Work Order 13 Integrating Climate Change aspects in Dominica’s Land Use Policy and Physical Development Planning. Context and Justification The Government of Dominica, with technical and financial support from the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), plans to prepare a new National Land Use Policy (NLUP) as well as a National Physical Development Plan (NPDP). A two-phase approach will be adopted whereby the finalised NLUP will provide a basis for the subsequent development of the NPDP. Terms of Reference for the development of these policy papers have been drafted by the Physical Planning Division (Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources, Physical Planning and Fisheries) and submitted to the CDB in January 2012. Meanwhile the CDB has accepted the proposal and a team of consultants will start working early next year (2013). However, climate change aspects were not adequately integrated in the Terms of Reference. The Chief Physical Planner, having attended the regional GCCA workshop on CC mainstreaming in Jamaica (April 2012), fully realises the importance of integrating climate change aspects into these two new policy documents that will be developed and requests CSF technical support to carry out a preparatory vulnerability assessment, to elaborate a document with priority actions that should be undertaken to reduce the current vulnerability, and to highlight climate change aspects that are of relevance to the development of the two mentioned policy papers. Dominica is also in the process of formulating its strategic programme for climate resilience. The outputs of the CSF support mission can also be used in this process. Dominica is one of the Caribbean Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and as such considered as highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change. Approximately 70% of the country’s 70,000 inhabitants reside in the coastal areas. Many of these coastal settlements are extremely vulnerable to the disastrous impacts of climate change, due to the high risk of inundation by sea surge associated with a rising sea level. Some inland settlements are similarly vulnerable due to their location in river valleys or on steep slopes that are prone to landslides during heavy and prolonged rainfall. The CSF support mission will promote and allow effective CC mainstreaming, one of the GCCA priority areas. Complementary to the support that is described in the present Work Order (WO13), a CSF training workshop on Climate Change Mainstreaming will be organised. The beneficiaries of the workshop will be the senior officials of all sectors concerned by the NLUP and the NPDP. The workshop will enable the beneficiaries to mainstream Climate Change in their respective sector strategies and implementation programmes that will be elaborated on the basis of the new NLUP and NPDP. A separate Work Order for the training workshop will be developed. Support to the Global Climate Change Alliance (GCCA) under the 10th EDF Intra-ACP Financial Framework The present Work Order aims at responding to a request from the Chief Physical Planner of Dominica for support in the areas indicated. The direct involvement of the Chief Physical Planner, having access to information related to major interventions in the country, in the elaboration of WO13 guarantees that the proposed assignment is not a duplication of recent studies and investments. The Caribbean component of the Intra-ACP GCCA programme comprises an activity line on “Vulnerability and Risk Assessment”. Nevertheless, the implementation of these activities has not yet started and only 10 countries (out of 16) will be selected for the implementation of this specific activity line. In view of avoiding duplication and encouraging synergy, the project manager of the Caribbean component (+ Task manager at the EUD in charge) will be informed on the present CSF support mission and upon completion of the CSF mission, an exchange of experience, methodology and outputs will be organised. Description of the Assignment Objectives: General objective: To reduce the vulnerability of Dominica’s population to negative effects of Climate Change Specific objective: To ensure adequate integration of Climate Change aspects in Dominica’s land use policy and physical development planning. Specific tasks: 1. Consult existing literature related to Climate Change in Dominica (see non-exhaustive list attached) as well as the Terms of Reference for the preparation of the new Land Use Policy (NLUP) and Physical Development Plan (NPDP). 2. Conduct a vulnerability assessment, including the mapping of areas that are vulnerable to the effects of climate change, classifying the mapped areas in different categories of vulnerability and describing for each of these areas how the natural resources and the local population are affected (or likely to be affected) by climate change and what measures should be taken to mitigate the negative effects of climate change and thus to reduce vulnerability. 3. Conduct a 1/2-day workshop to (1) introduce the principles of and need for CC mainstreaming in policy documents; (2) explain the theoretical background of vulnerability assessment studies and the methodologies commonly used; and (3) present the findings of the vulnerability assessment carried out in Dominica and the proposed measures. 4. Develop an action plan and materials for wider dissemination of the findings of the vulnerability assessment study. The actual dissemination will be carried out by local staff. 