SPECIAL “SHOW ME” SESSION SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2015 8:00 A.M. – 9:30 A.M. BOB CROSBY AREA EASTERN NEW MEXICO STATE FAIR GROUNDS SALE STARTS AT 10:00 A.M. @ ROSWELL LIVESTOCK AUCTION LOT 1 – 20 & 68 1 TR HOT POCKETS 4995558 2007 Sorl Geld RENEE CARTER Dual Pep Chula Dual Smart Fancy Lena SPOTS HOT 4218230 Shorty Lena Sweet Shorty Lena Quixotes R Sugar Smart Little Lena Doc O'Lena Smart Peppy SARENALENA 3792817 Sarenas Playgirl Freckles Playboy Lenaette Cricket is a nice, good looking, gentle, cow horse bred gelding, 14.3 hands 1200#. Trained cutting horse shown in NCHA and RCHA. We use him in our Pens sorting cattle and he is nice to ride outside, drag calves at the brandings, Doctor yearlings or anything you do at the ranch. Guarantee Sound and the real deal. 2 HOT SHOT ROCKY REY 4936144 2007 Brn Geld ROSENDO APODACA Right On Tivio Right On Rondo Price Flicka Leo FANCY KING RONDO 3271272 Ken's King Kings Fancy Queen JS Beauty Pocos Hotshot Bar BABE IS A HOTSHOT 4274322 Zips Bar Lady Bright Star Pay Missgaybug Tom Oh Tone Zips Single Status Been in Feed yard since 3 year old. Started in arena on head and heels. Calm in box. Will watch a cow, can do anything. Gentle and Sound 3 GRADE 6 Yr Old Chest Geld GRADE CARLOS REYES See in Show Me Session. Used in the feed yard. Outside using horse. Heading steers in the arena. Sound and Gentle. 4 NOBLE JACK 1996 Gray Geld 3484962 GLEN ADAMS Doc's Lynx Lynx Glo Lena Glo RAMBLING DOC BAR 25312998 Loretta's Dream El Vaiven Poco Loretta Wggoner Charge JACQUE WAGGONER 1899368 Waggoner 101 Miss Rita Charge Berry Blue Blaze Miss Jacq Eighteen Miss Kelly 13 Ranch horse. 5 APACHE 9 Yr Old Paint Geld GRADE SHELBY RAY Good working ranch horse, stout at the horn, been roped on outside and drug a lot of calves to the fire. Good at sorting cattle, easy to shoe and easy to haul. Cold back if not ridden on a regular basis. Good Ranch horse for a Cowboy. 6 ID FLYER TWO 5075525 2008 Chest Geld MARIAN des COGNET Jim McClelland Two ID Bartender Two Eyed Jack Prissy Joann ID Watch 3578720 Watch Jo Peggy Watch Joe Jack Rick's Peggy Watch Joe Jack Joe Star Joe Dots Lil Red Flyer 4262621 Faris Fly Dot Pat Star Bravo Bar Fly Topless Babe "Red" is a big beautiful chestnut/sorrel right off the Pitzer Ranch, with the brand to prove it. He's done it all on the ranch, from hunting & packing, to working cattle pens & pot loading. He's kid gentle & can be ridden by anyone. He has some experiences in the show ring from western pleasure to trail classes. A real looker! If you like the great minds of the Two Eyed Jacks, this is your horse! 7 ROOSTER 11 Yr Old Sorl Geld GRADE KIT PAGE Flash sorrel gelding. Gentle, Sound, Ranch horse. We have used him for moving and doctoring cattle and gathering cattle. Really nice walk and loves the country. Easy to catch, shoe and load. 8 HANG LOOSE JOE DUDE 5182586 2008 Sorl Geld JAMES H. PACHTA CL Arrayed In Gold Arrayed Coosas Yellow Rose CTS WATCH JOE DUDE 4482908 Lil Watch Jo Dude Silver Ado Dude Watch Vim jo Doc Quixote Holidoc HANG LOOSE HOLI 4244941 Sugaros Duchess Lee's Holly Sugaro Pistol Camelot Burnett 7 year old Ranch horse, drug calves, roped outside some, good in the pens, loads and hauls good, I think would make someone a good horse. Will be in the "Show Me" Session before the sale. Has papers but not a transfer. 