07 Oct 09 Research Fortnight Opportunities issue 332 This email contains only summary information for each item. For LINKS TO ORIGINAL SOURCES and the FULL TEXT, click on the link for an item and sign in to the site using your username and password (Note: If you are accessing this from on campus, you will be able to use the 'Campus access' option to sign in without a username and password). United Kingdom RESEARCH PROJECT GRANTS Leverhulme Trust, GB These are primarily intended to provide the salary costs of one or more researchers working on a specific and discrete project proposed by the applicant. The great majority of awards involve a spend of up to £250,000 over a duration of two to three years. Award amount max: £500000 Closing date: 01 Dec 09 PHASE III CLINICAL TRIAL GRANTS Cancer Research UK, GB The clinical trials advisory and awards committee will initially review applications for cancer trials as outline proposals. The upper funding limit for each grant is £100,000 per annum. Award amount max: £100000 Closing date: 18 Dec 09 RESEARCH WORKSHOPS Experimental Psychology Society, GB These support workshops in experimental psychology. Up to £3,500 per grant is available. Award amount max: £3500 Closing date: 01 Dec 09 RAMSAY MEMORIAL FELLOWSHIPS FOR POSTDOCTORAL CHEMICAL RESEARCH Ramsay Memorial Fellowships Trust, GB This is intended for advanced students of chemical research who have shown outstanding merit to pursue their work in universities or other places of academic research in the UK. The stipend of the fellowship is usually in the range of £27,466 to £30,912 per annum, with one increment for the second year. A grant, not exceeding £1,000 per annum, may be available for (non-travel) expenses. Award amount max: £31912 Closing date: 15 Nov 09 JAPAN PARTNERING AWARDS Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, GB The main objectives are: to set up partnership links between UK and Japanese laboratories; to promote the exchange of scientists, particularly early career scientists; to promote access to facilities. Awards are worth up to £50,000 over four years and will be made to UK laboratories to partner with one or more Japanese laboratories. Award amount max: £50000 Closing date: 17 Nov 09 OBESITY AWARDS International Association for the Study of Obesity, GB These will be presented during the 11th International Congress on Obesity, held in Stockholm, Sweden between 11-15 July 2010. Up to $1,000 is available. Award amount max: $1000 Closing date: 07 Nov 09 PARTNERSHIP GRANTS Royal Society, GB The scheme offers up to £3,000 for teachers and scientists/engineers to work in partnership on activities involving students from five to 18 years old. Applications are welcomed from UK primary or secondary school teacher or practising scientists or engineers (ie above graduate level in university or with appropriate industrial experience). Award amount max: £3000 Closing date: 06 Nov 09 TRAVELLING FELLOWSHIPS British Nuclear Medicine Society, GB These allow individuals to visit departments of nuclear medicine in the UK or overseas. Funds of £3,000 are allocated annually. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 31 Dec 09 OPEN SCHEME GRANTS Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland, GB These support projects relating to the society's mission of understanding disease. The amount requested for each grant should not exceed £10,000. Award amount max: £10000 Closing date: 01 Dec 09 HONOR FELL TRAVEL AWARDS British Society for Cell Biology, GB These are designed to enable younger society members at the beginning of their research careers to attend meetings. Up to £500 is available. Award amount max: £500 Closing date: No deadline ANN BISHOP TRAVEL AWARD British Society for Parasitology, GB The purpose of the award is to allow society members to travel in pursuit of their academic interests in parasitology, providing an opportunity to undertake field research, visit overseas institutions or visit endemic areas of disease. Funding of up to £2,000 is available. Award amount max: £2000 Closing date: 13 Jan 10 ETHICON FOUNDATION FUND TRAVEL GRANTS Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, GB Awards cover one economy class return journey up to a value of £1,000 incurred by surgeons travelling overseas to obtain further training, experience or research. Award amount max: £1000 Closing date: 27 Nov 09 ALLIED HEALTH PROFESSIONALS EDUCATIONAL TRAINING BURSARIES (FULL COURSES) Arthritis Research Campaign, GB The aim of the educational training scheme is to promote awareness and understanding of arthritis and related musculoskeletal diseases among AHPs through research, practical experience, presentation of research and formal education in rheumatology. The maximum amount available per grant is £5,000. Award amount max: £5000 Closing date: 11 Jan 10 TRAVEL FELLOWSHIPS European Association for Cancer Research, GB These support research on the basis of technical exchange, including participation at workshops and courses. The value of each award is up to 2,500 euros. Award amount max: €2000 Closing date: 30 Nov 09 CHINA PARTNERING AWARDS Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, GB The main objectives are: to set up partnership links between UK and Chinese life science laboratories; to promote the exchange of scientists, particularly early career scientists; to promote access to facilities. Awards are worth up to £25,000 over four years. Award amount max: £25000 Closing date: 17 Nov 09 GARNHAM EXPEDITIONARY SCHOLARSHIP British Society for Parasitology, GB The aim is to is to promote parasitological field expeditions (collection of data or samples) under difficult conditions. Awards are worth up to £1,000. Award amount max: £1000 Closing date: 13 Jan 10 NON-SOCIETY SYMPOSIA GRANTS Physiological Society, GB The purpose of the grants are to provide up-to-date presentations on a specified symposium topic at a non-society meeting. The maximum grant under this scheme is £1,000. Award amount max: £1000 Closing date: 30 Nov 09 MAJOR GRANTS Bibliographical Society, GB These are for bibliographical research, including research on book history, textual transmission, publishing, printing, bookbinding, book-ownership and book-collecting. Awards are worth up to £2,000. Award amount max: £2000 Closing date: 01 Dec 09 GRANTS FOR CLINICAL PROJECTS Royal College of Surgeons of England, GB These aim to promote the advancement of the specialty of oral and maxillofacial surgery. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 01 Jan 10 GRANTS FOR RESEARCH PROJECTS Royal College of Surgeons of England, GB These fund research projects undertaken by fellows, associate fellows, fellows in training and members. Applications requesting over £10,000 of funding need to include an independent peer review. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 01 Jan 10 BIR PHILIPS TRAVEL FELLOWSHIP British Institute of Radiology, GB This is to fund a visit to one or more centres abroad to learn a new technique not available at the applicant's home institution or to attend a major conference where other funding for this is not available. The fellowship is worth up to £5,000. Award amount max: £5000 Closing date: 31 Dec 09 NON-CLINICAL RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP Diabetes Research and Wellness Foundation, GB The award supports research relating to causes, cures or complications of diabetes. Funding for the 2010 fellowship will amount to a maximum of £55,000 per year. Award amount max: £165000 Closing date: 13 Nov 09 PROSPECTIVE SAMPLE COLLECTIONS Cancer Research UK, GB This supports prospective collections of samples alone from a clinical trial that is about to commence or is ongoing. Funding of £15 per paraffin block and £7.50 per blood sample will be provided, although applicants are expected to negotiate lower costs wherever possible. