Burden of Disease Estimates for 2011 and the potential effects of the Essential Health Package on Malawi’s health burden Burden of Disease Estimates for 2011 and the potential effects of the Essential Health Package on Malawi’s health burden Introduction An evaluation of the essential health package (EHP) using WHO Burden of Disease (BOD) methods suggests significant health gains were made by the first EHP associated with the first SWAp [1]. An economic appraisal of the second EHP associated with the Health Sector Strategic Programme (HSSP) is a useful tool to help make priorities and choose best buy interventions. This appraisal can use various approaches. One approach is to build on previous work based on Malawi’s Burden of Disease as measured by Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs). Various assumptions and adjustments are required because of the shortage of vital statistical data. This paper describes the methods used in updating the BOD estimates and how they have been applied to the proposed HSSP. Methods 2011 Burden of Disease The estimates of the BOD are the foundation of later analysis. The 2002 WHO estimates for Malawi were assessed in 2004 and found to be robust [2]. These estimates were updated in 2008 and used in the evaluation of the EHP [1]. WHO is in the process of updating their estimates, using funding from the Gates Foundation, but these are not yet available. The 2002 estimates have been used to update the Malawi estimates for this study. The following approach was used: 1. Age specific mortality rates were calculated from the 2008 census providing best estimates of current infant, child and adult mortality (including females of reproductive age) using National Statistics Office (NSO) published life tables created using INDEPTH methodology. Actual deaths for 2011 were estimated using the specific death rates and 2011 population figures. 2. NSO population projections published in November 2010 were used. 3. Incidence rates of the 159 conditions that make up the BOD model have been assumed to remain as in 2008 except for:a. HIV/AIDS where incidences of HIV and AIDS have been taken from the 2010 SPECTRUM projections used by the MOH HIV Unit. b. Hypertension and diabetes disability levels increased to reflect results of STEP study for disability but not mortality (because the natural history of these conditions is unknown in Malawi). 4. Important diseases causing a heavy burden such as malaria have been assessed using recent survey data and found to remain similar to those used in 2008. Potential Burden averted by the EHP The EHP2 updated model containing the new interventions such as mental health has been used to calculate the incidence and burden (in DALYS) of preventable or treatable conditions chosen in the EHP. Assumptions used to predict the resource based and the ideal budgets 1. The ideal scenario budget uses the following assumptions:a. Indirect costs are based on expert MOH groups looking at i. HR – not staff establishments which are being revised, but current staff levels, attrition rates and recruitment rates based on planned pre-service outputs Burden of Disease Estimates for 2011 and the potential effects of the Essential Health Package on Malawi’s health burden ii. Infrastructure – based on a survey of health facilities – their location for GIS analysis, their level of amenities such as water and electricity and their functional equipment iii. Transport based on planning assumptions about ambulance requirements – 1:50,000 etc. b. Direct costs are derived from the cost-model assuming all targets are met. Access is 100%. c. The overall apportionment of EHP to non-EHP costs assumes i. Same split as between central hospitals and other cost centres with HQ costs split 25% non-EHP and 75% EHP between 2002/3 and 2009/10 which were 84% EHP and 16% non-EHP. ii. The apportionment does not change over the 5 years. This is because while pressure to offer tertiary services such as the cancer centre arises from medical advances and the profession, pressure is equally coming from the HSSP and the need to hit EHP targets. iii. This effects only direct costs as indirect costs are apportioned between EHP and non-EHP services on the basis of location of cost centres:1. All central and 25% of HQ HR goes to non-EHP 2. All CHAM and district HR goes to EHP 3. All central and 25% of HQ other indirect costs goes to non-EHP Assumptions used in the cost model for this exercise The MOH cost model used for the first EHP has been adapted by the Ministry of Health (MOH) for EHP2. The costs have been revised. Staff numbers have been revised to accommodate recent revisions of the staff establishment. A number of assumptions have been used to derive the activity estimated from the model under different funding scenarios. They are:1. The model has been calibrated using 2009/10 activity based on HMIS data and 2010/11 estimated costs. The model over-predicts costs by 27%. This is due to drug and staff costs being less than predicted by the model because of staff absences and drug stockouts. The effect is that activity over-predicts beneficial effect by some 20%. The model has been re-calibrated to take this into account. It is assumed that as staffing levels improve (as the Emergency HR plan increases pre-service outputs) and drug procurement and supply becomes more reliable, the resource based scenario will improve effectiveness to 90% of attendances and the ideal scenario to 100%. 