Name _____________________ Immigration Public-Service Campaign Political Manifesto: Point Value Completeness & Formatting Communication Grammar & Vocabulary Theme/Content 0 7 8 9 10 11 12 No essay was submitted; OR the essay submitted did not meet most of the requirements for format, length, etc. The essay met only some of the requirements for formatting, was significantly shorter than requested, and/or was missing necessary components (works cited, etc.) The essay met all but one or two of the formatting & length requirements. Most quotes or pieces of outside information were cited properly, but one or two were not. No essay was submitted; OR the message/language within the essay was not able to be understood. The message of the essay was not particularly clear. A sympathetic native speaker would have significant difficulty to read & understand the essay. Grammatical errors were found throughout the essay, regardless of the constructions being used, and/or very little (or no) variation in word choice and vocabulary was used. The message of the essay was clear with only little clarification needed. A sympathetic native speaker would have little difficulty comprehending the message. Grammatical errors and misuse of vocabulary were present, but were primarily found in attempts at new sentence structures. Some vocabulary variation was present and used correctly. The stance and/or issue being addressed were mentioned but not explained or supported with evidence. The issue being addressed was clear and the stance being taken was explained and supported with some/little evidence. (1-2 sources) No essay was submitted; OR there were so many errors as to make the essay extremely difficult to read & understand No essay was submitted; OR the essay contained no political stance on an issue related to immigration. 13 14 15 The essay met all of the formatting requirements and contained all necessary components. Any quotes or outside information used was cited and sources were put on the works cited page. The message of the essay was clear and a native German speaker would easily understand it. Very few (or no) grammatical errors or misuse of vocabulary were present. Variation of word choice and sentence structure was well implemented and contributed to the effectiveness of the essay. The issue being addressed was clear and the stance taken was thoroughly explained and supported with ample evidence. (3+ resources) Total Points _________ / 60 Requirements: -write an essay (in German) that outlines your political stance on the issue of immigration and/or at least one issue RELATED to immigration -essay should be AT LEAST one page in length *typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman, Calibri, or Arial size 12 -in the essay you should make the following things clear: -the socio-political issue that you will be commenting on -your stance on that particular issue -your reasoning for your stance on the issue -be sure to support your reasoning with research, evidence, opinions of politicians or other officials, etc. -cite any quotes, websites, or other research within your essay -provide a “works cited” page (or bibliography) for your essay -use AT LEAST two outside sources within your paper (and include them on the works cited page & citations within the paper) -both grammatical accuracy & communication will be assessed for this essay -you should use varying sentence structures and vocabulary in order to keep your essay interesting *NOTE: use MOSTLY grammar & vocabulary that you know how to use or that we’ve talked about