Danish rules and key values related to fertiliser and animal manure in general and requirements related to extension of the animal production, updated to year 2010/2011. Supplemental literature for the Agro-ecosystems master course: “Agro-ecosystem analysis and management at Farm Scale (2015)”, see Kristensen (2015) The written material about fertilisation rules and general requirements that have to be followed by the farmers are in Danish, and is published by the Plant Directorate in “Vejledning om gødsknings- og harmoniregler”, NaturErhvervstyrelsen (2014). An English summary of important parts is given her. Contents 1. General rules for agriculture ................................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1. Plant cover and catch crops ................................................................................................................................................ 1 1.2 N quota / N norms ................................................................................................................................................................ 3 1.3. Utilisation of animal manure ............................................................................................................................................. 4 1.4. Storage and spreading time. ............................................................................................................................................... 5 2. Rules related to extension of the animal production ............................................................................................................. 9 2.1 Ammonia volatilization ..................................................................................................................................................... 9 2.2. Instruments (Virkemidler) for reducing ammonia emission..........................................................................................11 2.3 Phosphorus surplus .........................................................................................................................................................12 2.4. Instruments (Virkemidler) for reducing phosphorus leaching/runoff ...........................................................................13 2.5. Nitrate leaching – “surface water” ................................................................................................................................13 3. Litteratur. ..................................................................................................................................................................................16 1. General rules for agriculture Ib Sillebak Kristensen, Inst. of Agroecology, Foulum, Aarhus University. Version 5. Edited: 24. Feb. 2015 1.1. Plant cover and catch crops A catch crop, usually rape, oil radish or ryegrass, is sown for collecting nitrogen during the autumn and winter, and must be incorporated into the soil in the spring and is always followed by a spring sown crop. 1 There are two levels of catch crops If animal manure corresponding to more than 80 kg N/ha are applied, you have to establish catch crops in at least 14% of the ‘catch crop base area’ (see below). If animal manure corresponding to less than 80 kg N/ha are applied, you have to establish catch crops in at least 10% of the ‘catch crop base area’ (see below). You must always have catch crops in at least 4% of the area, irrespective of having 100% winter crops. There is a release of nitrogen from the incorporated catch crop, which has to be subtracted the N quota of the following crop: 25 kg N/ha if you have 14% catch crops and 17 kg N/ha if you have 10%. (see example below) ‘Catch