УДК 340.12 : 342.5 : 316.32 І. Жаровська Національний університет “Львівська політехніка” Update of methodological approach to state-government phenomena within the theoretical jurisprudence Анотація. В статті розглядаються проблеми у сфері юридичного розуміння державно-владних явищ. Особливу увагу присвячену вибору оптимальної методології дослідження цих явищ. Проводиться аналіз можливих оновлених методологічних підходів з метою повного та всебічного аналізу державновладних явищ. Ключові слова: методологія, метод, державно-владні явища, державна влада. UPDATE METHODOLOGICAL APPROACH TO STATE-GOVENMENT PHENOMENA WITHIN THEORETICAL LAW Annotation. The article addresses the problem in legal understanding of state and power events. Particular attention is devoted to the selection of the optimal methodology for the study of these phenomena. The analysis of possible renewed methodological approaches in order to complete and comprehensive analysis of the state-government events. Keywords: methodology, method, public authorities phenomenon, government. ОБНОВЛЕНИЕ МЕТОДИЧЕСКИЙХ ПОДХОДОВ К ГОСУДАРСТВЕННО-ВЛАСТНЫМ ЯВЛЕНИЯМ В ПРЕДЕЛАХ ТЕОРЕТИЧЕСКОГО ПРАВОВЕДЕНИЯ Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются проблемы в сфере юридического понимания государственно-властных явлений. Особое внимание посвященную выбору оптимальной методологии исследования этих явлений. Проводится анализ возможных обновленных методологических подходов с целью полного и всестороннего анализа государственно-властных явлений. Ключевые слова: методология, метод, государственно-властные явления, государственная власть. Problem. Methodological issues study state-government events set conditions, forms and methods of scientific knowledge of any phenomenon, defining scientific value analysis and its reliability, form an effective system of regulation and give impetus to further research. Axiological change of state and law-making processes determine the civilizational progress in scientific research through a mix of alternative worldviews and spheres of existence of the government with modern requirements enjoyment of rights and freedoms, the latest means of communication and international relations intensify. P. Rabinovich said that bringing science into line with the social realities requires above all its methodological "upgrading" [348, c. 16]. Therefore, the relevance of research update methodological approaches in the study of state-government phenomena is caused by the needs of science and practical scope in terms of the transformation processes of modernity. The article aims to study the problems of state-government sector methodology and updated analysis of possible methodological approaches for the full and comprehensive analysis. Study progress. It should be emphasized that the problem of the government has taken an important place in the works of prominent thinkers, among them: Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, Machiavelli, John. Locke, Montesquieu, J.-J. Rousseau, Hegel, G., G. Lasuell, Weber etc. In domestic jurisprudence specified problem or allied examined by such scholars as Y. Barabash, S. Holovaty, A. Zaets, A. Zaychuk, M. Kelman, V. Kovalchuk, O. Kopylenko, V. Lemak, R. Minchenko, Yu. Oborotov, N. Onishchenko, M. Rabinovich, A. Selivanov, Skakun, Skrypniuk A., S. Slivka, A. Tikhomirov, etc .; in Russian science - S. Alekseev, V. Nersesyants, Y. Tikhomirov, V. Chirkin, V. Halipova, D. Shapsuhov and others. However, despite the rather substantial interest of the scientific community in public authority phenomena, problems updating methodological foundations inadequate attention were paid. Key provisions. Public authority investigating the effects of equal views. Usually within the functioning of public authority. However, it is incomplete and narrowed their characteristics. The basis of knowledge of state-government events, we believe that you need to put complementary, holistic concept of methodology belonging to a type of integrated knowledge system through state legal pluralism substance in terms of state-government understanding of phenomena and objectively aimed at consolidating scientific polar ideas, theories, opinions, concepts for the phenomenon in their rational unity. It is a feature of scientific research is necessary to base the analysis of state-authority phenomena and processes in general, complex, given the theoretical and methodological, institutional, legal and practical (social, cultural, psychological, etc.) aspects of the scope of the government. Today this systematic review of state-authority events almost not done. The whole conglomerate of social and human science areas explores the phenomenon of structural or functional position, or formal legal position and other aspects of its operation, in fact, are not counted. Political science in the post-soviet period, as opposed to legal, actively updated. It should be noted that developments in recent years within the system of political science knowledge practically not used in law. Overall admittedly lack of interdisciplinary dialogue in the survey state-authority events, its legal expression of social, institutional and regulatory, structural and functional, formal and informal forms of organization and functioning. One attempt at synthesis formal legal and political science knowledge did Halipov V., who insists on the need to form a separate branch of knowledge cratology, which "symbolizes the emergence of long-standing and yet