DCMADA Transition Meeting May 23, 2012 6:00-8:00 pm University of the District of Columbia (UDC) 4200 Connecticut Ave. NW Washington, DC 20008 – Building 44, Room A-03 Attendance Whitney Bateson, Nominating Committee Member Dianne Benjamin, Incoming President Nancy Brenowitz Katz, Incoming President-Elect Katrina Butner, Potomac Post Editor Emily Caras, Incoming Nominating Committee Member Nancy Chapman, Public Policy Committee Member Liz Dennis, Incoming Treasurer Sarah Fisher, Public Relations/National Nutrition Month Ellen Griffiths, Public Relations Representative Jean Gutierrez, Potomac Post Editor Katrina Holt, House of Delegates Representative Vanessa Hoffman, Chair of Awards Committee and Public Policy Committee Jean Johnson, Incoming Board Member Emeritus Erika Pijai, Outgoing Treasurer Danielle Schaub, Incoming Chair of the Council on Professional Issues Maggie Sommers, Public Policy Chair Katie Strong, Corresponding Secretary Katherine Tallmadge, Outgoing President Kelly Verdin, Chair of the Nominating Committee Carolyn Wait, Incoming Recording Secretary Shirley Wassua-Kintu, Reimbursement Representative Called to order at 6:00 PM by Tallmadge. President’s Report – Katherine Tallmadge Tallmadge thanked members for their work over the past year, especially for rising to the challenges of remaining focused on the mission of the organization; demonstrating compliance with the requirements for 501(c)(3) organizations; and addressing spending and budget issues. Tallmadge requested a motion to approve the minutes for the April 2012 DCMADA board meeting as emailed by Shayne Geneva. Katrina Holt motioned to approve the April 2012 DCMADA board meeting minutes. Jean Gutierrez seconded the motion. All in favor. Treasurer’s Report – Erika Pijai See DCMADA Treasurer’s Report for FY 2011-2012, dated May 23, 2012. Recent expenses include plaques for awards, student awards, catering for the annual meeting, and reimbursement of the CPI Chair. Recent deposits include registration fees from the annual meeting as well as annual meeting sponsor and exhibitor checks. One exhibitor check and the bill for Annual Meeting venue and audiovisual services are still outstanding. Pijai transferred $10,000 from the checking account to the savings account. Pijai reported a net gain of 1 $16,229.28 from the starting balance for the fiscal year, giving DCMADA a safety net. Tallmadge noted that DCMADA had a cash reserve in the 1980s before a lawyer was hired to help write licensure regulations. A resolution is still being sought on the issue of charges to the DCMADA Wells Fargo savings account for Federal tax withholding. To date, a total of $2.94 has been charged. A notice was sent to the DCMADA post office box informing the organization that Ruby W. Linn, who passed away in 2011, left $2,000 for DCMADA. The money is designated for educational purposes. DCMADA should receive the money soon. The large-sized post office box was renewed for one year (expires May 31, 2013) at a cost of $248. The post office box is important since it is the official business address on file with the Internal Revenue Service and Wells Fargo, so it would be difficult to change frequently (i.e. every year) to the personal mailing address of the Treasurer. Also, exhibitors and sponsors are sometimes required to mail checks to an official business address only, not to the personal mailing address of the Treasurer. Switching to a small box could save $150 per year, but it would require changing DCMADA’s official business address with various entities. This will be a one-time address change, but the cost-savings over the years can be substantial. Pijai asked for a volunteer to check the box at the Bethesda post office. Sarah Wilson has been checking it every week or so. Nancy Brenowitz Katz offered to look into helping and will get in touch with Liz. Accomplishments include developing six financial management policies (budget, reimbursement, purchasing, financial control, event planning, and audit/independent review) to provide consistency across years and through leadership transitions; updating DCMADA Treasurer Policies and Procedures; and creating DCMADA business and marketing cards to have at various meetings and events. Treasurer’s report for FY 2011-2012 was not approved at the meeting. The report was approved by the Board via email. Motion to approve the Treasurer’s report for FY 2011-20012: Pijai. Second: Verdin. Dennis, Stander, Holt, Verdin, LaFalce, Tallmadge, Schaub, Benjamin, and Wait voted in favor. Strong, Geneva, and Bernstein abstained. The financial management policies will be approved by the Board via email. Board Reports Nominating Committee - Kelly Verdin Verdin reported in place of outgoing Nominating Committee Chair Shanna Bernstein since Bernstein stepped down early due a work conflict. Accomplishments for the year include securing multiple qualified candidates for each open board position; using networks and connections to recruit candidates; and getting quotes from current board members to better inform members and the public about each position. Goals for the upcoming year include building of the successes of the past year and securing even more qualified candidates for the next election. Dianne Benjamin requested a bulleted how-to list. Verdin reported that Bernstein was working on it and that she would follow up with her. 2 Council on Professional Issues (CPI) – Danielle Schaub Schaub reported in place of outgoing CPI Chair Lindsay Stander. Accomplishments include offering CEU opportunities; making money instead of losing money on events; and receiving positive