MODULE HANDBOOK BIOTECHNOLOGY MASTER DEGREE Moduledesignation State Compulsory Module Foreign language (professional) Module level, if applicable State Compulsory Module Code, ifapplicable Iya(p)5202 Subtitle, if applicable - Courses, ifapplicable Course Foreign language for professional purposes 1 semester Semester(s) in which the module is taught Person responsible for the module Baimuratova I.O. Lecturer Baimuratova I.O. Language English Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET) State Lecture - Type of teaching, contact Hours Workload Credit points Lectures 3 credits/5 ECTS Credits 3 Practicum 15 hrs (1 hrs per week) /10-15 students Seminars 30 hrs (2 hrs per week) /25-30 students Guided self-study 30 hours Self-study 60 hours Requirements according to the examination regulations Recommended prerequisites Foreign language Module objectives/intended learning outcomes Knowledge Skills Competences The main Phonetic and Grammar structures of English, professionally oriented lexis the ability to comprehend a foreign speech by listening; communication skills in a foreign language and rich vocabulary; reading skills and skills of analysis of the read material. Habits and practical skills of writing, reading, listening, speaking based on Communicative, sociolinguistic, cognitive. The student should be able to apply the received practical skills and knowledge in communication and in writing, reading, listening, speaking texts and scientific literatures in their speciality Content Study and examination requirements and forms of examination knowledge of a material – studying English for professional purposes The aim: To teach the students to communicate in a foreign language for professional needs. Content. Enriching the vocabulary of a foreign language, including the professional terms and clichés, development of listening skills, improvement of students' abilities in reading authentic publications on suggested topics from professional press and the development of skills Parts of Speech. Nouns (plurl, singular forms. Case). Demonstrative, personal, Indefinite, Reflexive, Possessive Pronouns. Ordinal and cardinal numerals. The verbs “to be”, “to have (got)”. Introductory There is/are. Degrees of Comparison of adjectives. Adverbs. Regular, irregular, auxiliary, notional, transitive, intransitive verbs. Tense and Aspect. Modal verbs. The Passive Voice. Imperative Mood. Conditional Mood. Subjunctive Mood. The complex Object. Non-finite forms of verbs. The infinitive. The Gerund. The participle I, II. Sentence structure. Conjunctions. Reported Speech. Professionally oriented speaking Oral exam, tests Media employed Video lectures, presentations Reading list 1. English File (4 levels) Clive Oxenden,Christina Latham-Koenig,Paul, Seligson. Oxford, 2004 2. English Grammar in Use. Murphy R. Cambridge, 2004 3. Science. Keith Kelly. Macmillan,2007 4. IELTS Foundation. Study Skills. Rachael Roberts, Joanne Gakonga, Andrew Preshous. Macmillan,2004 5. Learn to Read Science. Shahova N. Flinta. Moscow. 2003 Moduledesignation Module level, if applicable State Compulsory Module History and Philosophy of Science StateCompulsoryModule Code, ifapplicable IFN 5201 Subtitle, if applicable - Courses, ifapplicable Course History and Philosophy of Science 4 semester Semester(s) in which the module is taught Credits 2 Person responsible for the module Associate Professor SuleymenovPirimbek Lecturer Associate Professor SuleymenovPirimbek Language Kazakh, Russian Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET) State Lecture Type of teaching, Practicum Seminars contact Hours 15 hrs (1 hrs per week) /110 students/40 students Workload Lectures 15 hours 2 credits/3ECTS Credit points 15 hrs (1 hrs per week) /25-30 students Guided self-study 30 hours Self-study 30 hours Requirements according to the examination regulations It is necessary to have knowledge of the socio-economic disciplines ,as well as the history of science in the amount of introductory courses Recommended prerequisites The discipline of social-humanitarian and natural-scientific trend in the volume of the first year of university Module objectives/intended learning outcomes Knowledge Content Skills Competences knowledge of the role of Philosophy asworldview and basic concepts of the scientific knowledge; its essence and interrelation of philosophical and general scientific worldview; knowledge of core principles, laws and mechanisms of the cognitive activity. skills of non-biased comprehension of realias of modern socio-cultural situations from the point of view of critical thinking methodology; the main theoretical and methodological approaches to the philosophical problems; the main categorical apparatus of philosophy ; • to work independently with the literature of educational and special character, developing creative work with the original sources; • self-oriented in the terminology and conceptual apparatus of philosophy; • free analysis of issues concerning the philosophical perspective; • develop and protect their own ideological position. • freely discuss and analyze the issues concerning the philosophical perspective; constructively use scientific knowledge about philosophy in various areas of social life; Create mastering skills of creative and critical thinking and applying of tools of critical thinking to the analysis of scientific, cultural, social and political phenomena and processes. Apply skills to use knowledge of principles, laws and categories of Philosophy in the process of solving professional scientific tasks; The aim: to develop students’ methodological and scientific culture, their skills of independent formulating scientific problems and algorithm of scientific search based on fundamental knowledge in the sphere of philosophy, as well as possibilities of interdisciplinary methodology. A special attention is paid to the problems of science and technology, engineering, technical knowledge and art, the role of science in social progress, and also in genesis and solution of global tasks of modern society. Content. Studying key ideas and categories of Modern Philosophy, its basic principles, laws and mechanisms of cognitive activity. Considering ethical problems of the development of science and technology, basic spiritual values and their importance for professional activity. Extension and improvement of students’ knowledge in heuristic and methodological spheres of science bymastering scientific and methodological potential of Modern Philosophy. Forming the idea of the objective law of existence and the development of the community, state, civil society and individuals, of the principles of tolerance and intercultural dialogue as conditions of existence of a global society. Developing the students’ culture of critical thinking and their skills of independent reflection on their own methodological problems. The module covers the study of objectandbasicconceptionsofphilosophicalscience,arehistoricaltypesofphilosophy, philosophyoflife(ontology) andtheoryofcognition, scientificpicturesoftheworldandscientificrevolutions, andalsophilosophicalproblemsofsociety Study and examination requirements and forms of examination Written exam, tests Media employed Video lectures, presentations Reading list 1.Abishev K.A. Philosofy. Almaty,2001 2. Аlekseev P.В., PaninА.В. Philosofy. М., 2008. 3. Mareev C.H.,Mareeva E.B. History of philosophy. М., 2003. MASTER DEGREE Module designation Рroteomic technologies Module level, if applicable Master degree Basic Professional Modules Code, if applicable МIOT 3 Subtitle, if applicable - Courses, if applicable Course Proteomics Semester(s) in which the module is taught 3 semester Person responsible for the module Кarpenyuk T.A. Lecturer Кarpenyuk T.A. Language Kazakh, Russian Relationtocurriculum Foundational/Major Core / Major Elective Type of teaching, contactHours Lecture 30 hours per semester 2 hours per week Practicum 15 hours per semester 1 hour per week students Seminars 15 hours per semester 1 hour per week Workload Lectures 30 hours per semester 2 hours per week Seminars Guided self-study - Self-study 60 hours per semester 4 hours per week Credits 3 (2 lectures + 1 lab/ week) Creditpoints 15 hours per semester 1 hour per week 2 credits Requirements according to the examination regulations Specific topics include: - Structural and functional bases of proteomics - Principles and methods of analysis of the proteome - Databases in Proteomics - Simulation of physical and chemical properties and functions of proteins - Prospects for the study of proteomes of plants and animals - Human Proteome and treatment of socially significant diseases - Protein chips. Recommended prerequisites Modern methods in biotechnology Module objectives/intended learning outcomes Knowledge Skills Competences Remember Rememberthe principles of structuralorganization of proteins Apply apply the methods and techniques of proteins study for solving the biotechnological problems Evaluate evaluate methods of working with proteins used in the production and in the laboratory Understand - the methodologicalbasis for the creationof modifiedproteinsin vitro, in silicoandde novo. -thescientificbackgroundandways to improve theproperties ofproteinsthat havepracticalsignificance Content Analysis analyze, classify and modify the structural protein modules in order to obtain new biotechnological products Create have an ideaaboutthe relationshipof structure andfunctionof proteins, the mechanisms ofacquisition ofproteinfunctional activity. Structural and functional organizationof protein molecules. Modification ofnaturalproteins. Genetically engineered basics of protein engineering Basic techniques for producing recombinant proteins in various expression systems Isolation and purification of proteins Basic research methods of recombinant proteins Designingproteinsin vitro, in silicoandde novo. Study and examination requirements and forms of examination Mediaemployed Reading list Applications ofproteinengineeringin biotechnology, medicine, pharmacy, food production,ecology. Written exam 1st interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing 2nd interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing Final examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical question Video lectures, Website: Presentations Textbooks Protein engineering Basic 1. Karpenyuk TA Beisembaeva RU, Goncharov, AV - Protein Engineering \: a training manual. Almaty: Kazak universiteti, 2009. - 120. (in russian) 2. Glick B. Pasternak D. - Molecular Biotechnology: Principles and Applications. Mir. 2002 589. (in russian) 3. Schelkunov SN Genetic Engineering. Textbook. Part 1. - Novosibirsk, NSU, 2000. 304 S. (in russian) 4. Shchurov. Catalytic antibodies / / Molecular Biology. -1997. - V.31. . B-1. - S. 5-14. 5. Mühlberg AA Protein folding: studies. Benefit - St.: Publishing House of St. Petersburg. University. L. 2004. 156 .. 6. 6. Khan AD, Khan F. Hahn models of protein folding and protein choices as catalysts in nature / / Biochemistry. -2002. -T. 67. , Vol. 5. -C. 624-630. 7. Nagradova NK Protein folding in the cell. On the mechanisms of its acceleration (review) / / Biochemistry - 2004. - T 69. No. 8. S.1021-1037. 8. Gabibov AG etc. Antibodies - protease: approaches to induektsii catalytic response. Biochemistry v. 62. no. 10 S.1413-1427. 2002 Additional 1. Pliev BK, Hurwitz BJ Structure and function of peptidilprolil-cis-trans isomerase / / Biochemistry. -1999. -T. 64. , Vol. 7. -C. 883-898. (in russian) 2. Nagradova NK Intracellular regulation of the formation of the spatial structure of the native protein. / / Sarov Educational Journal - 1996. - N 7. P.10-18.