prime Moçambique, Lda 2015.11.30 Re-Registado Ratex Pellts Ratil 80% AB T LISTA DOS PESTICIDAS REGISTADOS EM MOÇAMBIQUE -JUNHO DE 2012 463 Rikki 20% SL 1212 Ripen-IT 48% SL Metomil 200 g/l Ethephon 480 g/l Insecticida Regulador de crescimento I SL Sapec S.A. 2015.03.30 Re-Registado III SL Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2017.04.30 Registado Moz Vector Control 2015.11.30 Re-registado Moz Vector Control 2015.11.30 Re-registao 835 Rodex Bait Blocks Brodifacoum 0,05 g/kg Rodenticida III 836 Brodifacoum 0,05 g/kg Rodenticida I Brodifacoum 2,5 g/kg Rodenticida I CB Moz Vector Control 2015.11.30 Re-registado 834 Rodex Grain Bait Rodex Profissional Líquid Concentrate Rodex Rat & Mouse Pellets RB RB Brodifacoum 0,05 g/kg Rodenticida III RB Moz Vector Control 2016.03.02 Re-registado 98 Ronstar 25% EC Oxadiazão 250 g/l Herbicida III EC Agrolândia, Lda 2015.11.30 Re-Registado 891 Rubi 5% WP Alphacypermetrin 50 g/kg Insecticida III WP Agrifocus, Lda 2016.01.31 Re-Registado 1296 Samaritan 30% SC Sulcotrione 300 g/l Herbicida III SC Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2017.06.30 Registado 507 Sanial 6% EC Alfa-cipermetrina 60 g/l Insecticida III EC Sapec S.A. 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 542 Score 25% EC Difenoconazol 250 g/l+ Fungicida III EC Prime Moçambique, Lda 2015.11.30 Re-Registado 1106 Scutum 0,3% GR Fipronil 3 g/kg Insecticida III GR Agrifocus, Lda 2016.09.30 Registado 153 Selecron 50% EC Profenofos 500 g/l Insecticida II EC Syngenta, Agro Services 2014.12.31 Re-Registado 543 Servian 75% WG Halosulfurão 750 g/kg Herbicida III WG Syngenta, Agro Services 2014.12.31 Re-Registado 509 Seter 48% EC Alocloro 480 g/l Herbicida III EC Sapec S.A. 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 736 Shumba Super 1,13% DP Deltametrina 1,3 g/kg+ Insecticida III WP Savon Trading, Lda 2016.07.31 Re-registado 736 Shumba Super 1,13% DP Fenitrotião 10 g/kg+ Insecticida III WP Savon Trading, Lda 2016.07.31 Re-registado Insecticida I SL Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2016.11.30 Registado Fung./bact./Desinfetante III SL Soluções Rurais, lda 2017.02.29 Re-registado 837 1199 Sniper 58.5% SL 988 Sporekill 120 SL Metamidofos 585 g/l Didecildimetil Cloreto de Amónio 120 g/l 619 Sprint 900 EC Acetolachlor 900 g/l Insecticida II EC Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2017.02.29 Re-registado Herbicida III SC Agro Global, lda 2016.09.30 Registado Herbicida III WP Agrifocus, Lda 2016.03.31 Re-registado Herbicida III WP Agrifocus, Lda 2016.03.31 Re-registado 1128 Stam 35% SC 976 Starmax 72% WP 976 Starmax 72% WP Propanil 350 g7l Metsulfuron-Methyl 120 g/kg+ Tribenuron-Methyl 600 g/kg+ 796 Steward 30% WG Indoxacarb 300 g/kg Insecticida III WG Agrifocus, Lda 2016.08.30 Re-Registado 983 Stoprat 0,005% BB Brodifacoum 0,05 g/kg Rodenticida III BB Agrifocus, Lda 2015.08.30 Re-Registado U LISTA DOS PESTICIDAS REGISTADOS EM MOÇAMBIQUE -JUNHO DE 2012 585 Stroby 50% WG Kresoxim-Metilo 500 g/kg Fungicida III WG 2016.03.02 Re-registado WP Agrolândia, Lda Twiga Chemicals Indust.Moz. lda 1099 Sunstar 72% WP Supa - Kill Granular And 757 Mouse Bait Supa -Kill Rat And Mouse 758 Blocks Supa-Kill Líquid Rat and 793 Mouse Bait Metalaxyl 80 g/kg+ Fungicida III 2015.09.30 Re-registado Brodifacoum 0,05g/l Rodenticida I RB Agro Global, lda 2015.11.30 Re-registado Brodifacoum 0,05g/l Rodenticida I RB Agro Global, lda 2015.11.30 Re-Registado Brodifacoum 0,75 g/kl Rodenticida I RB Agro Global, lda 2015.11.30 Re-Registado 824 Super 10% EC Cipermetrina 100 g/l Fungicida II EC Export Marketing CO, Lda 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 634 Super Guard 505 EC Pirimifos metilo 400 g/l + Insecticida III EC Agrolândia, Lda 2016.03.02 Re-registado 629 Super Guard Dust 2% DP Permetrina 4 g/kg + Insecticida III DP Agrolândia, Lda 2016.03.02 Re-registado 629 Super Guard Dust 2% DP Pirimifos metilo 16 g/kg+ Insecticida III DP Agrolândia, Lda 2016.03.02 Re-registado 1210 Supergato 00,005% Bromadiolona 0,005% Rodenticida I Amazon Marketing, Lda 2017.06.30 Registado 811 Chlorfenvinphos 300 g/l Carracicida I EC 2015.11.30 Re-registado 1161 Sword 33% EC Pendimentalina 330 g/l Herbicida III EC Sogrep, Lda Curechem Moçambique, Lda 2017.02.29 Registado 800 Tabard Aerosol Diethyltoluamude 150 g/kg Repelente III AE Agrifocus, Lda 2016.08.30 Re-Registado 805 Tabard Citronella Candle Óleo de Citronela Repelente III FK Agrifocus, Lda 2016.08.30 Re-Registado 799 Tabard Loção Diethyltoluamude 195 g/kg Repelente III PC Agrifocus, Lda 2016.08.30 Re-Registado 798 Tabard Stick Diethyltoluamude 350 g/kg Repelente III XX Agrifocus, Lda 2016.08.30 Re-Registado 850 Tanga 5% WP Insecticida II WP Re-Registado Fungicida III WP 2016.07.31 Registado 1157 Tebuconazole 20% EC Tebuconazole 250 g7l Herbicida III EC Agrifocus, Lda Twiga Chemicals Indust.Moz. lda Curechem Moçambique, Lda 2015.04.30 1094 Tankopa 75% WP Deltamethrin 50 g/kg Oxicloreto de cobre 750 g/kg 2017.02.29 Registado 953 Tebucure 250 EW Tebuconazole 250 g/l Fungicida III EW Soluções Rurais, lda 2017.02.29 Re-registado 370 Tebusan 50% SC Supona 30% EC BB Tebutiurão 500 g/l Herbicida III SC Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2016.11.30 Re-registado 1037 Temephos 50% EC Temephos 500 g/l Insecticida III EC Fumilar, Lda 2016.11.30 Registado 946 Tempo Fumigador Cyfluthrin 1 g/kg+ Insecticida II AE Moz Vector Control 2015.11.30 Re-registado 946 Tempo Fumigador Transfluthrin 0,4 g/kg+ Insecticida II AE Moz Vector Control 2015.11.30 Re-registado V LISTA DOS PESTICIDAS REGISTADOS EM MOÇAMBIQUE -JUNHO DE 2012 946 Tempo Fumigador Triflumuron 2,5 g/kg+ Insecticida II AE Moz Vector Control 2015.11.30 Re-registado 584 Thiara 25 WG Thiamethoxan 250 g/kg Insecticida III WG Agrifocus, Lda 2015.10.30 Registado 852 Thunder 14,5% O-TEQ Beta-Ciflutrina 45 g/l+ Insecticida II OD Agrolândia, Lda 2015.11.30 