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 18 Dec 09 EDUCATION AND RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP FUND Association for Perioperative Practice (incorporatingNational Association of Theatre Nurses), GB The fund aims to: advance the study of and to promote excellence in perioperative practice; promote innovation in perioperative practice and extend knowledge and skills in order to meet changing needs; assist with fees and other financial requests in order to enhance the professional development of the AfPP membership. Awards of up to £5,000 each are available. Award amount max: £5000 Closing date: 13 Nov 09 INDIA PARTNERING AWARDS Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, GB The main objectives are: to set up partnership links between UK and Indian life science laboratories; to promote the exchange of scientists, particularly early career scientists; to promote access to facilities. Awards are worth up to £25,000 over four years. Award amount max: £25000 Closing date: 17 Nov 09 ALLIED HEALTH PROFESSIONALS EDUCATIONAL TRAINING BURSARIES (SHORT COURSES) Arthritis Research Campaign, GB The aim of the educational training scheme is to promote awareness and understanding of arthritis and related musculoskeletal diseases among AHPs through research, practical experience, presentation of research and formal education in rheumatology. Grants have a maximum value of £1,000 each. Award amount max: £1000 Closing date: 11 Jan 10 RESEARCH TRAINING SCHEME FOR NURSES AND ALLIED HEALTH PROFESSIONALS Northern Ireland Chest, Heart and Stroke (formerly the Northern Ireland Chest Heart and Stroke Association), GB The aim of the scheme is to help candidates to build capacity in conducting high quality research in the field of chest, heart and stroke diseases through attendance at appropriate training courses and freeing up protected time to receive such training. Grants of up to £6,000 each are available. Award amount max: £6000 Closing date: 31 Oct 09 US PARTNERING AWARDS Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, GB The main objectives are: to set up partnership links between UK and US life science laboratories; to promote the exchange of scientists, particularly early career scientists; to promote access to facilities. Awards are worth up to £50,000 over four years. Award amount max: £50000 Closing date: 17 Nov 09 KATHARINE F PANTZER JR RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP IN THE HISTORY OF THE PRINTED BOOK Bibliographical Society, GB Projects must fall within the field of the bibliographical or book-historical study of the printed book in the hand-press period, that is up to circa 1830. The fellowship has a maximum value of £4,000. Award amount max: £4000 Closing date: 01 Dec 09 FEASIBILITY STUDY PROJECT GRANTS Cancer Research UK, GB Studies should be viewed as purpose-driven preparatory work for phase III trials, to assess the activity, or feasibility or toxicity of new treatment approaches, and be used to screen out inactive treatments. Applications are being requested for projects in the order of £25,000 per annum (up to a maximum of £40,000 in exceptional cases) for a period of up to two years. Award amount max: £40000 Closing date: 18 Dec 09 ETHICON FOUNDATION SHORT TERM CLINICAL VISITS Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, GB Grants are awarded towards travel within the UK and Europe, but consideration will be given to candidates who wish to travel further afield, to further enhance a specialty skill or experience which will not normally be available in the applicant’s own hospital. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 27 Nov 09 PROGRAMME GRANTS Medical Research Council, GB A programme is defined as a coordinated and coherent group of related projects, which may be to answer an interrelated set of questions across a broad scientific area, and may be a continuation of a current activity. Support may be requested for a period of five years. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 24 Nov 09 ARO TRAVEL FELLOWSHIPS Deafness Research UK, GB These enable researchers working in hearing and deafness research to attend the Association of Research in Otolaryngology conference in the US. The maximum award available is £650. Award amount max: £650 Closing date: 30 Oct 09 ETHICON FOUNDATION FUND TRAVELLING FELLOWSHIP Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, GB This supports the overseas travel of surgeons. Up to £900 is available. Award amount max: £900 Closing date: 13 Nov 09 BUILDING THE EVIDENCE BASE ON SECURE FORENSIC INPATIENT SERVICES IN ENGLAND, INCLUDING HIGH, MEDIUM AND LOW SECURE FORENSIC INPATIENT SERVICES Department of Health including NIHR (DH), GB The aim is to locate, screen and assess the quality of relevant literature and produce an expert briefing for policy makers within six months from the start date and a final report at the end of December 2010. A budget of £115,000 (including VAT) has been allocated to this review. Award amount max: £115000 Closing date: 29 Oct 09 RESEARCH TO EXAMINE THE INTERFACE BETWEEN THE MENTAL HEALTH ACT AND THE MENTAL CAPACITY ACT DEPRIVATION OF LIBERTY SAFEGUARDS Department of Health including NIHR (DH), GB The aim of this research is to assess how professionals understand and apply this interface between the MHA and MCA DOLS. The project should be delivered within a cost of £250,000, including full economic costs or value added tax as appropriate. Research will be conducted over a period no longer than 24 months. Award amount max: £250000 Closing date: 09 Nov 09 DANIEL TURNBERG TRAVEL FELLOWSHIP SCHEME Academy of Medical Sciences, GB The aim of the scheme is to encourage researchers to experience an alternative research environment, to learn new techniques and initiate ideas for future collaborations. Funding provides an upper limit of £4,000 per fellowship, as well as airfare and a subsistence allowance for a period of up to four weeks. Award amount max: £4000 Closing date: 08 Jan 10 IMPACT OF CALORIE PRICING AND PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITES ON PURCHASING AND CONSUMPTION BUILDING A CONCEPTUAL MODEL AND MAPPING THE LITERATURE Department of Health including NIHR (DH), GB The project should be delivered within a cost of £75,000, including full economic costs or value added tax as appropriate. Research will be conducted over a period no longer than one year. Award amount max: £75000 Closing date: 02 Nov 09 BRITISH TRAVELLING FELLOWS British Hip Society, GB These grants provide support for travel and accommodation costs incurred in visiting an orthopaedic centre in 2010. Up to £1,500 is available. Award amount max: £1500 Closing date: 31 Dec 09 MCMINN BURSARY British Hip Society, GB This enables trainees holding a NTN to undertake an MD researching matters pertaining to hip replacement surgery. Up to £70,000 is available. Award amount max: £70000 Closing date: 31 Dec 09 TRAVEL AWARDS British Neuropathological Society, GB These enable junior society members to attend international conferences or undertake research in other laboratories. Up to £500 is available. Award amount max: £500 Closing date: No deadline Belgium MARIE CURIE INITIAL TRAINING NETWORKS European Commission Framework programme 7: People, BE Networks will take the form of multi- or mono-partner programmes. The budget for this call is 243.79 million euros. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 22 Dec 09 ERC STARTING INDEPENDENT RESEARCHER GRANTS - SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES European Commission Framework programme 7: European Research Council/Ideas, BE Projects must involve participation by at least one independent legal entity established in a member state or associated country. The budget for this call is 14 per cent of an overall budget of 528 million euros. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 09 Dec 09 Germany INTERNATIONAL PHD PROGRAMME AWARDS European Molecular Biology Laboratory, DE These allow university graduates to study for a PhD at EMBL headquarters in Heidelberg and outstations situated in Grenoble, Hamburg, Hinxton and Monterotondo. Awards last for up to four years. External fellowships fund a smaller number of non-member state nationals. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 01 Dec 09 Netherlands LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD European College of Neuropsychopharmacology, NL This recognises a European citizen for innovative and lasting contributions to the field. The award is worth 20,000 euros. Award amount max: €20000 Closing date: 15 Jan 10 RESEARCH GRANTS FOR YOUNG SCIENTISTS European College of Neuropsychopharmacology, NL These enable promising European scientists in this field to work on scientific projects and to study the practice of neuropsychopharmacology, preferably in a country outside their own, in order to foster new international connections. A maximum of three awards are available, each worth up to 50,000 euros. Award amount max: €50000 Closing date: 15 Jan 10 NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY AWARD European College of Neuropsychopharmacology, NL This call is for individual achievements in clinical research. The award is worth 20,000 euros. Award amount max: €20000 Closing date: 15 Jan 10 Switzerland ABSTRACT AWARDS European League Against Rheumatism, CH These recognise the first authors of six clinical and six basic science abstracts for the quality of their scientific content. Awards are worth 1,000 euros each, plus registration costs for the annual EULAR congress. Award amount max: €1000 Closing date: 31 Jan 10 HEALTH PROFESSIONALS RESEARCH GRANTS European League Against Rheumatism, CH These support projects in the field of arthritis and rheumatism. Awards are worth up to 30,000 euros. Award amount max: €30000 Closing date: 31 Dec 09 BURSARIES FOR THE ERS LUNG SCIENCE CONFERENCE European Respiratory Society, CH The theme is biology of gene-environment interactions in the lung. Travel bursaries are available for up to 40 participants. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 31 Oct 09 NEUROLOGY GRANTS Jacques and Gloria Gossweiler Foundation, CH These support projects addressing the following aspects of Parkinson's disease: physical activity; physiotherapy; ergotherapy; speech therapy; psychological and spiritual aspects. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 01 Nov 09 United Arab Emirates GRAND HAMDAN INTERNATIONAL AWARD Sheikh Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Award for Medical Sciences, AE Universities, research centres, science institutions and individual physicians and scientists are eligible to nominate the nominees for this award. In 2009, the award is given for research in the field of DIABETES MELLITUS and is worth US$ 68,000. Award amount max: $68000 Closing date: 30 Nov 09 United States GRASS FELLOWSHIP IN NEUROSCIENCE Grass Foundation, US The foundation encourages independent research by investigators early in their careers and increases research opportunities for persons planning careers in neurobiological investigation. Fellowships provide funds to support an investigator for one summer at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 10 Dec 09 HEMOPHILIA SPECIAL PROJECT AWARD Bayer Biological Products, US The awards are designed to encourage hypothesis-driven research, where the investigator is attempting to prove or disprove a set of assumptions. Any individual affiliated with a facility that provides care to hemophilia patients, including medical universities, hospitals, blood centers and other laboratories, may apply. Funding will be awarded for one or two years. The maximum grant is $200,000. Award amount max: $200000 Closing date: 30 Nov 09 HEMOPHILIA EARLY CAREER INVESTIGATOR AWARD Bayer Biological Products, US This award offers salary support and research funds for a junior faculty member who wishes to undertake a mentored basic or clinical research project in the bleeding disorders field. Funding of $100,000 will be available annually for two years. Award amount max: $200000 Closing date: 30 Nov 09 ACLAM FOUNDATION RESEARCH GRANTS American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine, US The foundation will focus its funding on research in the following fields of laboratory animal science and medicine: analgesia/anesthesia; animal behavior/well-being; diagnostics/diseases; husbandry; refinement of animal models; zoonotic disease. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 11 Dec 09 ETIOLOGICAL FACTORS IN VULVODYNIA National Vulvodynia Association, US The association supports research proposals designed to investigate the etiology of generalized vulvodynia. The maximum grant amount is $30,000. Award amount max: $30000 Closing date: 26 Oct 09 DORIS BLOCH RESEARCH AWARD Sigma Theta Tau International, US The purpose of this award is to encourage nurses to contribute to the advancement of nursing through research. One grant of $5,000 is awarded per year. Award amount max: $5000 Closing date: 01 Dec 09 ESTABLISHED INVESTIGATOR GRANTS Morris Animal Foundation, US Research studies must focus on wildlife health. Exotic species commonly kept as pets, such as parrots and ferrets are included in this category. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 13 Nov 09 LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT IN CANCER RESEARCH AWARD American Association for Cancer Research, US This award recognizes an individual who has made significant fundamental contributions to cancer research, either through a single scientific discovery or a body of work. The recipient will be awarded an honorarium, AACR honorary membership, a plaque and support to attend the AACR annual meeting. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 16 Nov 09 FIRST AWARD GRANT Morris Animal Foundation, US Research studies must focus on wildlife health. Funding is provided for two years at $50,000 maximum per year, plus a maximum of 8 percent indirect costs. Award amount max: $100000 Closing date: 13 Nov 09 FELLOWSHIP TRAINING GRANT Morris Animal Foundation, US Research studies must focus on wildlife health. Exotic species commonly kept as pets, such as parrots and ferrets are included in this category. Funding is provided for two years salary support at a maximum $50,000 per year. Award amount max: $100000 Closing date: 13 Nov 09 DRUG DISCOVERY FOR NERVOUS SYSTEM DISORDERS (R21) NIH: National Institute of Mental Health, US This FOA solicits exploratory/developmental (R21) grant applications from applicant organizations directed toward the discovery and preclinical testing of novel compounds for the prevention and treatment of nervous system disorders. Direct costs are limited to $275,000 over an R21 two-year period, with no more than $200,000 in direct costs allowed in any single year. Award amount max: $275000 Closing date: 16 Feb 10 CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH GRANT PROGRAM Dana Foundation, US The program funds researchers to set up controlled clinical studies in patients with a specific brain disease, based on promising animal studies suggesting that a specific therapy either treated the condition or prevented it from getting worse. Grants are worth up to $300,000 payable over three years. Award amount max: $300000 Closing date: No deadline SIGMA THETA TAU INTERNATIONAL/ WESTERN INSTITUTE OF NURSING RESEARCH GRANT Sigma Theta Tau International, US The purpose of this grant is to encourage qualified nurses to contribute to the advancement of nursing through research. Proposals for pilot or development research may be submitted for the grant. Award amount max: $2500 Closing date: 01 Dec 09 COLGATE PALMOLIVE FELLOWSHIP IN NUTRITION AND ORAL HEALTH/DENTAL EDUCATION American Dietetic Association Foundation, US This award is given to support research on nutrition and oral health/disease or nutrition and dental education. The award will support master's thesis research, as well as doctoral and postdoctoral research. Up to $15,000 is available to support the research. Award amount max: $15000 Closing date: 01 Dec 09 RESEARCH GRANTS Cystinosis Research Foundation, US The purpose is to fund research to improve the immediate care of children and young adults with cystinosis and to develop new understanding and treatment of cystinosis to help these children in the future. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 04 Nov 09 POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSHIPS Cystinosis Research Foundation, US The purpose is to attract qualified, promising investigators to establish careers in cystinosis research. The fellow’s stipend should be the usual amount for such a trainee at that institution. Up to $10,000 per year can be requested to support that individual’s research, although the total award cannot exceed $75,000 per year. Award amount max: $225000 Closing date: 04 Nov 09 TRAVEL SCHOLARSHIP Society for Vascular Nursing, US The scholarship provides assistance to SVN members who wish to attend the annual convention but who require financial assistance with travel expenses. The award is worth $1000. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 11 Dec 09 LYMPHATIC RESEARCH FOUNDATION POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSHIP AWARDS PROGRAM Health Resources in Action (formerly The Medical Foundation TMF), US The program supports research that will result in improved understanding and advances in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of lymphatic diseases, lymphedema and related disorders. These two-year fellowships provide support between $39,500 and $47,500 per year. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 01 Dec 09 PILOT STUDY PROGRAM AWARDS Marsha Rivkin Center for Ovarian Cancer Research, US These awards will support investigator-initiated projects in all areas of ovarian cancer research. The awards last one year and are worth $75,000 each. Award amount max: $75000 Closing date: 01 Dec 09 SCIENTIFIC SCHOLAR AWARDS Marsha Rivkin Center for Ovarian Cancer Research, US These awards are intended to assist promising laboratory and clinical scientists in pursuing a career as an independent investigator in ovarian cancer research. These $60,000 grants are for one year only. Award amount max: $60000 Closing date: 01 Dec 09 CLINICAL TRAINING AWARD Bayer Biological Products, US This award is intended to facilitate the development of specific clinical expertise in the field of hemophilia for applicants who have completed medical training and have an interest in pursuing a career as a hemophilia clinician. Clinical training awards will provide funding of up to $100,000 annually for two years. Award amount max: $200000 Closing date: 30 Nov 09 IMPLANT RESEARCH GRANTS FOR MEMBERS Academy of Osseointegration, US One research grant award of up to $15,000 is available to support research in the behavioral, biological, biomechanical or biomaterial aspects of dental implants. Award amount max: $15000 Closing date: 31 Oct 09 TJ’S FUND FOR EATING DISORDERS RESEARCH Academy for Eating Disorders, US The academy will award one grant of $20,000 to support biological research in anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa. Award amount max: $20000 Closing date: 01 Nov 09 NEUROTROPHIC FACTOR THERAPIES FOR PARKINSON’S DISEASE Michael J Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research, US The foundation will support grant awards for up to three years for collaborative efforts to support the development of neurotrophic factors as therapies for Parkinson's disease. The foundation will commit up to $5 million to fund applications in response to this RFA. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 18 Nov 09 SECONDARY ANALYSES OF EXISTING DATA SETS AND STORED BIOSPECIMENS TO ADDRESS CLINICAL AGING RESEARCH QUESTIONS (R01) NIH: National Institute on Aging, US The NIA will support short term projects involving secondary analysis of existing data sets or stored biospecimens, to address clinically-related issues on aging changes influencing health across the life span or on diseases and disabilities in older persons. Normally budgets are expected to be up to $250,000 a year for up to three years. Award amount max: $750000 Closing date: 05 Feb 10 SECONDARY ANALYSES OF EXISTING DATA SETS AND STORED BIOSPECIMENS TO ADDRESS CLINICAL AGING RESEARCH QUESTIONS (R01): AIDS-RELATED NIH: National Institute on Aging, US The NIA will support Aids-related short term projects involving secondary analysis of existing data sets or stored biospecimens, to address clinically-related issues on aging changes influencing health across the life span or on diseases and disabilities in older persons. Normally budgets are expected to be up to $250,000 a year for up to three years. Award amount max: $750000 Closing date: 07 Jan 10 LUNG TRANSPLANTATION: PLANNING GRANTS FOR CLINICAL TRIALS OF NOVEL THERAPIES (R34) NIH: National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, US Support will be provided for the initial organization, protocol development, and necessary preliminary studies critical for the design of robust clinical trials in lung transplantation. Up to $450,000 is available in funding for two-year long projects. Award amount max: $900000 Closing date: 03 Feb 10 DRUG DISCOVERY FOR NERVOUS SYSTEM DISORDERS (R21): AIDS-RELATED NIH: National Institute of Mental Health, US This FOA solicits Aids-related exploratory/developmental (R21) grant applications from applicant organizations directed toward the discovery and preclinical testing of novel compounds for the prevention and treatment of nervous system disorders. Direct costs are limited to $275,000 over an R21 two-year period, with no more than $200,000 in direct costs allowed in any single year. Award amount max: $275000 Closing date: 07 May 10 DRUG DISCOVERY FOR NERVOUS SYSTEM DISORDERS (R01): AIDS-RELATED NIH: National Institute of Mental Health, US This FOA solicits Aids-related R01 grant applications from applicant organizations directed toward the discovery and preclinical testing of novel compounds for the prevention and treatment of nervous system disorders. The total project period may not exceed five years. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 07 Jan 10 DRUG DISCOVERY FOR NERVOUS SYSTEM DISORDERS (R01) NIH: National Institute of Mental Health, US This FOA solicits R01 grant applications from applicant organizations directed toward the discovery and preclinical testing of novel compounds for the prevention and treatment of nervous system disorders. The total project period may not exceed five years. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 05 Feb 10 23 Sep 09 Research Fortnight Opportunities issue 331 Jeremy Wiltshire (username: jnw4@le.ac.uk) This email contains only summary information for each item. For LINKS TO ORIGINAL SOURCES and the FULL TEXT, click on the link for an item and sign in to the site using your username and password (Note: If you are accessing this from on campus, you will be able to use the 'Campus access' option to sign in without a username and password). United Kingdom PROJECT GRANTS Association for International Cancer Research, GB These are made to support research into the causes, mechanisms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of cancer. There is no upper limit for funding, but most grants have been awarded with total budgets of between £150,000 and £200,000. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 30 Oct 09 PROJECT GRANTS FOR RESEARCH INTO TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS Tuberous Sclerosis Association, GB This scheme provides funds for research into rare the genetic condition, tuberous sclerosis. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 01 Dec 09 PROGRAMME GRANTS British Heart Foundation, GB These support research into the causes, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular disease. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 30 Nov 09 CLINICAL FELLOWSHIPS Fight for Sight, GB The fellowships encourage clinicians to further their career in ophthalmic research. Funding provides a grant of £180,000 over three years covering salary, consumables, course fees, equipment expenses and travel. Award amount max: £180000 Closing date: 16 Nov 09 PROJECT GRANTS Fight for Sight, GB These support original and ground breaking research into eye disease. The awards are open to both non-clinician scientists and qualified clinicians working in any area of ophthalmic research relevant to the aims of the charity. Funding of up to £160,000 over three years is available per grant covering salary, consumables, travel and equipment. Award amount max: £160000 Closing date: 16 Nov 09 RESEARCH GRANTS Meningitis Research Foundation, GB Proposals should focus on meningitis and septicaemia, with particular emphasis being placed on research into group B meningococcal infection. The charity funds project grants up to a maximum of £150,000 per annum for up to five years. Award amount max: £150000 Closing date: 28 Nov 09 MEDICAL RESEARCH AWARDS National Association for Colitis and Crohn's Disease, GB These fund research into inflammatory bowel disease for up to two years. Up to £120,000 is available. Award amount max: £120000 Closing date: 09 Nov 09 RESEARCH FUND Royal Society of Chemistry, GB The fund supports society members in their research. Grants are worth up to £2,000. Award amount max: £2000 Closing date: 31 Oct 09 KAROL SICHER CANCER RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP Royal College of Radiologists, GB This fellowship of up to £7,000 supports up to three months in the UK or abroad to undertake