9 POCO REY JAY WOLF 3878397 1999 Blk Geld SUZANNE BALLARD Tar Baby Wolf AINTAWOLFIN 2281925 Leoleta Little Peppy Sam POCO CHICK SASHASAM 3096184 Roan Wolf Tar Baby Lady Leo Star Adams Little Lizzie Peppy San Badger Chickasha Belle Freckles Bell Boy Poco Freckles Pebble Poco Pebble Gentle, Sound, breakaway calf horse, heeling horse. 10 HOTSHOT BABY DOC 5309396 2010 Sorl Geld ROSENDO APODACA Bill Cogdell Hank 89 Peggy Codgell STOCK DOC JACK 3218220 Miss Stock Doc Ima Dandee Cue Cayliah Girl Pocos Hotshot Bar Bright Star Pay Missgaybug BABE IS A HOTSHOT 4274322 Zips Bar Lady Tom Oh Tone Zips Single Status Been in Feedlot, Can rope on him, Never been in arena. Gentle and Sound. 11 EG ROWDY PLAYBOY 5485462 2012 Sorl Geld KADE WOOTON High Brow Cat High Brow Hickory Smart Little Kitty EG ROWDY PLAYBOY 5485462 Docs Pretty Tari Doc Tari Peps Pretty Doc Smart Little Lena Sneakin Lena SNEAK MEA ROSE 4728547 Amapoppin Doll Palefaced Playmate Poppin Peponita Miss Ama Doc Bought this horse in the April Sale. He had 30 rides on him then. Been riding since. Turning out to be a very nice young gelding. Used in all phases of ranch work. Drug calves, sort, roped alot on outside. Started in the arena. This horse has a big heart and wants to please. Great prospect with his whole life ahead of him. Ready to go in any direction. 12 BAR FLY 3 Yr Old Paint Geld GRADE WILL LORENZ Gentle. Has been started & used this year as part of our string to gather cattle & sheep on various ranches around West Texas. Has been an asset gathering sheep. Knows his leads, has the start to a nice stop/back, very easy to shoe & should mature into a big gelding. Has yet to ever back track in his training. He's tracked some cattle in the arena & had a few slow ones roped & stopped on him & has been used in the pasture to rope & carry a couple of sheep out. Has been a safe reliable horse with a pleasant attitude to rely on since starting him. Sound. 13 SOCKS 10 Yr Old Sorl Geld GRADE T & S HORSES Been used outside. Also good in arena. Head horse. Broke - Gentle. 14 TYREE BARTENDER 3615170 1997 Bay Geld GLEN ADAMS Smokey's Bud DODIES DUDE LEO 3084849 Our Own Dodie Smokey Duster Too Texie Bee McKee Leo 3 Redwood Susie King Cutter Doc Doc's Hickory Cutter's May Day GEE VEE BABE 3060417 Gillhams Kentuck Kentuck Boy Gillham's Miss Gee Ranch Horse. 15 4 Yr Old Bay Geld GRADE GRADE CARLOS REYES See in Show Me Session. Used in feed lot, outside roping, started heeling in arena. Sound & gentle. 16 4 Yr Old Roan Geld RP GRADE SAGE MORRIS R.P. is a horse my grandad gave me for a project horse. Will have 40 saddles on him. Been using him at the ranch some. 17 JACK 8 Yr Old Brn John Mule GRADE JOSH BANNON Used on ranch in the mountains. He will pack. Good around dogs. Will go all day on a loose rein. Gentle and Sound. 18 LITTLE BITS 6 Yr Old Sorl Geld GRADE SHELBY RAY Roped on in the arena, got hot and been on ranch since. Drug a lot of calves to the fire and is a tough little horse in rough / rocky country. Sometimes Little Bits is cold backed and will hump up but there is not buck to him. He is easy to shoe and haul. 19 TEQITA BUENO HADLEY 5387627 2011 Gray Mare CHEYENNE PRICE Reminic Bueno Cherxinic Bueno Chex Kaweah BUENO SNAX 4740871 Montoya Salida Young Fox Montoya Glory Great Pine A Night Train TEQITA DESIRE 4046671 Pocos Bar Flower Doctor Citation Teqita Docs Hanna Teq Ima Ten She has good mind to learn, has been sorting calves, roping & dragging calves & general ranch work. She makes good stops and turns. Very good & gentle. You can ride her without saddle & she will be gentle for that. She is easy to catch. Has Positive attitude when you put shoes or trim. She is very quiet and gentle. 