(in russian) 3. Londer YY, Budko SP, VV Mesyanzhinov Supercoiled proteins: structure and function / / Success of biological chemistry. -1999. -T. 39. -C. 45-76. 4. A. Finkelstein Introduction to the physics of protein. A course of lectures 1999-2000 Proteomika Basic 1. A. Finkelstein, O. Ptitsyn. Protein physics: Lectures with color and stereoscopic pictures and challenges. 3rd ed., Rev. and add. - M.: KDU, 2005. - 456 p., [32]. silt.: ill. 2. Twyman RM (2004). Principles Of Proteomics (Advanced Text Series). Oxford, UK: BIOS Scientific Publishers. ISBN 1-85996-273-4. 3. Naven T, Westermeier R (2002). Proteomics in Practice: A Laboratory Manual of Proteome Analysis. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH. ISBN 3-527-30354- (in english) 4. Padkina MV Zalutskaya JM, Lapin TV, Sambuc EV, EV Yermilova / Ed. EV Ermilova. Proteomics of microorganisms and plants. Principles, technology and practical application. - St.: Tessa, 2012. - 148 p. (in russian) Module designation Regulation of biological process Module level, if applicable Master degree Basic Professional Modules Code, if applicable МIOT 1 Subtitle, if applicable Courses, if applicable Course Regulation of Genome Semester(s) in which the module is taught 1 semester Person responsible for the module Ivachenko A.T. Lecturer Ivachenko A.T. Language Kazakh, Russian Relationtocurriculum Foundational/Major Core / Major Elective Credits 3 (2 lectures + 1 lab/ week) Type of teaching, contactHours Lecture 30 hours per semester 2 hours per week Practicum 15 hours per semester 1 hour per week students Seminars - Workload Lectures 30 hours per semester 2 hours per week Seminars 15 hours per semester 1 hour per week Guided self-study - Self-study 60 hours per semester 4 hours per week Creditpoints 3 credits Requirements according to the examination regulations Specific topics include: - he nature, meaning, purpose and theory of regulation of the genome; functional regions of the genome features of genome regulation in eukaryotes features of genome regulation in prokaryotes especially the regulation of the genome of the cell organelles Recommended prerequisites General and molecular genetics. Molecular biology Module objectives/intended learning outcomes Knowledge Skills Competences Remember Apply - the skills of studying biological processes at the cellular and molecular level; Evaluate the biophysicaland biochemicalmechanisms ofsignal transduction; the typesof receptorsand themechanismof their bindingwith othermoleculesinvolvedincellsignaling; Understand - typesof primary andsecondarymessengers. Content Analysis - the skills in creating of the cellular and molecular biotechnologies; Expansion of education and training in accordance with the training program in questions of mechanisms of life processes in living organisms, Create use knowledge in practice to solve specific research, information retrieval, methodological problems in various fields of biotechnology. The course "Regulation of the genome" studies the organization of the genome, the regulation of protein synthesis at the level of transcription and translation, as well as mutual regulation of groups of genes. Studying the regulation of the expression of genes of eukaryotes and prokaryotes, mobile elements of the genome. Study and examination requirements and forms of examination Written exam Mediaemployed Video lectures, Website: Presentations 1. Ernst J. M. Helmreich. The Biochemistry of Cell Signalling. Oxford University Press, USA; 2001, 368 p. (in English) Reading list 2. John Hancock. Cell Signalling. Oxford University Press, USA; 3 edition, 2010, 352 p. 3.Friedrich Marks, Ursula Klingmьller, Karin Mьller-Decker.Cellular Signal Processing: An Introduction to the Molecular Mechanisms of Signal Transduction. Garland Science; 2008, 656 p. (in English) 4. PaltsevM.A.,Ivanov A.A.Cell-cell interactions. Moscow, Medicine, 1995. 5. FullerDM,ShieldsD.MolecularBiology of the Cell. M.Bean-Press, 2004. 6. KrutetskayaZI,LebedevO.Structural andfunctional organization ofsignaling systemsin cells/ / Cytology, 2000, v.42,p.844-874. (in English) Module designation Вiomedical technology Module level, if applicable Master degree Code, if applicable МIOT 2 Subtitle, if applicable Courses, if applicable Course Stem Cells Credits 3 (2 lectures + 1 lab/ week) Semester(s) in which the module is taught 2 semester Person responsible for the module Beisenbaeva R.U. Lecturer Beisenbaeva R.U. Language Kazakh, Russian Relationtocurriculum Foundational/Major Core / Major Elective Type of teaching, contactHours Lecture 30 hours per semester 2 hours per week Practicum 15 hours per semester 1 hour per week students Seminars - Workload Lectures 30 hours per semester 2 hours per week Seminars 15 hours per semester 1 hour per week Guided self-study - Self-study 60 hours per semester 4 hours per week Creditpoints 3 credits Requirements according to the examination regulations Specific topics include: -types of stem cells; -methods of study and discovery of stem cells; -the use of stem cells in the molecular genetic studies; -the use of stem cells in biomedicine - methods of obtaining stem cells. Recommended Modernmethodsinbiotechnology prerequisites Module objectives/intended learning outcomes Knowledge Remember the biophysicaland biochemicalmechanisms ofsignal transduction; Understand the typesof receptorsand themechanismof their bindingwith othermoleculesinvolvedincellsignaling; - typesof primary andsecondarymessengers. Content Skills Competences Apply - the skills of studying biological processes at the cellular and molecular level; Analysis - the skills in creating of the cellular and molecular biotechnologies; Evaluate Expansion of education and training in accordance with the training program in questions of mechanisms of life processes in living organisms, Create knowledge in practice to solve specific research, information retrieval, methodological problems in various fields of biotechnology. Course "Stem cells" studying stem cell biology, methods of obtaining and culturing the stem cells. We consider the application of stem cells and cellular technologies. Study and examination requirements and forms of examination Written exam 1st interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing 2nd interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing Final examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical question Mediaemployed Video lectures, Website: Presentations 1.John Hancock. Cell Signalling. Oxford University Press, USA; 3 edition, 2010, 352 p. (in English) Reading list 2.Friedrich Marks, Ursula Klingmьller, Karin Mьller-Decker.Cellular Signal Processing: An Introduction to the Molecular Mechanisms of Signal Transduction. Garland Science; 2008, 656 p. (in English) PaltsevM.A.,Ivanov A.A.Cell-cell interactions. Moscow, Medicine, 1995. FullerDM,ShieldsD.MolecularBiology of the Cell. M.Bean-Press, 2004. KrutetskayaZI,LebedevO.Structural andfunctional organization ofsignaling systemsin cells/ / Cytology, 2000, v.42,p.844-874. (in English) Module designation Рroteomic technologies Module level, if applicable Master degree Professional Modules Code, if applicable МIOT 3 Subtitle, if applicable Courses, if applicable Course Protein Engineering Semester(s) in which the module is taught 3 semester Person responsible for Кarpenyuk T.A. Credits 3 (2 lectures + 1 lab/ week) the module Lecturer Кarpenyuk T.A. Language Kazakh, Russian Relationtocurriculum Foundational/Major Core / Major Elective Type of teaching, contactHours Lecture 30 hours per semester 2 hours per week Practicum 15 hours per semester 1 hour per week students Seminars - Workload Lectures 30 hours per semester 2 hours per week Seminars 15 hours per semester 1 hour per week Guided self-study - Self-study 60 hours per semester 4 hours per week Creditpoints 3 credits Requirements according to the examination regulations Specific topics include: - Structural and functional organization of protein molecules; - Methods of modification of natural proteins; - Design of proteins in vitro, in silico, and de novo. - Applications of protein engineering in biotechnology, medicine, pharmacy, food produktov and ecology. Recommended prerequisites Modern methods in biotechnology Module objectives/intended learning outcomes Knowledge Skills Competences Remember -have an ideaaboutthe relationshipof structure andfunctionof proteins, the mechanisms ofacquisition ofproteinfunctional activity. - knowledge of methodologicalbasis for the creationof modifiedproteinsin vitro, in silicoandde novo. -to know thescientificbackgroundandways to improve theproperties ofproteinsthat havepracticalsignificance. Apply and Analysis skills to use the achievements of protein engineering and proteomics to solve practical problems of medicine and biotechnology. Evaluate Have knowledge and be able to evaluate problems, approaches and trends reflecting the current state of protein engineering and proteomics. Content Create Knowledge to use them in research and practical applications, assess the methodological approaches to carry out their critical analysis. Understand -the structural and functionalproteomics; -will hold the basic methods for studyingproteomes; -will know features ofproteomesof plant andanimalorganisms; - will be able to use thedatabasesforproteinson the Internet In the course "Protein engineering" study methods for directional change (optimize) the structure of natural proteins for use in biotechnology, medicine and other industries, as well as the production of new proteins with desired properties for the needs of the person. Study and examination requirements and forms of examination Written exam 1st interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing 2nd interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing Final examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical question Mediaemployed Video lectures, Website: Presentations Textbooks Protein engineering Basic 1. Karpenyuk TA Beisembaeva RU, Goncharov, AV - Protein Engineering \: a training manual. Almaty: Kazak universiteti, 2009. - 120. (in Russian) 2. Glick B. Pasternak D. - Molecular Biotechnology: Principles and Applications. Mir. 2002 589. (in English) 3. Schelkunov SN Genetic Engineering. Textbook. Part 1. - Novosibirsk, NSU, 2000. 304 S. (in Russian) 4. Shchurov. Catalytic antibodies / / Molecular Biology. -1997. - V.31. . B-1. - S. 5-14. 5. Mühlberg AA Protein folding: studies. Benefit - St.: Publishing House of St. Petersburg. University. L. 2004. 156 .. 6. (in English) 6. Khan AD, Khan F. Hahn models of protein folding and protein choices as catalysts in nature / / Biochemistry. -2002. -T. 67. , Vol. 5. -C. 624-630. (in English) 7. Nagradova NK Protein folding in the cell. On the mechanisms of its acceleration (review) / / Biochemistry - 2004. - T 69. No. 8. S.1021-1037. 8. Gabibov AG etc. Antibodies - protease: approaches to induektsii catalytic response. Biochemistry v. 62. no. 10 S.1413-1427. 2002 (in Russian) Additional 1. Pliev BK, Hurwitz BJ Structure and function of peptidilprolil-cis-trans isomerase / / Biochemistry. -1999. -T. 64. , Vol. 7. -C. 883-898. (in Russian) 2. Nagradova NK Intracellular regulation of the formation of the spatial structure of the native protein. / / Sarov Educational Journal - 1996. - N 7. P.10-18. 