Leadership Team Workgroup Minutes Meeting Two North Dakota

Leadership Team
Workgroup Minutes
Meeting Two
North Dakota Center for Nursing Mission: Guide the ongoing development of a well-prepared and
diverse nursing workforce to meet the needs of the citizens of North Dakota through research,
education, recruitment and retention, advocacy and public policy.
Workgroup: Workplace Planning
Workgroup Description: To address nursing workforce shortages and stimulate attraction to the
profession, this group will examine successful strategies for recruitment, retention and expanding
capacity of the nursing workforce by the development of public and private partnerships.
Meeting Two Date: February 16 3:00 – 5:00 PM
Teleconference Number: 1-800-511-7985 access code: 530-1835
Attendance: Larry Anderson, Char Christenson, Joanne Blue, Terry Watne, Becky Graner, Jan Kamphuis,
Diane Sjol
Meeting leader: Jan Kamphuis
1. Roll call of members.
2. Review of resources provided for this meeting
Several resources are available online- Verssant Link, residency programs, males in nursing
program at Michigan
ND State Biennial Strategic Plan- new one will be released to legislature for the 2013-2015
NCSBN Residency outline- Becky will send the link for the page
Concept model- Becky sent from PIN project- can be overwhelming to look at all of the various
places that we can do things. We could use as a jump off point. Financial issues, a place to live
when they work. It is too big- we could work on this for years. Who are our partners? Who can
help with this so we don’t reinvent the wheel?
There are so many programs out there- the education groups can address the education parts.
Is there a group on retention? No, that is this group. We can focus on recruiting talent, retaining
I like the idea about attracting the talent. Once we get them-do we retain them?
Put a timeline on attracting- grade school or high school kids- could we define that? It starts all
along the pipeline- includes creating interest in young people in nursing, have individuals that
aren’t in the labor force that should be in nursing- attract them at mid-points in their careers and
then individuals who have completed education and looking at second-term careers.
3. Summary of overall goals/visions for the future from meeting one.
The overall goals/visions from meeting one include building strategic partnerships, fitting in
within the state workforce plan and developing a residency program.
4. Narrow down to preliminary goals, strategies and action steps.
Goal 1: Attracting a well-qualified pool of diverse nurses to fit projected nursing needs.
Long-term Outcome Measures (Baseline, 1, 5 and 10 years): % of high school students interested in
health careers on ACT test, % of high school students interested in a nursing career, % of nurses
unemployed by reason and age, # of nurses re-entering nursing field, # of mentees that attend
nursing education programs and work in ND
Create inventory of current
initiatives to influence
individuals to pursue
careers in healthcare and in
Action Steps
Compile a list of partners and the
contact each to find out what
they are doing.
Partner list compiled.
Publish a list of current initiatives
on the website and newsletter.
Create awareness of the
nursing field and the
available ND nursing
programs at the high school
Contact health care career classes
to determine nursing specific
content, shadowing, career fairs.
List of healthcare and nursing
awareness initiative published.
#of times downloaded.
Health occupation classes
contacted and nursing content
Compile a list of CNA training
sites and publish it to increase
nursing awareness.
List of CNA training programs
developed and published on
website. # of times
Examine whether some of the
content in the health careers can
be sent out via IVN or other
distance delivery mechanisms.
Distance delivery of health
career content determined.
Develop/implement a nurse
mentorship program in which
practicing nurses could mentor
those interested in entering the
nursing profession.
Mentorship program
# of mentors
# of mentees
Satisfaction of mentors and
mentees with mentoring
Tracking of mentees into
nursing education programs
and employment.
Reasons compiled.
Examine strategies for
bringing nurses back that
have left the field.
Determine reasons for leaving
nursing field. Examine reasons
for unemployment.
Re-entry information compiled
and posted on Center for
Nursing website.
# of downloads
Determine mechanisms for
attracting nurses from other
Target those nurses that are
unemployed- provide information
about how to re-enter nursing.
Information about refresher
program, what does it entail.
Problem solving grid.
Create awareness of industry- we
have jobs for nurses and their
Determine how visible our ND
nurse opportunities are to the
nursing community. Specialty
pages have pretty good pages.
Visibility of nursing jobs
Explore utilizing a career center
such as Affiniscape.
Career development center
developed on Center for
Nursing website.
# of job seekers, # of jobs
posted, # of website hits
Awareness mechanisms
Possible Barriers:
Goal 2: Retaining Talent: Develop strategies for retaining nurses in the field.
Long-term Outcome Measures (Baseline, 1, 5 and 10 years): % of unemployed nurses by age and
reason for unemployment, #of non-renewed nursing licenses, retention of mentored nurses
Examine age groups of
unemployed nurses and
reasons for why nurses are
leaving the state.
Develop a nurse mentorship
Action Steps
Examine data from Nursing Needs Reasons for unemployed nurses
Study regarding unemployed
determined by age group.
Examine models for developing
New nurse mentorship model
program in which practicing
nurses could mentor new
nurse mentorship programs
including mentor training. Altru
has had one for the last 15 years
for new and transfer nurses.
MedCenter one has one as well.
programs compiled.
Large organizations could share
best practices with rural facilities.
Mechanisms for sharing mentor
programs with rural facilities
Develop statewide mentorship
program, emphasizing grooming
and selection of good
Mentorship program developed
including training of mentors.
# of mentors trained
# of mentees
Satisfaction of mentors and
mentees determined.
Tracking of retention of
mentored nurses.
Action Steps
Possible Barriers:
Goal 3: Any thoughts?
Possible Barriers:
Tasks for next meeting:
Patricia- pull out nurse unemployment data and reasons for unemployment for the group, also break
down by age groups to look at retention, examine career center- Affinscape
Terry Watne- send mentorship model link
Jan- can share residency program at MedCenter One link
5. Review workgroup description- is it still accurate? Group thought the description was still fine.
To address nursing workforce shortages and stimulate attraction to the profession, this group will
examine successful strategies for recruitment, retention and expanding capacity of the nursing workforce
by the development of public and private partnerships.
6. Plan for next meeting. At the next meeting we will be reviewing feedback from the leaders
meeting in March and also add on timelines, communication/marketing and
Possible Meeting Dates: Next meeting is April 17, 2012
April 10
April 11
April 16
April 17
April 19
April 20
April 23
April 24
April 25
April 27
April 30
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