Re-Registado 852 Thunder 14,5% O-TEQ Imidaclopride 100 g/l+ Insecticida II OD Agrolândia, Lda 2015.11.30 Re-Registado 756 Tick Grease 0,025 % GS Cypermethrin 0,25 g/kg Insecticida III GS Sogrep, Lda 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 847 Tobralin 36% EC Butralin 360 g/l Herbicida III EC Agrifocus, Lda 2015.05.31 Re-registado 735 Tocaia 80% WP Bendiocarbe 800 g/kg Insecticida II WP Agrifocus, Lda 2015.09.30 Re-registado 1260 Tolla 96% EC Matolaclor 960 g/l Herbicida III EC Agrifocus, Lda 2017.06.30 Registado 1290 Topper 12,5% EC Flumeralin 125 g/l Herbicida III EC Agrifocus, Lda 2017.06.30 Registado 1231 Tornado 400 SL MCPA 400 g/l Herbicida III SL Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2017.02.29 Registado 790 Spinosad 480 g/l Insecticida III SC Agrifocus, Lda 2016.08.30 Re-registado 1026 Tricel 48% EC Chlorpirifos 480 g/l Insecticida II EC 2016.09.30 Re-Registado 1252 Trichlor-Cure 48% EC Herbicida III EC TECAP, LDA Curechem Moçambique, Lda 2017.03.30 Registado Fungicida III Agrifocus, Lda 2016.04.30 Re-registado Tracer 48% SC 744 Tricho Plus Trichlopyr 480 g/l Esporos de trichodema harzianum, 2x10 esporos/litro 873 Tricky 30% SC Sulcotrione 300 g/l Herbicida III SC Agrifocus, Lda 2015.11.30 Re-registado 640 Triclon 48% EC Triclopyr 480 g/l Herbicida II EC Agrifocus, Lda 2016.08.30 Re-Registado 1192 Triger 5% EC Lambda-Cyhalothrin 50 g/l Insecticida II EC 2017.02.29 Registado 1100 Twiga Amine 72% EC 2,4 amine 720 g/l Herbicida III EC 2015.09.30 Registado 1096 Twiga Primetyl 50% EC Pirimifos metyl 500 g/l Insecticida III EC 2015,10,30 Registado 1097 Twigaphos 48% EC Chlorpyriphos 480 g/l Insecticida II EC 2015.08.30 Registado 1103 Twigasate 48% SL Glifosate 480 g/l Herbicida III SL 2015.09.30 Registado 1095 Twigathoate 40% EC Dimethoate 400 g/l II EC 2015.11.30 Registado 1232 Uniconazole 5% SC Uniconazole 50 g/l Insecticida Regulador de cerscimento Agro Global, lda Twiga Chemicals Indust.Moz. lda Twiga Chemicals Indust.Moz. lda Twiga Chemicals Indust.Moz. lda Twiga Chemicals Indust.Moz. lda Twiga Chemicals Indust.Moz. lda III SC Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda 2017.06.30 Registado 883 Etofenpron 200 g/kg Insecticida III WP Proserv, Lda 2016.04.30 Re-registado Vectron 20% WP W LISTA DOS PESTICIDAS REGISTADOS EM MOÇAMBIQUE -JUNHO DE 2012 1122 Vega 25% WG Thiamethoxam 250 g/kg Insecticida III WG Agrifocus, Lda 2016.04.30 Registado 1108 Vega 35% FS Thiamethoxam 350 g/kg Insecticida III FS Agrifocus, Lda 2016.03.02 Registado 1092 Vega Top 42% WS Difenoconazole 20 g/kg+ Insect./Fungicida III WS Agrifocus, Lda 2015.04.30 Registado 1092 Vega Top 42% WS Metalaxyl 200 g/kg+ Insect./Fungicida III WS Agrifocus, Lda 2015.04.30 Registado 1092 Vega Top 42% WS Thiamethoxan 200 g/kg+ Insect./Fungicida III WS Agrifocus, Lda 2015.04.30 Registado 1221 Ventum 80% WP Mancozeb 800 g/kg Fungicida III WP 2017.02.29 Registado 1115 Vet Fume B Formaldehyde 370 g/l Desifectante/ Insect. I 2015.12.31 Registado 1169 Viper 10% EC Cipermetrina 100 g7l Insecticida II EC 2017.02.29 Registado 1170 Viper 20% EC Cipermetrina 200 g7l Insecticida II EC Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda Immuno-Vet Services Moçambique, Lda Curechem Moçambique, Lda Curechem Moçambique, Lda 2017.02.29 Registado 715 Volamiphos 40% EC Fenamifos 400 g/l Insecticida I EC Agrifocus, Lda 2016.11.30 Re-Registado 705 Volamitraz 12,5% EC Acar./Carr. II EC Agrifocus, Lda 2016,11,30 Re-Registado 570 Volcano 2,4 D 72% SL Amitraz 125 g/l 2,4-D dimethylamine 720 g/l Herbicida II SL Agrifocus, Lda 2016.08.30 Re-registado 607 Nonyphenol 900 g/l Molhante III SL Agrifocus, Lda 2016.08.30 Re-Registado Acephate 750 g/kg Insecticida III SP Agrifocus, Lda 2016.08.30 Re-registado 606 Volcano 90 SL Volcano Acepphate 75% SP Volcano Acetochlor 90% EC Acetochloro 900 g/l Herbicida III EC Agrifocus, Lda 2016.08.30 Re-registado 666 Volcano alachlor 48% EC Alacloro 480 g/l Herbicida III EC Agrifocus, Lda 2016.08.30 Re-registado 644 Aldicarb 150 g/kg Fosforeto de Aluminio 570 g7kg Insecticida I GR Agrifocus, Lda 2016.10.30 Re.registado 664 Volcano Aldicarb 15% GR Volcano Aluminium Phosphide 57% FT Insecticida I FT Agrifocus, Lda 2016.08.30 Re-registado 528 Volcano Ametryn 500 SC Ametrina 500 g/l Herbicida III SC Agrifocus, Lda 2016.07.31 Re-Registado 864 Volcano Ametryn 75% WG Ametryn 750 g/kg Herbicida III WG Agrifocus, Lda 2015.09.30 Re-Registado 531 Volcano Atrazina 500 SC Atrazina 500 g/l Herbicida III SC Agrifocus, Lda 2016.07.31 Re-Registado 687 Volcano Bromacil 50% SC Bromacil 500 g/l Herbicida II SC Agrifocus, Lda 2016.07.31 Re-registado 788 Volcano Bundu 50% SC Bromacil 250g/l+ Herbicida II SC Agrifocus, Lda 2016.07.31 Re-Registado 788 Volcano Bundu 50% SC Tebuthiuron 250 g/l+ Herbicida II SC Agrifocus, Lda 2016.07.30 Re-Registado 677 X LISTA DOS PESTICIDAS REGISTADOS EM MOÇAMBIQUE -JUNHO DE 2012 678 Volcano Caldera 75% WP Chlorimuron 107g/kg + Herbicida III WP Agrifocus, Lda 2016.08.30 Re-registado 678 Metribuzin 643g/g+ Herbicida III WP Agrifocus, Lda 2016.08.30 Re-registado Chlorothanil 500 g/l Fungicida III SL Agrifocus, Lda 2016.07.31 Re-Registado Clorpirifos 480 g/l Oxicloreto de cobre 850 g/kg Insecticida II EC Agrifocus, Lda 2016.07.31 Re-registado Fungicida III WP Agrifocus, Lda 2016.08.30 Re-Registado Mancozeb 100 g/kg+ Fungicida III WP Agrifocus, Lda 2016.08.30 Re-Registado Metalaxyl 600 g/kg+ Fungicida III WP Agrifocus, Lda 2016.08.30 Re-Registado Mancozeb 640 g/kg + Fungicida III WP Agrifocus, Lda 2016.08.30 Registado 875 Volcano Caldera 75% WP Volcano Chlorothalonil 50% SL Volcano Chlorpyrifos 480 EC Volcano Copper Oxychloride Volcano Crater MX 70% WP Volcano Crater MX 70% WP Volcano Crater MX 72% WP Volcano Crater MX 72% WP Metalaxyl 720 g/kg+ Fungicida III WP Agrifocus, Lda 2016.08.30 Registado 763 Volcano Crusader 50% EC Chlorpyrifos 480 g/l + Insecticida II EC Agrifocus, Lda 