Agenda-9-22-14 - Lake Park Audubon Schools

The Lake Park Audubon Board of Education District #2889, will meet in regular session at 7:00 PM
on September 22, 2014 in the Elementary Media Center in Audubon.
Call to order by Chairman Vicky Grondahl, roll call of attendance and Pledge to the Flag.
Board Calendar Dates: Regular Board Meeting – October 20, 2014 – 7:00 PM – LPA High School Media
Center – Lake Park
Recognition of visitors to board meeting: Lake Park Audubon Schools welcome you to the meeting of the
LPA Board of Education. While this is a meeting of the Board to conduct the business of the School District, the
Board is not statutorily compelled to hear comments. At this time, we desire to provide an opportunity to hear
from members of the public, including staff and students on matters of interest. This portion of the agenda will
be limited to a total of not more than 30 minutes, unless otherwise determined by the Board. Individual
speakers are asked to limit their comments to not more than 3 minutes. The Board requests that all comments
be in keeping with, and contribute to an atmosphere of civil, courteous, thoughtful and respectful public
discourse. Board members and administration will not respond to comments at the meeting. Appropriate
responses will be provided at a later time or comments may lead to future board agenda items. Thank you
for attending.
Action: Consideration of Agenda as presented and additions.
West Central Initiative letters of grant awards for Softball Field Construction, Stained
Glass Window, Tri-Color Stage Lights, Outdoor Benches, Dictionary and Thesaurus
6.1 Principal’s Negotiation – Darrel Pederson, Bryan Anderson, Mike McIntire
6.2 Finance Committee – Rich Veit, Bryan Anderson, Mike McIntire
6.3 Principals – Kevin Ricke & Sam Skaaland
6.4 Superintendent – Dale Hogie
Consent Agenda Items:
7.1 Approve payment of ISD 2889 bills and claims and the District Financial Report.
Comment: The Financial Report will be available at the meeting.
7.2 Approve Minutes of the regular August 18, 2014 meeting.
Comment: The Minutes are provided in your packet.
7.3 Approve Lisa McLeod as Elementary Social Worker at Lane 1, Step 8.
Comment: I support the recommendation of Norma Altman-Bergseth and Sam Skaaland.
7.4 Approve Mary McClain as Elementary Classroom/Special Education Paraprofessional for 4 hours per day,
two days a week at Class 3, Step 2.
Comment: I support the recommendation of Norma Altman-Bergseth and Sam Skaaland
Lake Park Audubon Bd. Of Ed.
September 22, 2014
7.5 Approve Courtni Bertram as Elementary Classroom/Special Education Paraprofessional for 3 hours
per day at Class 3, Step 2. .
Comment: I support the recommendation of Norma Altman-Bergseth and Sam Skaaland.
Approve Assurance of Compliance with State and Federal Law Prohibiting Discrimination to the
Minnesota Department of Education.
Comment: This is an annual statutory requirement. I recommend.
Approve Anessa Strehlow as a substitute van/suburban driver contingent upon a background check.
Comment: I support Kent Benson’s recommendation.
Approve Lisa Platt as food service substitute contingent upon a background check.
Comment: I support Kathy Anderson’s recommendation.
Approve Laura Januszewski’s lane change request from BA20 to BA30.
Comment: Ms. Januszewski has provided the appropriate documentation. I recommend.
7.10 Approve the resignation of Sonja Johnson from her Special Education Paraprofessional position at the
Elementary effective October 3, 2014 and authorize advertisement for her position.
Comment: A copy of Ms. Johnson’s resignation is available. Sam Skaaland and I recommend.
Unfinished Business:
New Business:
9.1 Approve 2014-2015 Secondary Faculty Handbook.
Comment: No language and/or procedure changes from 2013-2014. Calendar date changes and
employee name changes updated. Copies are provided in your package.
9.2 Adopt preliminary Levy Certification for 2014, Payable 2015 at the maximum rates.
Comment: Districts may lower property tax levy amounts in December but they cannot be raised beyond
the preliminary levy amount except through a referendum process. There continues to be revisions of
calculated amounts at the State level. The final levy adoption is done in December. I recommend levying
the maximum amounts as the Board has done for several years. There were several legislative changes
that required changes in MDE formulas. There are a few amounts that need to be verified with MDE and
Ehlers. Page 28 of the MDE document is provided along with a summary. I recommend.
9.3 Approve Katie Watland’s request for a 12-week maternity leave commencing approximately February 9,
Comment: The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) grants up to 12-weeks leave for eligible
employees. Ms. Watland is an eligible employee. Staff members are not eligible for pay or
insurance benefits during a 12-week maternity leave. However, they are allowed to use
accumulated disability (sick) leave consistent with a physician’s statement. Ms. Watland has expressed
intent to use 30 of her accumulated disability leave days. Her letter of request will be available at the
meeting. I recommend.
9.4 Approve Karah Jacobson’s request for a 12-week maternity leave commencing approximately January
5, 2015.
Comment: The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) grants up to 12-weeks leave for eligible
employees. Ms. Jacobson is an eligible employee. Staff members are not eligible for pay or insurance
Lake Park Audubon Bd. Of Ed.
September 22, 2014
benefits during a 12-week maternity leave. However, they are allowed to use accumulated disability
(sick) leave consistent with a physician’s statement. Ms. Jacobson has indicated intent to use her
available disability days. Her letter of request will be available at the meeting. I recommend.
9.5 Approve Mr. Skaaland’s request to research expanded playground options and solicit donations to pay or
assist in paying for the playground expansion.
Comment: Mr. Skaaland’s explanation of need and benefits is provided for you. I recommend.
10. Discussion/Information Items:
10.1 Meetings: Negotiations – Principals - TBD
11. Visitor’s Comments:
12. Adjourn
Lake Park Audubon Bd. Of Ed.
September 22, 2014