peer coach job description

University Writing Center
Undergraduate/Extra Help Writing Coach Job Description
Primary Function of the Position
A University Writing Center (UWC) undergraduate/extra help writing coach will perform the
following duties:
 work as writing coach
 complete outreach presentations that promote the writing center and its services
 create handouts on documentation, writing in the disciplines, résumés and cover letters,
personal statements, etc. for client and coach use
 contribute to production of UWC assessment and/or promotional documents
 participate in hiring process for new staff
 attend mandatory training (the 1st semester)
 attend staff meetings
The undergraduate (peer) writing coach must be at least a 2nd year full time student in an NIU
program and have successfully completed/met the NIU FYComp program requirements. Extra
help writing coaches will be those students who do not have a full time status or individuals who
are not currently students. The undergraduate/extra help writing coach must be willing to work a
consistent schedule for at least10 hours per week during each semester. The undergraduate
(peer)/extra help writing coach selects his/her own schedule to fit into the UWC hours of