Access and Equity in Mathematics Education Roland Pourdavood Cleveland State University Abstract This qualitative research investigates secondary mathematics students’ dispositions in two introduction to calculus classrooms taught by the same teacher. The research questions are: What is the relationship between mathematics classroom discourse and students’ mathematical dispositions? And, how may students’ mathematical dispositions be strengthened and sustained as they take more participating role in an inquiry-based classroom? Data sources include survey questionnaires, transcripts of audiotapes from interviews with the participating students, and transcripts of audiotapes from two classrooms discourses, researcher’s field notes, and students’ written solutions to various non-routine problems. The findings of the study suggest that the classroom teacher’s teaching strategies are mainly responsible for transformation of students’ attitudes and beliefs. Furthermore, sustaining students’ mathematical dispositions requires competent teachers who have good understanding of mathematics contents and pedagogy relative to how students learn mathematics. Access and Equity in Mathematics Education The call for mass access and equity in mathematics education cannot go unheeded. Failure to educate all students mathematically restricts job opportunities in a technological society and thus has economic and social implications. Conversations about access and equity issues, however, are obscured by complexity. That is, a complex tangle of educational shortfalls, personal fears, established attitudes, strongly held beliefs and entrenched practices, serves to shroud issues and to stifle conversations. The professional literature, on the other hand, serves to illuminate issues and to invite conversations. Failures and fears of mathematics students are widely discussed in professional literature, as are beliefs, attitudes and practices of mathematics teachers. Particularly, both mathematical illiteracy and mathematical phobia in America are documented (Moses and Cobb, 2001). The roots of mathematical illiteracy and mathematical phobia are traced to conventional ways that mathematics is taught; that is, with myriad details and procedures without connections to concepts or to general structures (Kabasakalian, 2007). Most high school mathematics teachers perceive mathematics as a rigid and fixed body of knowledge. They strongly believe that teachers are responsible for transmitting that body of knowledge to their students (Staples 2007). As such, conventional instruction clings to a predominantly behaviorist theory of teaching and learning. As an alternative to conventional instruction, the professional literature suggests problem solving and communication within a context of inquiry-based instruction. Because the nature of mathematics is neither rigid nor fixed, inquiry-based instruction focuses on the idea that mathematics should be taught in ways that invite students to investigate mathematical problems and that encourage students to use mathematical discourse. That is, to make conjectures, to talk, to question, and to agree or disagree about problems in order to discover important mathematical concepts (Stein, 2007). “A major product of discourse is the transformation of the participant.” (Manouchehri & St. John, 2006). Discourse not only promotes the development of shared understandings and new insights but also helps to build meaning and permanence for ideas and to make them public. Classroom discourse contributes to deeper analyses of mathematics on the part of teachers as well as students. The increasing number of schools choosing to adopt inquiry-based mathematics programs underscores the prominence of communication in mathematics and the importance of language use in mathematics classrooms (Davis, 2008). The professional literature also underscores the power and the benefits of inquiry-based mathematics instruction (NCTM, 2000; Truxaw and DeFranco, 2007; Steen, 2007). The power of inquiry-based mathematics instruction resides in collaborative and student centered environments where students reason and construct their understanding as part of a learning community (Staples, 2007). Students benefit directly from participating in inquiry-based classes by being able to influence how ideas are developed and meanings are made in the classroom (Gee, 2003). The benefits accrued from interactivity in the classroom help students to develop competence: “A student’s ability to influence or manipulate an environment can affect his or her commitment to learning.” (Choppin, 2007). Students who participate in inquiry-based mathematics classrooms not only structure understanding as part of a learning community but also tend to develop positive identities with respect to mathematics; their beliefs about mathematics more accurately reflect the nature of the discipline than do those of their traditionally schooled peers. As such, there is consensus among researchers: “To become proficient in mathematics, students need to participate in mathematics discussions and conversations in classrooms.” (Kotsopoulos, 2007). The quality of classroom discourse depends on the ability of students to process language in order to build on the ideas of others. The vehicle that promotes mathematical thinking is the ability to process language, an ability that many middle school and high school students still need to learn and develop. Formal mathematical terminology is an indispensable component of mathematical communication. Noting the importance of communication in the mathematical process, students need to know the meaning of mathematics vocabulary words, whether written or spoken, in order to better understand and communicate mathematical ideas (Gay, 2008). Similarly, for students to be able to make and state mathematical observations on their own, they need to take ownership of the thinking that must be done and they need to break away from the belief fostered by much of the schooling process that authority resides only in books and teachers. Based on the premise that explicitly referencing and building on the ideas of others is a feature of academic and professional discourse, teachers can help students overcome their resistance to classroom discourse by encouraging students to verbalize what they mean and to reiterate what their peers have said. Participating in a mathematical community through discourse is an important step for mathematical learning and conceptual understanding; therefore, communication is necessary for pondering, refining, discussing, and amending mathematical ideas. To better meet the demands of college and work place, K-12 students need to practice verbal expressions of mathematical concepts. Despite the need to practice verbal expressions of mathematical concepts and despite