crop base area’ The percentage of area with catch crops is calculated from the ‘catch crop base area’, i.e., area with the following crops: Cereals (winter or spring), peas, spring or winter rape, faba beans, maize, mustard or sunflower. Table 1. DK norms for yield, fertilizer application and catch crop area. From Plantedirektoratet (2010) Crop Effect on next crop kg N/ha Must the Coarse sandy effect of (below 5 previous percent clay), crop be JB 1 or 3, included not irrigated yes/no Fine sandy 5-10 percent clay, not irrigated, JB 2 or 4 Yield, kg Yield, hkg/ha* N/ha hkg/ha* kg N/ha Below 10 percent clay, irrigated. JB 1-4 Loamy Sand Sandy loam, Correc-tion (10-15 percent more than 15 for yield** clay), percent clay, JB 5-6 JB 7-10 kg N/ hkg Yield, kg Yield, kg Yield, kg increased hkg/ha* N/ha hkg/ha* N/ha hkg/ha* N/ha yield Spring barley 0 Yes 40 111 47 107 52 126 59 113 63 Compulsary catch crops 17/25 No 0 0 0 0 fil= Tabel_1_2002_2013_isk OrgSheet= 2011 *1 hkg = 100 kg **If a farmer can demonstrate a higher yield than the standard, he can incease the quota using these factors. 127 0 1,5 0 Example with 14% catch crop followed by spring barley: If spring barley is sown in coarse sandy soils after incorporation of catch crops, it is not allowed to apply more than 86 kg N/ha (111 – 25 = 86) . 2 1.2 N quota / N norms Table 2. DK norms for fertilizer application. Extracted from Table 1 in “Vejledning om gødsknings- og harmoniregler” (Plantedirektoratet (2010) , se newest in NaturErhvervstyrelsen (2014) Table 1. DK norms for fertilizer application, 2010/11”, Plantedirektoratet (2010) Crop Spring barley Winter barley Rye Winterwheat Winterwheat for bread Winter rape Peas Potatoes for starch Potatoes, fresh Sugar beets FMK-UK,Effect se fil=Norm_HG_2000_2012.xlsx, Must the Coarse Fine D:\ibdata\tekst\NPK\Husdyrgodning\DE\Norm_HG_2009_2010.xlsx, Below Loamy Sandy Correcse Mikkle on effect of sandy sandy 10 Sand loam, tion for next previous (below 5-10 percent (10-15 more yield** crop crop be 5 percent clay, percent than 15 included percent clay, irrigated clay), percent kg N/ clay), not . JB JB 5-6 clay, JB kg Yield, kg Yield, kg Yield, kg Yield, kg Yield, kg hkg yes/no N/ha hkg/ha* N/ha hkg/ha* N/ha hkg/ha* N/ha hkg/ha* N/ha hkg/ha* N/ha increase d yield Vårbyg 0 Yes 40 111 47 107 52 126 59 113 63 127 1.5 Vinterbyg 0 yes 53 145 57 137 61 157 76 148 81 161 1.2 Rug 0 yes 39 109 52 109 51 121 64 113 68 125 1.2 Vinterhvede 0 Yes 55 149 69 151 73 168 87 162 92 176 1.3 Vinterhvede til 0brød Yes 55 220 69 229 73 250 87 206 92 268 1.7 Vinterrapsfrø, 23 00 Yes 28 173 36 183 36 183 41 190 43 192 1.5 Ærter 10 No 45 0 45 0 45 0 45 0 45 0 0 Kartofler, industri 0 Yes 432 182 483 178 534 200 534 179 534 187 0.2 Spisekartofler 0 Yes 299 137 376 137 401 154 401 133 401 141 0.2 Sukker-roer 17 Yes 387 105 489 101 566 123 621 102 657 114 0.1 kg kg kg kg SFU SFU/ha SFU/ha SFU/ha SFU/ha SFU/ha N/ha N/ha N/ha N/ha /ha Majs- ensilage,0 middel FK Yes 9800 152 9800 139 10800 165 10700 143 11200 157 0 Maize for silage 20% kløver Clover grass (below 50 Kløver-græsens., middel FK, 86 No 6500 230 percent clover) Græs- ensilage, Grass without clover 18 middel FK No 7000 308 Lucerneensilage, Lucerne- silage, low fodder quality 86 lav FKNo 11 0 Varigt enggræs Permanent grass 18 No 3000 130 Grønbygensilage Wholecrop barley (beginning of earing), 0 silage No 2600 97 Byg- helsæd, ensilage, middel FK 5400 Barley - wholcrop (early dough), middle 0 fodder No quality 112 helsæd, middelfodder FK5700quality Wheat - wholecrop (earlyHvededoyugh), silage, 0 ensilage, middle No 149 ærter Barley - peas, silage 20%Byg-ært, peas ensilage, 11 20% No 5600 58 Efter- wholecrop, afgrøde,0helsæd, ensilage 1800 Green manure (second crop), silage No 75 Løg fra Kålroer0 Onion Yes 165 6700 232 8000 243 7000 235 7000 235 0 7500 13 3000 3300 6400 7300 6100 2200 - 317 0 130 96 107 150 50 77 150 9000 15 3000 3300 7100 7700 6500 2300 - 343 0 130 109 126 166 66 78 165 8000 14 3000 3600 8100 9300 6900 1900 - 325 0 130 93 113 159 48 74 140 7800 14 3000 3600 8600 9900 7200 1900 - 325 0 130 101 126 172 59 74 150 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 52 1100 52 0 6-8 cm Compulsary catch crops Græs, 17/25 No 1000 52 1100 52 1200 53 1100 OrgFile= Tabel_1_1998_2014_isk40 OrgSheet= Norms_2011 *1 hkg = 100 kg **If a farmer can demonstrate a higher yield than the standard, he can incease the quota using these factors. Winter precipitation / N prognosis The above mentioned standards are corrected (by region) for winter precipitation; corrections are given just before the new season, and are made on the presumption that very wet winters leave less mineral soil N for the new season. This correction, referred to as N-prognosis, is based on 150 measurements of Nmin in the Square Grid Net for Nitrate Investigation in Denmark, and associated model calculations. Harmony rules The harmony rules prescribe maximum amount of animal manure to be applied per ha. According to the EU Nitrate Directive, the general maximum level is 170 kg N/ha. Only France is following this general rule; other countries have got exceptions for cattle farm allowing up to 230 kg N/ha providing a minimum proportion of the area is grassland or fodder 3 crops. In Denmark the Action Plans have strengthened the rules, which only allows 140 kg N/ha for pig slurry. Tble 3. EU rules for N-applications, Table EU rules for N-application Country Conditions Farms with > 70% grassland + forage crops Denmark Other situations, for cattle, sheep and goats Pigs, poultry Grass; maize followed by grass Winter wheat+green manure crop, sugar and fodder beets Flanders Legume crops other than peas and beans 1 Crops with low N demand Other crops Grassland (? 4 cuts or ? 3 cuts + grazing) Application standard for manure Derogation (kg total manure N /ha) - Granted (2009- 2012) 230 - Applies to whole farm area - Manures: cattle 170 140 250 - Granted (1.1.2007- 31.12.2010) - Manures: cattle (except fattening calves ), horses, goats, sheep, liquid fraction of pig slurry (these are 200 called ‘derogation manures’ ) 0 125 170 230 Germany Other situations All situations France 170 170 Farms with > 70% grassland 250 Netherlands 1 Other farms Cichory, flax, carrots, shallots, onions, fruit fil= Tabel_1_2002_2011_isk - Granted (2006-2009) - Applies to resp. crop acreages - Manures: cattle - To date, no derogation was requested - Granted (2006-2009) - Applies to whole farm area - Manures: cattle (except fattening calves), horses, 170 Livestock Unit (LSU) (DK=DE) corresponds to 100 kg total N in the manure, which means the Danish harmony rules expressed in LSU (DE) are: Table 4. Maximum allowance of manure applications in Denmark, LSU (DE)/ha/yr 1.4 LSU (DE) Farm type For pig manure it is allowed to apply manure/slurry corresponding to a maximum of 1.4 LSU (DE)/ha/yr. 1.7 LSU (DE) For cattle manure the maximum limit is 1.7 LSU (DE)/ha/yr. 2.3 LSU (DE) Providing that more than 2/3 of the manure is cattle manure, and the more than 70% of the area is covered grass or fodder beets. Further, soils must analyzed every 3rd year for content of N and P. 1.3. Utilisation of animal manure The N fertilizer value (NFV) of manure is defined as the amount of N in the manure having the same effectiveness as carefully applied mineral N fertilizers expressed as a percentage of total N in the manure. The table below summarizes N fertilizer values of most frequently used manure types. 