feedback with constructive comments on the annual meeting. Tallmadge noted that the Fall Food Day event received positive feedback as well. Dianne Benjamin requested a bulleted how-to list from Schaub and Stander. Benjamin also noted that Schaub created the sign-up sheet for open positions, including additional formal positions to help with planning the annual meeting. The sign-up did not yield volunteers at the annual meeting but did generate interest when sent via email afterward. House of Delegates (HOD) Representative – Katrina Holt Holt stated that she is both the outgoing and incoming HOD representative and will apply lessons learned from the previous term to enhance future activities. Holt would like suggestions from members on how to improve communications because it is the duty of this position to foster communication between the Academy and DCMADA. Her responsibilities include representing DCMADA during the Spring and Fall HOD meetings. Topics addressed this past year were licensure and continuing education/professional development. In addition, she encourages DCMADA members to run for national positions and for all members to vote in the national election and to complete the Opportunity to Serve survey, which is used by the Academy president-elect and HOD speaker-elect to select individuals to service on national committees and task forces. Tallmadge stated that it would be nice for the HOD Representative to have a column in the Potomac Post so that members are familiar with the Representative, the position’s role, and current issues. Potomac Post – Jean Gutierrez and Katrina Butner Editors Gutierrez and Butner reported that their accomplishments include increasing the publication frequency from quarterly to monthly and transitioning from a print-only newsletter to an emailed PDF. The electronic format still requires editing and formatting. Gutierrez and Butner acknowledged that the need for consistent formatting makes it difficult to delegate work under the current system of using Publisher to create a PDF. They have alternated who formats the Post each month so that it is consistent within each issue. Gutierrez advised members to be concise when submitting articles to the Post in order to reduce the need for editing. The deadline for the next Potomac Post is June 1. It will be released mid-June and include information on the annual meeting and awards. Gutierrez and Butner would like to transition to a web-based newsletter that would get information out to members more quickly and allow additional users to add content without the formatting concerns. A web-based newsletter was discussed in the past but not done due to concerns about integrating it with the current website and the budget. Next steps for transitioning to a web-based newsletter include determining the budget, choosing a platform (such as Constant Contact), and investigating integration with the website. Carolyn Wait suggested the platform Vertical Response, which is similar to Constant Contact but free for non-profit organizations. 3 State Media Representative – Nancy Brenowitz Katz Katz reported that this position needed to be better defined and developed, but this task was sidelined because of other projects, such as helping with the National Nutrition Month event. Accomplishments include getting press coverage of the World Food Day event and writing press releases. Katz also reported that a communications committee was convened to work on consolidating and tightening communications, which is an ongoing process. Katz has also been working with Lee Unangst on website improvements. Katz stated that more remains to be done to improve the website, which may cost money, but it would a worthwhile investment to be more professional and efficient. Public Relations/National Nutrition Month Committee – Sarah Fisher Fisher reported that her major accomplishment for the year was the National Nutrition Month event, which raised money. She would like to take the lessons learned from this year’s event and begin work for next year’s. Awards Committee – Vanessa Hoffman Hoffman reported that an accomplishment was writing new criteria for the awards. Goals for the year include continuing to refine the criteria and writing policies and procedures for the committee. Legislative/Public Policy Committee – Vanessa Hoffman Hoffman reported that accomplishments for the year include establishing contact with District Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton, and assisting with the Policy Conference. Board Transition and Introduction of New Board Members Gavel was passed from Tallmadge to Benjamin. President – Dianne Benjamin Benjamin described the history of her involvement in DCMADA and her career and other volunteer activities. She first became involved in DCMADA to help a colleague, and she is still relatively new to the organization. Benjamin works for the Food and Drug Administration, and her other volunteer work includes a presidential appointment to the US Selective Service Board. Benjamin stressed that everyone should send DCMADA-related emails to her personal email account, not her work account, and she asked everyone to understand that it may take her a few days to respond to DCMADA emails. Benjamin’s goals for the year include: Continuing to better define board positions. o Benjamin has received expectations from the Academy to assist with this process. Continuing to work with Katz to refine and implement policies so that DCMADA complies with all rules and expectations. Continuing to work with Katz to enhance the transition process. Increasing engagement. Enhancing