100% sound. 20 4 Yr Old Brn Geld BROWNIE GRADE ROSENDO APODACA Been rode in feedyard. Can rope off of him in pasture, but green. Gentle and Sound. REGULAR HORSE SALE SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2015 FOLLOWING “SHOW ME” SESSION STARTS WITH LOT 21 21 CHAPOS A PLAYBOY 4214617 2000 Bay Geld PID LUCE Lenas Playboy LP DRY TEX 3380590 Drips Dilly Roguish Bars Freckles Playboy Docs Bid Drip Dry Pardner Gereldene Union Bars English JUDICIAL PERFECTION 3624274 San Antonio Fame Fame And Glory Double Dora Good gentle using ranch horse. Used on the ranch and has been used in the arena. Just an extra. Hasn't been used much in the last year. Sound. 22 DUSTY DUNIT YELLOW 5094860 2008 Red Dun Geld LEROY MOORE Smart Chic Olena WW Speedy Lenas Smkr Seven S Mariah Dixie Chic Dunit 4287249 Dunit Rawhide Rawhides Pretty Pep Docs Pepette Kani Kai Kanis Prince Kacy Duster 3146054 Miss Kelly Duster Dudes Princes Skips Star Duster Kelly Salute Prowled pastures, gathered cattle, loaded trucks in the alley. Will work the gates. 23 ZANS LAST TRAIN 4197949 2002 Bay Geld P. DENISE MUSICK Great Pine Poco Bright Star Crier's Betty A NIGHT TRAIN 3023514 Pocos Bar Flower Bars Of Iron Rancho's Hobby Zan Parr Bar Zans Last Parr Dimonds Nifty Lady ZANS LAST MISSY 3678891 Skip Miss Dale Skip One Dale Missy It 14.1 ranch gelding. He is easy to shoe, haul, bathe, clip, loads and unloads and stands tied. Great workin gates, drug calves, but green still. Gallops across wheat fields easily. Teeth floated, wormed. New shoes. 100% sound. Rides off quiet. Easy to catch and bridle. Knows his leads. Prior Polo and Trials. Not a bronc. 24 SEBASTION 12 Yr Old Grulla Geld GRADE LARRY BEDFORD Bought in June from Kidzhorses.com. Sound and Gentle. Good Ranch or Family horse. 25 2010 Dun Geld H.B. GRADE JEFF CRIST This horse has been used in the feed yard & outside. Has lots of cow & ride. Sells Sound & Gentle. 26 SPARKY 7 Yr Old Bay Mule Gelding This mule rides and drives. Bay with 4 white socks. GRADE STEVE PEACOCK 27 LEWIES GIFT 2009 Sorl Geld 5235887 T & S HORSES M F Jessie Royal MF Poco Dun Jessie MF Champs Chita JESS POCO BID BAR 3905484 Thritter B Teena Thritter Bar Tyree's Teena Prices Leo Flash Rondo Leo Prices Golda Bee FLASHS GIRL 3667776 Miss Rawhide Leo Zans Rawhide Nita Jo Miss "Lucky" Has been used for all types of Ranch work. Nice big horse 28 5 Yr Old Sorl Mare ROSIE GRADE SHARON TYLER Very gentle. Has been trail riding and ditch riding. 100% sound. Looking for a job. Good for the whole family. 29 NACHO 6 Yr Old Grey Geld GRADE DEAN PUCKETT I have used this horse a lot to gather cattle outside. Rides around good. Sound 30 CPR SMOOTH N PEPPY 5240506 2007 Sorl Geld MIKE O'CONNELL Peppy San Badger Mr San Peppy Sugar Badger PEPPY SAN ZERO 3101115 Zero Badger Girl Badger Buck 2 Zero Girl 23 Kinky Playboy PLAYFUL AND SMOOTH 3171563 Freckles Playboy Doc Mis Goldey Bar Two Rocks Lad Shes Smooth and Sexy Smooth And Sexy Super bred and Super broke gelding. Nice broke gelding and Gentle. 