4 The values apply to the first year of application. Table 5. Nfertilizer value of animal manure in EU countries. Table N fertilizer value of manure NL 50-55 40 45-50 Recommendations FL GE DK 55 70 55-70 55 70 45-55 55 70 45-50 25 Legal (Action Programme) NL FL GE DK 60-65 60 50 70 60-65 60 50 70 50-60 60 60 50 70 20 20 70 Arable land, spring, maize/potatoes/beets Arable land, spring, winter wheat Grassland, before 1st cut 70-75 55 45-55 65 65 65 60 60 60 70-75 65-70 60 60-75 60-70 50-65 60-65 60-65 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 75 75 75 Arable land, spring, maize/potatoes/beets 30 30 60 45 15-30 40 30 25 65 Arable land, spring, maize/potatoes/beets 50-55 55 50 65 45-65 55 30 30 65 Arable land, spring, maize/potatoes/beets Liquid fraction afterArable land, spring, winter wheat separation Grassland, before 1st cut 85-90 70 65-75 80-90 80-90 80-90 90 90 90 85 85 85 Cattle slurry Pig slurry Solid cattle manure Solid chicken manure Arable land, spring, maize/potatoes/beets Arable land, spring, winter wheat Grassland, before 1st cut Excreted on pasture 90 85-90 75-80 FR 55 80 80 80 Solid fraction after separation, cattle Arable land, spring, maize/potatoes/beets 25 25 55 40 65 Solid fraction after Arable land, spring, maize/potatoes/beets 50 35 55 50 65 separation, pigs Compost Arable land, spring, maize/potatoes/beets 10 10 10-15 10 1 values as used in underpinning of Action Program (Mestdecreet), not explicit in Action Programme 2 used for deriving a fixed NFV value for situations of grazing (45% in 2009) 3 Values based on the recommendation of Thüringen for manures produced on the. Different farm values apply for manures imported to the .farm fil= Tabel_1_2002_2011_isk 1.4. Storage and spreading time. Table 6. Periods when application of manures and chemical fertilizers is allowed in Denmark. Bare soils Winter crop Winter Oil seed winter general rape and grass Liquid manures 1/2-1/61 1/2 – 1/6 1 1/2-1/10 Solid manures 1/11-1/61 No restriction No restriction Chemical fertilizers No restriction No restriction No restriction 1 Actually until harvest; in practice this means no later than 1/6 because manures cannot be applied later in most crops (besides grass). 5 Table 7. Conversion from animal to animal units (LSU) Table. Calculation of Danish Livestock Units (LSU). Animal type Number of animals for 1 AU (DE) Cattle: Dairy cow, Frisian size 0,75 2007 0,85 Dairy cow, light race (Jersey) Youngsters, 0-6 months, heavy race 0,88 3,7 1,00 4,9 Youngsters, 0-6 months, light race (Jersey) 5 6,4 Youngsters, 6-28 months, heavy race Youngsters, 6-28 months, light race (Jersey) 2 2,7 2,6 3,6 Sucler cow (below 400 kg) 2,3 2,3 Sucler cow (400-600 kg ) Sucler cow (over 600 kg) 1,6 1,4 1,6 1,4 Male calves 0-6 months heavy race 8,5 8,9 Male calves 6 mdr.-slaughter (440 kg) heavy race Male calves 0-6 months light race 4 11,5 4,5 12,5 Male calves 6 mdr.-slaughter (440 kg) light race 5,1 8,2 Bulls for breeding heavy race Bulls for breeding light race Pigs: Sows with piglets (4 weeks ~ 7,2 kg) Piglets from 7,2 to 30 kg Slaughter pigs from 30 to 102 kg 1,8 2,4 2,15 2,9 Animal type 2011 4,3 200 36 4,3 175 35 Number of Number of animals animals for 1 for 1 AU (DE) AU (DE) Poultry: Hense for eggproduction 166 155 Slaughter chickens 32 days 3700 4500 Slaughter chickens 35 days 3000 3900 Slaughter chickens 40 days 2200 2900 Slaughter chickens 45 days 2400 310 170 820 270 2400 340 190 900 290 7 7 7 4,9 2,9 2,3 1,9 44 Turkeys females Turkeys males Ducks Geese Other types: Sheep with lamb Goats with 'lamb' Horses below 300 kg Horses 300 - 500 kg Horses 500 - 700 kg Horses above 700 kg Mink 4,7 2,9 2,3 1,9 34 6 Table 7. N, P and K in animal manure, translated from