internal communication and developing a clear chain of command that is followed. o Benjamin wants members to come to her with concerns and ideas. Enhancing external communication and getting out the word about DCMADA. o DCMADA will have separate Public Relations and Media Representatives this coming year to assist with this. 4 o A new volunteer, member Kait Fortunato, will be working with Unangst to rebuild the website. Doing more for public health and reaching more people directly with our work. President-Elect – Nancy Brenowitz Katz Katz has been involved with DCMADA for a long time but is new to an elected role. Katz’s goals for the year include: Updating the website. Refocusing on public education and awareness. Helping and becoming more visible in the community. Treasurer – Liz Dennis Dennis has stepped in because the former Treasurer-Elect stepped down. (Tricia Psota is the new Treasurer-Elect.) Dennis is new to DCMADA. Nominating Committee – Emily Caras Caras is new to DC and DCMADA. Recording Secretary – Carolyn Wait Wait is new to DCMADA. Legislative/Public Policy Committee – Vanessa Hoffman Hoffman has stepped into this position because the former Legislative/Public Policy Committee Chair, Marsha, cannot continue to serve in this role. Hoffman wants to continue to foster connections within District legislative and policy circles. Benjamin reported that four members have expressed interest in the Legislative/Public Policy Committee. Brainstorming Strategic Plan Whitney Bateson (Nominating Committee) asked if DCMADA has a three- or five-year strategic plan with measurable goals. Tallmadge and Benjamin said no, but Benjamin will check with the Academy to learn what assistance or resources are available to affiliates to develop strategic plans. Tallmadge also reported that the Academy asks each affiliate for a report and future plans each summer, but it was a scramble to do for last year, and the plan was not long-term. Benjamin stated that she is working with other affiliates that have long-term plans; she also wants individual, position, and committee goals from members to inform plans for DCMADA. Bateson commented that while goals generated by each committee would be valuable, the discussion should be broader. 5 Holt stated that the Academy provides funding to Dietetic Practice Groups for strategic planning and suggested looking into whether the Academy offers similar funding for affiliates. She suggested that it could be used for a retreat to develop a strategic plan. Nancy Chapman volunteered to assist in developing in a strategic plan since she has professional experience with it. She estimated that it would take four hours with proper advance preparation. Along with a strategic plan, Benjamin wants to revisit the organization’s bylaws. Ellen Griffiths (Community Nutrition Chair) commented that a plan would help DCMADA and committees know better the activities with which DCMADA should become involved and make the organization more effective. Involvement in the Community and Policy Decisions Chapman opined that DCMADA should be more involved with policy, such as Medicare reimbursement and DC Council decisions on nutrition-related and professional issues. DCMADA should be known as a reference, and members should testify at hearings and be available to the community. Tallmadge suggested that the Legislative/Public Policy Committee be divided so that members could focus on one or a few of the many policy-related topics relevant to the field and to the District, like the UDC budget and funding for the nutrition department, the District Department of Health budget, national issues, and licensure, among others. Benjamin and Tallmadge both cautioned that not all members are allowed to testify during Congressional or Council hearings, and members must be careful not to have their ethics called into question or have their actions interpreted as lobbying, which is forbidden for 501(c)(3) organizations. Holt suggested that board members report on conflicts of interest like she does for the House of Delegates. Gutierrez suggested that all board members submit a profile with a photograph to be posted online and published in the Potomac Post so that the public is aware of the skills and experience of the board. Butner asked for profiles (100 words or less, with credentials) and photos to be submitted by the June 1st deadline for the Potomac Post. Gutierrrez will send out an example to board members so that the structure is consistent. Verdin will send the board members’ contact information to Gutierrez. Website and External Communications Butner suggested starting a DCMADA group on LinkedIn where articles of interest could be shared. Katz stated that the idea had been considered but that it was decided the current means of communication (like facebook and the website) should be enhanced before expanding to new forms of communication and social media. Katz suggested that DCMADA develop a social media policy to guide future adoption and use of new types of social media. Tallmadge stressed that all usage of social media must support DCMADA’s stated mission, so wording is extremely important. It cannot be construed as self- or organizational-promotion. Tallmadge also stated that she felt that DCMADA must invest its resources in areas that further the organization’s mission. Benjamin stated that improvements to the website are in progress. Ideas for its improvement should be submitted to her. Currently, Katie Strong puts content on the website and formats it, but she does not create content. Bateson suggested that a content-gatherer is needed. Gutierrez