2015.11.22 Re-registado 763 Volcano Crusader 50% EC Chlorpyrifos-Methyl 20 g/l+ Volcano Cypermethrin 20% EC Cipermetrina 200 g/l Volcano Cyromazine 75% WP Cyromazine 750 g/kg Insecticida II EC Agrifocus, Lda 2015.11.22 Re-registado Insecticida II EC Agrifocus, Lda 2016.08.30 Re-registado Insecticida II WP Agrifocus, Lda 2016.08.30 Re-Registado Benomyl 500 g/kg Fungicida III WP Agrifocus, Lda 2016.07.31 Re.registado 617 Volcano Demeter 50% WP Volcano Dimetoato 40% EC Dimetoato 400 g/l Insecticida II EC Agrifocus, Lda 2016.08.30 Re-Registado 532 Volcano Diurão 800 SC Diurão 800 g/l Herbicida III SC Agrifocus, Lda 2016.07.31 Re-Registado 849 Volcano Diuron 80% WG Volcano Endosulfão 35% EC Diuron 800 g/kg Herbicida III WG Agrifocus, Lda 2015.04.30 Re-Registado Endosulfão 350 g/l Insecticida I EC Agrifocus, Lda 2015.07.30 Re-registado Volcano Ethephon 48% SL Ethephon 480 g/l Volcano Glyphosate 360 SC glifosato 360 g/l Volcano Glyphosate 50% WG Glyphosate 500 g/kg Re.de Cres. III SL Agrifocus, Lda 2016.07.31 Re-Registado Herbicida III SC Agrifocus, Lda 2016.08.30 Re-registado Herbicida II WG Agrifocus, Lda 2016.11.30 Re-Registado Volcano Hexazinão 240 SL Hexazinão 240 g/l Volcano Hexazinone 75% WG Hexazinone 750 g/kg Herbicida III SL Agrifocus, Lda 2015.05.31 Re-Registado Herbicida III WG Agrifocus, Lda 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 684 533 636 663 663 875 598 694 772 605 680 604 698 529 856 Y LISTA DOS PESTICIDAS REGISTADOS EM MOÇAMBIQUE -JUNHO DE 2012 925 Tebuthiuron 200 g/kg Herbicida III GG Agrifocus, Lda 2016.11.30 Re-registado 534 Volcano Limpopo 20% GG Volcano mancozeb 800 WP Mancozeb 800 g/kg Fungicida III WP Agrifocus, Lda 2016.08.30 Re-registado 597 Volcano MCPA 40% SL MCPA 400 g/l Herbicida III SL Agrifocus, Lda 2016.08.30 Re-registado 848 Volcano MCPA 70% WG Volcano Metolachloro 960 EC Volcano Metribuzin 70% WG Volcano Metribuzina 48% SC MCPA 700 g/kg Herbicida III WG Agrifocus, Lda 2015.04.30 Re-Registado Metolachloro 960 g/l Herbicida III EC Agrifocus, Lda 2016.08.30 Re-Registado Metribuzin 700 g/kg Herbicida III WG Agrifocus, Lda 2015.03.30 Re-Registado Metribuzina 480 g/l Herbicida III SC Agrifocus, Lda 2016.08.30 Re-registado MSMA 720 g/l Herbicida II SL Agrifocus, Lda 2016.08.30 Re-registado Pendimentalina 500 g/l Herbicida III EC Agrifocus, Lda 2016.11.30 Re-Registado 927 Volcano MSMA 72% SL Volcano Pendimentalina 50% EC Volcano Profenofos 50% EC Profenofos 500 g/l Insecticida II EC Agrifocus, Lda 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 651 Volcano Propanil 36% EC Propanil 360 g/l Herbicida III EC Agrifocus, Lda 2016.08.30 Re-Registado 608 Fungicida III SC Agrifocus, Lda 2016.08.30 Re-registado 530 Volcano Richter 5% SC Hexaconazol 50 g/l Volcano Thebuthiuron 50% SC Thebuthiuron 500 g/L Herbicida II SC Agrifocus, Lda 2016.08.30 Re-registado 678 Volcsno caldera 755 WP Metribuzin 643 g/kg+ Herbicida III WP Agrifocus, Lda 2016.08.30 Re-registado 705 Volimitraz 12.5% EC Amitraz 125 g/l Insect./Acaricida II EC Agrifocus, Lda 2016.11.30 Re-registado 995 Volley 15% EC Fluazifop-butyl 150 g/l Herbicida III EC Agrifocus, Lda 2016.03.31 Re-Registado 639 Volmet 58,5% SL Metamidofos 585 g/l Insecticida I SL Agrifocus, Lda 2016.08.30 Re-registado 801 Volmetra 50% SC Ametrina 250 g/l+ Herbicida III SC Agrifocus, Lda 2016.08.30 Re-registado 801 Volmetra 50% SC Atrazina 259 g7l Herbicida III SC Agrifocus, Lda 2016.08.30 Re-registado 887 Volomyl 20% SL Insecticida I SL Agrifocus, lda 2016.03.31 Re-registado 977 Voloxynil 22,5% EC Methomyl 200 g/l Bromoxynil Actonoate 225 g/l Herbicida II EC Agrifocus, Lda 2015.11.30 Re-Registado 1182 Voloxypyr 20% EC Fluroxypyr 200 g/l Herbicida III EC Agrifocus, Lda 2016.11.30 Registado 764 Volquato 20% SL Paraquato 200 g/l Herbicida II SL Agrifocus, Lda 2016.10.30 Re-Registado 717 Volteb 25% EW Tebuconazole 250 g/kg Fungicida III EW Agrifocus, Lda 2016.11.30 Re-registado 652 853 527 526 600 Z LISTA DOS PESTICIDAS REGISTADOS EM MOÇAMBIQUE -JUNHO DE 2012 704 Voltraid 25% EC Triadimenol 250 g/l Fungicida III EC Agrifocus, Lda 2016.08.30 Re-registado 802 Voltrif 48% EC Triflumuron 480 g/l Herbicida III EC Agrifocus, Lda 2016.08.30 Re-registado 1105 Volxyl 24% EC Oxyfluorfen 240 g/l Herbicida III EC Agrifocus, Lda 2016.09.30 Registado 810 Oxamyl 310 g/l Insecticida/Nematicida I SL Agrifocus, Lda 2017.02.29 Registado 1234 Warrior 485 EC Clomazine 480 g/l Herbicida II EC 2017.02.29 Registado 1102 Xanthom 55 EC Hexaconazole 50 g/l Fungicida III EC Afrigrow Moçambique, Lda Twiga Chemicals Indust.Moz. Lda 2015.08.30 Registado 818 Zakanaka K 6% EC Lambda-Cyhalothrin 60 g/l Insecticida II EC Agrifocus, Lda 2016.11.30 Re-Registado 726 Zakanaka PRO 64,8% EC Lambda-Cialothrin 48 g/l + Insecticida II EC Agrifocus, Lda 2015.08.30 Re-Registado 726 Zakanaka PRO 64,8% EC Profenofos 600 g/l+ Insecticida II EC Agrifocus, Lda 2015.08.30 Re-registado 820 Zakanaka Top 10% EC Acetamiprid 40 g/l+ Insecticida II EC Agrifocus, Lda 2016.11.30 Re-Registado 820 Zakanaka Top 10% EC Lambda-Cyhalothrin 60 g/l+ Insecticida II EC Agrifocus, Lda 2016.11.30 Re-Registado 819 Zakanaka Topro 68.8% EC Acetamiprid 600 g/l+ Insecticida II EC Agrifocus, Lda 2014.12.31 Re-Registado 819 Zakanaka Topro 68.8% EC Lambda cyhalothrin 48 g/l+ Insecticida II EC Agrifocus, Lda 2014.12.31 Re-Registado 819 Zakanaka Topro 68.8% EC Profenofos 40 g/l+ Insecticida II EC Agrifocus, Lda 2014.12.31 Re-Registado 452 Zipper 20% EC Cipermetrina 200 g/l Insecticida II EC Sapec S.A. 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 478 Zipper Super 28% EC Cipermetrina 30 g/l + Insecticida I EC Sapec S.A. 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 478 Zipper Super 28% EC Monocrotofos 250 g/l+ Insecticida I EC Sapec S.A. 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 479 Zipper Top 43% EC Cipermetrina 30 g/l + Insecticida II EC Sapec S.A. 