actually new, fundamental, single, integrated science, a new leading scientific direction their final form. Their focus is manifested in fact the phenomenon of power and above all the power of the state "[1, p. 3]. However, as indicated by contemporary Russian scientists V. Lyubashyts, A. Mordovtsev, A. Mamychev, "despite the pathos project and its theoretical until uselessness (including that such a complex area of knowledge is not yet established), V. Halipov quite clearly caught demand and the need to consider the government as a complex phenomenon "[2, p. 10]. Indisputable is the fact that "pure" legal understanding of the state of society is not always able to give tangible (both theoretically and practically) results for different incarnation of sociality never exist in isolation, but complement and encourage each other. Theoretical understanding of the phenomenon of authority as its conceptualization, faced with insurmountable problems of relativism. This is due to methodological problem that no rationally and logically built concept of authority is unable to become universal, invariant and gain general acceptance. Obviously, political and legal nature and socio-cultural specificity of ruling the state cannot be understood only from the background that provides an isolated study of the state. Therefore there is a need for theoretical and methodological renewal theory of state power, as indicated by O. Svyatotskyy "de-monopolization and use of new approaches" [3, p. 55], and systematic consideration of the various trends and stable constants play in the national society of political, legal and sociocultural phenomenon. As noted by S. Kotliarevsky "nature of public dominion, no doubt, can be understood only against the backdrop of broader than the one that can give an isolated study of the state" [4, p. 23]. Legal nature of the state and power phenomena is a holistic and multi-layered phenomenon, the study of which use an interdisciplinary approach that contains elements, methods and principles of various spheres of public life, requiring selection of methodological approaches and methodological tools of scientific humanities to explore the subject from different angles expression and at different levels. This position justify such arguments: 1) Public authority phenomenon is unique social phenomenon that is developing rapidly and has the existential basis since primitive society, because every stage of civilization brings proprietary algorithms and features state-government phenomena superimposed layers, sublimated and integrated into the modern manifestation of power relations as historical and civilizational integrity study provides a comprehensive understanding of the phenomenon; 2) vide dimension phenomenon of power relations allowed to explore their manifestations within different schools and scientific knowledge, law, political science, philosophy, sociology, ethics, culture, etc., as a holistic combination of accumulated knowledge is the scientific basis of the studied phenomenon, along with it is treated differently depending on the philosophical approaches to the nature and essence of the government understanding, as "mystery of social reality"; 3) Public authority phenomena as social phenomena cannot exist in its own vacuum, the relationship of the government and other social phenomena, at least right, state, politics, civil society, culture, mentality, national peculiarities create scope of state-government relations and have implemented with a methodology paradigm; 4) institutional diversity manifestation of state and power phenomena characteristic of each country, so comparative analysis of abstraction to a single standard prerogative seen in modern jurisprudence; 5) a comprehensive analysis of globalization changes as a necessary paradigm research new social realities makes it possible to assert national reform on a national scale, passing transition of state Ukrainian society and the state to overcome the legacy of Soviet thinking in terms of transforming an idea of the value of state-authority relations, the transition from perception "state authority the tyrant society" aspect to the "humanization" of the government. The urgent need for methodological analysis is conditioned not only theoretical and scientific measurement, but also practical legal activities. It is reasonable to consider rational and irrational meanings irrational in rational intentions. This view helps analyze science as a kind of spiritual and intellectual practice is human destiny that detects man measurement science as asymptotic combination of rational and irrational factors gives reason to interpret it as attributive-substantive dimension undone ascent of man to himself in the process of finding a being [5 , p. 75]. Since the choice of vectors legal policy, institutional dimension of power, political and legal processes of building a nation state, constitutional and other reforms requires a solid foundation in selecting the correct methodological framework was based not on "blind" transfer of foreign standards, and the philosophical mental peculiarities of people. Within the declared concept cannot concentrate on only one scientific method because pluralism scientific approaches should be the basis for methodology legal phenomena. As pointed out by M. Kelman, towards establishing methodological pluralism in modern Ukrainian legal science actualized search for new means of understanding phenomena, facts, and there