Extension FCS Centennial-Promotional Media Script July 2014

Extension FCS Centennial-Promotional Media Script
July 2014 – Focus Content Area: Food Preservation
Extension celebrates 100 years of food preservation
Source: Vicki Wynn, Marshall County extension agent for family and consumer sciences
For the past 100 years, the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service has
improved the lives of families through educational programs in food preservation. Beginning
in the spring of 1914, girls’ canning clubs were formed at the height of the canning season
to teach young people how to safely preserve their harvests. In the 1940s amidst the back
drop of World War II, agricultural and home demonstration agents encouraged Kentuckians
to produce 75 percent of their food at home through a “live-at-home” campaign.
Today with interest in the local food movement skyrocketing and economic belt
tightening, Kentucky families want to learn safe and inexpensive ways to preserve quality
food at home. Extension food preservation classes and demonstrations provide
opportunities for clientele to learn food preservation basics, understand the science and
decide if they want to make the investment in food preservation.
UK offers research-based publications with information on home canning, freezing and
drying foods. In these publications, UK specialists offer many new recipes and
recommendations for preserving safer, better quality food at home.
The series of publications includes:
 Home Canning Basics
 Home Canning Salsa
 Home Canning Tomatoes and Tomato Products
 Home Canning Vegetables
 Home Canning Jams, Jellies and Other Soft Spreads
 Home Canning Pickled and Fermented Foods
 Home Freezing Basics
 Freezing Vegetables
 Freezing Fresh Fruits
 Drying Foods at Home
Stop by the_______________________________________________________office,
located at
and request a copy of any of these resources or inquire about the next food preservation
class. Contact family and consumer sciences agent,
________________________________ at ______________________________________
for more information.
Educational programs of the Cooperative Extension Service serve all people
regardless of race, color, sex, religion, disability or national origin.