1 Water Resources Research 2 Supporting Information for 3 4 Projected changes in snowfall extremes and interannual variability of snowfall in the western United States 5 A. C. Lute1, J. T. Abatzoglou2, and K. C. Hegewisch2 6 7 1Water Resources Program, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID, USA, 2Department of Geography, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID, USA, 8 9 Contents of this file 10 11 1. text01.txt (Appendix 1) Discussion of potential sources of snowfall biases in the MACA product, methods of bias evaluation, and results. 12 13 2. ts01.txt (Table S1) Mean biases between downscaled station data and observed station data and their significance statistics. 14 2.1. Column “metric”, the metric for which biases were evaluated. 15 16 2.2. Column “mean bias”, the station and model averaged bias between downscaled station data and observed station data for the given metric. 17 18 19 20 2.3. Column “Percent of Stations with >25% of Models Significantly Different”, the percent of stations at which more than 25% of the 20 GCMs were found to be significantly different from observed station data for the given metric. 21 22 23 2.4. Column “Mean Percent of Models Significantly Different”, the station averaged percent of the 20 GCMs that were found to be significantly different from observed station data for the given metric. 24 25 3. fs01.tif (Figure S1) Multi-model mean percent bias in annual SFE from the MACA product compared to SNOTEL observations. 26 27 4. fs02.tif (Figure S2) Multi-model mean percent bias in the CV of annual SFE from the MACA product compared to SNOTEL observations. 28 29 5. fs03.tif (Figure S3) Multi-model mean percent bias in ∑ 𝐒𝐅𝐄𝟗𝟎 from the MACA product compared to SNOTEL observations. 30 31 Introduction 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 This appendix provides an evaluation of the skill of the MACA downscaled GCM product at capturing observed characteristics of Western United States snowfall as measured by Snowpack Telemetry (SNOTEL) stations. Processing of the two datasets is described in the main article and methods of comparison are detailed in the appendix text. The appendix also contains a table summarizing biases between the two datasets for a suite of snowfall metrics, and three figures to illustrate spatial patterns in snowfall biases. 39 40 Appendix 1: Comparison of downscaled GCM output to observations at SNOTEL stations 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 A total of 20 CMIP5 GCMs [Taylor et al., 2012] were statistically downscaled using the MACA method [Abatzoglou and Brown, 2012] and additionally bias corrected to SNOTEL stations using the non-parametric EDCDFm quantile-mapping method [Li et al., 2010] for temperature and an analogous method that preserves ratios of quantiles for precipitation. The secondary bias correction discretizes data to the resolution of SNOTEL observations (2.54 mm, 0.1°C for precipitation and temperature, respectively) and is designed so that the daily statistics of temperature and precipitation of the downscaled output match those at each station. Daily SFE is derived using daily temperature (T) and precipitation (P) and the precipitation phase probability function of Dai [2008]. Potential biases are introduced in studies that blend observational and downscaled climate projections. Specific sources of potential biases arising from GCMs include the ability to simulate: (i) serial correlation and daily sequencing of T and P, (ii) co-variability of daily T and P, and (iii) correct magnitude of natural climate variability. Sources of potential biases arising from downscaling include: (i) ability of statistical methods to resolve T and P in complex terrain, (ii) non-stationarity of statistical methods to resolve sub-grid scale changes in surface energy balance arising from changing land-surface properties (e.g., snow-albedo feedback) [Salathe et al., 2009], and (iii) bias correction algorithms. Finally, the use of the precipitation phase probability function of Dai [2008] may entrain bias. Evaluating how well modeled data represents observed data is complicated by issues of precipitation gauge undercatch and snow pillow overcatch at SNOTEL stations [e.g. Serreze et al., 1999; Lute and Abatzoglou, 2014], which can lead to daily SFE exceeding daily P as well as cumulative winter SFE exceeding cumulative winter P. Consequently, methods that estimate daily SFE from T and P may often underestimate observed SFE. We remove this potential source of uncertainty from our methods by recalculating daily SFE observed at SNOTEL stations using the transfer function of Dai [2008] with daily average T and cumulative P. We evaluate the ability of our procedure to reproduce statistical properties for annual SFE, the CV of annual SFE, and the cumulative SFE of top decile events ( ∑ 𝑆𝐹𝐸90 ) over the historical model experiments (1950-2005) relative to SNOTEL observations. For each variable and station we calculated the percent bias (model/observation*100-100) for each of the 20 CMIP5 models and report the average model bias and the percent of models that were statistically different (p<0.05) from observations. For the latter, we used a twosample t-test for annual SFE given its relative Gaussian distribution, and a nonparametric Wilcoxon rank sum test for ∑ 𝑆𝐹𝐸90 each year. Bootstrap resampling with replacement (n=1000) was used to estimate a range of modeled CV of annual SFE. Data was considered statistically different when at least 95% of the differences between observed CV and resampled modeled CV were of the same sign. We also considered biases in mean winter (November through March) T 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 and P and determined statistically significant differences using two-sample ttests, but we report these in the context of the primary SFE metrics. A positive mean bias of +7.4% was found for modeled annual SFE (Figure S1), which is logical given the small positive bias in MACA product cumulative winter precipitation (+3.2%) and small negative bias in mean winter temperature (-0.11C). T and P biases result in positive biases in the frequency of snowfall days (5-15% for most stations, not shown) that contribute to positive biases in annual SFE, particularly in Arizona, the Blue Mountains, and Southern Cascades. These biases were primarily due to the truncation of daily precipitation amounts to adhere to SNOTEL instrument resolution. Unlike the respectable agreement between modeled and observed annual SFE, the magnitude of modeled CV of annual SFE is widely under predicted (mean bias=-8.2%) (Figure S2). Moreover, most models are significantly different from observations. Given that winter precipitation amounts are strongly correlated with winter SFE, particularly in the colder regions [Mote et al., 2006], this lack of variability appears to be tied to the underestimation of variance in winter precipitation simulated by GCMs as highlighted in previous studies [e.g., Rupp et al., 2013]. Positive biases in ∑ 𝑆𝐹𝐸90 (mean = +15.5%) were found in the MACA product relative to observations (Figure S3). However, most models were not significantly different from observations, likely due to the large interannual variability of this metric. The positive biases are consistent with the overall positive bias in SFE, but may be compounded by stronger serial correlation in GCM output that is downscaled that tends to promote prolonged extreme snowfall events. Additional analyses at the GCM level are required to further assess these differences. The MACA method alleviates substantial biases between downscaled GCM output from historical forcing and that observed at individual stations for some variables (not shown). However downscaling is unable to eliminate all discrepancies, particularly for factors intrinsic to temporal variability in the GCMs. Thus, we caution trying to directly compare metrics that are contingent on serial correlation and low-frequency variability to observations. In particular, we note that the underrepresentation of interannual SFE variability by GCMs may enhance relative changes in modeled high and low snowfall years and the CV of annual SFE given that such changes are a function of signal-to-noise ratio. However, as we focus on changes in downscaled GCMs run under historical forcing and RCP 8.5 experiments, we posit that our results have contextual purpose. 122 123 T Nov-Mar Mean Bias -0.11C Percent of Stations with >25% of Models Significantly Different 17.9% Mean Percent of Models Significantly Different 12.3% P Nov-Mar +3.2% 0.0% 0.0% Annual SFE +7.4% 1.6% 1.5% CV Annual SFE -8.2% 74.5% 52.8% ∑ 𝑆𝐹𝐸90 +15.5% 2.5% 2.2% Metric 124 125 126 127 128 Table S1. Mean biases between downscaled station data and observed station data and their significance statistics 129 130 131 132 133 134 Figure S1. Multi-model mean percent bias in annual SFE from the MACA product compared to SNOTEL observations. Larger (smaller) markers indicate stations for which more than 25% of models (25% of models or less) were significantly different from observations. 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 Figure S2. Multi-model mean percent bias in the CV of annual SFE from the MACA product compared to SNOTEL observations. Larger (smaller) markers indicate stations for which more than 25% of models (25% of models or less) were significantly different from observations. 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 Figure S3. Multi-model mean percent bias in ∑ 𝑆𝐹𝐸90 from the MACA product compared to SNOTEL observations. Larger (smaller) markers indicate stations for which more than 25% of models (25% of models or less) were significantly different from observations. 149 References 150 151 152 Abatzoglou, J.T. & T.J. Brown (2012), A comparison of statistical downscaling methods suited for wildfire applications, International Journal of Climatology, 32, 772-780, doi: 10.1002/joc.2313. 153 154 155 Dai, A. 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