the power and benefits of inquiry-based instruction, teachers and students resist. Teachers do not foster inquiry-based learning because helping students to rethink themselves as learners requires too much of the teacher’s time and energy. For example, one of the most prominent images of inquiry-based instruction is that of the teacher as facilitator. Because the level and effectiveness of classroom discourse depends heavily on the facilitation skills of the teacher, the professional development of the teacher significantly contributes to the student’s mathematical understanding “Teachers do not conduct instructional conversations because they do not know how.” (Truxaw, et al., 2008) Students may not engage in instructional conversations because they, too, may not know how. Furthermore, students who are not receptive to inquiry-based mathematics instruction usually fail to view mistakes as opportunities for learning and fail to view learning as a collaborative process for all. Endeavoring to illuminate issues and to invite conversations, this study examines important relationships and then describes how the relationships change over time. More precisely, this study examines relationships between dispositions of high school mathematics students and classroom discourse. Furthermore, this study examines how the dispositions of high school mathematics students change over time as students take more participatory roles in classroom discourse. As such, this study contributes to the body of research not only by exploring beliefs, attitudes, and practices of high school mathematics students but also by describing problem solving and communication as necessary components for promoting access and equity in mathematics education. Design of the Study The focus of this study is to connect theory and practice more intimately by concentrating on classroom discourse in two Introduction to Calculus classes taught by the same teacher. As such, this study investigates social interaction among the teacher and students and how social interaction influences the mathematical dispositions of students. The research question for this study, therefore, has two parts: How are the mathematical dispositions of students related to mathematical discourse in the classroom and how are the mathematical dispositions of students strengthened and sustained as students take more participatory roles in an inquiry-based mathematics classroom? To investigate mathematical dispositions of students in the Introduction to Calculus classes, this study uses survey questionnaires and interview questions that were developed by the researcher. Data sources include results of survey questionnaires, transcripts of audio tape recordings from one-on-one interviews with participating students, transcripts of audio tape recordings from classroom observations, written responses to various non-routine problems, and the field notes of the researcher. Methodology This qualitative and descriptive study is grounded in constructivist inquiry (Guba & Lincoln, 1994; Lincoln & Guba, 1985); as such, the research is context specific, namely the two Introduction to Calculus classes taught by the same teacher. The researcher does not intend to generalize the findings to all settings. Rather, he intends to share the ideas and experiences of the principals in the hope that readers may identify with the research context and apply the findings to their own particular settings. Furthermore, this study uses social constructivist theory to explain and interpret the mathematical dispositions of students as they solve nonroutine problems and communicate their solutions. Social constructivist theory contends that an interactively open learner can be understood mostly through the learner’s interaction with the environment; that is, learners cannot be studied in isolation. Social constructivist theory recognizes the importance of individual identity, individual autonomy, and the notion of context. Accordingly, individuals build learning and knowing within the social and cultural milieu. The notions of experience and social interaction play pivotal roles in constructivist theory (Cobb, 1994). This study investigates the change processes for attitudes, beliefs and practices, especially related to classroom discourse as a medium for meaning making and understanding. The recursive relationship between student voice and classroom discourse is, therefore, pivotal for understanding and explaining the mathematical dispositions of students. Classroom discourse that is guided by student voice provides open, respectful, and democratic environments for teaching and learning mathematics. Because learning is an unending process, inquiry-based mathematics classrooms are built upon foundations of student empowerment and encourage both individual sense making and negotiated meaning. Teachers and students work with diverse groups toward a common vision of mathematics learning consistent with nurturing student mathematical literacy and empowerment. As such, the mathematical dispositions of students are intertwined with their capabilities to explore, conjecture, reason, and communicate their mathematical thinking. Therefore, the mathematical dispositions of students cannot be studied in isolation apart from the context of the learning environment. Context of the Study The demographics of the school community, and the histories of the students all help to explain the context for the learning environment in this study. The public high school is located in a first ring suburb of a large Midwestern city in the United States. Typically, about 40% of the graduating seniors complete a calculus course in high school. The school mathematics program offers two different advanced level calculus courses and one honors level calculus course. One of the advanced level courses focuses on deductive treatments of differential calculus, integral calculus, sequences and series; enrollment is 40 ± 5 students per year; the average annual score is 4.8 ± 0.2 on a 5 point scale. The other advanced level course focuses on deductive treatments of functions, limits, differential calculus, and integral calculus; enrollment is 60 ± 5 students per year; the average annual score is 3.2 ± 0.3 on a 5 point scale. The honors level course focuses on inductive treatments of functions, limits, differential calculus, and integral calculus; enrollment is 60 ± 5 students per year. Regarding access and equity, enrollment in the honors level course represents the diversity of the school community more closely than does the enrollment in the advanced level Calculus courses. The title of the honors level course is Introduction to Calculus. The student histories help to explain the context for this study. All of the students in the Introduction to Calculus classes complete full year courses in Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II and Pre-Calculus in grades 8 through 11. Without exception, every student in the Introduction to Calculus classes is a drop-out from a level of mathematics classes leading to an advanced level calculus course. Motivated by low grades to voluntarily withdraw from the advanced level, some students in the Introduction to Calculus classes feel that they were unjustly weeded-out. On the other hand, many students in the Introduction to Calculus classes assume that they are less intelligent than students in advanced level calculus classes. In either case, the attitudes and beliefs of students in the Introduction to Calculus classes are confounded by feelings of anger, failure, deficiency, guilt and frustration that persist well into the school year. The mathematical dispositions of the students profoundly impact the culture of the classroom. A Search for Meaning The classroom teacher deliberately plans lessons that engage students in problem solving and communication. The lessons are best described in terms of four pedagogical strategies described in the Hafferd-Ackles, Fuson, & Sherin (2004) study. As such, Strategy 1, Establishing Expectations, dominates the classroom discourse for roughly the first six weeks of the school year; the classroom teacher communicates his expectations regarding how to talk and write about mathematics. Strategy 2, Mathematics Language, dominates the classroom discourse roughly from week seven through week twelve; the classroom teacher encourages students to shift from using informal language riddled with pronouns to using more formal language clarified with standard mathematical vocabulary. Strategy 3, Mathematics Community, dominates the classroom discourse roughly from week 13 through the end of the first semester; students formalize their language and become more confident in their abilities to solve problems and communicate mathematically. Strategy 3 and Strategy 4, Establishing Formal Discourse, are prominent throughout the second semester; students exhibit a sense of mathematical empowerment and communicate their ideas using the more formal mathematical language that is established by the classroom community. The four pedagogical strategies not only guide mathematical discourse in the Introduction to Calculus classroom but also enable students to construct the bridges that connect problem solving with their mathematical dispositions. 1. Expectations: Students listen and sequester tentative responses; teacher leads and dominates. 2. Language: Students reflect and contribute truncated responses; teacher prompts and pursues. 3. Community: Students speak and attempt formal discourse; teacher observes and facilitates. 4. Discourse: Students analyze and dominate formal discourse; teacher monitors and assists. Discussion Understanding student perceptions of mathematics is important to mathematics educators because it provides a better understanding of the ways students experience learning difficulties. To better understand student perceptions of mathematics, this study examines four pedagogical strategies that engage students in mathematical discourse as part of an inquiry-based mathematics classroom. First, this study finds that the discursive teaching strategies used by the classroom teacher are mainly responsible for transforming attitudes and beliefs of participating students. Strategy 1 and Strategy 2 explain a process by which the teacher plays a dominant role during the discursive process; Strategy 3 and Strategy 4 explain a process by which students can acquire and develop the dominant role. Over time, without overly emphasizing the place and voice of the teacher, the teacher can minimally engage in the discourse by opting for more of a student led discourse and by acting solely as a guardian and facilitator of the process. Second, this study finds that mathematical dispositions are related to problem solving and classroom discourse as media for constructing meaning and understanding. In this study, the classroom teacher deliberately connects word problems with mathematical dispositions. Third, this study finds that mathematical dispositions change over time when students engage in problem solving situations. At the onset, all of the participating students are more disposed to conventional instruction, believing that they cannot learn effectively unless the teacher tells them when their answers are right or wrong, even though most of them agree, simultaneously, that figuring out answers to problems by themselves is perhaps more beneficial. The responses of the participating students are fairly typical in the United States, where most students primarily experience conventional instruction in which the teacher demonstrates mathematical procedures and students practice the procedures. Fourth, this study finds that mathematical dispositions depend significantly on prior experiences. Each student brings to class a range of prior experiences. The experiences significantly affect the receptivity of the student to novel teaching strategies and the endeavors of the teacher to engage the student. In this study, when asked about their mathematical experiences in middle school and high school mathematics classes, the participating students focus on procedures and correct answers rather than on experimentation and discourse. Fifth, this study identifies several challenges facing school leaders who support inquiry-based mathematics instruction. One challenge is epistemological differences among teachers and students. Effectively implementing inquiry-based mathematics instruction requires a teacher to possess a deep understanding of mathematics and curricular materials as well as a deep understanding of how students think, reason, and develop proficiency. The staying power of conventional instruction is another challenge. “The need for meaningful classroom discourse is now universally accepted among education researchers.”(Springer & Dick, 2006) Its implementation, however, falls short of the goals outlined by the NCTM Standards. Conventional instruction still dominates the educational landscape, especially in secondary school mathematics classes. In most conventional mathematics classes, univocal discourse prevails. The classroom teacher deliberately uses four instructional strategies to create learning opportunities that engage all of his students. The learning opportunities promote problem solving and discourse that, over time, turns into collaborative communication. Collaborative communication transforms and sustains the mathematical dispositions of the students in the Introduction to Calculus classes. References Choppin, J. M. (2007). Teacher-orchestrated classroom arguments. Mathematics Teacher, 10(4), 306-310. Cobb, P. (1994). 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