WGST 120 - College of the Holy Cross

Fall 2015 Community Partners
WGST 120
Community Partner
Time Frame
Assumption Center – Girls with
Girls Inc.
Marie Anne Center – Girls Group
Tuesday, 2:30p-4:45p
Monday-Friday, 2-4p (for one 2-hour time block)
Monday-Thursday, 2:30-5:30p (for one 2- or 3hour time block)
Weekdays or weekends, 1:30p and 3:30p (for
one 2-hour time block)
Weekdays, flexible timing (for one 2-hour time
Thursdays, 3:30-6:30p or Saturdays, 11a-2p
Monday, Tuesday or Thursday, 9a-2:30p;
Wednesday or Friday, 9a-12p (for one 2-hour time
Notre Dame Health Care Center (maleand female-identified students)
YWCA – Daybreak Shelter (male- and
female-identified students)
YWCA – Girls CHOICE Program
YWCA – Young Parents Program
CBL Fair
Assumption Center – Girls with DREAMS
16 Vineyard Street
Worcester, MA 01603
Staff Contact:
Anne Kane
Special Projects Coordinator
Organization Description:
A mission of the Religious of the Assumption, Assumption Center is home to a number of programs
bringing families together in the Main-South area of Worcester. The Center is staffed by Sisters and
Associate Missionaries of the Assumption, supported by additional volunteers. The Center offers afterschool and summer programs for children and young adults; adult/family programs such as ESL
instruction, a knitting program, and a community garden; and spiritual development programs such as a
lending library and lecture series. Some programs are offered at the Center; others are offered in
collaboration with St. Peter’s Catholic Church nearby.
Determination • Respect • Energy • Aspiration • Motivation • Spirit
Girls With DREAMS is an after-school program created for girls aged 11—14 that allows them to share
time together, work on fun projects, learn about healthy lifestyles and develop their sense of
self. Activities include creative arts, baking, recreational games, gardening, community service and
much more! The girls come together Tuesdays from 2:30—4:45 p.m.
CBL opportunities:
Girls with Dreams, Tuesday afternoons 2:30p-4:45p at Assumption Center. CBL students will have
opportunities to assist 10-14 year old girls at risk develop into themselves, learning skills for navigating
relationships, self care, and personal creativity. The girls comprise a multi-cultural group, suggesting
exploration of what it means to be a young girl transitioning to teen years in American culture. We
emphasize skills and values for personal and community development, including skills such as cooking
and crafts, journaling, personal finance, healthy eating, and healthy relationships; and values such as
respect, hope, integrity, and generosity.
Pre-service Requirements: CORI Form
Volunteers needed:
1 CBL student. Because the program targets preteen girls and sometimes addresses sensitive topics
among girls and women, we staff this program with females.
Girls Inc. of Worcester
125 Providence Street, Worcester
Staff Contact:
Anne McCarthy
(508) 755-6455 ext. 41
Organization Description:
Girls Incorporated of Worcester is an affiliate of Girls Incorporated, a national nonprofit youth
organization dedicated to inspiring all girls to be strong (healthy), smart (educated), and bold
(independent). For over 99 years, Girls Incorporated of Worcester has been providing nationallyevaluated, gender-specific programming to thousands of local girls, particularly those identified as highrisk and under-served. Research-based curricula, delivered by trained professionals in a positive all-girls
environment, equip girls to achieve academically; lead healthy, safe, and physically active lives; manage
money; navigate media messages; and discover an interest in science, technology, engineering, and
CBL Opportunities:
The After School Interns will work directly with the girls, providing critical assistance to the program staff
in the after school program. Girls Inc. of Worcester’s current programs include: Homework Help,
Computer Lab, Health and Fitness, STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math), and art. The
greatest need is from 2-4pm Monday through Friday for Homework Help. If a student isn’t available
from 2-4pm, there may be possibilities from 4-6pm.