31 8 Yr Old Bay Geld RUSTY GRADE MIKE O'CONNELL Nice broke gelding. Be broke for whole family or ranch. Super nice horse and Super gentle. 32 ROANEY 2003 Red Roan Geld GRADE SHELBY RAY I've owned Roaney for the last 7 years. He was ranch raised and ranch used in rough country. Roped a lot in the open, drug calves to the fire and old enough to need an easier job. He is gentle for anyone and easy to shoe. Roaney is easy to load and if ridden every day he is the same as if he was ridden once every 6 months. 33 COPPER 8-9 Yr Old Chest Geld GRADE MARSHAL PEEBLES I don't ride anymore, so I don't need to feed a horse. Copper hasn't been ridden 10 times in the last year. Has worked cattle and been roped off of. 34 SLICK N BUDHA 2009 Gray Mare Smart Little Lena 5212484 JEFF CRIST Doc O'Lena Smart Peppy SMART N SLICK 3249400 Oak N Missy Doc's Oak Melissa Parker Doc Bar Docs Budha DOCS POCO ZAN BAR 415784 JS Poco Zan Bar Holly Bar Maid Tamu Zantanon Rey Indian Eyes This mare sells sound and gentle. She is very cowy and has a lot of shape. Broke the very best. Been used in the Feed yard for 6 months. 35 COOPER 2008 Bay / Blk Mule Gelding GRADE STEVE PEACOCK Big & Stout - Rides & Packs. 15 hands. Dark bay almost black. 36 DOUBLE HAIRPIN FLASH X0586232 2000 Brn Mare GRETCHEN M. GOMBAR Tiny's Gay Tiny Watch Gay's Delight DIAMOND COLLECTOR 1723908 Diamond Priss Easy Jet Miss Diamond Bob Purple Pigeon TB Shoe Bar Bob SHOE TAR BAR X0536318 Double Mercy Vaughn's Marge Double Jigger Miss Purple Flash Been around cattle. Roped in pasture. Loads, Feet are no problem. 37 2009 Bay Geld DCC DUAL CJ 5244795 VICKI OR JIMMY GOOCH C J Sugar Son O Sugar Christy Jay C J GOLDRUSH 4042159 Smooth Dot Smooth Herman NU Creampuff Dual Pep Miss Dual Doc EASY DUAL IT 3499936 Solano Jill Broke to ride, loads good. Peppy San Badger Doc's Solano Leo Lady Jill 38 NMSU HEZA TRUCKIN 5553470 2013 Bay Stal NMSU Von Reminic NMSU KEEPVON TRUCKIN 5082736 Reminic Von Freckles C J Sugar NMSU Doc Truckle CJ Doc Truckle Suerte Fuerte NMSU SHES SUERTE 4201279 King Correon Docs Little Devil C J Sugar NMSU Shes Lovely CJ Sheza Lovely One Really stout 2 year old bay stallion. Will have a few rides by sale day. His sire is a son of NRHA Futurity Champion Von Reminic, and out of a daughter of an AQHA Congress Freestyle Reigning Champion. He is chalked full of pedigree & should go any direction you choose. 39 NMSU SMART CHOICE 5553467 2013 Sorl Stal NMSU Smart Chic Olena Smart Little Lena Gay Sugar Chic SMART LITTLE CHIC 3496514 Little April Pep Peppy San Badger Sally Ann April Great Pine A Night Train TEQITA NIGHT CAPRICE 3206496 Pocos Bar Flower Docs Letters Teqita Docs Callista Teques Barita 16 If you are looking for an athlete, here he is. He has been worked on the ground, but not ridden. He is by a NRHA money earning son of Smart Chic Olena, & out of a multiple time AQHA World Show Qualifier. He is bred to make a performance horse. 