Introducing the new READ.IEP app in WOW
A new tool has been developed within the WVEIS on the Web (WOW) environment called READ.IEP.
This application is available to assist districts in implementing WV Code §18-20-1c which requires all
instructional teachers involved in teaching students with individualized education programs (IEP) to read
and sign that he or she has read and understands the student’s IEP.
The application (app) queries the school’s master schedule of all students who are active in special
education and have a finalized IEP with each general educator who has those students enrolled on their
rosters. Once the general educators have logged into WOW and clicked on the READ.IEP app, they will
be able to download to the screen a password-protected pdf version of the most recent finalized IEP. The
educator indicates they have read the IEP by clicking on an electronic confirmation button. Administrative
staff, including principals, special education directors, and superintendents will have the ability to monitor
each educator’s progress toward reading the IEPs of the students on their roster. When a new IEP is finalized
for a student on the general educator’s roster, they will receive an email informing them to log into the
READ.IEP app within WOW to view the IEP. Additional emails will automatically be sent at the end of
the work day whenever a new IEP or a newly amended IEP has been finalized.
The READ.IEP app offers the following advantages:
 displays the IEP on a secure site which can be accessed by the educator at a time of their choosing;
 alerts educators via email on the day an IEP is finalized for students on their roster;
 provides the educator with an electronic verification method to show that they have read the IEP;
 provides administrators with a quick check to monitor which IEPs have and have not been read; and
 provides principals with an easy means to send out email reminders to those educators who still have
IEPs to be read.
Districts may use an alternative recordkeeping system to address WV Code §18-20-1c requirements if they
choose. Districts should devise an alternative method of recordkeeping for those instances where the
master schedule cannot be relied upon to match instructional staff and substitutes to the special
education students they serve.
If the district decides not to implement the READ.IEP app, the special education director should contact
Aaron Riley to indicate that they do not want to participate.
During this transitional year (2014-2015), if the district has already implemented a recordkeeping system
of their own and decides to move to the READ.IEP app, educators will need to click on the electronic
confirmation button for all IEPs they have already read in order to reflect verification in the principal’s
view of the app. Please note that general educators who attend the most recent IEP meeting and sign the
attendee sheet will have met the requirements to read and sign that they have read the IEP.
The rollout of the READ.IEP app is scheduled for February 24, 2015.
Click here to see screenshots on how to access the app:
For General Educators
For Principals
For Superintendents and Special Education Directors
If the general educator’s master schedule is not included in WOW, then the READ.IEP app will not be able
to display a list of the special education students on the teacher’s roster. It is also important to note that the
READ.IEP app uses the email address that the educator provided within WOW when sending alerts to
educators that a new IEP has been completed and needs to be read.
By accessing the READ.IEP app, users are agreeing to treat all data in accordance with the Freedom of
Information Act (FOIA), the Privacy Act, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), and
the WVDE Data Access and Management Guidance. Every effort must be made to protect the identity of
individual students.
For further information contact Michael Knighton, Coordinator, Office of Special Programs, or Aaron Riley, Coordinator, Office of Data Management and Analysis,