3. Londer YY, Budko SP, VV Mesyanzhinov Supercoiled proteins: structure and function / / Success of biological chemistry. -1999. -T. 39. -C. 45-76. (in English) 4. A. Finkelstein Introduction to the physics of protein. A course of lectures 1999-2000 Proteomika Reading list Module designation Fundamentals of Molecular Technology Module level, if applicable Master degree Professional Modules Code, if applicable МIOT 4 Subtitle, if applicable Courses, if applicable Course Molecular Biotechnology Semester(s) in which the module is taught 3 semester Person responsible for the module Boguspaev K.K. Lecturer Boguspaev K.K. Language Kazakh, Russian Relationtocurriculum Foundational/Major Core / Major Elective Credits 3 (2 lectures + 1 lab/ week) Type of teaching, contactHours Lecture 30 hours per semester 2 hours per week Practicum 15 hours per semester 1 hour per week students Seminars - Workload Lectures 30 hours per semester 2 hours per week Seminars 15 hours per semester 1 hour per week Guided self-study - Self-study 60 hours per semester 4 hours per week Creditpoints 2 credits Requirements according to the examination regulations By the end of the module undergraduates: - Will know the basic concepts of molecular biotechnology; - Will know the biological systems used in molecular biotechnology; - Will know the current methodological approaches and technical advances in molecular biotechnology; Recommended prerequisites Modern methods in biotechnology Module objectives/intended learning outcomes Knowledge Remember -Theoretical and practical basics of Cell Biotechnology, Agrobiotechnology; the main cell technologies producing biotechnological products and breeding methods of the creation new plant varieties; to know modern requirements for biotechnology products; Understand -Current techniques of plant breeding, tools of crops transformation by biotechnological and gene engineering methods,hybridological, cytogenetic and structural analyses of plants in their practical implementation. Skills Competences Apply -Skills of cultivating cells of prokaryotes and eukaryotes. The students should be able to apply the received practical skills and theoretical knowledge in different field: in research, in industry, in breeding ;to have the skills to use the equipment applying in the biotechnology; Evaluate General competencies: -to have a basic knowledge in the field of biotechnology and related areas, - to be able to apply knowledge in internship; - to be ready for the act rationally and independently, guided by evidence scientificbased conclusions, observations and experience received as a result of cognitive professional activities in the field of biotechnology; Analysis -planning experiment during laboratory classes, carry experimental steps; conduct statistical treatment of data. the the out the the Create - the analysis of the data and research outputs based on acquired knowledge, designing presentations on chromosome engineering and biotechnology, preparation of a brief statistical account on hybridological, cytogenetic and structural analyses. Content The technology of recombinant DNA research methods of proteins and nucleic acids, Molecular biotechnology, microbial systems, Bioinformatics and molecular biotechnology cell Study and examination requirements and forms of examination Written exam 1st interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing 2nd interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing Final examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical question Mediaemployed Video lectures, Website: Presentations 1. Turasheva S.K. Cell Biotechnology (in Kazakh). Textbook. Almaty: “Daur”. 2011. - 260 P. 2. Turasheva S.K., Atambaeva Sh.A. Basics of Cell Biotechnology (in Kazakh). Ebook. CD. 2009. 3. Wolker Sh. Biotechnology /The McGraw-Hill Companies. 2007. -336 P. 4. Higgins I.J., Best D.J., Jones J. Biotechnology: principles and applications. 2008. -480 P. (in English) 5. Fowler M.W. Plant cell biotechnology to produce desirable substances. Chem.Ind., 7. 2001. -233 P. (in English) 6. Staba E.J. Plant Tissue Culture as a Source of Biochemicals, CRC Press. Boca Raton, Florida.2000. 5. Kershanskaya O.I. Plant genetic engineering. A practical approach. 152 P. 2007 (in English) Reading list Module designation Physiology and touch systems microorganisms Module level, if applicable Master degree Professional Modules Code, if applicable МIOT 1 Subtitle, if applicable Courses, if applicable Course Psyology of Stability of Microorganism Semester(s) in which the module is taught 1 semester Person responsible for the module BerzhanovaR.Zh. Lecturer BerzhanovaR.Zh. Language Kazakh, Russian Relationtocurriculum Foundational/Major Core / Major Elective Type of teaching, contactHours Lecture 30 hours per semester 2 hours per week Practicum 15 hours per semester 1 hour per week students Credits 3 (2 lectures + 1 lab/ week) Seminars - Workload Lectures 30 hours per semester 2 hours per week Seminars 15 hours per semester 1 hour per week Creditpoints 3 credits Guided self-study - Self-study 60 hours per semester 4 hours per week Requirements according to the examination regulations Recommended prerequisites Basics of biotechnology Module objectives/intended learning outcomes Knowledge Skills Competences Remember thephysiological mechanismsof adaptation of microorganismsto a varietyof physical and chemicalfactors, Apply of the impactof physical andchemical factorsin the cultivationof industrial strainsof micro-organismsin the population Analysis analysis of the impactof physical andchemical factorsin the cultivationof industrial strainsof micro-organismsin the population Evaluate and Create To evaluate the impactof physical andchemical factors on thedifferent groupsof microorganismsduring biotechnology using Understand theextremalboundaryof resistanceto stresses Content Study and examination requirements and forms of examination Mediaemployed Reading list The course focuses on key issues and achievements of the physiology of microbiological objects with features of their adaptation to various environmental factors, including stress, as well as the study of natural and laboratory populations of microorganisms. Written exam 1st interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing 2nd interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing Final examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical question Video lectures, Website: Presentations 1. Vinogradsky S.N. About the role of microbes in the general circle of life (1896) //Journal of the RAS. 1996, № 12. (in English) 2. Guzev V.S., Zvyagintsev D.G. Biometric analysis of bacterial cells in soil / / Microbiology. 2003. T. 74, № 2. (in Russian) 3. Dobrovolskaya T.G. The structure of soil bacterial communities. Moscow, 2002. 4. Zavarzin G.A., E.A. Bonch-Osmolovskaya Syntrophic interactions in microbial communities // Math. USSR. Ser. Biol., 2010, № 2, p.165-173. 5. Zavarzin G.A., Zhilina T.P. Soda lakes - natural model of the ancient biosphere continent // Nature. 2000, № 2. (in Russian) 6. Zvyagintsev D.G. Microorganisms in permafrost. Phys. Microbiology. 1992, vol 25. 7. Kozhevin P.A. Microbial population in the wild. Moscow: Moscow State University. 1989. 8. Nesis K.N. Germs under the ocean floor and extraterrestrial life / / Nature. 2002, № 7. 9. Pozmogova I.N. The impact of physical and chemical factors on microorganisms. Results of Science and Technology // Mikrobiologiya.1991.T.60, № 3. (in Russian) 10. Shapiro J.S. Micro-organisms such as viruses, bacteria, fungi. Textbook. SPb.: Publishing House "ELBI-SPb, 2003. Module designation Medical aspects of biotechnology Module level, if applicable Master degree Professional Modules Code, if applicable МIOT 2 Subtitle, if applicable Courses, if applicable Course Microecological Aspects of Relationships Between Macro-and Microorganisms Credits 3 (2 lectures + 1 lab/ week) Semester(s) in which the module is taught 2 semester Person responsible for the module SavickayaI.S. Lecturer SavickayaI.S. Language Kazakh, Russian Relationtocurriculum Foundational/ Major Core / Major Elective Type of teaching, contactHours Lecture 30 hours per semester 2 hours per week Practicum 15 hours per semester 1 hour per week students Seminars - Workload Lectures 30 hours per semester 2 hours per week Seminars 15 hours per semester 1 hour per week Guided self-study - Self-study 60 hours per semester 4 hours per week Creditpoints 3credits Requirements according to the examination regulations Recommended prerequisites Genetics and genomics of microorganisms Module objectives/intended Knowledge Skills Competences learning outcomes Remember As a resultof this module, students will know and study basicresearch techniquesthat are usedin the geneticsand genomicsof microorganisms, Understand and interpretcomplex experimentaldataand do conclusions. Apply Evaluate Because of this module, students will be able to do the test system or genetical modified strains of microorganisms, which is based on a system of GMP. Analysis Possess an arsenal of modern molecular genetic methods to identify pathogens. As a result of this module students should possess the opportunities of genomics to create new anti-infective drugs, Create to apply this knowledge to further enhance the level of theoretical training as well as in practice. Content The course aims to familiarizing with microecological aspects of the relationship of macro- and microorganisms that use the human body as an ecological niche; types of relationships between microorganism and populating its microbiota, the main features of the microecology, bacterial pathogenicity factors to ensure the implementation of the infection process, the protective systems of the body, providing resistance to infection Study and examination requirements and forms of examination Written exam 1st interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing 2nd interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing Final examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical question Mediaemployed Video lectures, Website: Presentations 1. Gene and genom. vol.1. М.:Мir, 2005. (in Russian) 2. Modern microbiology. Prokaryot. Vol.2.- М.:Мir, 2005. (in Russian) 3. Glik B., Pasternak D Моlecular biotechnology: principle and application. – М.: Мir, 2002. (in English and Russian) 4. Singer М., Berg P. Gene and genom: vol.2. М., 1998. 5. Таrasov В.А. Моlecular mechanisms of reparation and mutagenesis. – М.: nauka, 2008. (in Russian) 6. Rybkin В.N. Basis of genetic engineering. S-P, 2002. (in Russian) Reading list Module designation Medical aspects of biotechnology Module level, if applicable Master degree Professional Modules Code, if applicable МIOT 2 Subtitle, if applicable Courses, if applicable Course Biotechnological Approaches to Diagnostics, Therapy and Preventive Maintenance of Infectious Diseases Semester(s) in which the module is taught 2 semester Credits 3 (2 lectures + 1 lab/ week) Person responsible for the module SavickayaI.S. Lecturer SavickayaI.S. Language Kazakh, Russian Relationtocurriculum Foundational/Major Core / Major Elective Type of teaching, contactHours Lecture 30 hours per semester 2 hours per week Practicum 15 hours per semester 1 hour per week students Seminars - Workload Lectures 30 hours per semester 2 hours per week Seminars 15 hours per semester 1 hour per week Guided self-study - Self-study 60 hours per semester 4 hours per week Creditpoints 2 credits Requirements according to the examination regulations Recommended prerequisites Genetics and genomics of microorganisms Module objectives/intended learning outcomes Knowledge Remember As a resultof this module, students will know and study basicresearch techniquesthat are usedin the geneticsand genomicsof microorganisms, to be able to compare Skills Apply As a result of this module, students will be able to do the test system or genetical modified strains of microorganisms, Understand and interpretcomplex experimentaldataand do conclusions. Content Analysis a system of GMP. Possess an arsenal of modern molecular genetic methods to identify pathogens. Competences Evaluate As a result of this module students should possess the opportunities of genomics to create new anti-infective drugs, Create apply this knowledge to further enhance the level of theoretical training as well as in practice. Study of the genetic, molecular and biological properties of the causative agents of infectious diseases, selection and collection of useful strains promising for use as producing antigens, allergens, etc., the study of the biological properties of new pathogens, including prions, research methodological approaches to their life-time display in biological systems; genetically transformed cell cultures for the production of biologically active substances (antigens, interleukins, interferons). Study and examination requirements and forms of examination Written exam 1st interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing 2nd interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing Final examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical question Mediaemployed Video lectures, Website: Presentations 1. Gene and genom. vol.1. М.:Мir, 2005. (in Russian) 2.Modern microbiology. Prokaryot. Vol.2.