5. Revise the final draft of the NLUP and the NPDP, including the M&E framework for the NLUP implementation to ensure that climate change aspects have been duly integrated. Outputs to be delivered: Training materials on principles of CC mainstreaming and CC vulnerability assessment for the workshop (powerpoint, handouts) Document describing the detailed methodology to be used for the vulnerability assessment Vulnerability assessment report Powerpoint on the findings of the vulnerability assessment study (for the workshop, activity 3) Dissemination action plan and dissemination materials (activity 4) Support to the Global Climate Change Alliance (GCCA) under the 10th EDF Intra-ACP Financial Framework Mission report Organisational and Methodological issues Place: Home-based and Dominica Duration & Indicative Planning: In view of a proper transfer of the findings of the vulnerability assessment, the mission needs to be planned in a way that the final days of the in-country phase coincide with the early days of the CDB mission. The starting date of the in-country phase therefore needs to be coordinated with Mrs Edwards. Activity 5 can be carried out only when the final draft of the NLUP/NPDP has been made available to the Planning Office in Dominica; the duration of the entire assignment will therefore depend on the date the CDB consultants team will complete their tasks. Home-based preparatory phase (6 working days for the senior and 5 working days for the junior consultant) During this phase the senior CSF consultant will peruse the relevant documents (activity 1), start preparing the theoretical part of the workshop to be conducted (activity 3) and develop in close coordination with Mrs Edwards, the Chief Physical Planner who will supervise the implementation of the present Work Order, a methodology for the vulnerability assessment. As early as possible in the process, Mrs Edwards will provide information on relevant stakeholders (key people that need to be consulted during the vulnerability assessment, vulnerable population groups, participants in the workshop, key people involved in the development of the NLUP and NPDP,...), relevant interventions currently under implementation in the country, and priority documents to be consulted. Based on the information provided and in further consultation with Mrs Edwards, the senior consultant will draft a programme for the in-country activities, including a detailed methodology for the vulnerability assessment. The in-country phase will start only after the proposed field programme has been approved by Mrs Edwards. Also initial arrangements for interviews, field visits and the organisation of the workshop will be made during the preparatory phase. The junior consultant will be particularly instrumental in this area. He/She will closely coordinate with the senior consultant and Mrs Edwards. In-country (Dominica) (15 working days for the senior consultant; 12 working days for the junior consultant) The in-country phase will start with a kick-off meeting organised by Mrs Edwards where the agreed field programme will be presented to the main stakeholders and where further logistical arrangements will be discussed. During the implementation of the agreed mission programme, the consultants will keep in touch with Mrs Edwards, regularly updating her on the progress. The junior consult will work under supervision and guidance of the senior consultant. By the end of the phase, the draft report of the vulnerability assessment study must be submitted for comments to Mrs Edwards and other stakeholders to be identified by the beneficiary. Report writing (home-based) and debriefing (Brussels): (7 working days) A final vulnerability assessment report will be produced, integrating the comments on the draft version received from the beneficiaries. As soon as available, Mrs Edwards will forward the final draft of the NLUP, NPDP, including the M&E framework for NLUP implementation to the consultant for revision to ensure that CC aspects are duly integrated. (activity 5) Support to the Global Climate Change Alliance (GCCA) under the 10th EDF Intra-ACP Financial Framework Subsequently, the consultant will prepare a more general mission report. The report will include at least the activities carried out, problems and issues experienced, conclusions, mission programme, minutes of meetings and workshops conducted, people consulted. The outputs mentioned above will be attached to the mission report as annexes. Debriefing will take place after submission of the mission report and in consultation with the ACP Secretariat. Only the CSF senior consultant will participate. If the consultant is not based in Brussels, debriefing will be done by telephone or skype. International travel: 2 working days for the senior consultant Inputs required 1. To be provided by the Climate Support Facility CSF Consultant 1 (Climate Change Expert – Key Expert 2): 30 working days; one return ticket to Dominica (Roseau); per diems (22 x Dominica) CSF consultant 2 (Non-key Junior Expert1): 17 working days; per diems (12 x Dominica) Profile of the Junior Expert: academic background in natural resources, climate change or land use planning; some previous experience with vulnerability assessment studies is an advantage; fluent in English (spoken and written). Budget of 450 EUR for the ½ workshop (activity 3) 2. To be provided by the Beneficiary: Transport for travelling outside Roseau; relevant background documents and information; list of relevant contacts and resource persons; organisation of the logistical arrangements for the kick-off meeting and for the 1/2-day workshop. 1 The Junior Expert will be a Dominican resident. The Chief Physical Planner who coordinates and supervises the mission implementation will propose a candidate. Support to the Global Climate Change Alliance (GCCA) under the 10th EDF Intra-ACP Financial Framework Document Collection for Dominica Sort by: # Year Title Author(s) Date Description 1 THE CARIBSAVE CLIMATE CHANGE RISK CARIBSAVE ATLAS (CCCRA): Climate Change Risk Partnership Profile for Dominica 2012 The CCCRA provides robust and meaningful new work in the key sectors and focal areas of: Community Livelihoods, Gender, Poverty and Development; Agriculture and Food security; Energy; Water Quality and Availability; Sea Level Rise and Storm Surge Imp... more 2 CARIBSAVE Climate Change Risk Profile for Dominica - Summary Document The CARIBSAVE Partnership 2012 The CCCRA provides robust and meaningful new work in the key sectors and focal areas of: Community Livelihoods, Gender, Poverty and Development; Agriculture and Food security; Energy; Water Quality and Availability; Sea Level Rise and Storm Su...more 3 SPACC Project Brochure CCCCC September A brochure on the Special Programme for 2011 Adaptation to Climate Change (SPACC) and the activities being executed under its