Snake River Alliance Comments Clean Power Plan Proposed Rule – Docket ID: EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-0602 Carbon Pollution Emission Guidelines for Existing Stationary Sources Electric Utility Generating Units December 1, 2014 The Snake River Alliance appreciates the opportunity to comment on Proposed Rule – Docket ID: EPAHQ-OAR-2013-0602 – the Clean Power Plan proposed revisions to Section 111(d) of the federal Clean Air Act. The Alliance is an Idaho-based non-profit organization, established in 1979 to address Idahoans’ concerns about nuclear safety issues. In 2006, the Alliance expanded the scope of its mission by launching its Clean Energy Program. The Alliance’s energy initiative includes advocacy for renewable energy resources in Idaho; expanded conservation and demand-side management programs offered by Idaho’s regulated utilities and the Bonneville Power Administration; and development of local, state, regional, and national initiatives to advance sustainable energy policies. Central to the Alliance’s clean energy work are efforts to reduce power plant greenhouse gas emissions by regulated utilities serving Idaho electric load, and as such the Alliance has worked directly with utilities as well as regulators, power planners, and other entities to accomplish the goal of reduced coal consumption for electricity production. This proposed rule is an important and legally defensible step toward a nationwide lower-carbon electricity portfolio, which is vital if the nation as a whole and each of its individual states are to make overdue progress in reducing our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from existing electric generating units (EGUs). It can be debated whether this progress can be made as a result of Congressional or Executive actions, but the time for awaiting Congressional action has expired. The stakes involved in this issue are simply too great to continue to tolerate further inaction and delayed decision-making, as difficult as it may appear. The Clean Power Plan, despite flaws that can be remedied in the final rule and even subsequent amendments to the rule at later dates as appropriate, is the opportunity to act and to demonstrate global leadership in GHG reduction efforts. The United States has a moral imperative not only to fulfill its obligations in reducing climate-altering GHG emissions, but also to lead by example as BOX 1731 ∣ BOISE, ID 83701 ∣ 208.344.9161 BOX 425 ∣ POCATELLO, ID 83204 ∣ 208.233.7212 WWW.SNAKERIVERALLIANCE.ORG nations worldwide struggle to reverse their increasing emissions. While we support the rule, as stated below we believe the greenhouse gas reduction targets must be more ambitious – and that the means to achieve greater GHG reductions currently exist and can be implemented without economic disruption. To do so, we recommend EPA more realistically examine the true reductions that can be achieved through more robust energy efficiency and renewable energy goals (Building Blocks 3 and 4) – both of which will help achieve greater reductions as well as reduce the overall costs of state compliance with the rule. This is particularly important in light of the Natural Resources Defense Council’s “Updated Costs and Performance” analysis by ICF International to run the Integrated Planning Model (IPM) with updated data that in some cases dramatically alters the data inputs and resulting conclusions of EPA – which also uses the IPM. That analysis, with updated data not reflected in this draft rule, indicates that far greater emissions reductions are possible than envisioned in this draft rule. It also indicates a huge difference in the costs and savings resulting from implementation of this rule. As explained in more detail below, we believe that for meaningful emission reductions to occur, EPA’s proposed “outside the fence line” approach to identifying possible reductions must remain intact. Failure to do so would render Building Blocks 3 and 4 meaningless, and in our view those Building Blocks are where true reductions will be achieved. Were the Clean Power Plan to be restricted to activities inside the fence line at the plant level, the GHG reductions would likely be limited to 4 percent or less – far below the goals identified in the Clean Power Plan. Multi-State Compliance Planning In addition, the Alliance has co-signed and concurs with comments by Northwest U.S. non-government organizations endorsing the use of a regional, or multi-state compliance regime when appropriate, as it is in our region and with our interconnected western power grid – the Western Electricity Coordinating Council, or WECC. We recommend that EPA allow and assist states preferring a multi-state approach the flexibility to design one that does not by necessity mirror the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) currently in use by northeast states. The states in the Northwest have much in common, particularly with regard to grid operations, transmission, and development of energy efficiency