2. The core scenario used is based on the MOH resource based estimate of budgets in 2011/12 and 2015/6. It is assumed that 75% of HQ activity is to do with the EHP and the remaining 25% other non-EHP activity, and that central hospital indirect costs including staff costs are non-EHP but that all district services are EHP. It also assumes that the overall proportion spent on tertiary services of government budget stays as it was on average and stable between 2002 and 2009 at 16%. This clearly is an imprecise way of allocating the costs between EHP and non-EHP. For instance 70% of central hospital services are primary or secondary level care and staff time has been allocated only to non-EHP services. On the other hand all CHAM and MOH District level and below HR costs have been allocated to the EHP although a proportion of their work is non-EHP (perhaps 10% in MOH and 20% in CHAM institutions). 3. The second scenario is based on an ideal estimate – all the funds required to implement the HSSP fully. This is based on an assessment by MOH expert groups looking at the indirect costs of HR, infrastructure, transport and equipment. For instance for HR they took the current staffing levels, adjusted for attrition and new recruits coming out of preservice institutions to estimate the level of staff available in year 5 of the plan. The infrastructure costs are based on the building needs required to offer BEMOC access (8km) to over 95% of the population. Direct costs are derived from the cost model Burden of Disease Estimates for 2011 and the potential effects of the Essential Health Package on Malawi’s health burden 4. 5. 6. 7. which calculates the number of patients required to receive the EHP intervention at the target level and their associated costs. By 2016 the effectiveness of patient care is assumed to have increased from 80% to 90% for the resourced based EHP scenario as facilities are better staffed and stock outs are less. The ideal scenario is assumed will achieve 100% staffing and no stock outs. Access improves in both scenarios. For the resource based scenario from an access level of 65% access in 2011/2 the plan is to build new or upgrade dispensaries by 58 – 28% of the ideal level (206) required to provide 8km access to over 95% of the population – the BEMOC target. It should be noted that this 95% target has not been checked using GIS but will be in the next 6 months. The 28% increase planned for the resource based scenario improves access to 75%. Total activity and associated burden averted for the 5 years is calculated from averaging the first and 5th years of the plans and multiplying the results by 5. The size of the burden of disease alleviated has been evaluated by assuming one DALY alleviated is equivalent to the Gross Domestic Product of Malawi (based on IMF projections). Prevention interventions Various assumptions were used to estimate the burden of disease that has already been prevented by prevention interventions such as immunisations as to stop these would have the effect of increasing these diseases in future. To gauge what would happen if immunisations were reduced, the Sub-Saharan incidence rates of vaccine preventable diseases have been used to calculate the effect of a suboptimal immunisation programme, adjusted by the estimated levels of disease pre-immunisation era. Clinical treatments For those interventions involving clinical treatment 2009/10 HMIS data have been used, being the most recent year of currently available data. Treatments have been adjusted in two ways; by a factor for treatment effectiveness (as an example, antibiotics work in 84% of times for pneumonia in children); and by a factor measuring the affected population (as an example, 50% of adults and 70% of children registered in HMIS as malaria are not, so only half or less of the number treated will benefit from antimalarial drugs). Treatment effectiveness factors are taken from recent authoritative sources and referenced in the table. Summation of benefits of the EHP The burden of disease calculated in DALYS for each intervention for 2011 (and succeeding years) can be summed to provide an overall estimate of burden averted by the programme. As the costs are also contained in the EHP model it will be possible to measure the cost effectiveness of each and all interventions combined at the levels of activity agreed once funding is known. Results All results are found in a folder of spreadsheets available on the COM/Community Health National Research website at http://www.medcol.mw/commhealth/publications/national%20research/national_research.htm There are excel files for all 159 conditions listed, and estimates of incidence, prevalence, deaths and DALYs are