- М.:Мir, 2005. 3.Glik B., Pasternak D Моlecular biotechnology: principle and application. – М.: Мir, 2002. (in English) 1. Singer М., Berg P. Gene and genom: vol.2. М., 1998. 2. Таrasov В.А. Моlecular mechanisms of reparation and mutagenesis. – М.: nauka, 2008. 3. Rybkin В.N. Basis of genetic engineering. S-P, 2002. (in Russian) Reading list Module designation Recycling of industrial waste Module level, if applicable Master degree Professional Modules Code, if applicable МIOT 3 Subtitle, if applicable Courses, if applicable Course Cyanobacterial biotechnology and environmental protection Semester(s) in which the module is taught 3 semester Person responsible for the module Sadvakasova A.K. Lecturer Sadvakasova A.K. Language Kazakh, Russian Relationtocurriculum Foundational/Major Core / Major Elective Type of teaching, contactHours Lecture 30 hours per semester 2 hours per week Practicum 15 hours per semester 1 hour per week students Seminars - Workload Lectures 30 hours per semester 2 hours per week Seminars 15 hours per semester 1 hour per week Guided self-study - Self-study 60 hours per semester 4 hours per week Creditpoints 2 credits Requirements according to Credits 3 (2 lectures + 1 lab/ week) the examination regulations Recommended prerequisites Genetics and genomics of microorganisms Module objectives/intended learning outcomes Knowledge Remember Skills Apply Competences Evaluate At studying of discipline students should acquire knowledge of the world phototrophic microorganisms, their place in wildlife; the structural organization prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells of phototrophic microorganisms Content The basic properties Students should be able phototrophic to approach from microorganisms, scientific positions to their classification, variety questions role in the nature phototrophic and human life, microorganisms possibility of use of Create microalgae in mass The knowledge the cultivation and for processes of their ability Understand a variety of ways of existence and production of to live, competently to life types in the world phototrophic biologically active estimate the contribution microorganisms the basic properties substances. The of microorganisms in anaoxigenic and oxigenic groups mechanism of total biological prokaryotic and microalgae, photosynthesis of processes at planning principles of their classification, various groups and the decision of ecology; roles in the nature and phototrophic fundamental and applied human life. organisms. problems of biotechnology. Analysis Production of photosynthesis and methods of their production. Installations for cultivation phototrophic microorganisms. Features of the physiology and metabolism of cyanobacteria; vodorodobrazuyuschie cyanobacteria, molecular biology of cyanobacteria, the synthesis of biologically active substances by cyanobacteria; production of biological preparations on the basis of phototrophic microorganisms. Study and examination requirements and forms of examination Written exam 1st interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing 2nd interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing Final examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical question Mediaemployed Video lectures, Website: Presentations Beker М. Е. Introduction in biotechnology. М., 1987, 231 p. (in Russian) ZayadanB.К., Biotechnology of phototrophic microorganisms. –Pavlodar, «Brand print»,2010,-432p. (in Kazakh) ZayadanB.К., Onerkhan G., Allocation of pure culture from microalgae and methods of active growing, 2008 Zayadan B.К., Ecological biotechnology of phototrophic microorganisms, Моnographyя. –Аlmaty: Print «Аrys, 2011.-368p (in Kazakh) Biotechnology: Manual for high school. - М.: High school, 1987. Ecological biotechnology/ К.F. Forstera, D.А.D. Veiza. -L.: chemistry, 1990. -384 p. КuznesovА.Е., Gradova N.B.Science basis of ecological biotechnology. —М. Мir, 2003. (in Russian) Industrial microbiology / under red. N.S.Еgorova —М.: High Shcool, 1989. -688p. Vonshak A., Strain selection of Spirulina for mass production.// Hydrobiologia.- Reading list 1987. -V. 151/152.- P.75 - 77. Harrіs E.H. The Chlamydomonas sourcebook// Acad, 1989. – Р. 395. (in English) Module designation Microbial products Module level, if applicable Master degree Professional Modules Code, if applicable МIOT 4 Subtitle, if applicable Courses, if applicable Course Technology microbial synthesis Credits 3 (2 lectures + 1 lab/ week) Semester(s) in which the module is taught 3 semester Person responsible for the module Mukasheva T.D. Lecturer Mukasheva T.D. Language Kazakh, Russian Relationtocurriculum Foundational/Major Core / Major Elective Type of teaching, contactHours Lecture 30 hours per semester 2 hours per week Practicum 15 hours per semester 1 hour per week students Seminars - Workload Lectures 30 hours per semester 2 hours per week Seminars 15 hours per semester 1 hour per week Guided self-study - Self-study 60 hours per semester 4 hours per week Creditpoints 2credits Requirements according to the examination regulations Recommended prerequisites Genetics and genomics of microorganisms Module objectives/intended learning outcomes Knowledge Remember -have an ideaaboutthe relationshipof structure andfunctionof proteins, the mechanisms ofacquisition ofproteinfunctional activity. Skills Apply Analysis Competences and Get the skills to use the achievements of Evaluate Have knowledge and be able to evaluate problems, approaches and trends reflecting the - knowledge of methodologicalbasis for the creationof modifiedproteinsin vitro, in silicoandde novo. -to know thescientificbackgroundandways to improve theproperties ofproteinsthat havepracticalsignificance. Content Study and examination requirements and forms of examination Mediaemployed Reading list protein engineering and proteomics to solve practical problems of medicine and biotechnology. current state of protein engineering and proteomics. Create The knowledge them in research and practical applications, assess the methodological approaches to carry out their critical analysis. Understand -will know the structural and functionalproteomics; -will hold the basic methods for studyingproteomes; -will know features ofproteomesof plant andanimalorganisms; - will be able to use thedatabasesforproteinson the Internet The course will study the effect of the composition of the culture medium, the concentration of various chemical elements, different temperature regimes in the processes of growth and reproduction of microorganisms, microbial synthesis parameters on the study of the influence of stress factors on the development of cultures of microorganisms. Parameters microbial growth and methods for controlling microbial synthesis of the final products in biotechnological industries. Written exam 1st interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing 2nd interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing Final examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical question Video lectures, Website: Presentations 1. A. Finkelstein, O. Ptitsyn. Protein physics: Lectures with color and stereoscopic pictures and challenges. 3rd ed., Rev. and add. - M.: KDU, 2005. - 456 p., [32]. silt.: ill. 2. Twyman RM (2004). Principles Of Proteomics (Advanced Text Series). Oxford, UK: BIOS Scientific Publishers. ISBN 1-85996-273-4. (in Englsih) 3. Naven T, Westermeier R (2002). Proteomics in Practice: A Laboratory Manual of Proteome Analysis. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH. ISBN 3-527-30354- (in English) 4. Padkina MV Zalutskaya JM, Lapin TV, Sambuc EV, EV Yermilova / Ed. EV Ermilova. Proteomics of microorganisms and plants. Principles, technology and practical application. - St.: Tessa, 2012. - 148 p. (in English) Module designation Actual Issues of Genome Regulation and Analysis Module level, if applicable Master degree BasicProfessionalModules Code, if applicable МIOT 1 Subtitle, if applicable Courses, if applicable Course Current Issues of Gene Expression Semester(s) in which the module is taught 1 semester Person responsible for the module Z.G.Aitasheva Lecturer Z.G.Aitasheva Credits 3 (2 lectures + 1 lab/ week) Language Kazakh, Russian Relationtocurriculum Foundational/Major Core / Major Elective Type of teaching, contactHours Lecture 30 hours per semester 2 hours per week Practicum 15 hours per semester 1 hour per week students Seminars - Workload Lectures 30 hours per semester 2 hours per week Seminars 15 hours per semester 1 hour per week Guided self-study - Self-study 60 hours per semester 4 hours per week Creditpoints 3 credits Skills Competences Requirements according to the examination regulations Recommended prerequisites Chromosome and Gene Enginerig Module objectives/intended learning outcomes Knowledge Remember Apply Evaluate Modern techniques and types of gene expression, experimental sets for specific genes, their groups and separate genomes Planning experiments on gene expression in vivo and in vitro under the presence of one or few genes, at the stages of transcription Compiling and analysis of gene expression systems, search of necessary commercial reagents in the international market, drafting pilot or advanced projects, short communication, abstracts Understand methods of determination for gene activities at the level of regulatory gene loci, transcripts and proteins, chosen models of gene interaction and related regulatory sites. Analysis Create translation or regulatory domain’s modification in the genome, freely explaining the results on gene expression in primitive or more complex networks, optimizing virtually reaction mixtures and the course of the experiment, including the cases experimental papers based on acquired knowledge, designing presentations and accounts on modern systems of gene expression in use by instructor’s command. Content Study and examination requirements and forms of examination Mediaemployed Reading list of two and more investigating genes. Simplified and more complex systems of gene activity regulation under inhibition, stimulation and cooperative gene interaction as well as regulatory proteins among lower and higher living things at different steps of the accomplishment of genetic information are in the scope of this course. Written exam 1st interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing 2nd interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing Final examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical question Video lectures, Website: Presentations 1 Jun Ma. Gene expression. Springer, 2006, 590 p. (in Englsih) 2 David Latchman. Gene control. Garland Science, 2010, 448 p. 3 Garry H. Perdew. Regulation of Gene Expression. Humana Press, 2006, 344 p. 4 Konichev AS, Sevastyanov GA Molecular Biology. Acad. Center Academy, 2005, 2nd ed. corr., 400 pp. (in English) 5 Watson J., Baker TA, Bell SP, Gann AP, Levine M., Losick R. Molecular Biology of the Gene (5th ed.), Cold pring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2007, 880 p. 6 Zhimulev General and Molecular Genetics. Textbook. Benefit / Zhimulev I. F.; Under Ed. ES Belyaeva, AP Akifeva. - 2 ed., Corr. and add. - Novosibirsk: Sib. Univ. ed-in 2003. - 479., Il.