
Name of Editor: ________________________________
Name of Author: _______________________________
TIB: Peer Editing Checklist
Directions: After reading your peer’s essay and making notes on it (annotations, corrections, suggestions, etc.), answer
the following questions. Be honest! Because this is a first draft, you shouldn’t mark the “Yes!” column for every question
because then there aren’t any places for the writer to improve.
Does the essay answer the following requirements of TIB essay? Place a checkmark under the appropriate column:
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____ ____ ____
The essay centers around a personal and specific story
____ ____ ____
The author provides a clear belief
____ ____ ____
The story or belief is a positive story/belief
____ ____ ____
The belief makes sense with the story
____ ____ ____
The essay is 500-600 words (2 full double spaced pages)
How well is the essay demonstrating narrative essay techniques?
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____ ____ ____
The essay has an attention-grabbing lead  Type of Lead: ________________________
____ ____ ____
The lead creates an immediate mood/tone for the story  Mood/Tone: _____________
____ ____ ____
The author uses >2 actions, dialogues, and/or thoughts to characterize someone
____ ____ ____
The reader can clearly imagine the setting due to sensory details
____ ____ ____
The essay ends with self-reflection  how does the story relate to the greater belief?
Name of Editor: ________________________________
Name of Author: _______________________________
TIB: Peer Editing Checklist
Directions: After reading your peer’s essay and making notes on it (annotations, corrections, suggestions, etc.), answer
the following questions. Be honest! Because this is a first draft, you shouldn’t mark the “Yes!” column for every
question, because then there aren’t any places for the writer to improve.
Does the essay answer the following requirements of TIB essay? Place a checkmark under the appropriate column:
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____ ____ ____
The essay centers around a personal and specific story
____ ____ ____
The author provides a clear belief
____ ____ ____
The story or belief is a positive story/belief
____ ____ ____
The belief makes sense with the story
____ ____ ____
The essay is 500-600 words (2 full double spaced pages)
How well is the essay demonstrating narrative essay techniques?
Close Fix It
____ ____ ____
The essay has an attention-grabbing lead  Type of Lead: ________________________
____ ____ ____
The lead creates an immediate mood/tone for the story  Mood/Tone: _____________
____ ____ ____
The author uses >2 actions, dialogues, and/or thoughts to characterize someone
____ ____ ____
The reader can clearly imagine the setting due to sensory details
____ ____ ____
The essay ends with self-reflection  how does the story relate to the greater belief?
Author Question 1: __________________________________________________________________________________
Feedback: _________________________________________________________________________________________
Author Question 2: __________________________________________________________________________________
Feedback: _________________________________________________________________________________________
What’s the biggest piece of advice you—the editor—can give this author?
Author Question 1: __________________________________________________________________________________
Feedback: _________________________________________________________________________________________
Author Question 2: __________________________________________________________________________________
Feedback: _________________________________________________________________________________________
What’s the biggest piece of advice you—the editor—can give this author?