seconded the suggestion. Benjamin said that, at the same time, 6 checks and balances are necessary. Pijai suggested that a role for the State Media Representative could serve as a project manager for all online content and communications. Benjamin stated that Ellen Griffiths will be in charge of public relations in the coming year. Benjamin still feels that there is a need to review and approve procedures for external communications that build on existing ideas. Internal Communication Wait asked if a central digital repository for DCMADA minutes, policies, procedures, and other documents already existed. Katz reported that the final, approved version of the minutes are posted on the members-only section of the website, but that there wasn’t a central place for all documents. Benjamin would also like a way to track action items and the people responsible for them. Tallmadge stated that there used to be a DCMADA historian who tracked paperwork before everything became digital. Transition and Planning for 2012-2013 Benjamin stated that Katz will attend President Elect training from the Academy in March 2013. Verdin created a comprehensive list of past and present board members, including voting/elected and nonvoting/appointed positions. The Nominating Committee only tracks elected positions. Benjamin has the names of those who will fill new non-voting/appointed positions. Pijai has a spreadsheet of past board members, both voting/elected and non-voting/appointed, and she will send it to Verdin. Butner requested clarification on the difference between voting and non-voting members. Wassua-Kintu, the new reimbursement representative, also requested clarification on her role. Benjamin stated that this would be reviewed at the first meeting of the new year. Benjamin envisions the 2012-2013 year beginning with an informal welcome meeting at someone’s home in the late summer or fall. Benjamin and Katz requested volunteers to host since neither of their homes are Metro-accessible. Bateson suggested that someone who lives in a condo or apartment in the District that has a party room could host the meeting. The board will need to decide when and where to meet for the rest of the year at the fall welcome meeting. Currently the Academy main office (near Farragut Square), UDC, and a space near the Bethesda Metro station are options. Benjamin is open to meeting at another date and/or time than this past year. Tallmadge suggested holding the meetings on different days, at different times and/or at different places to accommodate people who have a consistent conflict with the chosen date/time/location. Bateson suggested regular conference call-only meetings to get more attendees. Others voiced support due to the difficulty of traveling and leaving work early to get to the meeting on time as well as improved productivity during conference call meetings. Tallmadge encouraged the board to keep doing in-person meetings to build community. Holt stated that in-person meetings used to be every other month, and it seemed that members made more of an effort to make it to the in-person meetings. Butner suggested using Google Face Time for meetings to retain the benefits of speaking face-to-face without the difficulty of commuting. Final Thoughts Benjamin closed the meeting by thanking Tallmadge for her work as President. Meeting Adjourned: 7:50 pm 7 Action Items Benjamin: Schedule informal welcome meeting. Benjamin: Contact the Academy for assistance in developing a strategic plan (funding, resources, etc.) Benjamin: Contact affiliates for guidance on strategic planning. Benjamin, Pijai and Verdin: compile complete list of all past and current (active) board members. Katz, Pijai and Liz (?): decide who will check the post office box. Bernstein & Verdin: develop a how-to list for the Nominating Committee (tasks, instructions, successes and failures, etc.) Schaub and Stander: develop a how-to list for the CPI/Annual Meeting (tasks, instructions, successes and failures, etc.) Gutierrez: send sample profile to board members. Butner: investigate Google Face Time (i.e. computer requirements for use, maximum number of users, etc.) Executive team: approve Treasurer’s report and financial policies and procedures. All: send ideas for the website to Benjamin. All: send profile and photo for website and Potomac Post to Gutierrez by June 1st. Summary of Topics and Ideas for Further Consideration Meeting type (in-person, conference call and/or Google Face Time), frequency, date, time, and location (Academy office, UDC, Bethesda or other) Strategic plan How will DCMADA advance its mission over the next three to five years? How will success in achieving goals be evaluated? Involvement in the community and in public policy How will DCMADA further public health? How will DCMADA become recognized as a resource and serve as a reference for the community and policy makers? Bylaws – need to be updated and refined Board member roles and responsibilities – clarification is needed, including guidance on who can vote Policies and procedures – need to be written or refined and implemented Social media policy Awards Ethics/conflict of interest Website Structure/ease of use Accessibility of members-only content Content development Potomac Post Transition to a web-based format Consider platforms like Constant Contact and Vertical Response Internal communications Email etiquette/expectations Digital repository for documents Chain of command and accountability Post office box – keep large size or downsize to save money? 8 Draft minutes were revised by Dianne Benjamin, Katrina Holt, and Erika Pijai. 9