modulo di valutazione

Management and utilization of food resources aimed at the sustainability of agriculture and forestry, and at
the mitigation of the effects of climate change
Tipology :
General information
First name: Hanene
Last name: MAIRECH
Gender: F
Date of birth: 1/21/1988
Place of birth: Carthage
Country of birth: Tunisia
Citizenship: Tunisian
View ID document
Country of residence: Tunisia
City: Ben Arous
Address: 31 The mosque Street, Bir El Bey
Postal Code: 2055
Contact info
Official e-mail (the same one used to register to the online application portal)
Telephone (+ country code) +21625246841
Mobile phone +21625246841
Master's degree
Field of degree: Environmental Sciences
Name of University/Institution: National School of Engineers of Tunis
City: Tunis
Country: Tunisia
Graduation Date(MM/DD/YYYY): 7/7/2011
Degree Certificate: Diploma_Engineer in hydrometeorology.pdf
Field of degree: Environmental Sciences
Name of University/Institution: National School of Engineers of Tunis
City: Tunis
Country: Tunisia
Graduation Date(MM/DD/YYYY): 2/21/2013
Degree Certificate: Certificate of registration_master degree_hydraulic modeling and
Working/Management experience
Present/Past Position: 1
Job profile: Engineer in charge of seasonal forecast
From (Year): 2013 To (Year): 2014
Name Institution/Employer: National Institute of Meteorology
Department/Institute/CompanyDirectorate of research, Unit of climate and climate change study
Country: Tunisia
Address: Avenue Mohamed Ali Akid, Olympic City, El Khadhra
City: Tunis
Postal code: 1003
Present/Past Position: 2
Job profile: Research engineer
From (Year): 2011 To (Year): 2012
Name Institution/Employer: Water Researches and Technologies Center of Borj-Cedria (CERTE)
Department/Institute/CompanyGeoressources Laboratory
Country: Tunisia
Address: Technopark of Borj Cedria, Touristic road of Soliman, BP 273
City: Ben Arous
Postal code: 8020
Present/Past Position: 2
Job profile: Intern for the final project study of engineering
From (Year): 2011 To (Year): 2011
Name Institution/Employer: Ecole Polytechnique
Department/Institute/CompanyLaboratory of Dynamic Meteorology (LMD)
Country: France
Address: Ecole Polytechnique, Saclay road, Palaiseau Cedex
City: Paris
Postal code: 91128
Present/Past Position: 2
Job profile: Trainee
From (Year): 2010 To (Year): 2010
Name Institution/Employer: National Agency of Environmental Protection (ANPE)
Department/Institute/CompanyPilot center for quality control of water and air
Country: Tunisia
Address: Super site, El Mourouj Park
City: Tunis
Postal code:
Type: Proceedings and Other
Source references : Authors, Title, Date of Publication and Publisher.: In order to obtain my
diploma of engineer in hydrometeorology, my final project study was carried out in the Ecole
Polytechnique, Laboratory of Dynamic Meteorology (LMD), Paris, France. In the framework of my
project study, I prepared a report describing the work that I have done and analysing the results
that I obtained. Title of report: Sensibility evaluation of the atmospheric dynamics to the
resolution of the atmospheric model (WRF) in the strait of Sicily with an application of a highresolution oceanic model (NEMO-MED12) forcing. Date of submission: June 2011 Supervisor:
DROBINSKI Philippe e-mail:
Short Abstract: This project concerns the evaluation of the sensibility of the atmospheric dynamics
to the resolution of the atmospheric model in the strait of Sicily with an application for the forcing
of a high-resolution model. The used data are the releases of the atmospheric model WRF with 50
km and 20 km resolution’s simulations and the oceanic model NEMO-MED12 which was forced by
fields stemming from the atmospheric model WRF of 20 km of resolution. The approached
technique is the classification of wind regimes. These classifications allowed us to understand
better the spatiotemporal variability of the atmospheric circulation in the strait of Sicily and to
reveal the contribution of the refinement of the resolution in the atmospheric dynamics. By using
the wind regimes obtained from the classification of 20 km wind simulation, we determined the
influence of such a resolution on the representation of both branches of AW (ATC and AIS), the
bifurcation location in the strait and the effect of the atmospheric circulation on the modification
of the criteria of the oceanic circulation.