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 479 Zipper Top 43% EC Dimetoato 400 g/l+ Insecticida II EC Sapec S.A. 2015.03.30 Re-Registado 449 Zipper-Dip 15% EC Cipermetrina 150 g/l Carr./Mosq. II EC Sapec S.A. 2015.03.30 Re-Registado Vydate 31% SL AA Annex 2: WHO Pesticide Classification List Table 1. Extremely hazardous (Class l a): Active Ingredients of Pesticides (Common name): Aldicarb Difethialone Parathion-methyl Brodifacoum Diphacinone Phenylmercury acetate Bromadiolone Disulfoton Phorate Bromethalin Ethoprophos Phosphamidon Calcium cyanide Flocoumafen Sodium fluoroacetate Captafol Fonofos Sulfotep Chlorethoxyfos Hexachlorobenzene Tebupirimfos Chlormephos Mercuric chloride Terbufos Chlorophacinone Mevinphos Difenacoum Parathion Highly hazardous (Class l b) technical grade active ingredients of pesticides (common name) Acrolein Ethiofencarb Omethoate Allyl alcohol Famphur Oxamyl Azinphos-ethyl Fenamiphos Oxydemeton-methyl Azinphos-methyl Flucythrinate Paris green {C} Blasticidin-S Fluoroacetamide Pentachlorophenol Butocarboxim Formetanate Pindone Butoxycarboxim Furathiocarb Pirimiphos-ethyl Cadusafos Heptenophos Propaphos Calcium arsenate Isazofos Propetamphos Carbofuran Isofenphos Sodium arsenite Chlorfenvinphos Isoxathion Sodium cyanide BB 3-Chloro-1,2-propanediol Lead arsenate Strychnine Coumaphos Mecarbam Tefluthrin Coumatetralyl Mercuric oxide Thallium sulfate Zeta-cypermethrin Methamidophos Thiofanox Demeton-S-methyl Methidathion Thiometon Dichlorvos Methiocarb Triazophos Dicrotophos Methomyl Vamidothion Dinoterb Monocrotophos Warfarin Edinofenphos Nicotine Zinc phosphide Table 3. Moderately hazardous (Class II) Technical Grade Active Ingredients of Pesticides (Common name) Alanycarb Endosulfan Paraquat Anilofos Endothal-sodium Pebulate Azaconazole Esfenvalerate Permethrin Azocyclotin Ethion Phenthoate Bendiocarb Etrimfos Phosalone Bensulide Fenitrothion Phoxim Bifenthrin Fenobucarb Piperophos Bilanafos Fenpropidin Pirimicarb Bioallethrin Fenpropathrin Prallethrin Bromoxynil Fenthion Profenofos Brobuconazole Fentin acetate Propiconazole Bronopol Ferntin hydroxide Propoxur Butamifos Fenvalerate Prosulfocarb Butylamine Fipronil Prothiofos Carbaryl Fluxofenim Pyraclofos Carbosulfan Formothion Pyrazophos CC Cartap Fuberidazole Pyrethrins Chloralose Gamma-HCH Pyroquilon Chlordane Guazatine Quinalphos Chlorfenapyr Haloxyfop Quizalofop-p-tefuryl Chlorphonium chloride Heptachlor Rotenone Chlorpyrifos Imazalil Sodium fluoride Clomazone Imidacloprid Sodium Hexafluorosilicate Copper sulfate Iminoctadine Spiroxamine Cuprous oxide loxynil Suiprofos Cyanazine loxynil octanoate Terbumeton Cyanophos Isoprocarb Tetraconazole Cyfluthrin Lambda-cynalothrin Thiacloprid Beta-cyfluthrin Mercurous chloride Thiobencarb Cynalothrin Metaldehyde Thiocyclam Cypermethrin Metam-sodium Thiodicarb Alpha-cypermethrin Methacrifos Triazamate Cyphenothrin Methasulfocarb Trichlorfon Deltamethrin Methyl isothiocyanate Tricyclazole Diazinon Metolcarb Tridemorph Difenzoquat Metribuzin Vernolate Dimethoate Molinate Xylylcarb Acephate Chlormequat (chloride) Dichlorbenzene Acetochlor Chloracetic acid Dichlorophen Acifluorfen Chlorthiamid Dichlorprop Dinobuton Nabam Diquat Naled DD Alachlor Copper hydrixide Diclofop Allethrin Copper oxychloride Dienochlor Ametryn Cucloate Diethyltoluamide Amitraz Cyhexatin Difenoconazole Azamethiphos Cymoxanil Dimepiperate Bensultap Cyproconazole Dimethachlor Bentazone Dazomet Dimethamethryn Bromofenoxim Desmethryn Dimethipin Butroxydim Dicamba Dimethylarsinic acid Chinomethionat Dichlormid Diniconazole Table 4: Technical Grade Active Ingredients of Pesticides Unlikely to Present Acute Hazard in Normal Use (Common name): Acephate Mecoprop Bentazone Acetochlor Mecoprop-P Bromofenoxim Acifluorfen Mefluidide Butroxydim Alachlor Mepiquat Chinomethionat Allethrin Metalaxyl Chlormequat (chloride) Dinocap Metamitron Chloracetic acid Diphenamid Metconazole Chlorthiamid Dithianon Methylarsonic acid Copper hydrixide Dodine Metolachlor Copper oxychloride Empenthrin Myclobutanil Nuarimole Esrocarb 2-Napthyloxyacetic acid Octhilinone Etridiazole Nitrapyrin N-octylbicycloheptene Fenothiocarb Ametryn Dicarboximide Ferimzone Amitraz Oxadixyl EE Fluazifop-p-butyl Azamethiphos Paclobutrazol Fluchloralin Bensultap Pendimethalin Flufenacet Mecoprop Pimaricin Fluoroglycofen Mecoprop-P Pirimiphos-methyl Flurprimidol Mefluidide Prochloraz Flusilazole Mepiquat Propachlor Flutriafol Metalaxyl Propanil Fomesafen Metamitron Propargite Furalaxyl Metconazole Pyrazoxyfen Glufosinate Methylarsonic acid Pyridaben Hexazinone Metolachlor Pyridaphenthion Hydramethylnon Myclobutanil Pyridate Iprobenfos 2-Napthyloxyacetic acid Pyrifenox Isoprothiolane Nitrapyrin Quinoclamine Isoproturon Ametryn Quizalofop Isouron Amitraz Resmethrin Malathion Azamethiphos Sethoxydim MCPA-thioethyl Bensultap Simetryn FF Annex 3: List of People Consulted (Detailed consultation is included in the ESMF) Nr Name Institution 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Juma Taratibo Armindo Gove Hilario Anapakala Constantino antonio Fernando Manuel Rogerio Ajulai Elizabeth Lundo Felicidade Muiocha District Administration/Ribaue District Administration/Rapale District Administration/Mecuburi Ribaue Municipality SDAE Mutarara SDPI Mutarara District Administration/Morrumbala Provincial Government/Nampula 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Roberto Mito Albino Odete Simeão Paulo Covele Moniz Candido Isabel Senda Nico Branquinho Guerra Tome Manuel Branquinho Ferro Nhombe Fidelis Ussene Agencia do Zambeze CFM CFM SDPI Morrumbala MICOA/DNAPOT SDEJT/Morrumbala SDMAS/Morrumbala GAZEDA FIPAG Nacala Porto 18 19 Adriando bata Florêncio Alves 20 Leonardo Protássio 21 Gerson Pedro Daúde 22 Antonio Dique 23 Jernonimo C. Alane 24 Hermenegildo Pacale FIPAG Nacala Porto Provincial Directorate of Agriculture in Tete Provincial Directorate of Agriculture