(in Englsih) 7 Shchelkunov SN Genetic engineering. Textbook. Benefit / SN Shelkunov. - 2 nd ed. Corr. and add. - Novosibirsk: Sib. Univ. Publishing House, 2004. - 496., Il. 8 Lodish H., Berk A., Matsudaira P., Kaiser CA, Krieger M., Scott MP Molecular Cell Biology, 2004 (5th ed.), W. H. Freeman and Co., N.Y., 973 p. 9 Reece R. J. Analysis of Genes and Genomes, 2003. Wiley & Sons, Ltd., P. 469. 10 Online books and papers: Module designation Genetics Basis of Plant Selection and Phytopathology Module level, if applicable Master degree BasicProfessionalModules Code, if applicable МIOT 2 Subtitle, if applicable Courses, if applicable Course Genetical Basics of Phytopathology Semester(s) in which the module is taught 2 semester Person responsible for the module Omirbekova N.Z. Lecturer Omirbekova N.Z. Language Kazakh, Russian Relationtocurriculum Foundational/Major Core / Major Elective Credits 2 Type of teaching, contactHours Lecture 30 hours per semester 2 hours per week Practicum 15 hours per semester 1 hour per week students Seminars - Workload Lectures 30 hours per semester 2 hours per week Seminars 15 hours per semester 1 hour per week Guided self-study - Self-study 60 hours per semester 4 hours per week Creditpoints 2 credits Requirements according to the examination regulations Recommended prerequisites Biochemistry. Microbiology. General and Molecular Genetics. Module objectives/intended learning outcomes Knowledge Skills Remember Apply As a resultof this module, students will know and study basicresearch techniquesthat are usedin the geneticsand genomicsof microorganisms As a result of this module, students will be able to do the test system or genetical modified strains of microorganisms Understand, compare,analyze interpretcomplex experimentaldataand conclusions. Content Study and examination requirements and forms of examination Mediaemployed and do Analysis which is based on a system of GMP. Possess an arsenal of modern molecular genetic methods to identify pathogens. Competences Evaluate As a result of this module students should possess the opportunities of genomics to create new anti-infective drugs Create to apply this knowledge to further enhance the level of theoretical training as well as in practice. This course viewed the reason and patterns of disease development of agricultural and forest crops, signaling molecules involved in pathogenesis, peculiarities of phytopathogens, plant resistance to disease and the possibility of increasing the level of plant communities in different ecological and industrial facilities since the massive plant diseases most of the population of one species or populations of several species leads to the balance and stability of the system. Based on the phytopathology research developed the system protect plants from pests and diseases in agriculture. Written exam Video lectures, Reading list Website: Presentations 1. Gene and genom. vol.1. М.:Мir, 2005. (in Russian) 2. Modern microbiology. Prokaryot. Vol.2.- М.:Мir, 2005. (in Russian) 3. Glik B., Pasternak D Моlecular biotechnology: principle and application. – М.: Мir, 2002. (in English) 4. Singer М., Berg P. Gene and genom: vol.2. М., 1998. 5. Таrasov В.А. Моlecular mechanisms of reparation and mutagenesis. – М.: nauka, 2008. (in Russian) 6. Rybkin В.N. Basis of genetic engineering. S-P, 2002. Module designation Modern Issues of Mutagenesis and Apoptosis Module level, if applicable Master degree BasicProfessionalModules Code, if applicable МIOT 3 Subtitle, if applicable Courses, if applicable Course Modern Theories of mutation Credits 3 (2 lectures + 1 lab/ week) Semester(s) in which the module is taught 3 semester Person responsible for the module Omirbekova N.Z. Lecturer Omirbekova N.Z. Language Kazakh, Russian Relationtocurriculum Foundational/Major Core / Major Elective Type of teaching, contactHours Lecture 30 hours per semester 2 hours per week Practicum 15 hours per semester 1 hour per week students Seminars - Workload Lectures 30 hours per semester 2 hours per week Seminars 15 hours per semester 1 hour per week Guided self-study - Self-study 60 hours per semester 4 hours per week Creditpoints 3 credits Requirements according to the examination regulations Recommended prerequisites Biochemistry. General and molecular genetics. Molecular biology Module objectives/intended Knowledge Skills Competences learning outcomes Remember Apply Evaluate Modern techniques and types of gene expression, experimental sets for specific genes, their groups and separate genomes, methods of determination for gene activities at the level of regulatory gene loci Planning experiments on gene expression in vivo and in vitro under the presence of one or few genes, at the stages of transcription, translation or regulatory domain’s modification in the genome Compiling and analysis of gene expression systems, search of necessary commercial reagents in the international market Understand transcripts and proteins, chosen models of gene interaction and related regulatory sites. Analysis Content Study and examination requirements and forms of examination Mediaemployed Reading list Create drafting pilot or advanced projects, short communication, abstracts,experimental papers based on acquired knowledge, designing presentations and accounts on modern systems of gene expression in use by instructor’s command. freely explaining the results on gene expression in primitive or more complex networks, optimizing virtually reaction mixtures and the course of the experiment, including the cases of two and more investigating genes. The course will address the basic types of mutations, as sudden inheritance changes caused by severe structural and functional changes in the genetic material of their cytogenetic detection of mutagens, natural and artificial, extrapolation of results at the molecular and biochemical levels at organism and population levels, as well as contemporary issues in genetic toxicology. Written exam 1st interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing 2nd interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing Final examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical question Video lectures, Website: Presentations 1 Jun Ma. Gene expression. Springer, 2006, 590 p. (in Englsih) 2 David Latchman. Gene control. Garland Science, 2010, 448 p. (in Englsih) 3 Garry H. Perdew. Regulation of Gene Expression. Humana Press, 2006, 344 p. 4 Konichev AS, Sevastyanov GA Molecular Biology. Acad. Center Academy, 2005, 2nd ed. corr., 400 pp. (in Russian) 5 Watson J., Baker TA, Bell SP, Gann AP, Levine M., Losick R. Molecular Biology of the Gene (5th ed.), Cold pring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2007, 880 p. 6 Zhimulev General and Molecular Genetics. Textbook. Benefit / Zhimulev I. F.; Under Ed. ES Belyaeva, AP Akifeva. - 2 ed., Corr. and add. - Novosibirsk: Sib. Univ. ed-in 2003. - 479., Il. (in Russian) 7 Shchelkunov SN Genetic engineering. Textbook. Benefit / SN Shelkunov. - 2 nd ed. Corr. and add. - Novosibirsk: Sib. Univ. Publishing House, 2004. - 496., Il. 8 Lodish H., Berk A., Matsudaira P., Kaiser CA, Krieger M., Scott MP Molecular Cell Biology, 2004 (5th ed.), W. H. Freeman and Co., N.Y., 973 p. (in Englsih) 9 Reece R. J. Analysis of Genes and Genomes, 2003. Wiley & Sons, Ltd., P. 469. 10 Online books and papers: Module designation Genetics of Heredity Diseases Module level, if applicable Master degree BasicProfessionalModules Code, if applicable МIOT 4 Subtitle, if applicable Courses, if applicable Course Molecular pathology genetic diagnosis of heredity Credits 3 (2 lectures + 1 lab/ week) Semester(s) in which the module is taught 3 semester Person responsible for the module BekmanovB.О. Lecturer BekmanovB.О. Language Kazakh, Russian Relationtocurriculum Foundational/Major Core / Major Elective Type of teaching, contactHours Lecture 15 hours Practicum - Seminars 15 hours Workload Lectures 30 hours per semester 2 hours per week Seminars 15 hours per semester 1 hour per week Guided self-study - Self-study 60 hours per semester 4 hours per week Creditpoints 2 credits Requirements according to the examination regulations Recommended prerequisites Biochemistry. General and molecular genetics. Molecular biology Module objectives/intended learning outcomes Knowledge Skills Competences Remember Apply Evaluate Modern techniques and types of gene expression, experimental sets for specific genes, their groups and separate genomes Planning experiments on gene expression in vivo and in vitro under the presence of one or few genes, at the stages of Compiling and analysis of gene expression systems, search of necessary commercial reagents in the international market Understand methods of determination for gene activities at the level of regulatory gene loci, transcripts and proteins, chosen models of gene interaction and related regulatory sites. Content Study and examination requirements and forms of examination Mediaemployed Reading list transcription Create Analysis drafting pilot or advanced projects, short communication, translation or regulatory domain’s abstracts, and modification in the experimental papers genome, freely based on acquired explaining the knowledge, designing results on gene presentations and expression in accounts on modern primitive or more systems of gene complex networks, expression in use by optimizing instructor’s virtually reaction command. mixtures and the course of the experiment, including the cases of two and more investigating genes. The aim of the course is to develop knowledge about modern methods of moleculargenetic diagnosis of hereditary diseases. The course considers the basic principles of DNA-Diagnostics method chaining, single genes and biochemical methods, PCR, FISHmethod. Written exam 1st interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing 2nd interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing Final examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical question Video lectures, Website: Presentations 1 Jun Ma. Gene expression. Springer, 2006, 590 p. (in English) 2 David Latchman. Gene control. Garland Science, 2010, 448 p. 3 Garry H. Perdew. Regulation of Gene Expression. Humana Press, 2006, 344 p. 4 Konichev AS, Sevastyanov GA Molecular Biology. Acad. Center Academy, 2005, 2nd ed. corr., 400 pp. (in Russian) 5 Watson J., Baker TA, Bell SP, Gann AP, Levine M., Losick R. Molecular Biology of the Gene (5th ed.), Cold pring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2007, 880 p. (in English) 6 Zhimulev General and Molecular Genetics. Textbook. Benefit / Zhimulev I. F.; Under Ed. ES Belyaeva, AP Akifeva. - 2 ed., Corr. and add. - Novosibirsk: Sib. Univ. ed-in 2003. - 479., Il. (in Russian) Module designation International standards and innovative technologies Module level, if applicable Master degree BasicProfessionalModules Code, if applicable МIOT 1 Subtitle, if applicable Courses, if applicable Course Credits The innovative