a research project in any aspect of cancer diagnosis, assessment or management. Award amount max: £7000 Closing date: 06 Nov 09 JOHN HAMILTON TRAVELLING FELLOWSHIP Royal College of Psychiatrists, GB This aims to encourage psychiatrists working in the field of forensic psychiatry to broaden their knowledge and experience through travel to recognised forensic centres. The award provides £2,000. Award amount max: £2000 Closing date: 31 Oct 09 GRANTS AND SCHOLARSHIPS British Association of Critical Care Nurses, GB These are made for attendance at conferences, practice development and research. Grants of up to £500 and scholarships of up to £2,000 are offered. Award amount max: £2000 Closing date: 30 Nov 09 POSTGRADUATE RESEARCH BURSARIES British Epilepsy Association, GB These are awarded to students and other qualified individuals wishing to undertake non-laboratory based research into healthcare, medical, social or psychological aspects of epilepsy. Bursaries are worth £1,500. Award amount max: £1500 Closing date: 09 Oct 09 RESEARCH PRIZES Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine, GB These support projects by young researchers in biomedical or related biological sciences. Awards are worth £200,000 and are usable over five years. Award amount max: £200000 Closing date: 04 Dec 09 FOLLOW-ON FUND Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, GB The scheme supports further scientific or technical development and other activities essential to securing commercial opportunities such as licensing, seed or venture finance. Individual grants will be typically in the range of £80,000 to £120,000 (awarded at 80 per cent of full economic cost value) over a period of up to 12 months. Award amount max: £150000 Closing date: 30 Oct 09 TRAVEL AWARDS Chest, Heart and Stroke Scotland, GB Grants provide assistance with travel to present papers or posters on research projects, study at an established centre of excellence in the UK or abroad, or to fund specialist training to allow the dissemination of knowledge. Up to £1,000 is available to cover travel costs only. Award amount max: £1000 Closing date: 16 Oct 09 SMALL RESEARCH SUPPORT GRANTS Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, GB These assist surgical trainees and recently appointed consultants to establish themselves in their chosen research field. Grants of up to £7,000 each are awarded. Award amount max: £7000 Closing date: 07 Nov 09 MINOR RESEARCH AWARDS Chest, Heart and Stroke Scotland, GB Under this scheme, funding is available for small-scale projects of up to £5,000 each which will lead to the advancement of knowledge in the fields of chest, heart and stroke illness. Award amount max: £5000 Closing date: 16 Oct 09 PROJECTS GRANTS Prostate Cancer Charity, GB Applications are welcome from universities, medical schools, teaching hospitals and research institutes. The budget for this call is anticipated to be £1 million. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 03 Nov 09 FORENSIC FACULTY POSTER PRIZE FOR SHOS Royal College of Psychiatrists, GB The purpose of the £300 prize is both to encourage poster presentations and to raise standards of forensic psychiatry. Award amount max: £300 Closing date: 31 Oct 09 FORENSIC FACULTY POSTER PRIZE FOR SPRS Royal College of Psychiatrists, GB The purpose of the £300 prize is both to encourage poster presentations and to raise standards of forensic psychiatry. Award amount max: £300 Closing date: 31 Oct 09 NETWORK COOPERATION GRANTS Alzheimer's Research Trust, GB The scheme is designed to promote collaboration between the ART network members, and proposals can be put forward for any type of project or scheme which will further cooperation and collaboration between two or more centres, and which is not covered by the current annual network grant. Grants will range between £5,000 and £100,000. Award amount max: £100000 Closing date: 27 Nov 09 EQUIPMENT GRANTS Alzheimer's Research Trust, GB These are aimed at aiding research in the full translational research pathway including the basic disease process, early detection, identifying risk factors, alleviation and mechanisms of symptoms and progress towards effective treatments in Alzheimer’s and related dementias. Grants ranging from £10,000 to £100,000 are available. Award amount max: £100000 Closing date: 27 Nov 09 PILOT PROJECT GRANTS Alzheimer's Research Trust, GB These aim to support research in the full translational research pathway including the basic disease process, early detection, identifying risk factors, alleviation and mechanisms of symptoms and progress towards effective treatments in Alzheimer’s and related dementias. Applications can be made for up to £30,000 for projects lasting a maximum of 24 months. Award amount max: £30000 Closing date: 27 Nov 09 DIET AND HEALTH RESEARCH INDUSTRY CLUB - CALL FOR PROPOSALS Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, GB DRINC supports high quality research into diet and health within UK universities and research institutes and to obtain underpinning knowledge that will provide valuable results in the long-term, enabling the UK food industry to develop and deliver new foods of benefit to the consumer. A budget of £4 million has been allocated to this round to support projects lasting up to five years. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 26 Nov 09 SMALL GRANTS RESEARCH PROGRAMME Children's Liver Disease Foundation, GB The funds can be used widely but applicants must be able to demonstrate how it can contribute to knowledge in paediatric hepatology. Up to £5,000 is available per funding round. Award amount max: £5000 Closing date: 10 Dec 09 TRANSLATIONAL STEM CELL RESEARCH PROGRAMME - RESPONSE MODE FUNDING Medical Research Council, GB This scheme supports investigator-led research proposals that have clear translational goals. The MRC's translational stem cell research committee will consider applications whose aims will advance stem cell research towards clinical use or application. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 09 Dec 09 SEED CORN FUNDING RESEARCH GRANT British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy, GB This grant supports small research projects in counselling or psychotherapy. Funding of up to £5,000 is available. Award amount max: £5000 Closing date: 13 Nov 09 RESEARCH PROJECT GRANTS British Epilepsy Association, GB Under this scheme, proposals are invited for non-laboratory based research projects into the causes and cures for epilepsy. Up to £70,000 is available. Award amount max: £70000 Closing date: 09 Oct 09 PHD STUDENTSHIPS British Epilepsy Association, GB These awards provide funding for two to three year PhD studentships. Funding of £75,000 is allocated for the PhD. Funding will cover tuition fees at £3,390, maintenance stipend of £13,290 outside London and £15,290 within London, and £1,000 research budget. Award amount max: £75000 Closing date: 09 Oct 09 PHD STUDENTSHIPS Prostate Cancer Charity, GB These are designed to enable young graduates to undertake their PhD studies within supportive, high quality research teams across the UK. It is anticipated that up to £1 million will be available for this funding round. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 03 Nov 09 CLINICAL RESEARCH FELLOWSHIPS Prostate Cancer Charity, GB These fellowships aim to encourage young clinicians to undertake a period of dedicated research in the field of prostate cancer. It is anticipated that up to £1 million will be available under this call. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 03 Nov 09 INDUSTRIAL IMPACT FELLOWSHIPS Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, GB This scheme enables highly skilled research and technology leaders to transfer their skills and experience from the industrial sector to BBSRC-funded centres, institutes or academic departments. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 11 Nov 09 EARLY CAREER INVESTIGATOR AWARD Fight for Sight, GB This new funding scheme is open to all early career researchers with a PhD and at least three years post-doctoral research experience at the time of application. Grants are available for up to £200,000 for three years. Award amount max: £200000 Closing date: 16 Nov 09 CLINICAL FELLOWSHIPS IN BIOMEDICAL ETHICS Wellcome Trust, GB The scheme is for clinicians, GPs or allied health professionals who wish to carry out a period of research in any area of biomedical ethics within the remit of the biological ethics programme. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 01 Dec 09 CLINICAL RESEARCH LEAVE AWARDS IN BIOMEDICAL ETHICS Wellcome Trust, GB The awards are for clinicians, GPs or allied health professionals who wish to be released from their duties to carry out a short period of uninterrupted research in any area of biomedical ethics within the remit of the biomedical ethics programme. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 01 Dec 09 DEVELOPMENTAL CLINICAL STUDIES Medical Research Council, GB This programme aims to strengthen the quality and increase the volume of developmental clinical studies funded by the MRC. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: No deadline INSTITUTE CAREER PATH FELLOWSHIPS Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, GB Fellowships will be awarded to up to two early-career researchers wishing to be based at a BBSRC institute and working in areas of high strategic importance to BBSRC. Awards are for five years, and include personal salary and a significant research support grant. Fellowships are awarded under full economic costing. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 11 Nov 09 PUBLIC ACTIVITIES SMALL GRANTS SCHEME Royal Society of Chemistry, GB The aim of the scheme is to support activities promoting public awareness of chemistry and the chemical sciences. Small grants worth up to £250, and large grants worth between £500 and £5,000 are available. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: No deadline BATTLEFIELD MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY SEMINAR (SBRI) Ministry of Defence, GB This seminar will launch a call for proposals for battlefield medical technology and will be held on October 22 2009 between 12.30pm and 16.30pm at the Centre for Defence Enterprise, Start Electron, Harwell. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 03 Dec 09 TRAVELLING FELLOWSHIPS International Association for the Study of Obesity, GB These enable scientists and clinicians to attend the International Congress on Obesity. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 07 Nov 09 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL ECOLOGY OF HUMAN INFECTIOUS DISEASES - CATALYST GRANTS Economic and Social Research Council, GB Catalyst grants will help researchers to develop realistic and relevant research partnerships (networks) and research strategies with the potential for significant national/international impact. Applicants can request up to £50,000, at 80 per cent full economic costs, for a maximum period of nine months. Award amount max: £50000 Closing date: 16 Dec 09 CAREER DEVELOPMENT AWARDS Chest, Heart and Stroke Scotland, GB These enable nurses and allied health professionals to attend or organise meetings, courses and training days, or to undertake visits to recognised centres of excellence. Up to £1,000 is available. Award amount max: £1000 Closing date: 16 Oct 09 RESEARCH INTO PROMISING INNOVATIONS IN HEALTH CARE DELIVERY IN THE NHS Department of Health including NIHR (DH), GB Under this call, NIHR SDO is particularly interested in proposals to research or evaluate promising innovations in healthcare delivery in the NHS in England and Wales. Projects are likely to cost up to £500,000, although no formal funding limit has been set. Award amount max: £500000 Closing date: 05 Nov 09 EVALUATION OF THE ALCOHOL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMME Department of Health including NIHR (DH), GB The aim of this research is to evaluate the different components of the AIP which is funded by DH from April 2008 to March 2011 and to explore the extent to which, individually and as a whole, they have influenced the rate of alcohol related admissions to hospitals in England. The budget for this evaluation is £300,000 inclusive. The study will have a duration of approximately 18 months. Award amount max: £300000 Closing date: 26 Oct 09 MENTAL CAPACITY ACT BEST INTERESTS DECISIONS - SUCCESSES AND CHALLENGES: RESEARCH TO REVIEW THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE MENTAL CAPACITY ACT Department of Health including NIHR (DH), GB The aim of the call is to commission research to examine how BIDs are being carried out in relation to people who lack capacity. DH (NIHR) expects that the project will be delivered within a cost £250,000 including full economic costs or value added tax. The research may be conducted over a period no longer than 18 months. Award amount max: £250000 Closing date: 19 Oct 09 AILEEN LYNN BEQUEST FUND Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, GB The fund provides equipment grants for projects in the field of cancer research. Up to £5,000 is available. Award amount max: £5000 Closing date: 30 Oct 09 NATIONAL EVALUATION OF THE NATIONAL DEMENTIA STRATEGY DEMONSTRATOR SITES Department of Health including NIHR (DH), GB The purpose of the national evaluation is to provide a timely assessment of the implementation of the proposed new service models (dementia advisers and peer support networks) and the extent to which and ways in which they contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the national dementia strategy. Up to £650,000 will be provided for the work over a period of two and a half years. Award amount max: £650000 Closing date: 12 Oct 09 DAVIES FOUNDATION TRAVELLING FELLOWSHIP Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, GB These enables a consultant to take a sabbatical to undertake further study or research in cancer and its related fields. Up to £10,000 is available for travelling and subsistence expenses. Award amount max: £10000 Closing date: 30 Oct 09 RITCHIE TRUST RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, GB The fellowship is awarded to fellows and members of the college who are below consultant grade and may be held in any clinical subject. The fellowship is worth £30,000. Award amount max: £30000 Closing date: 30 Oct 09 Austria PROJECT RESEARCH GRANTS Wings for Life Spinal Cord Research Foundation, AT Projects may address all aspects of spinal cord lesions, nerve regeneration, trophic support of lesioned neurons, and functional changes induced by lesions preferentially in mammals. Grants are worth up to 70,000 euros per year, or 50,000 euros for postdoctoral students. Award amount max: €140000 Closing date: 01 Dec 09 INDIVIDUAL RESEARCH GRANTS Wings for Life Spinal Cord Research Foundation, AT These promote basic and clinical research related to spinal cord injury. Grants last for one year, with the possibility of renewal for a further year, and are worth between 15,000 euros and 42,000 euros annually. Award amount max: €42000 Closing date: 01 Dec 09 Belgium TRANSLATIONAL COOPERATION BETWEEN REGIONAL RESEARCH-DRIVEN CLUSTERS European Commission Framework programme 7: Capacities, BE Proposals should support economic development by boosting the competitiveness of health-related economy. The indicative budget for this call is 16.95 million euros. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 14 Jan 10 France POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSHIPS FOR RESEARCH TRAINING IN CANCER International Agency for Research on Cancer, FR These enable junior scientists to complete their training in aspects of cancer research related to the agency’s own programme. The stipend is worth 31,860 euros annually for a maximum of two years. Award amount max: €63720 Closing date: 30 Nov 09 VISITING SCIENTISTS AWARD International Agency for Research on Cancer, FR This enables a qualified and experienced investigator with recent publications in international peer-reviewed scientific journals to spend six to 12 months at the IARC. The annual remuneration is worth up to $80,000 and will take into account the ongoing salary of the visiting scientist plus the cost of travel. Award amount max: $80000 Closing date: 30 Nov 09 EXPERTISE TRANSFER FELLOWSHIP International Agency for Research on Cancer, FR This enables an investigator to spend six to 12 months in an appropriate host institute in a low or medium resource country. Annual remuneration is worth up to $70,000, and will take into account the ongoing salary of the fellow. Award amount max: $70000 Closing date: 30 Nov 09 Netherlands JEAN JUILLARD PRIZE International Society of Blood Transfusion, NL This recognises scientists under the age of 40 for recently completed work on blood transfusion or related subjects. The prize is worth $5,000. Award amount max: $5000 Closing date: 30 Nov 09 MEMBER STATES INITIATED PROJECTS European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP), NL These enable institutions to initiate their own approaches in order to address the development of new clinical interventions to fight HIV/Aids, malaria and tuberculosis. The budget for this call is 2.5 million euros. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 15 Nov 09 SUPPORT FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF TUBERCULOSIS VACCINES European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP), NL Projects will conduct phase two clinical trials in African countries with a focus on new and upcoming TB vaccines, such as recombinant BCGT vaccine. The budget for this call is 3 million euros and up to six projects will be funded for a maximum of five years. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 15 Dec 09 SUPPORT FOR THE OPTIMISATION OF HIV/AIDS TREATMENT European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP), NL Projects will conduct clinical trials that aim to optimise the treatment of HIV infection by reducing the high early mortality. The budget for this call is 5 million euros and up to four projects will be funded for a maximum of five years. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 15 Dec 09 Switzerland ESCMID TRAVEL GRANTS European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CH These enable young colleagues engaged in the fields of clinical microbiology and infectious diseases to attend the 20th European congress of clinical microbiology and infectious diseases in Vienna. The grant will include full registration to the congress and 500 euros. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 19 Nov 09 ANDRÉ SCHROEDER RESEARCH PRIZE Straumann Group, CH This recognises new scientific findings in dental implantology, oral tissue regeneration and related fields. The prize is worth CHF20,000. Award amount max: SFr.20000 Closing date: 30 Nov 09 United States RESEARCH GRANTS American Fibromyalgia Syndrome Association, US The purpose of AFSA’s sleep research initiative is to gain a better understanding of the relationship between the neurobiology of sleep in people with FMS and the various symptoms of this condition. The current total funding amount is $300,000 and grants are generally up to $50,000 for a period of one year. Award amount max: $50000 Closing date: No deadline SENIOR RESEARCH AWARDS Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America, US The objective of this award is to provide established researchers with funds to generate sufficient preliminary data to become competitive for funds from other sources. Awards are for one to three years. Total direct costs may not exceed $130,000 per year and indirect costs may not exceed 10 per cent of direct costs or $13,000. Award amount max: $429000 Closing date: 01 Nov 09 SHEILA ESSEY AWARD FOR ALS RESEARCH American Academy of Neurology, US This award recognizes an individual who has made significant research contributions in the search for the cause, prevention of, and cure for ALS. The award includes a certificate of recognition and a $25,000 prize to be used by the recipient to continue ALS research. Award amount max: $25000 Closing date: 02 Nov 09 RESEARCH AWARD IN GERIATRIC NEUROLOGY American Academy of Neurology, US This award is intended to stimulate activity and encourage research in the fields that are of interest to geriatric neurology research. The award includes a certificate of recognition and $500 prize. Award amount max: $500 Closing date: 02 Nov 09 POTAMKIN PRIZE FOR RESEARCH IN PICK'S, ALZHEIMER'S AND RELATED DISEASES American Academy of Neurology, US This award recognizes major contributions to the understanding of the causes, prevention, treatment, and cure for Pick’s, Alzheimer’s, and related diseases. The award includes a medallion and a $100,000 prize. Award amount max: $100000 Closing date: 02 Nov 09 NORMAN GESCHWIND PRIZE IN BEHAVIORAL NEUROLOGY American Academy of Neurology, US This prize is awarded to an individual for outstanding research in the field of behavioral neurology. The award will include a certificate of recognition and a $1,000 prize. Award amount max: $1000 Closing date: 02 Nov 09 MOVEMENT DISORDERS RESEARCH AWARD American Academy of Neurology, US his award recognizes an individual for outstanding work in the field of Parkinson’s disease or other movement disorders for either a single outstanding contribution or for lifetime achievement. The award includes a certificate of recognition and a $1,500 prize. Award amount max: $1500 Closing date: 02 Nov 09 MICHAEL S PESSIN STROKE LEADERSHIP PRIZE American Academy of Neurology, US his award recognizes emerging neurologists who have a strong interest in and have demonstrated a passion for learning and expanding the field of stroke research. The award includes a certificate of recognition and a $1,500 prize. Award amount max: $1500 Closing date: 02 Nov 09 HAROLD WOLFF-JOHN GRAHAM AWARD FOR HEADACHE/FACIAL PAIN RESEARCH American Academy of Neurology, US This award recognizes individuals who have submitted research results in the field of headache and facial pain. The award includes a certificate of recognition and a $1,000 prize. Award amount max: $1000 Closing date: 02 Nov 09 DREIFUSS-PENRY EPILEPSY AWARD American Academy of Neurology, US This award recognizes physicians in the early stages of their careers who have made an independent contribution to epilepsy research. The award includes a certificate of recognition and a $1,000 prize. Award amount max: $1000 Closing date: 02 Nov 09 FOCUSED GROUP WORKSHOPS Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (formerly Leukemia Society of America), US The aim of this program is to sponsor workshops that have a significant impact on the prevention, diagnosis, or management of leukemia, lymphoma, or myeloma. Two workshops may be sponsored each year by the society, with a maximum award of $30,000. Award amount max: $30000 Closing date: No deadline CAREER ENHANCEMENT AWARDS American Society for Bone and Mineral Research, US These awards encourage the professional development of basic, clinical or translational scientists in the bone and mineral field. Each award provides up to $50,000 in direct costs over a 12 month period. Award amount max: $50000 Closing date: 16 Oct 09 HEALTH DISPARITIES IN NIDDK DISEASES (R01): AIDS-RELATED NIH: National Institute of Nursing Research, US The institutes seek Aids-related research to understand and mitigate issues of health disparities in high priority diseases within its scope, including diabetes, obesity, nutrition-related disorders, hepatitis C, gallbladder disease, Helicobacter Pylori infection, sickle cell disease, kidney diseases, and metabolic, gastrointestinal, hepatic, and renal complications from infection with HIV. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 07 Jan 10 NEI RESEARCH GRANT FOR SECONDARY DATA ANALYSIS (R21): AIDS-RELATED NIH: National Eye Institute, US The purpose of this Aids-related mechanism is to provide support for secondary analyses of data derived from NEIfunded studies or of data derived from other sources. Direct costs are limited to $275,000 over an R21 two-year period, with no more than $200,000 in direct costs allowed in any single year. Award amount max: $275000 Closing date: 07 Jan 10 DIRECTED STEM CELL DIFFERENTIATION FOR CELL-BASED THERAPIES FOR HEART, LUNG, AND BLOOD, AND AGING DISEASES (R21): AIDS-RELATED NIH: National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, US This funding opportunity solicits exploratory/developmental grant applications from applicant organizations that propose to define the factors and mechanisms controlling the differentiation of embryonic or adult stem or progenitor cells, either in vitro or in vivo. Direct costs are limited to $275,000 over an R21 two-year period. Award amount max: $275000 Closing date: 07 Jan 10 HUBBLE FELLOWSHIPS Space Telescope Science Institute, US These fellowships provide support for highly qualified recent postdoctoral scientists to conduct independent research that is broadly related to the NASA Cosmic Origins scientific goals. The fellowship provides support for up to three years at an annual stipend of approximately $62,500 plus benefits, and an additional allowance of $16,000 per year for travel and other research costs. Award amount max: $235500 Closing date: 05 Nov 09 EXCEPTIONAL, UNCONVENTIONAL RESEARCH ENABLING KNOWLEDGE ACCELERATION (EUREKA) (R01) NIH: National Cancer Institute, US The purpose of the EUREKA initiative is to solicit research project grant (R01) applications from institutions and organizations proposing innovative research in biomedical or biobehavioral research that is germane to the mission of one or more of the participating NIH institutes. Support may be requested for up to $800,000 in direct costs over a four year period. Award amount max: $800000 Closing date: 24 Nov 09 SCHOLARS PROGRAMME Aaron Diamond Aids Research Center, US Funding supports future leaders in the area of HIV/Aids research, and is ideal for postdoctoral scientists who are preparing to make the transition into faculty positions at academic institutions. Scholars will be provided with laboratory space, resources and salary support at the junior faculty level for up to three years. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: No deadline OPTIMIZATION OF SMALL MOLECULE PROBES FOR THE NERVOUS SYSTEM (R21): AIDS-RELATED NIH: National Eye Institute, US This program encourages Aids-related research that develops new small molecule probes for investigating biological function in the nervous system via the application of advanced medical chemistry and the biological testing of compounds. The total project period may not exceed two years. Direct costs are limited to $150,000 per year. Award amount max: $300000 Closing date: 07 Jan 10 EXPLORATORY INNOVATIONS IN BIOMEDICAL COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (R21): AIDS-RELATED NIH: National Institutes of Health, US The NIH is interested in promoting Aids-related research and developments in computational science and technology that will support rapid progress in areas of scientific opportunity in biomedical research. Direct costs are limited to $275,000 over an R21 two-year period. Award amount max: $275000 Closing date: 07 Jan 10 BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB FOUNDATION GRANTS Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation, US The foundation provides funding to initiatives that help address health disparities. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: No deadline EXPLORING EPIGENOMIC PROCESSES AND NON-CODING RNAS IN HIV/AIDS (R01) NIH: National Institute on Drug Abuse, US he program's purpose is to enhance our understanding of the role of epigenomics in HIV infection and pathogenesis in combination with substance abuse. The total project period may not exceed five years. Direct costs are limited to no more than $750,000 per year. Award amount max: $3750000 Closing date: 23 Nov 09 EXPLORING EPIGENOMIC PROCESSES AND NON-CODING RNAS IN HIV/AIDS (R21) NIH: National Institute on Drug Abuse, US The program's purpose is to enhance our understanding of the role of epigenomics in HIV infection and pathogenesis in combination with substance abuse. Direct costs of up to $200,000 per year may be requested, for a maximum of $600,000 direct costs over a three year project period. Award amount max: $600000 Closing date: 23 Nov 09 AACR JOSEPH H BURCHENAL MEMORIAL AWARD FOR OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT IN CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH American Association for Cancer Research, US The award recognizes outstanding achievements in clinical cancer research. The winner will present a lecture during the AACR annual meeting and will receive an honorarium of $10,000 and support for attendance at the meeting. Award amount max: $10000 Closing date: 15 Oct 09 AACR-AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY AWARD FOR RESEARCH EXCELLENCE IN CANCER EPIDEMIOLOGY AND PREVENTION American Association for Cancer Research, US This award honors outstanding achievements in the fields of cancer epidemiology, biomarkers and prevention. The winner will present a lecture during the AACR annual meeting and will receive an honorarium of $5,000 and support for attendance at the meeting. Award amount max: $5000 Closing date: 15 Oct 09 AACR AWARD FOR OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT IN CANCER RESEARCH American Association for Cancer Research, US This award recognizes a young investigator on the basis of meritorious achievement in cancer research. The winner will present a lecture during the AACR annual meeting and will receive an honorarium of $5,000 and support for attendance at the meeting. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 15 Oct 09 AACR AWARD FOR OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT IN CHEMISTRY IN CANCER RESEARCH American Association for Cancer Research, US The award will be given for outstanding chemistry research, which has led to important contributions to the fields of basic cancer research; translational cancer research; cancer diagnosis; the prevention of cancer; or the treatment of patients with cancer. The winner will receive an honorarium of $10,000. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 15 Oct 09 AACR GHA CLOWES MEMORIAL AWARD American Association for Cancer Research, US The award recognizes an individual with outstanding recent accomplishments in basic cancer research. The winner will present a lecture during the AACR annual meeting and will receive an honorarium of $10,000. Award amount max: $10000 Closing date: 15 Oct 09 AACR RICHARD AND HINDA ROSENTHAL MEMORIAL AWARD American Association for Cancer Research, US This award will recognize research that has made, or promises to soon make, a notable contribution to improved clinical care in the field of cancer. The winner will present a lecture during the AACR annual meeting and will receive an honorarium of $10,000 and support for attendance at the meeting. Award amount max: $10000 Closing date: 15 Oct 09 AACR MINORITIES IN CANCER RESEARCH JANE COOKE WRIGHT LECTURESHIP American Association for Cancer Research, US The lectureship is intended to give recognition to an outstanding scientist who has made meritorious contributions to the field of cancer research and who has, through leadership or by example, furthered the advancement of minority investigators in cancer research. The winner will present a lecture during the AACR annual meeting and will receive an honorarium. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 15 Oct 09 AACR WOMEN IN CANCER RESEARCH CHARLOTTE FRIEND MEMORIAL LECTURESHIP American Association for Cancer Research, US The lecture is intended to give recognition to an outstanding scientist who has made meritorious contributions to the field of cancer research and who has, through leadership or by example, furthered the advancement of women in science. The winner will present a lecture at the AACR annual meeting and will receive an honorarium and commemorative plaque. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 15 Oct 09 AACR MARGARET FOTI AWARD FOR LEADERSHIP AND EXTRAORDINARY ACHIEVEMENTS IN CANCER RESEARCH American Association for Cancer Research, US The award is given to an individual whose leadership and extraordinary achievements in cancer research have made a major impact on the field. The recipient will receive an honorarium of $10,000, a commemorative plaque and support to attend the AACR annual meeting. Award amount max: $10000 Closing date: 15 Oct 09 TARGETED LIBRARY SYNTHESIS AND SCREENING AT NOVEL TARGETS FOR POTENTIAL DRUG ADDICTION TREATMENTS AND RESEARCH TOOLS (R21/R33) NIH: National Institute on Drug Abuse, US These seek to promote the discovery of novel medications through the use of targeted library synthesis and screening for drug addiction treatment, as well as the discovery of CNS-active research tools for medication target validation in animal models of drug addiction. Budgets for direct costs of up to $250,000 per year are available. Award amount max: $1250000 Closing date: 04 Dec 09 ANCILLARY STUDIES IN CLINICAL TRIALS OF CNS/PNS DISORDERS - NINDS ACCELERATED AWARDS PROGRAM (R01) NIH: National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, US These encourage and facilitate ancillary studies undertaken in conjunction with on-going NINDS-funded clinical trials of neurological disorders. Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 16 Dec 09