BC PHARMACY PRACTICE RESIDENCY PROGRAM CONFIDENTIAL REFERENCE To Whom It May Concern: (name of reference) Re: (name of applicant) The person named above has applied for a position as a pharmacy practice resident in British Columbia. In order to assist in the selection process, please complete this electronic evaluation form and return it to Ian.Ayeras@ubc.ca. You may include a separate letter with this form if you prefer. If you do not know the applicant well enough to complete the evaluation, or if you know the applicant well but are unable to comment on a particular attribute, please feel free to indicate this. At least 3 references are obtained on each of the program applicants; and the references are only one of several components to the selection process. Your identity and the information you provide will remain strictly confidential. Please return this reference by the application deadline http://pharmsci.ubc.ca/programs/pharmacy-practice-residency Thank you for your consideration, candor and truthfulness in the completion of this document, and for your assistance in our selection process. Sincerely, Residency Coordinators, BC Pharmacy Practice Residency Programs BC PHARMACY PRACTICE RESIDENCY PROGRAM CONFIDENTIAL REFERENCE FORM (name of applicant) Page 1 (name of reference) 1. In what capacity do you know the applicant? ☐ Faculty ☐ Preceptor ☐ Employer Other: 2. How long have you known the applicant? ☐ Less than one year ☐ One to two years ☐ Three to five years ☐ Greater than five years 3. How many hours per week did you spend with the applicant during this time? 4. On a scale of 0 (lowest) to 5 (highest), please rate the applicant in the following areas: (Or N/A if unable to assess) ATTRIBUTES LEADERSHIP – ability to make decisions, to be responsible for own actions, to take ownership, and to lead others QUALITY – of work, schoolwork, projects; attention to detail INDEPENDENCE/INITIATIVE –ability to work independently and to recognize own limitations; motivation; self-direction TIME MANAGEMENT – ability to complete projects/work within reasonable timeframes, and to stay focused on the task at hand. RATING (0 -5) ADDITIONAL COMMENTS BC PHARMACY PRACTICE RESIDENCY PROGRAM CONFIDENTIAL REFERENCE FORM ABILITY TO LEARN/PROBLEM SOLVING SKILLS – ability to integrate knowledge and skills into practice, to take responsibility for own learning TEAMWORK – ability to work with others; commitment to the team and the team’s goals; effect on others; assertiveness; sensitivity toward others’ needs; ability to energize/motivate others COMMUNICATION – written and verbal interpersonal relations with supervisors, subordinates, peers ADAPTABILITY/FLEXIBILITY – ability to adapt to changes; acceptance of changes; tolerates ambiguity DEPENDABILITY/RELIABILITY – ability to see tasks/projects through to completion; follow-through on promises, commitments made JUDGEMENT – ability to make sound assessments based on appropriate/complete information PROFESSIONALISM – maturity, emotional stability; tolerance of stress; self-confidence; response to feedback Page 2 BC PHARMACY PRACTICE RESIDENCY PROGRAM CONFIDENTIAL REFERENCE FORM Page 3 5. In your opinion, how would you rate this applicant's potential as a health care provider? Rating [ 0 (lowest) -5 (highest)]: Comments: 6. Areas of strength: 7. Areas requiring further development: 8. Additional comments/information which you feel are pertinent to the consideration of this applicant: EVALUATOR INFORMATION: Name: Position and Place of Employment: Address: Telephone: Email: Signature: (required if not sent via email) Date: Please email the form to Ian.Ayeras@ubc.ca. Thank you for providing this reference.