available. Summary files are also available for DALYs, deaths, life expectancy, healthy life expectancy (HALES) and risk factors, by age and sex group. Spreadsheets calculating the DALYS averted by the EHP scenarios are also available for download. Burden of Disease Estimates for 2011 and the potential effects of the Essential Health Package on Malawi’s health burden Deaths and life expectancy Deaths are less than in 2002 and 2008 (the last time the BOD spreadsheets were updated) and reflect the crude mortality rates found in the 2008 census (Table 1). HIV/AIDS remains the leading cause of death in both sexes. Table 1- Leading causes of death in Malawi in 2011 Table 2 – Life expectancy and Healthy Life Expectancy (HALE) in Malawi in 2011 The life expectancy estimates are similar and slightly longer than the census 2008 estimates of 48 in males and 51 years in females (Table 2). Burden of disease in DALYS There has been a reduction in DALYS since previous estimates despite the increase in population (Table 3). This may partly be due to the last EHP. HIV/AIDS remains the leading cause, followed by lower respiratory infections. Table 3 – Leading causes of Disease Burden in Malawi in 2011 – all ages The leading cause of disease burden in children remains lower respiratory disease, followed by malaria and diarrhoeal diseases (Table 4). Burden of Disease Estimates for 2011 and the potential effects of the Essential Health Package on Malawi’s health burden Table 4 – Leading causes of disease burden in Malawi in 2011 – children (0 – 15 years of age) Risk factors The leading risk factor remains unsafe sex, followed by under-nutrition. Table 5 – Leading causes of disease burden (DALYs) due to selected risk factors in Malawi in 2011 The burden of disease alleviated by the EHP2 Estimates of disease burden averted and prevented by three scenarios and a baseline using 2010 data are found in Table 6. Estimates of the two components of the burden of disease (measured in DALYS) years of life lost (YLL) and years lived with disability (YDL) are also shown. The cost of each package is used to calculate the cost-effectiveness ratio for each scenario. All scenarios for either year are cost-effective. Using the common yardstick of a cost-effective ratio less than the country’s GDP Malawi would find a ratio of a whole health package below $350, the current GDP for Malawi, good value for money. The 2011/12 ratios are higher than the baseline for 2010 due mainly to higher levels of staff and their salaries and due to additional interventions, such as mental illness services, which are not all as cost-effective as those in the first EHP. Serious under-funding reduces the cost-effectiveness of the package. This is because the marginal cost of additional activity is less than the average cost of the chosen interventions. The closer funding is to the ideal level, the better the cost-effectiveness. Ideal funding will allow all targets to be met. This is not possible with the level of under-funding thought to be likely. Table 6 – The burden of disease associated with the EHP2 based on actual activity for 2011 and two scenarios for 2011/12 and 2015/6 Scenario Ideal 2010 actual Actual DALYS averted by EHP interventions % of all actual DALYs - EHP and non-EHP averted 2011/2 Resource based 2015/6 2011/2 2015/6 1,631,283 1,926,326 3,246,821 1,367,216 1,528,829 19% 22% 37% 16% 18% Burden of Disease Estimates for 2011 and the potential effects of the Essential Health Package on Malawi’s health burden Potential DALYS averted by prevention activities % of all potential DALYs averted Total DALYS averted 657,891 715,762 2,200,826 329,108 457,658 22% 24% 73% 11% 15% 2,289,174 2,642,088 5,447,647 1,696,324 1,986,487 388,870,471 513,991,419 1,024,834,913 415,349,580 540,450,431 170 195 188 245 272 $800 $944 $2,291 $606 $835 DALYS 2,289,174 2,642,088 5,447,647 1,696,324 1,986,487 YLL 1,390,345 1,604,689 3,308,665 1,030,274 1,206,506 YLD 898,829 1,037,398 2,138,983 666,051 779,981 56,854 65,619 135,298 42,130 49,337 Cost of each scenario ($) Cost per DALY of each scenario ($/DALY) Benefit of EHP $m (DALYs averted * GDP per capita) Deaths Clearly the choice of intervention and the level of coverage will affect the cost effectiveness of the package. The value of each intervention in terms of DALYs averted has been calculated for each scenario. The activity of each intervention and the associated DALYs averted are shown for the 2011/2 scenario using the resource based budget in Error! Reference source not found.. References 1. Bowie C, Mwase T (2011) Assessing the use of an essential health package in a sector wide approach in Malawi. Health Res Policy Syst 9: 4. doi:10.1186/1478-4505-9-4 2. Bowie C (2006) The burden of disease in Malawi. Malawi Medical Journal 18: 103-110. Table 7 Burden of disease (in DALYS) associated with the 2011/12 “resource based, assuming direct donor funding of $185m” EHP2 in Malawi for each of the chosen interventions Table 7 – The resource based and ideal scenarios for 2011/2 and 2015/6 by intervention and associated burden of disease averted – Malawi’s HSSP