Type: Proceedings and Other
Source references : Authors, Title, Date of Publication and Publisher.: Within the framework of
my master degree in Hydraulic Modeling and Environment, i held the position of a research
engineer in the Center Of Research and Technologies of Water, Tunisia. I prepared a report
describing the work that I have done and analysing the results that I obtained. Title of report:
Assessment of the impacts of climate changes on water resources – Case study: Application of the
SWAT model on the catchment of Oued Chiba, Tunisia. Date of submission: February 2013
Supervisor: BEN ABDALLAH Sihem e-mail:
Short Abstract: This study concerns the evaluation of the climate change impact on water
resources. The zone of interest is the basin of Chiba River. Our strategy is based on the application
of SWAT, a hydrological model on physical basis, to study the hydrological responses of the basin
in question. The calibration of the SWAT model was made over the period of 2000-2010. It led to
values of the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE), the ratio of the root mean square error to the
standard deviation (RSR) and of the percent bias (PBIAS) of 0.75, 0.5 and 12.61 % respectively. The
current answer of the basin was simulated by using observed data over the period of 1989-2000.
The outputs of two scenarios KNMI and SMHI was used for the evaluation of the climate change
impact on water resources. For every scenario, two simulations were conducted: a reference
simulation over the period of 1971-2000 and a future simulation over the period of 2041-2070.The
comparison between the various simulations showed that the increase of the temperature and the
decrease of the precipitation estimated by both scenarios KNMI and SMHI would have an impact
on the water balance of the basin of study. This impact results, mainly, in a decrease of the surface
flow (SURQ), the total aquifer recharge (TOT_AQ_RCHRG) and the soil moisture content (SW). The
reduction in these parameters indicates the critic future that water resources run in the basin of
Chiba River and incites to establish a new water resources management in order to protect water
Mother tongue: Arabic
English level: very good
Other languages
French: very good
Computer skills
I'm confortable with Windows and Linux Operating System. I have strong knowledge of
programming languages and Scripts: Fortran, C/C++, Linux Shell. I used different Softwares and
Applications for statistical studies (R, Matlab) and for hydrlogic and hydraulic modeling (ArcGis,
ArcSWAT, Idrisi, Feflow). I have manipulated differents formats of GCM and RCM outputs (netcdf,
grib). I have solid knowledge of scientific data analysis and visualization language such as NCAR
Command Language and GrADS.
Additional information
On 2011, I passed my first year of master research in Hydraulic Modeling and Environment. On
2012, I held the position of a research engineer in the Center Of Research and Technologies of
Water in order to prepare my research paper. On February 2013, I submitted my research paper
and it was approved. Administrative procedures are ongoing in order to get my Diploma in
Hydraulic Modeling and Environment. Supervisor: BEN ABDALLAH Sihem E-mail:
Referee's contact details
First letter of recommendation
First name: Hassen
Last name: SAÏDI
University/Institution: World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
City: Tunis
Country: Tunisia
Referee's contact details
Second letter of recommendation
First name: Sihem
University/Institution: Center Of Research and Technologies of Water, Georessources Laboratory,
Borj Cedria
City: Ben Arous
Country: Tunisia
CORSO: Management and utilization of food resources aimed at the sustainability of agriculture
and forestry, and at the mitigation of the effects of climate change
Proponente: MAIRECH Hanene
Paese: Tunisia
Education: 6.0
Working/management experience:8.0
Skills and competences:6.0
Letter of references:2.0
Punteggio totale