in Tete District Services of Economic Activities Angonia District Services of Economic Activities Macanga District Services of Economic Activities Tsangano Provincial Directorate for the Coordinationn of Environmental Affairs Position Administrator Administrator Administrator Mayor Director Director Secretary Permanent Governor's Office Nampula/ UCODIN Director Project Manager GIS Technician Administrator Director Planning Technician Director Delegate in Nacala Financial Manager/Acting Delegate in Nacala Water Supply Technical Officer Agricultural Hydraulics Officer Agrarian Technician/Agricultural Services Department in Tete Agronomist Director of SDAE Agronomist Director of SDAE Agronomist Director of SDAE Head of Environmental Management Department/Acting DPCA Director GG Final-CS Annex 4: Terms of Reference for the Formulation of the ESMF, PMP and RPF MINISTÉRIO DA PLANIFICACAO E DA DISENVOLVIMENTO DIRECÇÃO NACIONAL DE SERVIÇOS DE PLANEAMENTO Mozambique Integrated Growth Poles Project (PROJECT -- P127303) Terms of Reference for Consulting Services Assignment title Preparation of Safeguards instruments for PROJECT: Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF including PMP) and Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) Contract duration 50 days for ESMF & PMP and overall lead (90 days) Primary assignment location 40 days for RPF Provinces of Tete and Nampula, and along the Growth Corridor (Tete to Nampula/Nacala ) Maputo, October, 2012 HH A. Context and Objectives of the Assignment 1. The proposed Integrated Growth Poles Project (PROJECT) is a US$100 million investment lending operation financed by the World Bank under the World Bank Country Partnership Strategy (CPS, 2012-2015). It will support the government’s strategy for inclusive and broad-based growth. The Project is expected to contribute towards supporting two of the three main pillars of the Governments Plano de Acção de Redução da Pobreza (PARP, 2011-14) (i) increasing agricultural production/productivity; (ii) employment through targeted interventions to strengthen the dynamism of the private sector to drive economic growth and accelerate job creation. The proposed project components with preliminary allocation estimates are: (1) Strengthening the Enabling Environment (US$10 m), (2) Priority Infrastructure Program (US$50 m), (3) Innovation and Demonstration Catalytic Grant Facility (US$35m); and (4) Project Implementation and Impact Evaluation (US $5 m). The development objective of PROJECT is to improve the performance of enterprises and smallholder farms in the provinces of Tete and Nampula. The project preparation is under the overall responsibility of MPD. 2. World Bank safeguard policies guidelines require that MPD effectively assesses and mitigates the potential environmental and social impacts of the proposed project activities. At concept note stage, it was agreed that PROJECT’s environment and social category/rating would be A, later confirmed by MICOA. Furthermore, the project has triggered the following six (06) safeguards policies, namely OP/BP4.01 (Environmental Assessment), OP4.09 (Pest Management), OP/BP4.12 (Involuntary Resettlement), OP/BP4.04 (Natural Habitats), OP/BP 4.11 (Physical Cultural Resources) and OP/BP 7.50 (Projects in International Waterways). As a result of the above, MPD is required to prepare two major standalone safeguards instruments: an Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) including a Pest Management Plan (PMP) and a Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) in addition to a Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment (SESA) and a Comprehensive Social Impacts Assessment (CSIA). 3. The World Bank will support the Government of Mozambique in the preparation of the two major safeguard instruments. The primary objective of this assignment is to prepare, under two separate documents, an Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) that includes a Pest Management Plan (PMP) and a Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF). The ESMF-PMP will be prepared with the aim to effectively assess and mitigate the potential environmental and social impacts of future sub-project activities under PROJECT, including issues related to natural habitats (OP/BP 4.04) and physical cultural resources (OP/BP 4.11). The RPF will be prepared with the aim to present the basic principles and procedures to be followed when a sub-project activity is identified as having potential impacts on land rights, assets or access to assets and which will entail ceding of land and/or potential assets by affected persons or entities in return for replacements and/or other forms of restoration. 4. Preparing these two required standalone safeguard instruments allows both the Government and the World Bank to agree on principles and processes, so that these need not be discussed for every sub-project. It also allows project stakeholders and beneficiaries to undertake specific sub-projects without having to re-negotiate fundamental agreements on a case-by-case basis. II B. Scope of the Assignment Based on the objective of the assignment described above, the Consultants will be required to work in Maputo as well as to travel extensively to the project implementation area, namely Tete and Nampula. The Consultants will liaise with the overall PROJECT preparation team (Maputo, Tete and Nampula), technical staff from MPD, MICOA, MINAGRI/DNSA, MMAS, MIREM and other relevant strategic stakeholders at both the central and provincial levels. The Consultants will also liaise with the relevant World Bank staff and staff from other donors engaged in environment and social activities in the PROJECT area known as the Tete-Nacala Growth Corridor via Ilha de Mozambique. In fact, new interventions to be developed under the Growth Poles Project include assessment of potential tourism activities are currently being conducted in Ilha de Mocambique in Nampula. Hence, the proposed intervention for the Macuti side would promote the establishment of socially responsible and environmentally sound community based tourism activities for sustainable economic development of marginalized communities in Ilha de Mozambique. Moreover, the project will further be looking at the possibility of supporting the sustainable development of Tourism sector in the mainland of Ilha de Mozambique through financing access roads to Lumbo and Sancul (as foreseen on the Master Plan prepared under the Arco Norte project). 