MER Policy & Handbook Scheme of Work - Secondary Medium Term Planning - Half Term Plan Au2 Unit Title: Year 10 GCSE – Product Design Description of Unit / Unit Overview: WJEC Controlled Assessment Task 3 CONTEXT: Designers have a responsibility to design products that address environmental issues. Sustainability is a global concern and customers are increasingly seeking products which address this awareness. Corrugated cardboard is disposed of in large quantities. Investigate this as a material suitable to design and make a prototype piece of furniture or innovative storage unit that incorporates the use of corrugated cardboard as the main material in its construction. Key Learning Objectives: Section A Designing - Design Specification Weekly Breakdown if required: 1. CA Exam: Page 2 - Specification Coursework: This is an opportunity for students to present a detailed design specification of the intended product. Specification to cover Corporate Identity – Logo, packaging, instructions, presentation board, etc. Students look at either a functional or non-functional product. They cover points as in previous 'specs'- safety, materials, size, aesthetics, etc. Theory: What is a Design Specification? Product Designer Research – Philippe Starck. Production Methods - Mass, Batch and One-Off Production. Drawing Techniques and Types of Packaging. Product & Packaging. What is a Specification? o o o o o o o Attend D&T Graphics E&E Clubs on Wednesdays or Thursdays. Extended writing used to write a design specification and case studies. Coach and Lead others by giving class demos. Use of ICT, Photoshop and Illustrator Software to create illustrations Produce a 3D model of an initial design to test it. Class and Homework is well written and presented in a creative format. Present homework to the whole class. All: o 2. CAT Prep: Essential Knowledge – Write a Design Specification for product 3. CAT Prep: Essential Knowledge – Write a Design Specification for packaging 4. Research Designer – Philippe Starck. Stretch/Challenge: Inclusion/Differentiation: o o o 5. Production Methods – Mass, Batch and One-Off 6. Drawing Techniques 7. Types of Packaging A good design specification comprising a prioritised list of attributes for the product presented under appropriate headings. The specification illustrates clear links with the analysis of the task. Information is organised, basic use of technical language/vocabulary. Written communication is adequate in terms of organisation of material, with some errors of grammar, punctuation and spelling. Most: o A comprehensive design specification comprising a prioritised list of attributes for the product presented o o o Visit galleries; take related photos of current furniture trends, interview Ikea staff and consumers. Create personal Types of Cardboard resource using recycled cardboard. Label the card and annotate their different properties. Bring in recycled cardboard that could be used to make models during lessons. o o o under appropriate headings. The specification demonstrates strong links with the analysis of the task. Information is well organised, good use of technical language/vocabulary. Written communication is good, presenting mainly appropriate material in a coherent manner, with few errors of grammar, punctuation and spelling. Some: o o o o Homework opportunities: 1. Attend GCSE Product Design Homework Club on Wednesday or Thursday (lunch or after school). Designer Research: Write a report on Product An excellent design specification comprising a prioritised list of attributes for the product presented under appropriate headings. The specification is well founded in the analysis of the task. Information is well organised, presented in a highly appropriate manner, very good use of technical language/vocabulary. Written communication is good, presenting appropriate material in a coherent manner, and largely errorfree. Assessment Focus: o GCSE Product Design Assessment Criteria: Design Specification (5 marks) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Designer – Philippe Starck. Make notes of your key find. Use ICT to present your findings. Extension: Explain your key finds. What did you find out? How will this inform your design ideas? Attend GCSE Product Design Homework Club on Wednesday or Thursday (lunch or after school). Exam Revision: Find the definitions of the following key terms - Mass, Batch and One-Off Production. Attend GCSE Product Design Homework Club on Wednesday or Thursday (lunch or after school). Coursework: Generation of Ideas. 5-8 Initial Design Ideas using hand drawings. Exam Revision: Revise Sketching, Rendering and Drawing to Scale Techniques. Extension: Find samples of these techniques and explain why they are used in Product Design. Attend GCSE Product Design Homework Club on Wednesday or Thursday (lunch or after school). Coursework: CAD Initial Design Ideas and ACCESS FMM Annotation (4x designs) ACCESS FMM Annotation and Specification Check. Exam Revision Pack for Au2 Mock Exam: Record your notes on a Revision Map. Extension: Write a report on two types of Packaging and present your work to the class. Attend GCSE Product Design Homework Club on Wednesday or Thursday (lunch or after school). Exam Revision Pack for Au2 Mock Exam: Record your notes on a Revision Map. Extension: Write a report on two types of Packaging and present your work to the class. Attend GCSE Product Design Homework Club on Wednesday or Thursday (lunch or after school). Value Issues in Product Design - Revise the Life Cycle of Furniture worksheet. Record your notes on a Revision Map. Extension: Write a magazine article on the Life Cycle of Furniture and present your work to the class. Important: Complete Coursework Pages for Marking and submit by Tuesday 15th Dec Holiday Homework: Due Monday 4th Jan. Make a miniature 3D model of the piece of furniture your plan to make. Extension: Write a class worksheet that explains how you made it. What are the strengths? How could it be improved if developed further? o Essential Knowledge: Past Paper Mini Mock Exam 2 o Literacy: Quality of Written Cross Curricular Opportunities: Literacy: Students are encouraged to:o o o o o o o o o o Use correct Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar. Use Adjectives, Connectives and Complex Sentences. Not to copy and paste text from the internet. Read, understand and record interesting facts in their own words. Remember to use KEY technical words in Product Design. Present their work to small groups or whole class to develop oracy skills. Present their work in an orderly and chronological order. Design folder is focused, concise and relevant and demonstrates an appropriate selection of material for inclusion All decisions communicated in a clear and coherent manner with appropriate use of technical language The text is legible, easily understood and shows a good grasp of grammar, punctuation and spelling Enterprise: Numeracy: Students are encouraged to use the following HAPU Enterprise Skills:- Students are encouraged to:- o o o o o Creating – 3D Models Presenting – Home and Class work to the whole class Communicating – Design Specification – Essential and Desirable Criteria Evaluating – Design Ideas Reflecting – Tasks Analysis o o o Costing and Size Specification Criteria 3D Modelling Scale of Production Digital Learning: SMSC: Students are given opportunities to use ICT to:- Students are given opportunities to:- o o o Designer research Write a Specification Use the internet to research existing products o o o Social: Visit to Ikea. Furniture trends. Moral: Designer Responsibilities and Sustainability in Design Spiritual: Safe use of Product Design equipment. Pride and ownership of outcomes. o CAD Software for initial design ideas o Culture & British Values: British Industry practice.