technology of food production 3 (2 lectures + 1 lab/ week) Semester(s) in which the module is taught 1 semester Person responsible for the module Karpenuyk T.A. Lecturer Karpenuyk T.A. Language Kazakh, Russian Relationtocurriculum Foundational/Major Core / Major Elective Type of teaching, contactHours Lecture 30 hours per semester 2 hours per week Practicum 15 hours per semester 1 hour per week students Seminars - Workload Lectures 30 hours per semester 2 hours per week Seminars 15 hours per semester 1 hour per week Guided self-study - Self-study 60 hours per semester 4 hours per week Creditpoints 3 credits Skills Competences Requirements according to the examination regulations Recommended prerequisites Microbiology Module objectives/intended learning outcomes Knowledge Remember To know thephysiological mechanismsof adaptation of microorganismsto a varietyof physical and chemicalfactors Understand theextremalboundaryof resistanceto stresses Content Study and examination requirements and forms of examination Apply To haveskills:analysis of the impactof physical andchemical Analysis factorsin the cultivationof industrial strainsof micro-organismsin the population Evaluate and Create To evaluate the impactof physical andchemical factors on thedifferent groupsof microorganismsduring biotechnology using Modern food technology of health and prophylactic purposes, methods of modeling of functional foods based on milk, selection of probiotic microorganisms and study the possibility of their culture, the influence of various factors on the growth and development of lacto - and bifidobacteria. Written exam Mediaemployed Reading list Video lectures, Website: Presentations 1. Vinogradsky S.N. About the role of microbes in the general circle of life (1896) //Journal of the RAS. 1996, № 12. (in Russian) 2. Guzev V.S., Zvyagintsev D.G. Biometric analysis of bacterial cells in soil / / Microbiology. 2003. T. 74, № 2. (in Russian) 3. Dobrovolskaya T.G. The structure of soil bacterial communities. Moscow, 2002. 4. Zavarzin G.A., E.A. Bonch-Osmolovskaya Syntrophic interactions in microbial communities // Math. USSR. Ser. Biol., 2010, № 2, p.165-173. 5. Zavarzin G.A., Zhilina T.P. Soda lakes - natural model of the ancient biosphere continent // Nature. 2000, № 2. (in Russian) 6. Zvyagintsev D.G. Microorganisms in permafrost. Phys. Microbiology. 1992, vol 25. 7. Kozhevin P.A. Microbial population in the wild. Moscow: Moscow State University. 1989. (in Russian) 8. Nesis K.N. Germs under the ocean floor and extraterrestrial life / / Nature. 2002, № 7. 9. Pozmogova I.N. The impact of physical and chemical factors on microorganisms. Results of Science and Technology // Mikrobiologiya.1991.T.60, № 3. 10. Shapiro J.S. Micro-organisms such as viruses, bacteria, fungi. Textbook. SPb.: Publishing House "ELBI-SPb, 2003.(in Russian) Module designation New foods Module level, if applicable Master degree ProfessionalModules Code, if applicable МIOT 2 Subtitle, if applicable Courses, if applicable Course Production of therapeutic and prophylactic purposes Credits 3 (2 lectures + 1 lab/ week) Semester(s) in which the module is taught 2 semester Person responsible for the module Abdieva G.Zh. Lecturer Abdieva G.Zh. Language Kazakh, Russian Relationtocurriculum Foundational/Major Core / Major Elective Type of teaching, contactHours Lecture 30 hours per semester 2 hours per week Practicum 15 hours per semester 1 hour per week students Seminars - Workload Lectures 30 hours per semester 2 hours per week Seminars 15 hours per semester 1 hour per week Guided self-study - Self-study 60 hours per semester 4 hours per week 3 credits Creditpoints Requirements according to the examination regulations Recommended prerequisites Genetics and genomics of microorganisms Module objectives/intended learning outcomes Knowledge Skills Remember Apply 1. The nobility Magistranty types of relationship a macroorganism and a microbiota have to know ecological relationship in microbiocenoses, the characteristic of microflora of different biotopes; 1. 2. Understand molecular bases of relationship between a human body and normal microflora, types of relationship a macroorganism and a microbiota. Competences 4. To be able to be guided in understanding ecological niches of microorganisms; Analysis normal microflora of the person, endoekologichesky relationship of microflora and a macroorganism. Evaluate To possess information on normal microflora of a body of the person, the characteristic, feature and infrastructure and function of normal microflora, trophic and regulatory communications between an organism of the owner and normal microflora, Create To define a role of QS of system in formation of biofilms, mechanisms of adaptation of microorganisms to stresses. Content Study and examination requirements and forms of examination Mediaemployed Reading list Theoretical basis of production of products of therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. Justification and the creation of composite foods of therapeutic and preventive purposes. Written exam 1st interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing 2nd interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing Final examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical question Video lectures, Website: Presentations Dobrovolskaya T.G. The structure of soil bacterial communities. Moscow, 2002. Zavarzin G.A., E.A. Bonch-Osmolovskaya Syntrophic interactions in microbial communities // Math. USSR. Ser. Biol., 2010, № 2, p.165-173. (in Russian) Zavarzin G.A., Zhilina T.P. Soda lakes - natural model of the ancient biosphere continent // Nature. 2000, № 2. Zvyagintsev D.G. Microorganisms in permafrost. Phys. Microbiology. 1992, vol 25. (in Russian) Kozhevin P.A. Microbial population in the wild. Moscow: Moscow State University. 1989. Nesis K.N. Germs under the ocean floor and extraterrestrial life / / Nature. 2002, № 7. Pozmogova I.N. The impact of physical and chemical factors on microorganisms. Results of Science and Technology // Mikrobiologiya.1991.T.60, № 3. (in Russian) Shapiro J.S. Micro-organisms such as viruses, bacteria, fungi. Textbook. SPb.: Publishing House "ELBI-SPb, 2003.(in Russian) Module designation Food diagnostics and biologically active substances Module level, if applicable Master degree Professional Modules Code, if applicable МIOT 3 Subtitle, if applicable Courses, if applicable Course Food Diagnostics: quality control Credits 3 (2 lectures + 1 lab/ week) Semester(s) in which the module is taught 3 semester Person responsible for the module Savickay I.S. Lecturer Savickay I.S. Language Kazakh, Russian Relationtocurriculum Foundational/Major Core / Major Elective Type of teaching, contactHours Lecture 30 hours per semester 2 hours per week Practicum 15 hours per semester 1 hour per week students Seminars - Workload Lectures 30 hours per semester 2 hours per week Seminars 15 hours per semester 1 hour per week Guided self-study - Self-study 60 hours per semester 4 hours per week Creditpoints 3 credits Requirements according to the examination regulations Recommended prerequisites Genetics and genomics of microorganisms Module objectives/intended Knowledge Skills Competences learning outcomes Remember Apply Evaluate - to know the description of the main biotechnological methods used by production of biologically active agents; to be able to own methods of preparation of nutrient mediums for the microbiological industry. - to have skills of work for receiving valuable biologically active agents; Understand to know application to oborudovaniye for implementation of these methods; - to know theoretical bases of synthesis of biologically active Create - to be able to allocate and clear products of mikrobialny synthesis. - to be able to receive technological fermental preparations a method of superficial cultivation. to have skills of work of management of operating technological processes of processing of the food raw materials, providing the output, meeting the requirements of the standard. Analysis Content Study and examination requirements and forms of examination Mediaemployed Reading list to be able to analyze receiving technological fermental preparations by a method of superficial cultivation. Official inspection and certification systems; stages of the production and distribution of food; requirements for food products, sanitary and epidemiological expertise, modern quality management system based on ISO and Codex International biomanufacturing methods Alimentarius; rules and guidelines for the conduct of microbiological risk assessment CLC / GL 30. Written exam 1st interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing 2nd interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing Final examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical question Video lectures, Website: Presentations Modern microbiology. Prokaryot. Vol.2.- М.:Мir, 2005. (in Russian) Glik B., Pasternak D Моlecular biotechnology: principle and application. – М.: Мir, 2002. (in English) Singer М., Berg P. Gene and genom: vol.2. М., 1998. Таrasov В.А. Моlecular mechanisms of reparation and mutagenesis. – М.: nauka, 2008. (in Russian) Rybkin В.N. Basis of genetic engineering. S-P, 2002. (in Russian) Module designation Combination products and processing Module level, if applicable Master degree BasicProfessionalModules Code, if applicable МIOT 4 Subtitle, if applicable Courses, if applicable Course Biotechnology combined dairy products Credits 3 (2 lectures + 1 lab/ week) Semester(s) in which the module is taught 3 semester Person responsible for the module Berzhanova R.Zh. Lecturer Berzhanova R.Zh. Language Kazakh, Russian Relationtocurriculum Foundational/Major Core / Major Elective Type of teaching, contactHours Lecture 30 hours per semester 2 hours per week Practicum 15 hours per semester 1 hour per week students Seminars - Workload Lectures 30 hours per semester 2 hours per week Seminars 15 hours per semester 1 hour per week Guided self-study - Self-study 60 hours per semester 4 hours per week Creditpoints 3 credits Requirements according to the examination regulations Recommended prerequisites Genetics and genomics of microorganisms Module objectives/intended learning outcomes Knowledge Remember - the biophysicaland biochemicalmechanisms ofsignal transduction; Understand the typesof receptorsand themechanismof their bindingwith othermoleculesinvolvedincellsignaling; - typesof primary andsecondarymessengers. Skills Apply The students must own: - the skills of studying biological processes at the cellular and Competences Evaluate Expansion of education and training in accordance with the training program in questions of mechanisms of life processes in living organisms Create The knowledge in molecular level; Analysis Content Study and examination requirements and forms of examination Mediaemployed Reading list practice to solve specific research, information retrieval, methodological problems in various fields of biotechnology. - the skills in creating of the cellular and molecular biotechnologies; Microbiological processes in the manufacture of dairy products, the theoretical fundamentals of dairy products, obtaining new products from milk and dairy waste, the use of low-cost non-conventional raw materials for the development of new dairy products, obtaining new probiotic products. Written exam 1st interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing 2nd interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing Final examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical question Video lectures, Website: Presentations 1. Ernst J. M. Helmreich. The Biochemistry of Cell Signalling. Oxford University Press, USA; 2001, 368 p. (in Englsih) 2. John Hancock. Cell Signalling. Oxford University Press, USA; 3 edition, 2010, 352 p. 3.Friedrich Marks, Ursula Klingmьller, Karin Mьller-Decker.Cellular Signal Processing: An Introduction to the Molecular Mechanisms of Signal Transduction. Garland Science; 2008, 656 p. (in Englsih) 4. PaltsevM.A.,Ivanov A.A.Cell-cell interactions. Moscow, Medicine, 1995. 