Extenuating Circumstances and submission

Extenuating Circumstances and submission extension
requests (Effective from Sept 2013):
It is acknowledged that, despite the efforts to accommodate all possible participants
within a reasonable schedule, some participants may find they cannot meet
deadlines due to circumstances beyond their control. The Extenuating
Circumstances process is used to seek an extension to a submission deadline and /
or notify the Examining Board of circumstances that may have impacted on your
performance in the summative assessment.
The University has provided comprehensive guidance and a form for completion for
these purposes. PCUTL uses the same form as elsewhere in the University. The
guidance and form can be found at
Participants are required to follow the process outlined below using the Universitywide form. All applications will be considered, again in alignment with University
Regulations, through a PCUTL-specific Extenuating Circumstances Group.
1) Specific additional Extenuating Circumstance feature for PCUTL:
The PCUTL Board recognises that the REGSS Guidance on the circumstances that
may impact negatively on learning is not exhaustive, and would like to add the
following as a PCUTL-relevant factor:
‘Unexpected / unplanned workload pressures’
2) Monitoring the number of portfolio submission extensions each individual
While seeking more than one back-to-back extension may be necessary, repeated
extensions are problematic to engagement with the Programme. Work mapping
extension requests to completion success has suggested that
- Repeated extensions lead to poor completion and
- An Interruption of Study (IoS) may be a better route to configure a space in
the curriculum than repeated extensions.
At its July 2013 meeting, the PCUTL Board agreed that it will, from 2013/14, monitor
extension request repeats. This will be an anonymous process at the point of the
The Board has agreed that a maximum of 3 consecutive extensions would normally
be granted for any one module. Fully cognisant of the need to introduce policies and
practices that do not challenge equality of experiences of participants with needs
made explicit in the Equality Act, the PCUTL Board is piloting the following practice in
3) Actions to be taken after time-delays exceeding 1 year over original
submission date:
After 3 extensions, or a combination of extensions and IoS requests, that take a
participant 1 year over their planned original submission, Participants must undertake
a tutorial with a member of the PCUTL academic team and their PCUTL mentor at
which the following options are discussed and one agreed:
For IoS candidates only: that they reengage with the programme where they
left off and submit at an assessment point agreed with the individual and with
negotiated support from the School;
For non IoS candidates: that one of the following is agreed:
 That they withdraw from the programme and re-enrol when circumstances
change; or
 That they withdraw from the programme with the offer of help from the
PCUTL team to apply for relevant recognition against the UKPSF through the
Individual Entry Route; or
 That they submit a portfolio to the next assessment point. While the portfolio
may not pass, submission would show engagement and would enable the
participant to receive detailed feedback with which to resubmit 4 months later;
 That they are granted a further extension on the condition that they repeat at
least one third of the contact day workshops for the module they are studying,
and submit their portfolio at the next submission point or receive a First
submission Fail with one resubmission opportunity.
4) Applying for an extension to a portfolio submission deadline:
The process for applying for an extension is outlined below and fully aligns with the
practices of the University while also keeping those with responsibility for supporting
your progress through PCUTL (your Line Manager and Head of School) informed.
The process is intended to be fair and explicit rather than a hurdle.
1. Please discuss the reasons for your extension request with your PCUTL
Mentor, your Line Manager and your Head of School/ Directorate to enable
them to provide appropriate support.
2. Please
- complete the form at
- if the reason for your request is work-related get the form signed off by
your Head of School / Directorate;
- send it to Clare Kell, Programme Leader (KellC@cf.ac.uk) marking your email as confidential;
- Copy the e-mail to your PCUTL Mentor, your Line Manager and your Head of
School/ Directorate, so that Clare can see that you’ve been in touch with the
appropriate people in your School or Directorate. If you have any
reservations about copying your e-mail to them please call Clare to
- Your request will be considered at the next PCUTL Extenuating Circs Group
3. Clare will inform you of the outcome of your request by e-mail, and will copy
in your PCUTL Mentor, your Line Manager and your Head of School/
Directorate. Where an extension request is approved the revised deadline will
usually be to the next submission point. Where an extension request is not
approved you must submit your portfolio by the original deadline. In
accordance with CU regulations, non-submission or unauthorised late
submission will be marked as ZERO (Senate Regulation 11.11).
Effective from Sept 2013