is a fundamental rethinking of traditional [6, p. 32]. Relevance of coverage pluralism methodology due to the fact that there is a need to explore the toolkit transmission between the right and legal nature of the government to develop a different structuring aspect of differing methodological levels and improve, streamline research activities designed to draw on its ideological and general methodological guidelines and postulates the formulation and implementation of state-authority mechanism. Variety of methods and approaches leads to a gradual understanding of the phenomenon of modernizing government ensure unity of purpose and practical implementation of public private events. The basis of all public events is philosophical methods to search for truth and knowledge, the "ideal" of the government. They are cross-cutting factor archetypal core genetic science. Obviously, defining principles of the archetypal core formed during the historical genesis of science [5, p. 74]. Philosophical thinking methods derive human existence into orbit cognitive awareness of reality through identification existential creativity, its inexhaustible possibilities are endless potency and intrinsic certainty in the world. As noted by M. Gavrilov, "more productive dimension should recognize the truth of philosophy with the ideas. The essence of the concept ideas characterizes deep thought, idea, determining the content of anything. In other words, the idea of expressing semantic principle of integrity, it has something in common from ideal. The philosophical idea expresses "the essence of integrity" [7, p. 58], that makes it possible to assess the integrity of state-authority complex phenomena in terms of social and ideological points to their ontological structure. General scientific methods used to study state and power phenomena due to the fact that public relations do not exist as separate scientific category only law, and exists as one of the social phenomena of society, and therefore should be investigated within the methods common to all sciences. Within the knowledge necessary not only to identify universal abstract methodological principles established for legal science, but also search for various imperatives among the variety of state and government, political and social ideals. The third group of methods required within the legal field state-authority methodology - especially scientific methods. Given their particular relevance examine them in detail. The undisputed facts of reality, which can be based in the analysis of state and government phenomena is that they are the substance we interactions between people. That is, it is the interaction serves as the source or starting point in explaining state-government events. Explain authority - means to show and reveal how the authorities "arises" from the interaction between people, why interaction between people creates the phenomenon of state power. The purpose of empirical sociological methods is to obtain information about the effectiveness, efficiency of public and legal institutions, specification of factors that affect the degree of accuracy verification of concepts subjects. Using empirical sociological methods aimed at clarifying the assumptions and factors uniform, according to the will of the law-maker, understanding texts of legal acts performers [8, p. 43], the realization powerful solution and its' implementation assumptions. State authority in its legal manifestation is designed to be a "referee" in the social conflict that inevitably exist in any society, so use the above approach enables to concentrate on public and private interests within the ruling paradigm conflict socio-cultural sphere mental space and conflict "I am an individual" within the legal space of the government. Formal legal method allows to determine capacity in the test object relationship inner meaning of state-aythority events and their shape. Changes in any traditional society are not arbitrary. Transformation of government institutions given the very tradition from within. Every society, as noted by S. Eisenstadt, "a real and symbolic events of the past, and the order of images which are the core of collective identity (traditional society), determine the extent and nature of its social and cultural change." The tradition in this society is not only a symbol of continuity, but also definer boundaries of innovation and the main criterion of legality and the criteria of social activity "[see 9, p. 31]. So, it’s wrong to oppose these two trends in social development. Every modern state of law – is a relationship and interdependence earlier stages of development, which are placed in the contents of the government and future prospects and goals that determine its shape. Legal and statistical method uses statistical, digital, mathematical dimension to the legal facts. Thus, using the criteria may illustrate the material dimension of state-government events, especially in light of the actual participation of citizens in government, economic performance power level of trust in the authorities in Ukraine, the knowledge of citizens' political rights and illustrate real access rights to government. Said facilitate analysis of the current state of legal reality institutional dimension of the government and give an opportunity with the method of synthesis of legal practice to submit proposals to overcome the legal expression of the pathology of state-government events. Historical and legal