5. With a special emphasis on field work, the Consultants will interact with local actors such as NGO, SDAE extension workers and technical staff, potential beneficiary groups, and others. The desk review will include among other: environmental and social policies, strategies and approaches prevailing in the country; environmental and social analyses recently carried out under other relevant projects co-financed or not by the World Bank; PROJECT sub-project screening, approval, implementation and monitoring process (if available); review of on-going Sustainable Development (SDN) projects co-financed by the World Bank; provisions in the national laws for public consultations and participation requirements on social and environmental aspects and potential risks. 6. The ESMF (including a PMP) and RPF reports are each expected to include information on the following: Executive Summary: A non-technical executive summary in both Portuguese and English Project Description: Provide a brief description of the project, with emphasis on components with activities which will trigger environmental and social impacts Impacts: Identify, assess and – to the extent possible – quantify the potential environmental and social impacts and risks in the intervention zone of PROJECT subprojects Public/Stakeholders Consultation and Participation: Bearing in mind that this is a social and environmental category A project, propose steps and timeline to ensure that World Bank requirements on public consultation and participation are being met in full. Present the outcomes of a participatory and inclusive public consultation conducted by the Consultants with various categories of beneficiary stakeholders in the selected provinces. Outline the community’s perception of/and reaction to the project and suggest ways of retrofitting their main views and concerns in the project design, implementation and monitoring and evaluation. Include minutes of all consultation meetings for each report, highlighting i.e. gender and vulnerable groups distribution), and describing how communities have been identified. Public Consultation and Participation Plan (PCPP): Develop a participatory and inclusive public consultation plan that could be easily followed up at the local level for the environmental and social screening process for IGP subprojects, as well as JJ during the planning stages of IGP sub-project activities. As a category A project, at least two participatory public consultations with various stakeholders that include women, youth and most vulnerable groups of the project targeted communities in each province would have to be undertaken during the preparation of these safeguards instruments; one during the first phase of the preparation (between week 2 and 5) and the second one prior to the approval and public disclosure of the final reports. 7. Legal Framework: Review of the national laws (incl. traditional and customary practices) governing the environment and natural resources (for ESMF) and governing the appropriation of land (or other assets) (for RPF). Identify potential discrepancies between national laws (such as the Decree No. 45/2004 of September 29, 2004, and Decree No. 31/2012 of August 8, 2012) and World Bank policies (mainly OP/BP4.01, OP 4.09, OP/BP 4.04, OP/BP 4.11 and OP/BP4.12) and establish mechanisms for a converging implementation. Implementing Agency: Identify/propose individuals/organization/agency responsible for jointly implementing the ESMF and the RPF. Assess the government’s and implementing agency’s technical and administrative capacities to manage the project’s potential environmental and social issues, and propose – as appropriate – viable mitigation measures to reinforce their technical and practical capacities in this regard, taking into consideration the relevant environmental and social policies, legal, regulatory and administrative frameworks in place. Safeguards Policies: Review the World Bank environment and social safeguards policies including those not yet triggered by the project and make recommendations regarding their applicability to PROJECT. Recommendations pertaining to the treatment of applicable safeguards policies in the context of IGP sub-projects should also be formulated. Public Disclosures: Bearing in mind that this is a social and environmental category A project, propose steps and timeline to ensure that public disclosures of key findings are adequately implemented, and in synch with the overall project preparation calendar. In addition to the above, the ESMF-PMP should specifically cover the following: Develop an environmental and social screening form (ESSF) to assist in determining potential impacts of the sub-projects proposed for PROJECT funding. Establish a process for assigning environmental and social categories to PROJECT sub-projects. Develop an environmental and social checklist combined with relevant mitigation measures to be applied to the various PROJECT sub-projects that do not require a separate environmental and social impacts assessment (ESIA). Establish a process for environmental and social impacts analysis (ESIA) for PROJECT sub-projects requiring a separate ESIA (i.e. preparation of terms of reference, selection of consultants