5. FullerDM,ShieldsD.MolecularBiology of the Cell. M.Bean-Press, 2004. 6. KrutetskayaZI,LebedevO.Structural andfunctional organization ofsignaling systemsin cells/ / Cytology, 2000, v.42,p.844-874. (in Englsih) Module designation Biotechnology and control of aquatic ecosystems Module level, if applicable Master degree Code, if applicable МIOT 1 Subtitle, if applicable Courses, if applicable Course Biotechnology wastewater treatment Credits 3 (2 lectures + 1 lab/ week) Semester(s) in which the module is taught 1 semester Person responsible for the module Shimshikov B.E. Lecturer Shimshikov B.E. Language Kazakh, Russian Relationtocurriculum Foundational/Major Core / Major Elective Type of teaching, contactHours Lecture 30 hours per semester Practicum 15 hours per Seminars - 2 hours per week semester 1 hour per week students Workload Lectures 30 hours per semester 2 hours per week Seminars 15 hours per semester 1 hour per week Guided self-study - Creditpoints 2 credits Requirements according to the examination regulations The main considered subjects: - bioremediation of the polluted water ecosystems, the main stages of process and biology of used objects; - biological cleaning of the polluted water ecosystems by means of microalgas and tsianobakteriya; Basics of Biotechnology Recommended prerequisites Module objectives/intended learning outcomes Knowledge Remember Skills Apply Self-study 60 hours per semester 4 hours per week Competences Evaluate knowledge of the world phototrophic microorganisms, their place in wildlife; the structural organization prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells of phototrophic microorganisms Content Study and examination requirements and forms of examination Mediaemployed Reading list The basic properties the approach from phototrophic scientific positions to microorganisms, variety questions their classification, phototrophic role in the nature microorganisms and human life, possibility of use of Create microalgae in mass The knowledge the Understand the world phototrophic cultivation and for processes of their microorganisms the basic production of ability to live, properties anaoxigenic and biologically active competently to estimate oxigenic groups prokaryotic and substances. The the contribution of microalgae, principles of their mechanism of microorganisms in total classification, ecology; roles in the photosynthesis of biological processes at nature and human life. various groups planning and the phototrophic decision of fundamental organisms. and applied problems of biotechnology. Analysis Production of photosynthesis and methods of their production. Installations for cultivation phototrophic microorganisms. Within this course problems and prospects of biological sewage treatment on the basis of microalgas and cyanobacteria, biological properties of cultures steady against various toxins are considered. Written exam 1st interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing 2nd interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing Final examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical question Video lectures, Website: Presentations 1Los D..А. sensor systems of cyanobacteria.-М.:science piece, 2010.-p218 (in Russian) 2Galkin А.N., Мicheeva L..Е., Shestakov S.В. Insertion inactivate of gene, to code serin-treonin proteikinaze of eykaruot type cyanobacteria // Мicrobiology.2003.vol.72. №1.p.64-69. (in Russian) 3Zynchenko В.В. vectors for complementations of analysis mutant cyanobacteria // Genetics. 1999. V.35 №3. p.291-296 4 Los D..А. Perception of signals by biological membranes sensor proteins and expression genes// Soros educational magazine. 2001. V.7. №9. P.1-9. 5Tarasov Century And. Molecular mechanisms of reparation and mutagenesis. – М: Science, 2008. (in Russian) 6Glyk B., Pasternak Dzh. Molecular biotechnology: principles and application. – М: World, 2002. 7Singer М, Berg P.b Gen and genoms: vol.2, М, 1998 (in Englsih) Module designation Increasing the productivity of agricultural lands and microbial technology Module level, if applicable Professional Modules Code, if applicable МIOT 2 Subtitle, if applicable Courses, if applicable Course Biotechnology increasing the productivity of agricultural lands Semester(s) in which the module is taught 2 semester Person responsible for the module Berzhanova R.Zh. Lecturer Berzhanova R.Zh. Language Kazakh, Russian Relation to curriculum Foundational/Major Core / Major Elective Type of teaching, contactHours Lecture 30 hours per semester 2 hours per week Practicum 15 hours per semester 1 hour per week students Seminars - Workload Lectures 30 hours per semester 2 hours per week Seminars 15 hours per semester 1 hour per week Guided self-study - Self-study 60 hours per semester 4 hours per week Creditpoints 3 credits Requirements according to the examination regulations Recommended Biochemistry, Microbiology, Basics of Biotechnology Credits 3 (2 lectures + 1 lab/ week) prerequisites Module objectives/intended learning outcomes Knowledge Remember At studying of discipline students should acquire knowledge of the world phototrophic microorganisms, their place in wildlife; the structural organization prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells of phototrophic microorganisms Understand the ways of existence and life types in the world phototrophic microorganisms the basic properties anaoxigenic and oxigenic groups prokaryotic and microalgae, principles of their classification, ecology; roles in the nature and human life. Content Study and examination requirements and forms of examination Mediaemployed Reading list Skills Apply At studying of discipline students should acquire knowledge of the world phototrophic microorganisms, their place in wildlife; the structural organization prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells of phototrophic microorganisms Competences Evaluate At studying of discipline students should acquire knowledge of the world phototrophic microorganisms, their place in wildlife; the structural organization prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells of phototrophic microorganisms, a variety of ways of existence and life types in the world phototrophic Analysis a variety of ways of Create existence and life The knowledge of types in the world microorganisms and the phototrophic basic properties microorganisms the anaoxigenic and basic properties oxigenic groups anaoxigenic and prokaryotic and oxigenic groups microalgae, principles of prokaryotic and their classification, microalgae, ecology; roles in the principles of their nature and human life. classification, ecology; roles in the nature and human life. In a course considered biotechnologies of optimization of conditions of growth and development of plants, the contents in the soil macro - and microcells of a food of plants on the main types of soils, calculation of requirement for them cultivated cultures, calculation of norms and terms of introduction of organic and mineral fertilizers. On the basis of these calculations biotechnologies of optimization of a food of plants are formed. Written exam 1st interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing 2nd interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing Final examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical question Video lectures, Website: Presentations Gareth Price. Biology: An Illustrated Guide to Science [2006]. ISBN-10: 0-81606162-9 (in Englsih) John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Dictionary of Microbiology and Molecular Biology, Third Edition [2006]. ISBN-13 978-0-470-03545-0 (in English) Moselio Schaechter. Encyclopedia of microbiology. Third edition [2009]. ISBN9780123749802 Talaro−Talaro: Foundations in Microbiology, Fourth Edition [2011]. ISBN - 978- 0072320428 (in English) Eugene W. Nester and etc. Microbiology: a human perspective, sixth edition [2011]. ISBN 978–0–07–299543–5 Prescott, Harley, and Klein’s microbiology, seventh edition [2008]. ISBN 978–0– 07–299291–5 (in English) Nathan S. Mosier, Michael R. Ladisch. Modern biotechnology: connecting innovations in microbiology and biochemistry to engineering fundamentals [2009]. ISBN 978-0-470-11485-8 Tortora, Gerard J. Microbiology: an introduction [2010]. ISBN-13: 978-0-32155007-1 (in Englsih) Madsen, Eugene L. Environmental microbiology [2008].ISBN-13: 978-1-40513647-1 Talaro, Kathleen P. Foundations in microbiology. 8th edition [2012]. ISBN 978-007-337529-8 (in Englsih) Module designation The metabolism of xenobiotics and environmental problems Module level, if applicable Master degree Professional Modules Code, if applicable МIOT 3 Subtitle, if applicable Courses, if applicable Course The metabolism of xenobiotics Credits 3 (2 lectures + 1 lab/ week) Semester(s) in which the module is taught 3 semester Person responsible for the module Mukasheva T.D. Lecturer Mukasheva T.D. Language Kazakh, Russian Relationtocurriculum Foundational/Major Core / Major Elective Type of teaching, contactHours Lecture 30 hours per semester 2 hours per week Practicum 15 hours per semester 1 hour per week students Seminars - Workload Lectures 30 hours per semester 2 hours per week Seminars 15 hours per semester 1 hour per week Guided self-study - Self-study 60 hours per semester 4 hours per week Creditpoints 3 credits Requirements according to the examination regulations Recommended prerequisites Biochemistry, Microbiology, Basics of Biotechnology Module objectives/intended learning outcomes Knowledge Remember - the biophysicaland biochemicalmechanisms ofcells; Understand the bioconversion of xenobiotics; environmental problems related to xenobiotics Skills Apply The knowledge of the world phototrophic microorganisms, their place in wildlife; the structural organization prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells of phototrophic microorganisms Analysis a variety of ways of existence and life types in the world phototrophic microorganisms the basic properties anaoxigenic and oxigenic groups prokaryotic and microalgae, principles of their classification, ecology; roles in the nature and human life. Competences Evaluate the world phototrophic microorganisms, their place in wildlife; the structural organization prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells of phototrophic microorganisms Create the basic properties anaoxigenic and oxigenic groups prokaryotic and microalgae, principles of their classification, ecology; roles in the nature and human life. Content Study and examination requirements and forms of examination Written exam 1st interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing 2nd interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing Final examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical question Mediaemployed Video lectures, Website: Presentations Reinhard Renneberg. Biotechnology for Beginners [2007]. ISBN-9780123735812. (in Englsih) Reading list Gladys Alexandre and etc. Advances in applied microbiology [2009]. ISBN: 9780-12-374788-4(in Englsih) Gareth Price. Biology: An Illustrated Guide to Science [2006]. ISBN-10: 0-81606162-9 (in Englsih) John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Dictionary of Microbiology and Molecular Biology, Third Edition [2006]. ISBN-13 978-0-470-03545-0 Moselio Schaechter. Encyclopedia of microbiology. Third edition [2009]. ISBN9780123749802(in Englsih) Talaro−Talaro: Foundations in Microbiology, Fourth Edition [2011]. ISBN 978-0072320428(in Englsih) Eugene W. Nester and etc. Microbiology: a human perspective, sixth edition [2011]. ISBN 978–0–07–299543–5 Prescott, Harley, and Klein’s microbiology, seventh edition [2008]. ISBN 978–0– 07–299291–5(in Englsih) Nathan S. Mosier, Michael R. Ladisch. Modern biotechnology: connecting innovations in microbiology and biochemistry to engineering fundamentals [2009]. ISBN 978-0-470-11485-8(in Englsih) Tortora, Gerard J. Microbiology: an introduction [2010]. ISBN-13: 978-0-32155007-1(in Englsih) Madsen, Eugene L. Environmental microbiology [2008].ISBN-13: 978-1-40513647-1(in Englsih) Talaro, Kathleen P. Foundations in microbiology. 