Updated: Sunday, February 7, 2016 Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR) – TEMPLATE PI Name: Grant Number: Grant Title: PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: RESPOND TO YELLOW HIGHLIGHTED QUESTIONS. The Grants Team will be responsible for completion of the other sections of the RPPR. ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. What are the major goals of the activity/project? (Page limit: 1 page) Insert response here. 2. What was accomplished under these goals? (Page limit: 2 pages) Insert response here. 3. What opportunities for training/professional development has the project provided? (Page limit: 1 page) If the research is not intended to provide training and professional development opportunities, or there is nothing significant to report, indicate “nothing to report/no change.” 4. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? (Page limit: 1 page) If the research is not intended to provide training and professional development opportunities, or there is nothing significant to report, indicate “nothing to report/no change.” 5. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish these goals? (Page limit: 1 page) Insert response here. PRODUCTS 1. Publications: Are there any publications or manuscripts accepted for publication in a journal or other publications during the reporting period resulting directly from this award? Answer Yes/No. If Yes, are you using MyNCBI library? 2. Internet Resources: List the URL for any internet site that disseminates the results of the research activities. A short description of each site should be provided. Do not include publications listed above. Response is limited to this reporting period. For awards not designed to create/maintain one or more websites, indicate “nothing to report/no change”. Updated: Sunday, February 7, 2016 3. Technology Development: Identify technologies or techniques that have resulted from the research activities. Describe the technologies or techniques and how they are being shared. Response is limited to this reporting period. If no technology is identified, indicate “nothing to report/no change.” 4. Inventions/Patent Disclosures: Have any inventions, patent applications and/or licenses resulted from the award during this reporting period? Answer Yes/No. If Yes, has this information been provided to the grantee organization UW C4C? What actions have been taken on these disclosures? 5. Product Development: Identify any other significant products that were developed under this project. Describe the product and how it is available to be shared with the research community. Do not repeat information provided above. Limit the response to the current reporting period. If no products are identified, indicate “nothing to report/no change.” 6. Data Sharing Plans: If the initial research plan addressed, or the terms of the award require, a formal plan for sharing research data, model organisms, Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS) data, or other such project specific data, describe the progress in implementing this plan. For sharing model organisms, include information on the number of requests received and numbers of requests fulfilled during this reporting period. If the sharing plan is fully implemented, provide a final statement on data sharing. If no data sharing plans are required or identified, indicate “nothing to report/no change.” CHANGES 1. Delays: Describe challenges or delays encountered during the reporting period and actions or plans to resolve them. Describe only significant challenges that may impede the research (hiring of personnel, need for resources or tools) and emphasize their resolution. (Page limit: 1 page) If no delays were encountered, indicate “nothing to report/no change.” 2. Human Subjects: Describe any significant deviation unexpected outcomes or changes in approved protocols for human subjects. If protocols are or will be different from the previous submission, include a description and explain the difference. Insert response here or indicate “nothing to report/no change.” 2a. Human Subjects: If the project involves human subjects, please provide the NIH formatted Inclusion Enrollment Data Table (refer to Micro Intranet for table). 3. Animal Subjects: Describe any significant deviation unexpected outcomes or changes in approved protocols for animal subjects. Changes considered significant include changing animal species, changing from noninvasive to invasive procedures, new performance site. Insert response here or indicate “nothing to report/no change.” 4. Biohazards: If the use of biohazards is or will be different from the previous submission, provide a description and explanation of the difference. Updated: Sunday, February 7, 2016 Insert response here or indicate “nothing to report/no change.” 5. If the possession, use or transfer of Select Agents is or will be different from that proposed in the previous submission, or if Select Agents is being added for use in the proposal, provide a description an explanation of these changes. Insert response here or indicate “nothing to report/no change.” IMPACT 1. Impact: What is the impact of the physical, institutional or information resources that form infrastructure? Describe ways in which the project made an impact, or is likely to make an impact, on physical, institutional, and information resources that form infrastructure, including: physical resources (labs, instruments), institutional resources (establishment/sustenance of societies or organizations), information resources (electronic means for accessing resources, scientific communication). (Page limit: 1 page) If the project is not intended to support this impact, indicate “nothing to report/no change.” SPECIAL REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 2. Address any special reporting requirements specified in the award terms/conditions in the NOA/FOA. (Page limit: 1 page) If no delays were encountered, indicate “nothing to report/no change.” 3. Human Subjects: Describe any significant deviation unexpected outcomes or changes in approved protocols for human subjects. If protocols are or will be different from the previous submission, include a description and explain the difference. Insert response here or indicate “nothing to report/no change.” PARTICIPANTS 1. Effort Changes: Do you, any Co-Investigators or any other key personnel plan to reduce their effort greater than 25% during the next period? If YES, please explain the changes (700 character limit). If NO indicate “nothing to report/no change.” 2. Key Personnel Changes: Is there any new key personnel being added to the project? If YES, please explain the changes. Send Deborah Harper the new key personnel biosketch and other support documents. If NO indicate “nothing to report/no change.” 3. Other Significant Contributors (OSC): Are there, or will there be, new other significant contributors? OSCs are individuals who have committed to contribute to the scientific development of execution of the project, but are not committing any specified measurable effort (% effort) to the project. If YES, please explain the changes. Send Deborah Harper the new key personnel biosketch and other support documents. Updated: Sunday, February 7, 2016 If NO indicate “nothing to report/no change.” 4. Multiple PI Grant: If this is a MPI grant, will there be any change in the MPI Leadership Plan during the next budget period? If YES, send a revised MPI Leadership Plan. If NO indicate “nothing to report/no change.”