to carry out site specific ESIAs, public consultations and participation). Establish a Land use screening mechanism for site specific RAPs to determine whether or not a full/abbreviated Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) will need to be prepared based on guidance and standards set forth in the RPF. KK Propose institutional arrangements for the review and clearance of screening results and site specific ESIAs and/or RAPs reports, as well as for the implementation of mitigation measures, and the related participatory monitoring and evaluation. In the context of IGP subprojects, assess the potential environmental and social impacts of pesticides usages during the agriculture campaign, and – wherever appropriate- of solid wastes during small dams and canals construction or rehabilitation activities for irrigated agro-business operations; make appropriate, implementable and manageable recommendations on how to sustainably mitigate them in a participatory manner. Where appropriate, propose measures to deal with liquid (used oil and chemical pesticides) and solid waste during operation and/or maintenance of IGP subprojects activities, particularly with regard to agribusiness related irrigation water supply, rural sanitation and health care facilities (where adequate). General cumulative environmental and social issues, directly or indirectly related to other sectors (water and sanitation, energy, transport, etc.), are expected to be further dealt with in the proposed Strategic Environment and Social Assessment (SESA) as well as the Comprehensive Social Impacts Assessment (CSIA) studies to be launched around the same time as the ESMF and RPF. 8. The ESMF should, in addition to the PMP, also include a comprehensive Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) for PROJECT. This plan should include – as appropriate – institutional arrangements, time horizons and cost estimates for the implementation of mitigation measures and the monitoring of their implementation, ESIA training provisions, and participatory and inclusive public consultations. The ESMP-PMP as well as the RAP, SESA and CSIA will later be merged with the Project Operation’s Manual. 9. Building upon the ESMF, the RPF should specifically cover the following: Screening and Preparing the Resettlement Action Plans (RAPs): Describe the process for determining if a site specific RAP is needed as well as the process for preparing and approving the various site specific RAPs. Describe the process by which individual RAPs for the proposed IGP subprojects activities will be submitted to project authorities, reviewed, and approved. Describe how entitlements to compensation will be delivered. Clearly state who will be responsible for ensuring the resettlement process is carried out as required by World Bank policy guidelines; RAP Implementation: Describe implementation process and mechanisms Impact Magnitude: Estimate the magnitude of tangible impacts, population impacted, estimated period for temporary restriction to access to certain assets or income generating areas, estimated budget for replacing impacted assets, and potential challenges to project staff in implementing project activities Compensation Eligibility and Valuation: Establish eligibility criteria; describe Government’s methods of valuing impacted assets; explain the methods used for inventorying assets, assigning values for each type of asset, and process for finalizing agreements with project affected persons (PAP). Grievance Redress Mechanisms: Describe the mechanisms available to PAP for complaints about project impacts. Show accessibility of grievance redress mechanism (i.e. language, distance and cost) and what recourse/ appeal from local grievance may be available to PAP. Assess transparency and adequacy of grievance LL redress mechanism and ensure that “victims” have access to third-party appeals (freely) to ensure no conflict of interest with project activities. Funding: Describe viable arrangements for funding resettlement compensation and replacement of impacted assets. Include estimate of overall costs of resettlement including technical training and other accompanying social measures to ensure that PAPs are “better-off” afterwards. Participatory Monitoring & Evaluation: Provide an appropriate and transparent mechanism for effective participatory monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of resettlement operations. Describe how IGP subprojects implementation will be effectively monitored and evaluated, and at what frequency. Propose mechanisms ensuring that participatory M&E results are successfully fed back into project implementation. Template for a Resettlement Action Plan: Provide a generic description of the contents of individual RAPs for IGP subprojects activities. The template should include: nature of the subproject, magnitude of impacts, baseline census of people impacted including assets impacted, socio-economic information of impacted persons, entitlements of affected people, description of resettlement sites, programs for improving, or at least restoring, livelihoods and standards of living, subproject resettlement budget, grievance redress mechanisms and implementation schedule. As stated above, like the ESMF-PMP, the RAP template will also be incorporated into the Project Operations Manual. C. Expected Outputs & Deliverables 10. All outputs and reports are expected to be compiled in one final report for the ESMF (that includes a PMP) and one final report for the RPF. Both reports are required to be delivered by the Consultants to MPD in hard copy (3 sets of each report) as well as in electronic form on CD-ROM (3 discs, each including ESMF/PMP and RPF) no later than 90 (ninety) calendar days after the signing of the contract. 