method can be considered state-authority phenomenon in terms of its ontological genesis through establishing value and epistemological attributes the phenomenon to some historical stages of development of the state, involves the study of law and the state government because of its historical evolution. Like any method, it requires first knowing its starting point, the elucidation of its positive and negative aspects that lets you get up to the technology and the historical and legal method [10, p. 5]. In particular, for the modern understanding of power necessary to analyze historical sources of law, some of whom are the primary source of law in the Ukrainian lands, and prominent world legal source. This, for example, the Laws of Manu, Illarionov "Sermon on Law and Grace", "Instructions for Children" Vladimir Monomakh, Pact and Constitution, laws and liberties of Zaporizhia Army (Orlyk Constitution), position papers UNO and many other national and international acts. Based on the historical experience of the past can identify deficiencies, gaps and expression patterns of state-government events. Legal-dogmatic method allows analyzing the existing regulations and identifying factors present in their legal expression of the government, to identify its legal nature. M.Koziubra rightly notes that "as one of the most "formalized" means reproduction of reality, the law is able to "freeze" the norms laid down in its ideas, concepts and regulations. In contrast to the dynamic variability of social life, the rule of law is "frozen", "dead" form. Such relative of tenure is one of the essential characteristics of the law, an important aspect of their instrumental value characteristics. It is because it ensured relative stability regulation of social relations, without which it is impossible right "[11, p. 27]. Comparison - is one of the main methods of logical knowledge of the outside world, its objects and phenomena, beginning with the fact that we distinguish them from all other objects and set their resemblance to generic objects [12, p. 169]. The use of comparative legal method serves as "an effective means comprehensive study of state-legal issues and phenomena" [13, p. 55]. With it help we could turn to the experience of other countries, their legislation and practice. Legal simulation method should be used to create a model of the government to help identify its legal nature by imaginary idealization and abstraction. Contemplating the history and present different political regimes and systems of structural models of government and political governance, we consider, on the one hand, their great diversity, and on the other - many common features and their components. Of course, it is impossible to single out those patterns and elements which should be considered rod and medelforming but requires analyzing them to form their own vision and understanding of the above processes. Simulation contains elements of idealization. Ideal objects have many advantages and being derived from a complex mental activity, they can significantly simplify complex systems, so a complex process can be represented as if a "pure" form, which facilitates identification of significant relationships, formulating laws [14, p. 21]. Legal language - one of the most critical elements that constitute the legal developments in independent social institutions. As noted by J. Oborotov, jurisprudence defines "main development language rights in legal theory and practice" [15, p. 110]. Legal-linguistic approach makes it possible to justify the features of linguistic expression of legal norms, inaccurate terminology and language of submission of legal acts by the use of legal and other expertise. Contents of regulations method can be used as a method of qualitative and quantitative analysis of the content of documents to identify social facts and trends reflected in these documents. Admissibility of this method for the analysis of the research subject is found in the fact that it helps to study regulations in their social context. Substantiate the need to change the position of the methodological foundations of the research problems of the government. The process of "humanization" of law and public events, which served as the foundation of a new methodological paradigm of modern society requires a conscious understanding of the powerful potential generalization mechanism of its legal expression, accessibility and ability to control powerful imperative on the part of civil society and the formation of the government on the basis of legal principles operation. Conclusions. The methodology based areas of state-authority relations and phenomena need to put complementary, holistic concept that allows systematic knowledge by state legal substance to achieve a universal understanding of the government and objectively aimed at consolidating scientific polar ideas on the phenomenon in their rational unity. Vide dimension phenomenon of authority leads to the need for pluralism using scientific methods and approaches. Public authority phenomenon is a holistic and multi-layered phenomenon, for which research is necessary to use an interdisciplinary approach that contains elements, methods and principles of various spheres of public life, requiring selection of methodological approaches and methodological tools of science Humanities to study the subject in different angles expression and at different levels. 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