Plantedirektoratet (2010) Table. DK norm production of animal manure, 2010/2011 Animal and stable type Manure type Content kg nitrogen kg phosporus kg potassium (ab storage) (ab storage) (ab storage) 1 dairy cow; heavy race, 9347 liter milk Solid manure 68,5 19,6 32,5 + urine Slurry 55,5 136,7 2,1 21,7 94,7 127,3 Slurry 129,1 21,6 123,6 Deep litter 146,8 24 176,7 1 sow with 27,2 piglets to 7,4 kg Individual tiedup, slatted Slurry 15,3 3,6 6,9 Loos system, slatted Slurry 15,9 3,6 7,4 10 piglets, 7,4 - 32 kg Slatted Slurry 4,3 1,2 2,9 Slurry 25,7 5,1 13,3 Tie stall Tie stall with slurre Bedding barn with channals Deep Litter 10 slaugther pigs, 32 – 107 kg Partly slatted, with 25-49% solide floor fil= Tabel_1_2002_2011_isk 7 Table 8. N and P content of selected crops, se in Danish Møller et al. (2005) Feed item DM% Cash crops Oats 85.0 Spring barley 85.0 Winter barley 85.0 Wheat 85.0 Rye 85.0 Rice 86.0 Maize 87.5 Broadbeans 86.4 Soyabeans 90.4 Winterrapeseed 92.5 Hempseed 92.0 Peas 85.2 Concentrate Rapeseed meal, 00, 4% fat 88.2 Soyabean meal 87.6 Sugar beet 22.0 Potatoes 24.0 Grass pellets, plus 92.0 Cane molasses (treacle) 73.0 Sunflower seed meal, partially husked 89.0 Fodder urea Rouhage Hay 84.0 Spring barley straw 85.0 Maize whole crop silage 34.7 Barley whole crop silage 34.0 Wheat - wholecrop (early 40.0 Wholecrop barley (beginning of 31.0 Barley - peas, silage 20% peas 33.0 Lucerne- silage, low fodder Grass silage Grass-clover silage Grass grazed Grass-clover grazed 1) Net energy, see http://norfor.info/ 2) DTU Fødevaretabellen 43.0 36.0 36.0 17.0 17.5 Crude % N of % protein. % SFU Protein of DM of SFU Energy Kg feed P K NEL20 1) per SFU MJ pr. kg SFU per kg g pr kg DM g per kg DM DM DM 10.2 10.2 10.2 10.2 9.6 9.7 9.6 31.1 41.1 19.4 5.7 24.0 1.79 1.47 1.47 1.36 1.31 1.51 1.26 4.25 4.50 1.65 0.57 3.01 11.2 9.2 9.2 8.5 8.2 9.4 7.9 26.5 28.1 10.3 3.6 18.8 6.2 7.5 7.5 7.8 7.7 0.0 8.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.4 0.91 1.11 1.11 1.20 1.17 1.03 1.22 1.17 1.46 1.88 1.57 1.28 1.29 1.06 1.06 0.98 1.00 1.13 0.94 0.99 0.76 0.57 0.69 0.92 3.6 3.8 3.4 3.5 3.2 5.5 5.7 5.9 5.8 5.6 3.2 6.8 5.5 7.6 1.7 4.6 4.0 16.0 19.6 10.0 8.9 12.0 38.8 48.7 5.9 9.2 18.0 5.5 41.7 288.0 5.75 5.71 0.96 1.46 3.96 1.03 6.22 35.9 35.7 6.0 9.1 24.7 6.5 38.9 6.6 8.3 6.5 7.7 5.1 6.4 6.7 1.08 1.36 0.98 1.01 0.73 0.85 1.07 1.05 0.84 4.62 4.13 1.49 1.61 1.05 12.9 7.6 1.7 2.1 3.8 0.7 12.6 15.0 27.0 21.0 20.0 29.0 49.0 17.0 11.2 4.0 7.7 10.1 8.8 15.6 11.1 2.78 2.81 1.40 2.21 2.04 3.14 2.33 17.3 17.5 8.7 13.8 12.7 19.6 14.6 5.1 2.5 6.5 5.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.65 0.23 0.88 0.73 0.69 0.80 0.76 1.84 5.16 3.27 4.02 3.62 4.05 #VALUE! 2.7 0.9 2.4 2.9 2.6 3.7 2.9 22.0 20.0 11.0 17.0 13.0 30.0 16.0 18.5 16.2 17.3 22.0 24.0 4.90 3.15 3.34 3.69 3.95 30.6 19.7 20.9 23.0 24.7 0.0 5.8 6.5 6.5 6.6 0.60 0.82 0.83 0.95 0.97 3.85 3.37 3.35 6.16 5.87 3.7 3.9 3.8 3.4 4.0 31.0 30.0 29.0 29.0 29.0 fil= Norm_HG_2000_2012.xlsx Sheet= FM K_UK The yield of straw (85 % dry matter) is approximately 55 % of the grain yield for barley, wheat, oat, and triticale, and 90 % for rye and rape. 8 2. Rules related to extension of the animal production Ib Sillebak Kristensen, Dept. of Agroecology, Foulum, Aarhus University. Foulum, Feb. 2015 The written material about the rules to follow if a farmer is applying for an extension of his production is in Danish on the homepage of Ministry of Environment (http://www.husdyrgodkendelse.dk). An English summary of important parts is given here in part II. When a farmer wants to extend the animal production and send an application requirements concerning ammonia volatilization, phosphorus surplus, and nitrate leaching have to be considered. These