Pre-Service Requirements: CORI form, Volunteer application, Pre-Service Orientation
Number of Volunteers Needed: 4
Note: This opportunity is only available for students from Massachusetts, students who have been at
Holy Cross for 2+ years, or students who are willing to make a year-long commitment
Marie Anne Center – Girls Group
St. Bernard Church, 236 Lincoln Street, Worcester
Staff Contacts:
Sister Michèle Jacques, Director
Ms. Fleurimonde Jean-Pierre, Assistant Director
Organization Description:
Marie Anne Center (MAC), a ministry of the Sisters of Saint Anne, is located in the lower level of St.
Bernard Church on Lincoln Street in Worcester, MA. The Center addresses educational and spiritual
needs of families and provides basic education and living skills for people who would otherwise not have
access to them.
Special attention is given to families living within its multi-ethnic neighborhood.
Opened in April 2001, the Marie Anne Center offers a variety of activities, including after-school
tutoring, a computer lab with Internet access, English as a Second Language classes, sewing classes, yoga
classes, art and music classes, Teen Talk, and a police/clergy mentoring program.
The work of the Center is carried out primarily by the Sisters of St. Anne and associates, as well as others
from the region, under the direction of Sister Michèle Jacques, a Sister of Saint Anne.
The Marie Anne Center hosts a variety of programs and classes for children/youth, teenagers, and adults
in the Worcester area. In particular, the Center caters to the needs of families and individuals living in
surrounding multi-ethnic neighborhoods.
CBL Opportunities:
After-school Program – Girls Group
On Mondays through Thursdays from 2:30 to 5:30 pm, students from the neighborhood receive
individual tutoring by Marie Anne Center staff, high school and college students and other dedicated
volunteers. One to two volunteers are needed to assist with the Girls’ Circle where girls in grades 5-6
gather weekly to discuss topics of interest (2-3 hour time slot once per week).
Pre-Service Requirements: CORI, Safe Environment Training
Volunteers Needed: 1-2
Notre Dame Health Care Center*
559 Plantation Street, Worcester, MA 01605
Site Contacts:
Linda Corby, Volunteer Coordinator (contact for Hospice program)
Organization Description:
The Notre Dame Long Term Care Center (NDLTCC) provides nursing facility services to approximately 85
lay people and 37 retired religious Sisters of Notre Dame. It offers dementia specialty care to 41
individuals who receive additional sensory and tactile-based activity programming to help address their
unique needs. The ages of our residents range from 65 to 100, with the average age being in their mideighties.
Any student who may be willing to offer one-to-one visits, share their special musical or artistic talents,
or work with a group of elders are invited to consider Notre Dame as a place in which to give to others.
Any amount of time given by a student is appreciated, as it enriches the lives of elderly residents who
live here.
CBL Opportunities:
Friendly Visitor: This position includes offering one to one visits to elders in need of companionship.
Offer an opportunity to share memories, and /or review current events, play chess, checkers, cards or
Art Volunteer: If you have a special artistic talent, or would like to help an elder explore their own
hidden artistic talent, volunteer opportunities are available. There are a number of residents who would
like to improve or even learn new skills, regardless of their age.
Music Volunteer: Do you play a musical instrument or are you a member of a musical group? Share your
talents by entertaining a group of residents who will treasure the opportunity to awaken their senses.
Namaste group assistant: This position includes 1:1 visits with residents who are not able to participate
in group activities due to advanced stage of disease (end of life) and would benefit from 1:1 sensory
stimulation like: hand massage, simple conversation, aroma therapy, spending time outdoors (weather
permitting), and relaxing music.
The best times to volunteer are between 1:30p-3:30p on weekdays and weekends for 1.5 hours
minimum. In some cases, students may be able to schedule one-to-one visits in the morning.
Pre-service Requirements: CORI form, Volunteer application, Orientation, TB or PPD test (two times),
Flu shot (once the shot becomes available; volunteers can choose to wear a surgical mask during each
visit if flu shot documentation cannot be found)
Number of Volunteers Needed: 4-5
YWCA - Daybreak Shelter / Greater Worcester Confidential Domestic Violence Emergency Shelter
Shelter location must not be disclosed prior to, during or post Internship
Staff Contacts:
Suzanne Uncapher (primary contact)
Supervisor of Residential Services
508-793-9661 – Office
774-314-1435 – Cell
Evelyn Cabrera
Director of Residential Services
508-793-9661 – Office
978-407-8778 – Cell
Organization Description:
The YWCA is the oldest and largest multicultural women’s organization in the world. Across the globe,
we have more than 25 million members in 122 countries, including 2.6 million members and participants
in 300 local associations in the United States. The YWCA is dedicated to eliminating racism, empowering
women and promoting peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all.
