Our experience We are a Czech educational company that has been operating since 1994. We are located in the Moravian-Silesian region and focus on transfer and development of innovation, especially in the field of education and the life-long learning programme. Our company comprises a group of young, enthusiastic project managers and lectors who are true professionals. We seek to help disadvantaged groups, women and senior citizens in gaining equal opportunities and we utilize new methods, forms and educational tools in order to reach better results in education. We specialize in the field of vocational training, but we also implement quite a large number of other projects within the European framework. We organize study visit programs or internships with the support of numerous organizations in the region. We have been very fortunate so far to host many learners from all over the world. As a consequence of the scope of our projects, we have gained many contacts, co-operations and also friendships between beneficiaries from different countries. We are particularly suited to this project having many contacts in the Ostrava city and regional governments where job placements may be secured. Mobility project We understand that in today’s modern world, it may be very hard for people to choose a career path. We believe that this program is very suited for such people because the main goal of this project is to provide the best possible training for students who decided to engage in vocational education. The aim of the project is also to upgrade the level of education in schools, to increase the interest of schools in future students and to develop the co-operation between schools, organizations and companies in the field of education. The placements take place in companies of all sizes. The students, who decide to participate in the project, have the possibility to apply their knowledge and experience in a working environment, to gain better orientation on the labour market, and to increase their chances for employment and readiness for their career life. They will also gain priceless experience in terms of language literacy, responsibility and independency. They will also get to know Czech language, history, culture and mentality. The students who decide to come to our region, will not be sorry. Our region is very rich in activities of all kinds and we believe that everyone can find a perfect activity ranging from go-karts to paintball and many more... ALVIT IS PART OF AN INTERNATIONAL NOT-FOR-PROFIT NETWORK CO.N.E.CT. (Cooperation Network for European Citizenship) We are a partner of an international not-for-profit association CO.N.E.CT that was created under the constitution of Belgium according to the Belgian Statute of June 27, 1921 and its successive modifications. As a member of this association, we are connected to quite a lot of projects (Restart Transfer of Innovation Project, SuperMom Kick-off – EU project for single parents, SOFIA: Transfer of E-learning Innovation Methodology – Leonardo da Vinci Programme and many more!). The association is formed by several organisations located all over Europe with the aim of promoting social inclusion, local development, European knowledge and active citizenship. We also aim for equal opportunities for all, exchange knowledge, personal and professional development. The project gives an access to training and transnational education, to development of models that are replicable and a research is constituted to influence policies at all levels. TRANSFER OF INNOVATION PROJECTS SDOLM (Sex discrimination on the labour market) This project falls into the European Leonardo da Vinci section. This issue is not a major problem in Czech society, but all around the world. Gender studies show that employers tend to have negative images of women as a group, and tend to associate them with inferior education, lack of professional skills, and unreliable job performance. Some employers think that women are more prone to get sick and therefore pay them less. In some cases employers do not want to train women for top corporate positions because they expect them to have children, the incentives to invest in human capital will be inefficiently impaired for women who do not plan to have children. Furthermore, in some countries the educational background (and stereotyped thinking) influences the place the women might take on the labour market. Some women stay at home or apply only for jobs with lower responsibilities. Some women would like to apply for “male jobs” or jobs with higher responsibility but they wouldn’t dare to do so. In addition to the more difficult access of women to employment, a serious inequality concerning the incomes is still a fact. The main goal of this project is to support the social inclusion of women in the labour market through educational offers, which should increase the chance of adequate employment opportunities. The target group comprises unemployed women, women after maternity leave but also university women graduates looking for jobs. Furthermore, the additional target groups are SMEs and VETs. The side effect of this project is to also raise awareness about this world-scale issue. The main objectives of this project are: to provide unemployed women and women after maternity leave with additional skills and knowledge in order to help them re-enter the labour market, to support and motivate women graduates and give them orientation to the current employment requirements, and to foster gender equality, to provide assistance for women who want to work in positions not regarded typically feminine, accompany the change of some representations and attitudes about gender equality – for women and men, VETs and SMEs, propose a training program for VETs and SMEs to raise their awareness on this topic and to help them to implement gender equality in their daily practices. BEST (Best Enterprise System for Training) The „Best Enterprise System for Training” (BEST) project transfers the innovative GdanskModel that exemplifies a successful pattern for partnership between VET institutions and enterprises. This consortium is made of 7 partners from Estonia, Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Italy and Spain and combines a wide range of complementary skills and expertise from VET institutions, enterprises, and educational support organizations. This project targets VET institutions and enterprises and presents a model solution to the problem of weak cooperative relationships existent between VET institutions and enterprises. This country-adapted model gives a clear demonstration on how to cultivate, develop, and maintain a strong working partnership with enterprises for the purpose of equipping students with skills relevant to the changing market, considering those with special needs and disabilities. The BEST project will produce promotional material, a video, and a training manual with step-by-step instructions for replication within an existing system for easy use by those participating in this project with expected subsequent broader dissemination through national channels. Soufflearning Lifelong learning is the key factor for vocational success. But often a training is literally too far away from daily business. Soufflearning is an innovative project that involves an introduction of a training system for small and medium-sized enterprises. This system responds to individual needs and requirements of employees to enhance their expertise and professionalism when they come into contact with a customer. The program teaches lecturers how to innovate companies so they would have professional employers. The innovative teaching and learning path for SMEs has a great potential for enhancement and development of human resources. It also gives a direct response to individual training need of staff and requirements of company. The method can be flexibly adapted to daily business tasks. The training concept has been developed and tested in a regional project in Germany and was transferred to partner organizations in our Republic, then Italy, France and additional German regions. GRUNDTVIG PROJECTS GI WHAT – GENDER ISSUES – WHY HIDE A TRUTH? GI WHAT is a Grundtvig partnership established as an interdisciplinary effort to disentangle the complexity of gender issues throughout Europe, raise awareness and understanding of different aspect of gender issues, including differences and similarities among the international partners, and to formulate strategies to start doing something about them through as well as in Adult Education. Based on their experience and context, we have identified 6 general areas (work, education, social domain, family, culture, awareness and empowerment) in which gender issues exist and in which Adult Education could make a difference. GRUNDTVIG WORKSHOP – Education of People Working with Children in the Field of Media Risk Prevention The main aim of the workshop was to inform the participants about the issues of safe Internet use and about the prevention of risks related to media criminality on children. Also, the purpose of this project was to inform participants about the main aspects by specialists, who accomplished 10 lectures, practical training on PC, simulation games and discussion of the most important topics. Other aim of the project was to teach the participants how to create working tools for prevention of media crimes committed on children and juvenile people through pictorial material (stickers, comics, brochures, colouring in materials etc.), which point out the media risk. NATIONAL PROJECTS CONNECT ASIA This project is very innovative on the Czech market. It is centred on Asian countries and all of the aspects that are related to them (culture, language, mentality ...). We have realized that Asian cultures are more and more penetrating into our own and through interesting seminars, we would like people to understand Asian mentality and customs and thus learn how to be more tolerant and understanding in the process. For these purposes, we organize seminars such as Asian Countries of Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow or Intercultural Communication. Asian corporations and associations often choose our region as their European headquarters. In order for Czech businesses to install good practice and relations with such companies, it is imperative that they understand the Asian working and communicational habits. For such situations, we offer seminars such as Business Culture and Etiquette and How to Acquire and Keep Clients from Asia. ALVIT – innovation and education Ltd. Na Hradbách 1922/15 Ostrava 702 00 Czech Republic Tel. +420 774 242 507 Email: Inko@alvit.cz Website: www.alvit.cz