and renewable energy resources, in addition to the fact that much of the coal-fired generation used in the region comes from power plants located primarily in intermountain states such as Montana, Wyoming, and Utah. As opposed to a source-based, or plant-by-plant approach, a multi-state, or system-based, approach and shared goals for our region would deliver compliance efficiencies, reduced costs to achieve greenhouse gas emissions, and reduced redundancy in implementation measures. At the same time, a state’s participation in a multi-state agreement should not require that state’s compliance goal to be absorbed, or blended, into a regional goal. In allowing a multi-state approach, however, the rule must include safeguards to prevent “double counting” of emission reduction measures, such as in cases where energy efficiency or renewable energy efforts in one state might be counted for emissions reductions in another state using a mass-based regime where an exporting coal plant is located. The rule should ensure that states making energy efficiency or renewable energy investments be given credit for those efforts. There are several possible remedies for possible double counting, and flexibility must be provided as appropriate for states to ensure it does not occur. At the same time, it is important that the rule establish a uniform standard to credit emissions reductions for renewables and efficiency that occur across state lines, which would also collaterally benefit forward-looking states that proactively adopt state-specific policies to encourage efficiency and renewable energy development. Baseline Metric We are confident that EPA has already heard enough during stakeholder meetings and through comments that establishing 2012 as the single baseline year to calculate and determine compliance with our targets, particularly here in Idaho, is inappropriate and would undermine the intent of the proposed rule, at least in our region, by underestimating the region’s average GHG emissions. As proposed, the proposed rule selects a reference year in which states like Idaho experienced higherthan-normal stream flows. For states like Idaho that are heavily reliant on hydropower generation, that has the inevitable result of skewing our emissions levels as the state was less dependent on its out-ofstate thermal power production due to greater use of lower-emissions hydropower. Our region’s year-toyear variability in stream flows and hydropower generation require a more accurate baseline as the foundation for its compliance targets. EPA should instead use an average of multiple years – at least five – to better account for the variability in steam flows and, as a result, clean power generation. This would better normalize and more accurately depict electricity generation conditions and minimize climate anomalies such as temperature and precipitation that may affect a state’s reduction target. Implementation Timing of the Rule We appreciate that when EPA delayed the public comment period to Dec. 1, it did not likewise change future timetables for release of the final rule and for states’ development of their respective plans by June 30, 2016. EPA should adhere to its intended date for issuance of the final rule, as well as its timeline for states to develop their compliance, or “state implementation” plans, for EPA to approve them, and ultimately to ensure states are on track to meet their compliance targets. This is especially important because any slippage of meeting those targets means GHG emissions are continuing at rates above the stated targets, which in turn delays state development and implementation of the components of their plans, which in turn erodes the intent of this Clean Air Act rule and the Act itself. As states decide whether to partner with other states in a regional compliance approach, the additional time to do so should appropriately be allowed. Furthermore, states should be permitted to join a regional compliance regime if they decide to do so at a later date and after their individual plans have been approved. At a minimum, however, any multi-state or regional compliance approach must ensure that the result is no lower than what would have been achieved from individual state compliance plans, ensuring that states do not recognize lower reduction targets as a result of their collaborating with other states. Inasmuch as Idaho is a coal-fired generation “consumer state,” and given that it joins three of its neighbors that compose the Northwest Power and Conservation Council, and given that much of our region’s carbon emissions are generated elsewhere, a regional compliance approach makes the most sense for states such as Idaho. Idaho is different from its neighboring states in that it does not have renewable energy or energy efficiency standards, but as with its neighbors, its electric utilities operate in and are regulated by other states in the region, further making a regional compliance regime more practical and more effective. In addition, EPA