Unit 9: Probability and Statistics Teacher Rubric 1. Prepare a question for investigation (3 marks) 3 Excellent Shows depth of understanding of potential data collection problems 2 Adequate Shows some understanding of potential data collection problems 1 Not Yet Adequate Shows little understanding of potential data collection problems Question is written in a way that avoids data collection problems Question is written in a way that avoids some data collection problems Question is written in a way that avoids few data collection problems Accurate and precise in identifying data collection problems Partially accurate in identifying data collection problems Limited accuracy in identifying data collection problems Comments: /3 2. Select a population or sample (2 marks) 2 Excellent Shows depth of understanding and is able to clearly explain their choice of a sample or a population for their survey 1 Adequate Shows some understanding and is able to somewhat explain their choice of a sample or a population for their survey If a sample is used, shows depth of understanding of the appropriate method used to select the sample If a sample is used, shows some understanding of the appropriate method used to select the sample 0 Incomplete Does not select a population or a sample Does not explain their choice of whether to use a population or a sample If a sample is used, does not explain the method used to select the sample Comments: /2 3. Collect the data (4 marks) 4 Excellent Selects and uses appropriate strategies to design highly effective data collection plans to answer specific questions 3 Proficient Selects and uses appropriate strategies to design successful data collection plans to answer specific questions 2 Adequate With limited help, selects and uses some strategies to design partially successful data collection plans (flawed) to answer specific questions 1 Not Yet Adequate Does not select and use appropriate strategies to design successful data collection plans to answer specific questions 0 Incomplete Data is not collected No information is provided on the data collection process Comments: /4 4. Display the collected data in an appropriate manner (5 marks) 5 Excellent Graphs and tables are very neat and clear 4 Proficient Graphs and tables are mostly neat and clear 3 Good Graphs and tables are somewhat neat and clear 2 Adequate Graphs and tables have adequate neatness and clarity 1 Not Yet Adequate Graphs and tables have limited neatness and clarity Graphs and tables contain all of the appropriate labels Graphs and tables contain most of the appropriate labels Graphs and tables contain many of the appropriate labels Graphs and tables contain some of the appropriate labels Graphs and tables contain few of the appropriate labels Shows depth of understanding in selecting appropriate graphs and tables for their data Shows understanding in selecting appropriate graphs and tables for their data Shows some understanding in selecting appropriate graphs and tables for their data Shows adequate understanding in selecting appropriate graphs and tables for their data Shows little understanding in selecting appropriate graphs and labels for their data Comments: /5 0 Incomplete Data is not displayed 5. Analyze your data (3 marks) 3 Excellent Presents and explains reasoning about the results of the data collection with precision and thoroughness 2 Adequate Presents and explains reasoning about the results of the data collection with partial clarity; may be incomplete 1 Not Yet Adequate Does little to present and explain procedures clearly and completely 0 Incomplete Data is not analyzed 1 Not Yet Adequate Shows little understanding of - Problems with data collection - Appropriate sample selection - Valid conclusions - Changes that could be made 0 Incomplete Data is not evaluated Comments: /3 6. Evaluate your plan (3 marks) 3 Excellent Shows depth of understanding of - Problems with data collection - Appropriate sample selection - Valid conclusions - Changes that could be made 2 Adequate Shows some understanding of - Problems with data collection - Appropriate sample selection - Valid conclusions - Changes that could be made Comments: /3 7. Final submission (10 marks) 1 mark for including each project element (6 marks) Title and survey question Explanation of population or sample selection Data collection method and table Graphs Data analysis Evaluation of plan /6 Poster Rubric 4 Excellent Poster is well organized. 3 Proficient Poster is mostly organized. 2 Adequate Poster is somewhat organized. 1 Not Yet Adequate Poster shows limited organization. Poster is clear and neat; text is easily readable. Poster is mostly clear and neat; text is readable. Poster is somewhat clear and neat; text is somewhat readable. Poster shows limited clarity and neatness; text is limited in readability. Poster is very visually appealing. Poster is visually appealing. Poster is somewhat visually appealing. Poster is limited in visual appeal. Comments: /4 Overall comments: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Total: /30