40 POCO CHILI PEQUIN 5229422 2009 Bay Mare DAVID A. FELL Doc's Hickory Doc Bar Miss Chickasha CHILLY STUFFLEBEAN 3569436 Peppy San Badger CD Chica San Badger Zorra Chica Poco Bueno Poco Ojos Grande POCO GRANDE OJOS 3372324 No Moss George Wimpy's Ojos Senor George Mine Juan Here is a chance to buy a mare with an incredible pedigree. Doc Bar, Peppy San Badger, Poco Bueno & Senor George are all on the AQHA Registration papers. This pedigree is as rare as dragon’s teeth today. Poco Chili Pequin is halter broke only & never been saddled. You can break & train her as you wish, clean as the driven snow. The mother of this mare has an incredible heart. Poco Chili Pequin is not a big horse, but she has the genes to be a champion. She will probably eat a cow alive. Worth one more bid. 41 POCO CHILI PICANTE 5234605 2009 Brn Mare DAVID A. FELL Doc's Hickory Doc Bar Miss Chickasha CHILLY STUFFLEBEAN 3569436 Peppy San Badger CD Chica San Badger Zorra Chica Poco Bueno Poco Ojos Grande POCO GRANDE OJOS 3372324 No Moss George Wimpy's Ojos Senor George Mine Juan Here is a chance to buy a mare with an incredible pedigree. Doc Bar, Peppy San Badger, Poco Bueno & Senor George are all on the AQHA Registration papers. This pedigree is as rare as dragon’s teeth today. Poco Chili Pequin is halter broke only & never been saddled. You can break & train her as you wish, clean as the driven snow. The mother of this mare has an incredible heart. Poco Chili Pequin is not a big horse, but she has the genes to be a champion. She will probably eat a cow alive. Worth one more bid. 42 MYS TARI SPIRIT X0682353 2007 Brn Mare DAVID A. FELL Suerte Fuerte King Correon Docs Little Devil SPIRIT FUERTE FE X0642345 Chica Viva Eds Novel Orphans Fancy Hancock Duplicate Mr Red Man Hancock Ms Misty Hancock MISS TARIMAN 4072718 Tari Pico 422 Doc Tari Lena Pie Sire is Spirit Fuerte Fe, a fine stallion. She is very friendly and gentle. A big fine horse. Halter broke only, lots of potential. 43 6 Yr Old SISSY Mare GRADE T & S HORSES Sissy is 6 year old. Been rode in feed yard. Also all over the ranch. Pretty Mare. 44 MUDDER 6 Yr Old Yellow/white Paint Mare GRADE SHARON TYLER Gentle for the whole family. Rides a little high headed, so rides with tie down. Has good speed. Used in play days. 100% sound. 45 LITTLE JOE 13 Yr Old Blk Geld GRADE MIKE O'CONNELL Super nice little big horse. Coal black with white feet. Been used for heeling. Make super nice horse for anybody. Super gentle and Super broke. 46 6 Yr Old Bay Geld COWBOY GRADE MIKE O'CONNELL Well broke. Been used on ranch. Really breedy looking gelding. Nice size and Looks. 47 8 Yr Old Sorl Geld SOCKS GRADE MIKE O'CONNELL Big stout gelding. 4 white feet and bald face. Used for everything on ranch and sale barn. 48 PICO BONITO 2009 Bay Mare Suerte Fuerte X0689911 DAVID A. FELL King Correon Docs Little Devil SPIRIT FUERTE FE X0642345 Chica Viva Eds Novel Orphans Fancy Mr Red Man Hancock Rojo Vaquero Smokin Vaguaro PICO VAQUERO 4691921 Tari Pico 422 Doc Tari Lena Pie Sire is Spirit Fuerte Fe, a fine Stallion. She would work a cow or a dog in the corral when she was six months old. Halter broke only. Gentle & friendly. Would make a good ranch horse or rider. 