Individualized Healthcare Plan Medical Diagnosis: Allergy: Brownsville ISD: Health Services Student Name: DOB: School Nurse: Date of IHP: NURSING DIAGNOSIS 1. Risk for ineffective breathing pattern related to bronchospasm and inflammation of airways. STUDENT GOALS Student will be able to identify symptoms of a severe allergic reaction. Student will be safe in all school environments. 2. Effective therapeutic regimen management related to: Ability to develop and implement IHP and ECP. Ability to seek help from others The student will participate in the development and implementation of health care plan at school. The student will prevent allergic reactions from occurring. . Home Campus: PLAN OF ACTION BY WHOM/WHEN EXPECTED OUTCOMES 1. Establish trusting, open communication with student to provide health counseling opportunities to review symptoms of reactions. School Nurse, staff, office personnel ongoing Student will identify symptoms of an allergic reaction. 2. Hold in-service with school staff about significance of allergic reaction/anaphylaxis. School nurse , other personnel as needed Student will share information about her allergy with her teachers and other school personnel. School Nurse, staff, office personnel ongoing Student will tell school personnel when symptoms of an allergic reaction are present. Student will describe steps to take if an allergic reaction occurs. 1. Provide necessary health counseling opportunities for student to participate in self-care. Review symptoms and sources of allergens Review treatment methods, including how/when to report allergic symptoms to school personnel. 2. Develop and implement an allergy ECP. Include mild and severe reaction plans. Include student, parent, appropriate school personnel, and health care provider. Coordinate school plan with home plan. Provide teachers with copies of emergency plan. Make modifications to plan as necessary. Identify persons who have access to medications and know where they are stored and who have been trained to administer the medications. If food allergy: notify food service personnel of need for alternative food choices. Actively participate in healthcare management and ECP at school. School Nurse Allergy Health Care Plan NURSING DIAGNOSIS 3. Risk for powerlessness related to: uncertainty of an allergic reactions in the school environment. STUDENT GOALS The student will be safe in the school environment. The student will prevent allergic reactions from occurring. PLAN OF ACTION BY WHOM/WHEN Provide health counseling opportunities to review treatment plan, including how/when to report allergic symptoms to school personnel. School Nurse Provide health education regarding significance of specific allergy to student teachers and school personnel. School Nurse Provide health education for student to develop ability to self-medicate if appropriate. School Nurse EXPECTED OUTCOMES Student will tell school personnel when symptoms of an allergic reaction are present. Student will demonstrate positive interactions with her peers in all school settings, including classroom, cafeteria and playground. Student will participate in all school activities with modifications as needed. Student will demonstrate proper selfadministration of epi-pen, if ordered.