should remain firm with its 2020 interim compliance target date as reasonable to ensure states remain on track in reaching their respective goals. The rule should also make it clear that states are allowed to revise or update their compliance plans through the 2030 compliance period to adjust for changes in technologies and other circumstances unforeseen during the coming period of initial compliance plan development. Best System of Emission Reduction The federal Clean Air Act’s Section 111 allows EPA to establish emission targets for the states, using the proposed “best system of emission reduction” (BSER) at issue in this proposed rule. BSER is the appropriate method to reduce GHG emissions as it provides states the flexibility to employ carbonreducing measures beyond an EGU’s fence line. As mentioned above, Idaho has no utility EGUs within its boundaries and instead imports significant amounts of power from out-of-state plants, so it is logical that it be allowed to turn to energy efficiency and renewable energy alternatives in meeting its compliance obligations. The alternative – attempting to reach GHG reductions strictly at the plant level – would foreclose many of the opportunities for overall emissions reductions, chiefly those contemplated in Building Blocks 3 and 4. States opting to rely on individual compliance plans must include provisions to guarantee their stated GHG reductions are met by the respective deadlines, including using a uniform measurement and verification process. It is important that, as states work to determine how to reach their targets, they have as many tools at their disposal as possible and as prescribed in the four Building Blocks. However, given the significant amount of hydropower consumed in Idaho – including from hydropower plants that straddle state boundaries (the Snake River serves as a portion of the Idaho-OregonWashington border), we believe EPA should resist efforts to include all hydropower when setting state targets. We acknowledge the zero-carbon emissions from hydro generation, but do not believe compliance targets should be decremented by subtracting that generation, which would relieve Idaho from its obligation to reduce its portion of coal plant emissions. We also note that most hydropower is generally not considered a “renewable” energy resource in calculations for utility compliance with state renewable portfolio standards. With regard to the solicitation for additional information in EPA’s Oct. 28, 2014, notice of data availability (NODA), nuclear power in any form, including existing “at risk” reactors, should not be considered as a BSER technology. It is neither a renewable generation resource, relying on a finite fuel source (uranium), nor does it pass any rational cost-effective test that will be employed for purposes of determining BSER alternatives. Nuclear power is the most expensive currently available generation resource in the nation and its overall, levelized costs, including still-unsolvable waste management and unknown disposal technologies, are incalculable. It appears that the draft rule would actually encourage states where reactors are at some stage of construction to continue massive investments when far less expensive alternatives – notably renewable energy and energy efficiency – are available. If the rule assumes there is no cost of completing any of the reactors regardless of massive cost overruns and delays, then nuclear would irrationally be viewed as competitive as a resource as solar or wind. Furthermore, the rule should not suggest or assumer that decommissioned reactors must be replaced with thermal, GHG-emitting resources. We see no justification to provide states with operating or planned nuclear reactors a credit toward target compliance in exchange for further massive investments in reactors, as has been suggested. Regardless of whether the rule considers nuclear to be a BSER-qualifying technology, for reasons stated above it should be disqualified as a resource to help meet emission reduction targets. The Energy Efficiency Building Block As EPA knows, energy efficiency and conservation are the cleanest, least expensive, and in many cases most effective way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. States should be encouraged to apply all costeffective demand-side management programs as a compliance tool. Building Block 4, increasing energy efficiency, is critically important if states are to meet their targets and will likely be the primary avenue for Idaho to meet its 33 percent emission reduction compliance target. However, a weakness in the draft rule deals with how states can apply energy efficiency in meeting targets. Allowing energy efficiency to be applied only to offset in-state generation (again, Idaho has two natural gas plants and no utility coal plants) has the effect of reducing the effectiveness of the energy efficiency building block. In addition, if EPA were to increase the percentage of energy efficiency states can apply to their targets from 