11. All intermediary outputs and final reports should be in English with an executive summary (including main conclusions and where applicable, recommendations) for each report in both English and Portuguese language. The table herebelow provides an overview of the expected outputs for each phase, the primary work location and estimated time required for their completion. 12. The Consultants are also expected to be invited by the IGP project team to present the main findings of the assignment. Hence, the Consultants will be required to produce a PowerPoint presentation in both Portuguese and English summarizing the main findings of the ESMF-PMP and the RPF. Phase Phase 1 : Review of the relevant documentation Phase 2 : Rapid field assessment, appraisal, first consultations with stakeholders (incl. affected Expected Outputs Listing of the documentation reviewed Potential lessons learned for next phases Issues notes and minutes of meetings with various stakeholders including consultations with at least 2-3 communities per province. See also various outputs of ESMF-PMP and RPF Primary work location Off-site, Maputo Indicative time for completion 3 days On-site, Tete and Nampula via Ilha de Mocambique MM communities)+ Field assessment & preparation of draft final reports under paragraph B Scope of the Assignment Phase 3 : Further field assessment and submission for review of draft final reports Draft Reports that among others: (i) include the outputs of Phase 1&2, (ii) provides a summary account and details of outcomes of the activities carried out under Phase 2, (iii) provides detailed description of the way forward to implement the next phases, (iv) proposes a chronogram for the remaining activities, (v) proposes an outline for the ESMF-PMP & RPF reports + Review of draft reports. Deliverable: Submission of draft final ESMFPMP and RPF reports, CDROMs, revised PowerPoint presentation + Approval and public disclosure Public Disclosure at Provincial and District levels + Further discussions with locals. Phase 4: Incorporate first feedback from MPD & WB, draft final report writing, Phase 5: Field assessment + Second phase of public consultation (2-3/Province) Phase 6: Evaluating the findings and completing the draft ESMF-PMP and RPF, presentation of final main results. Phase 7: Incorporating final feedback from MPD and WB & submission of Final Reports. Deliverable: PowerPoint presentation, Final ESMF-PMP and RPF based on the agreed draft and including all components of ESMFPMP and RPF under paragraph B Scope of the Assignment Public disclosure of all Safeguards instruments both in-country and at the InfoShop prior to appraisal. and Nacala 22 days On-site, Tete and Nampula (including Ilha de Mocambique and Nacala) 30 days Maputo 15 days Off-site, Tete, Nampula or Maputo 5 days Maputo 10 days Maputo 5 days GRAND TOTAL 90 Days PAYMENT SCHEDULE : Payments will be made as follows : 40% at the launch of the consultancy ; 30% upon delivery of the Draft Reports, and the remaining 30% upon delivery of the Final Reports. D. Consultant qualifications, expertise required and specific task 13. For this assignment, MPD is seeking to recruit one Individual Consultant with the profile here-below: Social/Environment/Natural Resources/Agriculture or Rural Water Engineering Specialist (Task Team Leader): with at least 8 years of relevant experience in sub-Saharan Africa, with an emphasis on environmental and social impacts assessments in agribusiness/ private sector development and/or rural water management, and preferably experienced with similar assignments. A good knowledge of the Mozambican agriculture sector, rural development and/or environmental issues and policies prevailing in Mozambique is highly desirable. A University degree (preferably PhD) in one of the relevant disciplines is required. Ability to communicate and write in English or Portuguese, with a basic understanding of the other language is required. Understanding/speaking a local language would be a plus.The consultant is responsible for the coordination and NN delivery of both the RPF and the ESMF that includes a PMP, as well as preparation of PowerPoint presentation, and related activities. In that regards, s/he is responsible for not only ensuring that the RPF links back to the ESMF-PMP, so to avoid disconnect between the 2 documents, but for the quality review of the safeguards documents prior to its submission to MPD/MICOA and the World Bank. Overall, the consultant shall have at least 6 years of relevant experience in subSaharan Africa, including on community-driven or local development, with an emphasis on social impacts assessments in agriculture and/or rural water management, and preferably experienced with similar assignments. A good knowledge of the Mozambican rural sector and social development issues and policies prevailing in Mozambique is highly desirable. The total number of paid days for the Team Leader for this assignment is not expected to exceed ninety (90) days. E. Reporting and supervision arrangements 14. For all aspects of this assignment, the Consultants will be reporting to the IGP Project Coordinator at MPD I in Maputo. The Consultants are also expected to consult regularly with the two IGP Field Coordinators/provincial Unit Coordination, at the MPD Tete and Nampula. F. Responsibilities of the contracting party 15. The Project team at MPD will be responsible for the following: Compilation of all relevant literature and all relevant documentation from similar projects (including water resources management project with MOPH, and rural/local development projects with MPD) Identification of 2 social/environment Technicians, one from Tete MPD/DPCA, one from Nampula MPD/DPCA, to be the focal points at provincial level for social and environment aspects related to the Project and, if required, to accompany the Consultant team to facilitate the liaison with district level authorities and communities. OO