49 PICO VAQUERO 2005 Bay Roan Mare 4691921 DAVID A. FELL Hancock Duplicate Mr Red Man Hancock Ms Misty Hancock ROJO VAQUERO 3839192 Smokin Vaguaro Smokin Jose Doc Charmer Cross Doc Bar Doc Tari Puro's Linda TARI PICO 422 3307131 Lena Pie Vasolena Pico Pie Very friendly and gentle horse, will follow you around like a puppy dog. Halter broke only. Sold as broodmare, but has potential for a work horse or rider. Dam of Pico Bonito, also in this sale. 50 HICKORYS SHADY BOY 5365789 2010 Palo Geld KANDIE LANFORD Smart Mate Smart Little Lena Freckles Playmate CHICKS LOVE ROMANCE 3813015 Dry Doc Chick Dry Doc 15 Lady Chick Doc Bar Doc's Hickory Miss Chickasha HICKORYS SHADY LADY 2961485 Pobre Marvilla El Pobre Maravilla Shell "Cracker" is a cute 5 year old that is gentle with a lot of go and a big heart. He has been ridden outside and used to doctor yearlings. He has also had some cutting training. 51 MONKEY 6 Yr Old Sorl Geld GRADE DEAN PUCKETT Used this horse outside to gather cattle, rides really good, gentle and Sound. 52 SAINTS MISSIN X0619794 2003 Bay Mare ROBERT VIRDEN Miss N Cash Dash For Cash Doc N Missy Miss N My Lena 3401271 Patti Lena Maxi Lena Bette Bid Picacho Joe Cates Saint Cates Cleora Saints Ditto X0528361 Failas Copy Faila Time (TB) Hy Diamond Copy Cow horse with some speed, been roped off of, used in High school and College as a steer wrestling horse. Packed whole bull elk, good in the mountains. She has lots of go. Needs experienced rider, very athletic mover. Been on pasture for the last year 53 DUCKING SAINTS CASH X0697954 2011 Bay Mare ROBERT VIRDEN Zans Dusty Zipper Tyrees Dusty Watch Watch The Time Moon Tyrees Poco Chance 4989027 Docs Justification Miss N My Lena Poco Dakota Buck Swift Model 1989 Miss N Cash Patti Lena Saints Missin X0619794 Saints Ditto Cates Saint Failas Copy Good green horse with proven bloodline, very athletic. Grandson rides her on lead. Been on pasture for the last year. 54 ANDYS TONTO MOON BAR 4144885 2001 Sorl Geld SHARON TYLER Fowler Deck Ramblin Red Fowler Miss Sue Bars ANDYS JACK DIAMOND 3392470 Tee J Starbright Tee J Jack Diamond Andys Lucky Lady Shenanigan Nick Yellar Meat 1126 Cedars Kelley SASSY 1126 3408686 Prioritys Please Shenanigan Nick Miss Camp Town "Andy" Great ranch horse. Done everything that can be done on a horse. Came from the Mill's Ranch in Texas. We have shown him in horse shows. Very Gentle, but does have some speed. 100% sound. 55 MIKE & MOLLY 10 Yr Old Team GRADE R G SMITH Been in Parades. Also drove by the Amish. 100% broke - Sound - Gentle. 56 9 Yr Old Bay Mare REATTA GRADE STEVE PEACOCK 15.1 Hands. Rides - Little wheat pasture. This is a big stout bay mare. 57 H Z PEPPYMINT DOC 5359715 2010 Sorl Mare JEFF CRIST Peppymint Chick POCO PEPPY CLUB 5024895 Pajarito Darlin Quinbys Pride Doc O'Lena Girl Named Sam Docs Razmataz Beneca Creek Gal Magic Rocket Bar Flaming Impudent ZH JET PEPPY 3923032 ZH Doc Peppy Lynx Country Dude Miss Peppy Junior This mare has been ridden in the feed yard the last year. Has been started in the arena and sells Sound and Gentle. 58 SEATTLE WALTZ TB 2008 Bay/Brn Mare MR. & MRS. R.C. JONES Hennessy Storm Cat Island Kitty GOLDEN RANSOM TB Ransom Queen Red Ransom Cynderdyne Northern Dancer Danzatore DANCE IN SEATTLE TB Seattle Mink In foal to Attila Storm. Shake A Leg Calumar Mink N Pearls 59 DANCE IN SEATTLE TB 2003 Bay/Brn Mare MR. & MRS. R.C. JONES Northern Dancer Nearctic Natalma DANZATORE TB Shake A Leg Raise A Native Fleeting Doll Seattle Slew Calumar Sweet Tooth SEATTLE MINK TB Mink N Pearls Scout Leader Lady Bin 60 MAJOR ROON X0595251 2001 Chest Mare MR. & MRS. R.C. JONES Rime Dash For