1.5 percent of retail sales/load to a greater percentage, states and regions such as the Northwest that have adopted aggressive DSM programs could be allowed to capture the savings from such things as building codes, voltage regulation, market transformation (such as accomplished by the multi-state Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance) and energy efficiency appliance standards. These and other outside-the-fence line, non-utility efficiency measures must be counted toward a state’s compliance target, and early adopter states must also be credited for measures implemented prior to 2017. This is especially important to the Northwest region of the country, where the Northwest Power and Conservation Council has projected the four-state region can meet 85 percent of its new load through energy efficiency, with the all or most of the balance coming from renewable energy. States with robust efficiency measures should not be punished by a rule that sets the 1.5 percent of retail sales/load as a ceiling, thereby reducing the value of efficiency programs. The proposed 1.5 percent threshold should be increased to at least 2 percent. We also recommend that EPA consider a more rapid ramp rate of new energy efficiency than currently reflected in the rule, which would remove some disincentives for states to implement efficiency measures and to realize emission reductions as quickly as possible. Building Blocks 1-3 The draft rule ‘s Building Block 1 (upgrading plants to increase their efficiency) is based on EPA’s estimate that existing plants can see efficiency improvements of 6 percent. As with our concerns regarding energy efficiency above, we believe upgrades to plants can achieve average heat rate efficiencies greater than 6 percent. The rule’s Building Block 2 (more efficient use of natural gas plants) will be employed by many states that are home to coal plants. However, re-dispatching the bulk of the existing coal fleet to natural gas generation must be done judiciously given that gas-fired generation is still a significant GHG emitter, and given the uncertain future of natural gas availability and price vitality. Building Block 3 (expanded renewable energy) can and should provide more ambitious emission reduction estimates from renewables. For example, the rule should be revised to reflect recalculating GHG reductions from renewables to include their role in reducing coal-fired generation. In addition, renewable energy costs are extremely dynamic, but recent analyses, including the September Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis – Version 8.0 by Lazard Ltd, demonstrate that the cost of wind and solar, for instance, are more than competitive with the artificially understated cost of burning coal. The Lazard study indicated the levelized cost of energy of leading PV technologies has fallen by 20 percent in the past year and nearly 80 percent in the past five years. The cost of utility-scale solar energy is about 5.6 cents a kilowatt-hour, with wind at 1.4 cents. That compares with natural gas at a minimum of 6.1 cents. It is clear that the data used in EPA’s calculations are already very dated, and must be freshened in order for the conclusions regarding renewable energy to be acceptable. EPA must recalculate the costs assigned to renewable energy, which would establish that it overestimated those costs and as a result underestimated the amount of renewable energy that can be deployed in the states, which in turn underestimated emission reductions that should be attributed to renewables, let alone state reduction targets. As with energy efficiency, establishing 2017 as the ramp start for renewable energy has the unintended consequence of devaluing investments in renewables or efficiency within the 2012-2017 time frame. Just as unfortunate, it would likely discourage such investments during that period, until such time they can be counted toward a state’s compliance target. Conclusion EPA’s proposed draft revision of Rule 111(d) is an important and commendable platform to implement long-overdue greenhouse gas emissions. The Alliance concurs with the Natural Resources Defense Council’s October 2013 issue brief, “Questions and Answers on the EPA’s Legal Authority to Set ‘System-Based’ Carbon Pollution Standards for Existing Power Plants under Clean Air Act Section 111(d),” which outlined in detail EPA’s authority to promulgate this proposed rule. It is clear that this proposed rule will serve as the nation’s primary vehicle to reach is GHG reduction obligations. The draft Clean Power Plan proposal is an excellent starting point for meaningful, but it is clear that modifications such as those recommended above addressing the need for a deeper analysis of potential emission reductions from expanded renewable energy and energy efficiency initiatives can result in deeper reductions than currently contemplated. Respectfully Submitted, The Snake River Alliance Ken Miller Clean Energy Program Director Box 1731 Boise, ID 83701 (208) 344-9161