Emergency domestic violence shelters are safe, confidential sites that serve women and families fleeing
imminent danger. The Daybreak Shelter is the only confidential shelter in Worcester. Staff provides
support, advocacy, counseling, and individual case management and advocacy. The shelter’s goal is to
stabilize the lives of women and their families and to assist them in rebuilding for the future.
CBL Opportunities:
Students will have an opportunity to shadow our staff members, receiving a well-rounded view of the
advocacy services provided to our participants. This will include case management and advocacy,
counseling, family support issues, healthy living, budgeting, applying for housing, etc. Students will also
have the opportunity to shadow hot-line calls. Thirdly, students will be involved in the day-to-day
upkeep of the shelter. This will involve assisting with any tasks that need to be done including facility
maintenance, cleaning, etc. This is not glamorous work, but it is very important work! There is some
flexibility in what hours students attend, but they should plan to be on-site for two hours each week.
Students will also have the option to check-in and check-out with Suzanne each time they are at the
shelter. This is very important, as some things may be triggering for volunteers. In these brief meetings,
students will have the opportunity to talk on-on-one or to write down any feedback they want Suzanne
and Evelyn to have about their experience. Students completing this will be able to better shape their
experience at the shelter.
Pre-Service Requirements: CORI form, Confidentiality Agreement, Volunteer application, Volunteer
Orientation (at Holy Cross)
Number of Volunteers Needed: 4-5
1 Salem Sq. Worcester
Staff Contact:
Asia Simpson, Program Manager, Girls CHOICE Program
508-791-3181, ext. 3073
Organization Description:
Girls CHOICE is a long term mentoring program for middle school and high school girls in Worcester
Public Schools. Our focus is on identifying and working with young women in the Worcester community.
The program aims to nurture their natural desires to be leaders, build self-confidence and develop and
execute education plans based on their individual interest and needs.
CBL opportunities:
Girls CHOICE fosters opportunities for women of all ages to become empowered community leaders and
active world citizens. We are looking for female volunteers to assist in the following 2 areas:
Middle school Workshops (Saturdays 11:00am – 2pm)
High School Workshops (Thursdays 3:30p-6:30p).
Pre-service requirements: CORI form, Picture ID, Orientation (Tuesday, September 8th, 2015, 4:30p-6p,
Number of volunteers needed: 2-4 per day
YWCA – Young Parents Program
1 Salem Square, Worcester
Staff Contact:
Aly Whalen
Organization Description:
The YWCA is the oldest and largest multicultural women’s organization in the world. Across the globe,
we have more than 25 million members in 122 countries, including 2.6 million members and participants
in 300 local associations in the United States. The YWCA is dedicated to eliminating racism, empowering
women and promoting peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all.
The YWCA of Central Massachusetts will strive to be an all-inclusive women’s advocacy and resource
center with a pro-active membership serving the diverse needs of women through leadership, service
and support.
CBL Opportunities:
The YWCA Central Massachusetts offers support services to pregnant and parenting teens between the
ages of 14 and 23.5 through its Young Parents Program (YPP). Through this program, teen parents and
pregnant teens have the opportunity to complete their high school education through a HiSet (formerly
GED) preparation program. Teen parents also receive community-based assistance while preparing for
their GED, such as childcare, case management, life and parenting skills training, job search assistance,
career exploration and more.
Tutoring of subjects like math, social studies, science and English Language Arts.
Development and facilitation of workshops such as life skills, career development, budgeting, etc.
The YPP hours of operation are: Mon, Tues, Thursday, 9 am to 2:30 and Wed and Friday, 9 am to 12
pm. Students most volunteer weekly for 1.5 hours at a minimum.
Required Forms:
CORI form and Application
Number of Volunteers Needed: 2