1st Summative Assessment Study Guide Modified True/False

1st Summative Assessment Study Guide
Modified True/False
Indicate whether the statement is true or false. If false, change the identified word or phrase to make the statement true.
LT I know the difference between an inference, observation, and hypothesis.
LT I can compare and contrast the three types of energy transfer.
LT I can convert between the three different temperature scales.
1. Energy is transferred as heat between two objects of same temperatures. _________________________
2. Heating by convection can occur only through liquids. _________________________
3. A good insulator is a good conductor. _________________________
4. Conduction is the only method of energy transfer that can take place in a vacuum. _______________________
5. Inferences are based on Facts. _______________________________
6. A hot object emits less radiation than a cool object. _______________________
7. When an ice cube melts it transfers energy from the ice cube to its surroundings. _______________________
8. On the Fahrenheit scale, water freezes at –32°F. _______________________
9. When a refrigerant condenses, it gives up energy as heat to its surroundings. _______________________
10. Insulation minimizes undesirable energy transfers. _________________________
11. The equivalent body temperature in Celsius is 98.6°. _________________________
Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
12. Is the following statement an observation, inference or hypothesis: I measured the desk to be 105 cm.
a. Inference
c. Observation and Inference
b. Observation
d. Hypothesis
13. Is the following statement an observation, inference or hypothesis; If a plant is placed in direct sunlight, then the plant
will grow at a faster rate than plants that are out of the sun.
a. Inference
c. Observation
b. Hypothesis
d. Observation and Inference
14. Scientists test a hypothesis by
a. Formulating questions.
c. Doing experiments.
b. Designing models.
d. Drawing conclusions.
15. All of the following are steps in the scientific method except
a. observing and recording data.
b. forming a hypothesis.
c. discarding data inconsistent with the hypothesis.
d. developing a model based on experimental results.
16. Which of the following observations is qualitative?
a. A chemical reaction was complete in 2.3 seconds.
b. The solid had a mass of 23.4 grams.
c. The pH of a liquid was 5.
d. Salt crystals formed as the liquid evaporated.
17. The temperature at which all molecular motion stops is
a. 0°C.
c. 0 K.
b. 0°F.
d. All of the above
18. Convert 500°F to degrees Celsius.
a. 260°C
c. 842°C
b. 296°C
d. 958°C
19. Convert 300 K to the Celsius scale.
a. 0°C
c. 73°C
b. 27°C
d. 573°C
20. Which of the following temperatures is impossible to measure?
a. -85°F
c. -20 K
b. -50°C
d. 545°F
21. A statement that can be tested experimentally is a
a. variable.
c. generalization.
b. model.
d. hypothesis.
Complete each statement.
22. The movement of a gas or liquid due to expansion and contraction caused by temperature differences within the fluid is
called a ______________ ________________.
23. The energy transferred between the particles of two objects because of the temperature difference between the two
objects is called ____________________.
24. The transfer of energy by the movement of fluids with different temperatures is called ____________________.
25. The transfer of energy by electromagnetic waves is called ____________________.
26. A(n) ____________________ is a material through which energy can be easily transferred as heat.
27. ____________________ is a measure of the average kinetic energy of all the particles within an object.
28. ____________________ transfers heat energy between particles as they collide within a substance or between two
objects in contact.
29. A(n) ____________________ is a material that is a poor energy conductor.
30. Radio waves, infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet rays, and X rays are forms of
Short Answer
31. Explain the differences between qualitative and quantitative observations.
32. What is the temperature at which water freezes, expressed in Fahrenheit, Celsius, and kelvins?
33. The temperature range from the freezing point of water to the boiling point of water is 100 degrees on the Celsius scale.
The same temperature change on the Fahrenheit scale is represented by 180 degrees. The temperature of an object
changes from 10°C to 50°C. This represents a change of 40°C. Calculate the change of temperature in Fahrenheit
34. What is the connection between heat and temperature?
35. At night, a rock in the desert will cool off. How could radiation, convection, and conduction explain how the rock gets
1st Summative Assessment Study Guide
Answer Section
1. ANS: F, different
2. ANS: F, Gases are also fluids.
3. ANS: F, Poor.
4. ANS: F, Radiation
5. ANS: F, Based on prior knowledge.
6. ANS: F, more
7. ANS: F, receives
8. ANS: F, 32°F
9. ANS: T
10. ANS: T
11. ANS: F, 37°C
22. ANS: convection current
23. ANS: heat
24. ANS: convection
25. ANS: radiation
26. ANS: conductor
27. ANS: Temperature
28. ANS: Conduction
29. ANS: insulator
30. ANS: electromagnetic waves
31. ANS:
In qualitative observations, the data are descriptive and non-numerical. In quantitative observations, the data are
32. ANS:
32°F, 0°C, and 273 K
33. ANS:
A change of 100 degrees Celsius represents a 180 degree Fahrenheit change.
34. ANS:
Temperature is the measure of the average kinetic energy of all the particles within an object. Heat is the kinetic energy
transferred from the particles of one object to those of another object because of a temperature difference between the
two objects.
35. ANS:
At night, a rock will stop absorbing heat energy from the sun and start radiating its own heat energy to the surrounding
air, which will have a lower temperature. The rock will lose energy by conduction. Furthermore, a night breeze may
blow cool air over the rock, causing the rock to give up energy. This process is an example of convection.