objectives in the countries of St. Lucia, Dominica and St. Vincent and the Grenadines. The overall goal in this aspect o... more 4 Review of Current and Planned Adaptation Medeiros, Dean; Action: The Caribbean et. al. 2011 This document is one of 12 regional profiles completed as a contribution to the Review of Current and Planned Adaptation Action in Africa, Asia-Pacific and Latin America and the Caribbean. It presents a review of current and planned a... more 5 Morne Trois Pitons National Park World Marie-Jose Heritage Site - Improved Management Plan Edwards 2011 This report describes the management plan implemented in the oversight of the Morne Trois Piton national park in Dominica. It begins providing an overview of the park itself, including its ecological and topographic make-up. It proceeds to expand on ...more 6 Caribbean Implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action HFA Mid-term Review Dr. Barbara Carby 2011 The geogology, tectonic setting,location and topography of Caribbean countries expose them to a variety of harzads; poor land use and environmental practices often exacerbate the effect of these harzads. The region is at threat from tropical cyclone...more 7 Caribbean Information Platform on renewable Energy CIPORE Scientific Research Council (SRC) 2010 The Caribbean Information Platform on Renewable Energy (CIPORE) is an information and communication system for the exchange of Renewable Energy information from the region. Among other things, the Platform will provide information on projects and med... more 8 Coral Reef Monitoring for the Organization Creary, M. of Eastern Caribbean States and Tobago Year 2: Status of the Coral Reefs 2009 The objective of the Coral Reef Monitoring for the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) and Tobago project was to strengthen the coral reef monitoring network in the region and to conduct an assessment of the coral reefs in these participa...more 9 Developing Pilot Projects for Climate 2009 This report represents a compilation and Homer, Floyd Support to the Global Climate Change Alliance (GCCA) under the 10th EDF Intra-ACP Financial Framework Change Adaptation in Dominica: Report on the Technical Forum on Climate Change - Special Programme for Adaptation to Climate Change Project (SPACC) summary of the "Technical Forum on Climate Change" held in Dominica. The purpose of the forum was to bring together international and local experts, as well as local stakeholders to discuss and develo...more 10 The Caribbean and Climate Change: The Costs of Inaction Bueno, R., Herzfeld, C., Stanton, E., Ackerman, F. 2008 This report offers a preliminary examination of the potential costs to the island nations of the Caribbean if greenhouse gas emissions continue unchecked. It accomplishes this by presenting several country case studies and by extropolating the enviro...more 11 UNDP Climate Change Country Profile Dominica McSweeney, C., New, M., Lizcano, G. 2008 A profile of the nation of Grenada compiled for the UNDP. It includes an overview of the island's present climate and how it is anticipated to alter in the face of climate change. The article goes on to discuss Grenada's vulnerability to the El ... more 12 Coral Reef Monitoring for the Organization Creary, M. of Eastern Caribbean States and Tobago: Status of the Coral Reefs 2008 The data presented herein represents the first in the series of monitoring exercise forming the long term coral reef monitoring programme for the Organisation of Eastern States (OECS) and Tobago. The programme is designed to document change in the co... more 13 Climate Change Handbook for Caribbean Journalists 2005 The purpose of this handbook is to inform, educate, and warn Caribbean society via the media as to the inevitable danger posed by the extreme weather events being experienced, and the long-term impacts of climate change on the region's presen... more 14 MACC Tech Bits 2 2004 A monthly technical brief on the activities of the MACC project. The lead story for this issue is on a training workshop for meteorological technicians. 15 Guide to the Integration of Climate Change CARICOM. Adaptation into the Environmental Impact Adapting to Assessment (EIA) Process Climate Change in the Caribbean (ACCC) Project 2004 These guidelines have been developed to assist CARICOM and SPREP country leaders with the integration of climate change adaptation considerations into the environmental impact assessment (EIA) process, thereby ensuring the selection and imp... more 16 Assessment of the Economic Impact of Climate Change on CARICOM Countries Erik Haites, Margaree Consultants Inc. 2002 The small islands developing states of the Caribbean are highly susceptible to the impacts of climate change and as such are compelled to formulate comprehensive adaptation strategies. First however, they must assess their potential losses f... more 17 Assessment of the Economic Impact of Climate Change on CARICOM Countries Erik Haites 2002 The purpose of this report is to assess the potential economic impact of climate change on the CARICOM countries: Antigua & Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, St. Kitts, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, ... more 18 Commonwealth of Dominica, initial national communication under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change John, B.M. and Bellot, A 2001 This is the initial communication report of the national communication to be prepared by the government of Dominica for the UNFCCC. The text of the article includes a basic background of Dominica including data Mainstreaming Adaptation to Climate Change (MACC) Project Support to the Global Climate Change Alliance (GCCA) under the 10th EDF Intra-ACP Financial Framework on geography, climate, the econo...more 19 FINAL Snapshot CCCRA - Dominica The CARIBSAVE Partnership This report represents a compilation and summary of the "Technical Forum on Climate Change" held in Dominica. The purpose of the forum was to bring together international and local experts, as well as local stakeholders to discuss and develo...more Link : Support to the Global Climate Change Alliance (GCCA) under the 10th EDF Intra-ACP Financial Framework