Cash Winter Dreams MAJOR RIME 3163421 Mary Major Easy Toro Ester's Bunny Bold Ruler TB Scout Leader TB NINJA ROON X0335115 A Roon Breeding sound. Was not exposed this year. Polylady TB Alamitos Bar Je Roon 61 NMSU GIVE HER CREDIT 2013 Bay Mare NMSU Smart Little Lena 5554688 Doc O'Lena Smart Peppy COOLHAND SMART 4657070 Royal Dandy Lena That Dandy Doc Bonnie Tari Miss N Cash Genuine Credit Genuine Sana NMSU DOC CREDIT 4651627 NMSU Doc Pepper King Correon NMSU Doc Truckle CJ Nice sized bay filly. She will have a few rides on her by sale day, but has a lot of ground work done on her. She is by a point earning son of Smart Little Lena, & out of a really good daughter of Genuine Credit. 62 SMOKEM DRY PEPPY 2003 Sorl Mare 4328018 NMSU Collins Jessie Jess Ta Gold Touch Poco Miss Sanfu JESSE DRY DOC 3054827 Smokem Dry Lady Smokem Dry Mercedes Lady Hollys Little Peppy San Rey Pep San Rey Sue EXPRESS PEP BAR 4004485 Express Bar Doll The Leo Express Little Miss Oil Mare sells bred for a 2016 foal to Absolutely No Doubt, AQHA ROM & points in 4 events, he was also 5th at the AQHA World Championship Show in Performance Halter. This is a nice mare, she sells as reproductively sound only, she has an old scar on her back leg, & sometimes favors it. She is gentle & easy to be around. 63 HOLLYWOOD HOT TB 2006 Chest Mare NMSU Gone West Mr. Prospector Secrettame GONE HOLLYWOOD TB Existentialist Relaunch Change Water Storm Cat Forest Wildcat Victoria Beauty RED HOT KITTY TB Red Will Do Red Attach Thieving Really nice Thoroughbred mare that has produced some really nice foals, first one should start next year. She is bred to TO TERAS for a 2016 foal. She has winners on both sides of her pedigree and bred to a producer of over $1.7 million. 64 KING BUBBAS STAR 4990306 2007 Bay Geld MIKE O'CONNELL Mr Bloom Docs Bloom Rosey Gray Card DAKOTA KING JACK 4100790 Sunday Kis Kings Sunday Two Kis Lady Staunch Avernger TB Bubba Avenger BUBBAS LIL STAR 3799990 Docs Lil Echol Sue Furr Face Mairs Rusty Bar Miss Echol Pine Big ranch gelding. Been to All the brandings. Size and Bone. Nice Ranch Horse. 65 W V LITTLE JOE 5204410 2008 Gray Geld MIKE O'CONNELL How D Roman Eve Tee Jay Roman Skip Eva Montleon WAY BOB DIAMOND 3755204 Ms Chi Ann Brokenarrow King Tinkerbillie Dolls Dusty Doc My Mimi Doll DOC MISS SCARLET 3739268 Roman Misty Dew Big stout Ranch horse. Dusty Doc How D Roman Eve Dew Sandy Dew 66 MS SS CAT 5666 4698934 2005 Gray Mare DAVID A. FELL Catalena Boy Doc O'Lena Kate's Sugar IMA BLACK POCO CAT 4104673 Poco Miss Skip Poco Bevo Eternals Go Girl Quicksil Command Strait Silver SS ALA MODE 666 3493293 A La Mode Lena Bueno Chex Bonita Vasolena A La Mode Also known as "Classy Filly". Halter broke only. Sold as brood mare, never bred. Will probably throw colts with good color. 67 MISS TARIMAN 2001 Red Roan Mare 4072718 DAVID A. FELL Hancock Duplicate Lowry Boy 36 Seminole Lucy MR RED MAN HANCOCK 3476450 Ms Misty Hancock Doc Tari Mr Roan Hancock Buebird Hancock Doc Bar Puro's Linda TARI PICO 422 3307131 Lena Pie Vasolena Pico Pie Sold as brood mare with potential to bring you fine colts. Dam of Mys Tari Spirit, a big fine horse, also in this sale. 68 6 Yr Old Sorl Geld GRADE CARLOS REYES Worked in feedlot a long time. Doctor cattle outside. Sound and gentle. See in the "Show Me" Session.