requirements are shortly described below 2.1 Ammonia volatilization The environmental assessment is carried out in three steps: General requirements Buffer zone requirements Requirements related to other sensitive areas than those included in buffer zones. General requirements In comparison to standard emissions in 2005/06 (reference emission) an applying farm has to reduce emissions as follows: 1st January 2007: 15% reduction 1st January 2008: 20% reduction 1st January 2009: 25% reduction In the table values for ammonia emission for individual animal types and reference stable are given after 15, 20 and 25% reduction. 9 Buffer zone requirements Experiments have shown that deposition of ammonia decrease with the distance from the stable from where it was emitted. Deposition, kg N/ha (9 weeks) 8 7 6 Buffer zone II Buffer zone I 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Distance from stable, m Figure 1. Ammonia decrease with distance from stable emission. Two buffer zones have been defined: Distance to vulnerable/sensitive areas < 300 m = buffer zone I Distance to vulnerable/sensitive areas 300-1000 = buffer zone II Buffer zone I: No increase in ammonia emission is allowed Buffer zone II: - If more than 2 farms (applying farm + more than 1) are in the zone emissions may increase by a maximum of 0.3 kg N/ha. - If 2 farms (applying farm + 1) are in the zone emissions may increase by a maximum of 0.5 kg N/ha. - If only the applying farm is in the zone emissions may increase by a maximum of 0.7 kg N/ha. Other requirements If other sensitive areas or plant species than those included in buffer zone requirements, the municipality can add special requirements. 10 2.2. Instruments (Virkemidler) for reducing ammonia emission Acidification of slurry Biological or chemical air cleaner Cover on slurry tank Floating barrier in slurry tank Figure 2. Map indicating sensitive and protected areas in Denmark, incl. buffer zone I and II 11 2.3 Phosphorus surplus Requirements for P are based on calculations of P surplus (input with manure – removed with harvested crops) in the present situation compared to the applied situation. The requirements are depending on which P class the farm is situated in (see map below) Table 9. P requirement dependent of P-status. Phosphorus value1) (Pt) Phosphorus class Soil type Requirements for P surplus 0 Tile drained loamy soils Less than 4 (JB5-10), and sandy soils (JB 1-4), which are not tile drained or ditched. General requirements, no special requirements concerning max. P surplus I Tile drained loamy soils 4 to 6 (JB5-10) P surplus must not exceed 4 kg P/ha/yr II tile drained or ditched sandy soils or lowland soils with a low content of Fe2) Independent of Pt P surplus must not be increased. III Tile drained soils (JB510) More than 6 Must be in balance; a P surplus at 0 kg P/ha. 1) Pt is a value expressing the part of the P, which is dissolved in soil water, and therefore potential leaching risk. 2) Lowland soils with a high content of Fe are assumed to have a low leaching risk, because the P is tightly bound to Fe under aerated conditions. 12 Figure 3. Distribution of phosphorus class I, II and III 2.4. Instruments (Virkemidler) for reducing phosphorus leaching/runoff Increase the area (bye more land) More efficient feeding 2.5. Nitrate leaching – “surface water” The nitrate leaching on farm level, i.e., average leaching in kg N/ha, is calculated with model www.Farm-N.dk In Danish see Vinther et al. (2007). In English see tab= documentation after Farm-N > English > “Demo login” 13 Table 10. Nitrate classes, in Danish se http://www2.mst.dk/wiki/Husdyrvejledning.Nitrat%20%28overfladevand%29.ashx#Husdyrvejledning.Nitrat-overfladevandVurdering_FarmN_18: Reduction potential (%) of the nitrate on its way from root zone to surface water: Very sensitive or vulnerable area Medium sensitive or vulnerable area Other areas 0 - 50 0.7 LSU/ha. 1.19 LSU/ha 1.4 LSU/ha Nitrate class 3 Nitrate class 1 Nitrate class 0 0.91 LSU/ha. Nitrate class 2 1.4 LSU/ha 1.4 LSU/ha Nitrate class 0 Nitrate class 0 1.4 LSU/ha 1.4 LSU/ha 1.4 LSU/ha Nitrate class 0 Nitrate class 0 Nitrate class 0 51 - 75 76 - 100 Figure 4. Nitrate classes in Denmark. Se http://dce.au.dk/udgivelser/udgivelser-fra-dmu/dmunyt/2007/20/nkort/ Distribution of nitrate classes 14 Requirements for the nitrate classes: Nitrate class 0: The leaching (kg N/ha) must not exceed the leaching at general harmony rules; i.e., the leaching that takes place from animal manure corresponding to 1.4 AU (DE) for pig manure or 1.7 AU (DE) for cattle manure. Nitrate class 1: The leaching (kg N/ha) must not exceed the leaching that will take place at 85 % of general harmony rules; i.e., the leaching that takes place from animal manure corresponding to 1.2 AU (DE) for pig manure or 1.4 AU (DE) for cattle manure. Nitrate class 2: The leaching (kg N/ha) must not exceed the leaching that will take place at 65 % of general harmony rules; i.e., the leaching that takes place from animal manure corresponding to 0.9 AU (DE) for pig manure or 1.1 AU (DE) for cattle manure. Nitrate class 3: The leaching (kg N/ha) must not exceed the leaching that will take place at 50 % of general harmony rules; i.e., the leaching that takes place from animal manure corresponding to 0.7 AU (DE) for pig manure or 0.85 AU (DE) for cattle manure. Example with a pig farm where fields are in different nitrate classes; 25 % of the area in nitrate class 3 and 75 % in nitrate class 0: The leaching (kg N/ha) from this farm must not exceed the leaching that will take place at a pig manure load corresponding to 0.7x0.25 + 1.4x0.75 = 1.225 AU. Nitrate class 3 Nitrate class 0 (0,7 AU/ha) (1.4 AU/ha) Nitrate class 0 Nitrate class 0 (1.4 AU/ha) (1.4 AU/ha) If the area is classified as a nitrate sensitive groundwater area, the nitrate concentration in the water leaving the root zone must not increase, if the concentration in the present situation is more than 50 mg/l. Nitrate leaching – “groundwater” Instruments (Virkemidler) for reducing nitrate leaching More catch crops than required by the general rules Reduced N quota Change of standard crop rotation 15 Figure 5. Nitrate sensitive groundwater areas. See http://www.baeredygtigtlandbrug.dk/nyheder/2013/04/de-nuvaerendegoedningsregler-skal-vaek-nu.aspx 3. Litteratur. Litteraturliste Kristensen, I. S. (2015). Rules and key values related to fertiliser and animal manure in general, updated to year 2010/2011., Aarhus University: 1-9. Møller, J., Thøgersen, R., Helleshøj, M. E., Weisbjerg, M. R., Søegaard, K. og Hvelplund, T. (2005). "Fodermiddeltabel 2005, see http://www.landbrugsinfo.dk/Kvaeg/Filer/rap112.pdf . ." Rapport nr. 112: 1-65. NaturErhvervstyrelsen (2014). Vejledning om gødsknings- og harmoniregler. 2014/15. see http://naturerhverv.dk/fileadmin/user_upload/NaturErhverv/Filer/Landbrug/Goedningsregnskab/Vejledning_om_goedsknings_og_harmoniregler_nyeste.pdf . , Ministeriet for Fødevarer, Landbrug og Fiskeri. NaturErhvervsstyrelsen.: 1-170. Plantedirektoratet (2010). Vejledning om gødsknings- og harmoniregler. 2010/11. see http://naturerhverv.dk/fileadmin/user_upload/NaturErhverv/Filer/Landbrug/Goedningsregnskab/Vejledning_om_goedsknings _og_harmoniregler_2010_11.pdf . Ministeriet for Fødevarer, Landbrug og Fiskeri. Plantedirektoratet.: 1-123. Vinther, F. P., Kristensen, I. S. og Jørgensen, M. S. (2007). Beregningsmetode for kvælstofudvaskning. Se www.Farm-N.dk . . 16