8th edition [2012]. ISBN 9780-07-337529-8(in Englsih) Module designation Methods for environmental analysis and phototrophic microorganisms Module level, if applicable Master degree Professional Modules Code, if applicable МIOT 4 Subtitle, if applicable Courses, if applicable Course Instrumental methods of analysis comp oyaniya environment Semester(s) in which the module is taught 3 semester Person responsible for the module Sadvakasova A.K. Lecturer Sadvakasova A.K. Language Kazakh, Russian Relationtocurriculum Foundational/Major Core / Major Elective Type of teaching, contactHours Lecture 30 hours per semester 2 hours per week Practicum 15 hours per semester 1 hour per week students Seminars - Workload Lectures 30 hours per semester 2 hours per week Seminars 15 hours per semester 1 hour per week Guided self-study - Self-study 60 hours per semester 4 hours per week Creditpoints 3 credits Requirements according to the examination regulations Credits 3 (2 lectures + 1 lab/ week) Recommended prerequisites Microbiology, Basics of Biotechnology Module objectives/intended learning outcomes Knowledge Remember and Understand The knowledge of the breadth of theoretical and applied science, plus the ability to design experiments and conduct biological research with modern technology and solve environmental problems by biotechnology issues. Skills Apply Demonstrate effective interviewing skills to obtain employment in the biotechnology industry. Apply scientific method and good experimental design in scientific experiments. Analysis and demonstrate methods in environmental biotechnology. Competences Evaluate Describe the basic function sewage water treatment systems. Describe regulatory technique and methods relate to the industrial and domestic water treatment. Apply common statistical methods (i.e., calculate, analyze, interpret, report) in the examination of wastewater treatment problems. Create Apply the fundamental concepts of information technology to the practice of public health. Understand and apply techniques to conduct a selfdirected job search. Content Study and examination requirements and forms of examination Written exam 1st interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing 2nd interim control: attendance, in-class discussion, problem solving, testing Final examination: written, 2 theoretical questions, 1 practical question Mediaemployed Video lectures, Website: Presentations Gladys Alexandre and etc. Advances in applied microbiology [2009]. ISBN: 978-0-12374788-4(in Englsih) Reading list Gareth Price. Biology: An Illustrated Guide to Science [2006]. ISBN-10: 0-8160-61629(in Englsih) John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Dictionary of Microbiology and Molecular Biology, Third Edition [2006]. ISBN-13 978-0-470-03545-0(in Englsih) Moselio Schaechter. Encyclopedia of microbiology. Third edition [2009]. ISBN9780123749802(in Englsih) Talaro−Talaro: Foundations in Microbiology, Fourth Edition [2011]. ISBN - 9780072320428(in Englsih) Eugene W. Nester and etc. Microbiology: a human perspective, sixth edition [2011]. ISBN 978–0–07–299543–5(in Englsih) Prescott, Harley, and Klein’s microbiology, seventh edition [2008]. ISBN 978–0–07– 299291–5(in Englsih) Nathan S. Mosier, Michael R. Ladisch. Modern biotechnology: connecting innovations in microbiology and biochemistry to engineering fundamentals [2009]. ISBN 978-0470-11485-8(in Englsih) Module designation Module level, if applicable State Compulsory Module Pedagogics State Compulsory Module Code, ifapplicable Ped 5203 Subtitle, if applicable - Courses, ifapplicable Course Pedagogical Practice Semester(s) in which the module is taught 8 semester Person responsible for the module ShagyrbekovaMentai Lecturer ShagyrbekovaMentai Language Kazakh, Russian Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET) Vocational Type of teaching, contact Hours Lecture Practicum 90 hrs (30 hrs per week) Seminars Workload Lectures Guided self-study Self-study Credit points 3 credits/3 ECTS Requirements according to the examination regulations Development of the major problems of education and training to subjects of a biological cycle at school. Mastering by methodical receptions and methods of carrying out of lessons of biology. Recommended prerequisites Methods of biology teaching Module objectives/intended learning outcomes Knowledge Skills Competences Knowledgegeneral theoretical foundationsof teaching methodsto the extent necessaryto address theeducationalobjectivesfor teaching biologyingeneral secondaryeducation, knowledge of methods, techniquesand analysisofdifferent types oflessons, the methodof formation anddevelopment of biologicalconcepts. -to plan, organize and plan, organize and spend scientific - educational work; to have the ability to carry outa calendar, a case andby the jobscheduling; -to apply the knowledge received in the field of biology to the decision of pedagogical and methodical problems; methodically competently to carry out lessons, laboratory and practical employment, to use various means of presentation . Must be able: to apply adequately received pedagogical and psychological knowledge in practice; formation at students of pedagogical knowledge, their acquaintance with theoretical bases of pedagogics, with modern technologies of the organization of training and education, Credits 3 3 weeks with technologies the subject - subject interaction of the teacher and pupils in educational process of school. Content The aim of pedagogical practice is: - to prepare to teaching at the secondary school, institution; -the acquisition and fixing of skills of practical activities to implement the educational process in the school, including the teaching of disciplines; - training activities of students. During practice the studentsmaster theprinciples of the organizationof the educational processfor teachingbiology, gain skillsto useeducationalprograms, textbooks, teaching aidsandliteratureon the biology, teaching and laboratoryequipment andnew information technologiesin the educational processin biology. The general questions of teaching of biology and theoretical bases of studying of discipline. Methods and methodical receptions of training in biology. Forms of the organization of educational process in biology. Study and examination requirements and forms of examination Report of practice Media employed Reading list 1.Verzilin N.M., Korsunska V.M. The general a technique of teaching of biology. M.: Education, 1983. 2.Zverev I.D., Myagkov A.N. General a technique of teaching of biology in high school. M.: Education, 1985. 3.Ponomareva I.N., V.P.General's Culms a technique of teaching of biology. M.: Academy, 2003. Moduledesignation State Compulsory Module Psychology State Compulsory Module Module level, if applicable Code, ifapplicable Psy 5204 Subtitle, if applicable notapplicable Courses, ifapplicable Elective Courses Psychologyof Interpersonal Communication Semester(s) in which the module is taught 3 semester Person responsible for the module associate ProfessorZhumanova L.K. Lecturer associate Professor Zhumanova L.K. Language Kazakh, Russian Relation to curriculum (State/Social/ Vocational/IET) Credits 2 1 lectures + 1 seminar / week Type of teaching, contact Hours Social Lecture 15 hours per semester 1 hour per week Practicum Seminars 15 hours per semester 1 hour per week Guided self-study 8 hours per semester Self-study 30 hours per semester 2 hours per week Workload Lectures 15 hours per semester 1 hour per week Credit points 2 credit/3 ECTS Requirements according to the examination regulations It is necessary to have knowledge of philosophy, culture study, history, ethics, language learning, logics and other spheres for studying sociology. Sociology develops in integrative interactions with socialhumanist modules, observing different aspects of development, functions and interaction of society and personality – politics of economical courses, proves, and social philosophy, ethnology etc. Recommended prerequisites Historyof Kazakhstan, Political Science, Economic theory, Social sciences(as partof the school program), The courseof world history(as partof the school program). Social Issues of terrorism Knowledge Skills Competences knowledge of mental phenomena of the ability to the ability to interpersonal communication in the investigate competently build a accordance of the cognitive processes individual human system of relationships and regulatory conditions; characteristics in with others in the knowledge of the theoretical and terms of context of interpersonal methodological foundations of interpersonal communication and modern psychology of interpersonal communication in group interaction communication ; order to identify his skills of interpersonal knowledge of the basic concepts and personal attributes communication categories of modern psychology of and form his psychological research, interpersonal communication; psychological implementation, characteristics; analysis , processing of the data and correct interpretation of the results; Module objectives/intended learning outcomes Create the ability to develop practical recommendations to help improve the individual in terms of interpersonal communication; Analysis the ability to estimate and adjust interpersonal communication in order to harmonize the individual and his relationship with others Apply the ability to adequately apply the acquired psychological knowledge in interpersonal communication Content The aim: students’ awareness of the role and place of psychological knowledge about interpersonal communication in the modern world, revealing their importance in the process of becoming a professional in their chosen specialty. Content: Systematization of students’ knowledge through the study of the major paradigms, theories, and concepts of modern psychology of interpersonal communication. The theoretical and empirical study of the interpersonal communication psychological problems based on the study of cognitive processes, mental states and individual psychological characteristics of the individual. Basic categories and concepts of social psychology, methodological foundations of social psychology, the basic theories, concepts and principles of social psychology, the nature, content and form of psychic phenomena, laws of their dynamics, methods and techniques of researching interpersonal communication, the essence of the new psychological techniques and technology of studying interpersonal communication. Study and examination requirements and Written and oral exam, tests forms of examination Media employed Video lectures, presentations, Website:, Reading list 1.IbraevaA.S. Theory of Psychology.Almaty, 2003 2.SapargaliyevG.S.Foundations of the stateand law.Almaty, 2001. 3.SydykovU.E.,OspanovK.I.Foundations of Law.Textbook.Almaty: KazNTU, 2004.