Articulation Agreement - Course Equivalencies Nassau Community College SUNY Buffalo State Biology A.S. Biology B.A. Course Dept & No. Cr hrs Course Dept & No. First Semester ENG 101 Comp I 3 CWP 102* MAT 112 or MAT 122 (MAT Elective) 4 MAT 126 or MAT 161 BIO 109 Principles of Biology I 4 BIO 111* CHE 151 Inorganic Chemistry 4 CHE 111 Social Science Elec (Amer History) 3 Gen Ed/IF 18 Second Semester ENG 102 Comp II 3 ENG 1XX BIO 110 Princ of Bio II 4 BIO 213 CHE 152 Inorganic Chem II 4 CHE 112 MAT 162 (recommended but not MAT 123 (Math Elective) 4 required) Social Science Elec (Western or Other Civ) 3 Gen Ed/IF 18 Third Semester BIO 200-level Elective 4 Major or Elective CHE 201 Organic Chemistry I 5 CHE 201/203 PHY 101 (Elective) 4 PHY 111 Humanities Elective (Fine & Performing Arts) 3 Gen Ed/IF Physical Ed 1 Elective 17 Fourth Semester BIO 200-level Elective 4 Major or Elective CHE 202 Organic Chemistry II 5 CHE 202/204 Humanities Elective (Foreign Language) 3 Gen Ed/IF PHY 102 (Elective) 4 PHY 112 Physical Ed 1 Elective 17 *A grade of C or better is required for transfer. SUNY Buffalo State Remaining courses: Major: BIO 212 Intro Organismal Bio BIO 214 Intro to Cell Biology Concentration Select 1 of the following: Integrative Biology Conc OR Aquatic Biology Conc OR Biotechnolgy Conc CHE 201/203 fulfilled if CHE 201 taken at NCC **CHE 202/204 fulfilled if CHE 202 taken at NCC ** CHE 202 is required of biotechnology students who choose to take CHE 470. Recommended courses: PHY 111 fulfilled if PHY 101 taken PHY 112 fulfilled if PHY 102 taken MAT 126 if MAT 112 or 122 not taken A minimum of 120 credit hours must be earned by fulfilling major requirements, Gen Ed/IF requirements, and All College electives. Articulation Agreement - Course Equivalencies Nassau Community College SUNY Buffalo State Liberal Arts & Sciences: Math & Science A.S. Biology B.A. Course Dept & No. Cr hrs Course Dept & No. First Semester ENG 101 Comp I 3 CWP 102* MAT 122 Calc I 4 MAT 161 CHE 151 Inorganic Chem I (Sci Elec) 4 CHE 111 Art/Lit/Comm Arts 3 Gen Ed/IF Social Science Elective 3 Gen Ed/IF 17 Second Semester ENG 102 Comp II 3 ENG 1XX MAT 123 Calc II 4 MAT 162 CHE 152 Inorganic Chem II (Sci Elec) 4 CHE 112 Art/Lit/Comm Arts 3 Gen Ed/IF Humanities Elective 3 Gen Ed/IF 17 Third Semester Physical Ed 1 Elective BIO 109 Princ of Bio I (Sci elec) 4 BIO 111* PHY 111 or CHE 201/203 (Biotech PHY 101 or CHE 201 (Sci Elec) 4 Conc only) Social Science Elective 3 Gen Ed/IF or Elective Art/Lit/Comm Arts 3 Gen Ed/IF or Elective Cultural Diversity 3 Elective 18 Fourth Semester Physical Ed 1 Elective BIO 110 Princ of Bio II (Sci Elec) 4 BIO 213 PHY 112 or CHE 202/204 (Biotech PHY 102 or CHE 202 (Sci Elec) 4 Conc only) Humanities Elective 3 Elective Elective 3 Gen Ed/IF or Elective Cultural Diversity 3 Elective 18 *A grade of C or better is required for transfer. SUNY Buffalo State Remaining courses: Major: BIO 212 Intro Organismal Bio BIO 214 Intro to Cell Biology Concentration Select 1 of the following: Integrative Biology Conc OR Aquatic Biology Conc OR Biotechnolgy Conc CHE 201/203 fulfilled if CHE 201 taken at NCC **CHE 202/204 fulfilled if CHE 202 taken at NCC ** CHE 202 is required of biotechnology students who choose to take CHE 470. Recommended courses: PHY 111 fulfilled if PHY 101 taken PHY 112 fulfilled if PHY 102 taken MAT 126 if MAT 112 or 122 not taken A minimum of 120 credit hours must be earned by fulfilling major requirements, Gen Ed/IF requirements, and All College electives.