9.1 Notes

Name: ____________________________________ Date: __________________ Period: ______
Chapter 9.1: What is a mineral
1) Minerals
a) A ______________ is a natural ______________, crystalline solid found in
the ____________ crust.
i) An inorganic __________________ is one that is not made up of
___________ things or the __________________ of living things.
ii) Every _______________ is unique and can be made up of a __________
element such as ______________ or a compound of elements such as
2) What is a Mineral?
a) There are ____________ main questions to answer when _______________
if a substance is a __________________ or not.
i) Is a substance __________________?
(1) _________ is organic and ________ a mineral.
ii) Does the substance occur ________________?
(1) __________________ occurs naturally while ____________ does not.
iii) Is the substance a ___________ in _________________________ form?
(1) Natural ___________ is not a _______________.
iv) Does the __________________ have a definite __________________
(1) ______________ is made of sodium and ________________ and has
a specific crystalline _______________. While ________________ is
made up of ________________ substances, the amounts of the
substances _________________ depending on the use of the concrete.
3) Kinds of Minerals
a) Over ___________ minerals have been _____________________, but fewer
than _______ are common.
i) Out of the 20 ______________ minerals, _____ of them make up _____
of the ______________ of the Earth’s _______________.
b) All _______________ can be ___________________ into two main groups:
________________ and _____________________ minerals.
i) _________________ minerals contain atoms of _______________ and
Name: ____________________________________ Date: __________________ Period: ______
ii) While ______________ only consists of silicon and oxygen, most
____________ minerals also _________________ one or more other
iii) ______________ minerals make up _____ of the Earth’s crust, and ____
of the Earth’s crust is made up of __________________ minerals.
c) ______________________ minerals do ______ contain silicon.
i) Only ____ of the Earth’s ______________ is made up of nonsilicate
ii) Nonsilicate __________________ are classified into ____ major groups.
(1) ____________________________
(2) ____________________________
(3) ____________________________
(4) ____________________________
(5) ____________________________
(6) ____________________________
4) Crystalline Structure
a) All _________________ in the Earth’s crust have a ___________________
b) Crystalline _________________ are characterized by a specific
______________________ arrangement of _______________ or ________.
c) A ________ is a natural __________ with a definite internal ____________.
d) Most of the time this _________________ structure is can only be _______
under a ____________________. However, some crystalline ____________
can easily be seen such as ____________, ____________, and __________.
e) There are _____ crystalline shapes that can _________ and help _________
5) Crystalline Structure and Silicates
a) While there are ___________ silicate ______________, they are all made up
of the ____________ basic building ______________.
i) This _____________ building block consists of four ________________
atoms arranged in a _________________ with one _____________ atom
in the center.
ii) This _________________ is known as the ____________________________________ ______________________.
Name: ____________________________________ Date: __________________ Period: ______
iii) This ____________________ combines in many different
__________________ to produce the many _______________ minerals.
6) Types of Tetrahedral Arrangements
a) The _________________ ________________ silicates contain tetrahedrons
that are __________________ by atoms other than _________________ and
b) ______________ silicates form when the ___________________ are joined
into ____________, _________, or _________-sided rings by
________________ atoms.
c) In a ___________-____________ silicate, each tetrahedron is ___________
to two others by _______________ oxygen atoms.
d) In ______________-___________ silicates, two ____________ chains of
tetrahedral _____________ to each other.
e) In ______________ _____________, each tetrahedron shares ___________
oxygen atoms with other ________________ and the ____________ oxygen
atom is bonded with ____________________ or ________________ which
joins one ______________ to another.
f) In a ___________________ silicate, each tetrahedron is ______________ to
four neighboring ____________________.
i) The mineral _______________ is formed by only ______________________________ tetrahedrons. However, other _______________ can
be formed by _________________ the silicon atom of the tetrahedron
with another element such as _____________________. This creates the