HMC Residency FAQs: Eligibility, Selection & Matching

Department of Medical Education
Graduate Medical Education Office (GMEO)
HMC Residency Eligibility, Selection & Matching Process
2016 Intake
Academic Year 2016 - 2017
Updated in
September 2015
Check List
HMC Residency Eligibility, Selection, Matching Process and Admissions
Academic Year 2016-2017
1. How can I complete my Application?
Please read the Guidelines for completing the HMC Residency Matching Program Application in
Annex (A) Page 9
2. Who can apply for HMC Residency Training Programs?
a. All Qatari interns
b. International Medical graduates of medical schools listed on register of the Foundation for
Advancement of International Medical Education and Research – International Medical
Education Directory (FAIMER-IMED), who graduated in 2011, 2012,
2013, 2014 or 2015 and are eligible for licensing in their home country or the country of graduation.
c. Applicants MUST have a valid Medical License or are eligible for licensing in their home country
or the country where they currently practice.
3. What is the Internship Training Program?
Internship Training Program is twelve months of clinical rotations in major medical specialties
(e.g. Medicine, Surgery, Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology) after graduation from Medical
School. The trainees should receive a Certificate of Completion of Internship at the end of the
Internship Program.
Medical Graduates who have done a one-year of postgraduate hospital-based training in one or
more major medical specialties may be considered equivalent to internship training.
The HMC Department of Medical Education does NOT consider the last year of Medical School,
Externship Rotations, Observership Rotations, and Clinical Attachment Rotations as Internship
4. How about applicants who have been out of active clinical practice?
HMC will NOT accept applicants who are out of clinical practice for more than one (1) year.
5. What are the Mandatory exams required for HMC Residency Matching Programs?
Eligible Applicants MUST provide evidence that they have passed the USMLE Step 1 and
The minimum requirement for this year is USMLE Step 2 CK or IFOM-CSE. The
IFOM-CSE pass scores should be equivalent to the pass scores of USMLE for that year (this
score changes every year). Priority will be given to those who have passed both parts of
any of the above exams.
These exams are intended to determine an examinee’s relative areas of strength and
weakness in general areas of clinical science, not to predict clinical performance.
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Applicants may register for the USMLE Step 1 and Step 2 CK or IFOM-BSE and CSE online
through the links below:
Eligible Applicants MUST provide evidence that they have passed the English Language
competency exams; IELTS (academic level) or TOEFL (professional level).
6. Are there acceptable alternative exams for HMC Residency Matching Programs?
The Canadian Evaluation Exam of the Medical Council of Canada (MCCEE) and
Qualifying Examination of the Medical Council of Canada (MCCQE) Part 1 can be
considered for applications to the HMC Residency Matching Programs.
Applicants may register for the MCCEE and the MCCQE Part 1 online through the links below:
MCCQE Part 1
7. Can applicants apply early and forward the exams results after the closing
HMC will NOT accept incomplete applications without the results of passing the required
Applicants MUST submit a complete application and include copies of the results of the
required exams in one package and send it to the Department of Medical Education at HMC
before the closing date (December 17, 2015).
Applications submitted after the closing date will NOT be accepted or reviewed.
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8. What are the minimum scores required for TOEFL or IELTS Exams?
TOEFL PBT exam minimum passing score required is 550
TOEFL CBT exam minimum passing score required is 213
TOEFL IBT exam minimum passing score required is 80 (professional level)
IELTS exam minimum passing score required is (7.0) (academic level)
9. What about any other exams (Australian or PLAB) - would they exempt me from
sitting USMLE or IFOM?
HMC will ONLY accept USMLE, IFOM, and Canadian Exams for the HMC Residency Matching
Programs. (Refer to Question 5)
10. Is there any exemption from taking the IELTS or TOEFL?
All Applicants MUST submit evidence of passing the English Language Competency Exams
(IELTS or TOEFL) as required for HMC Residency Matching Program Applications.
Living in a country where the English Language or studying at a medical school where English is
the official language will not exempt an applicant from taking the IELTS or TOEFL.
11. What about the visit visa process for the interviews?
HMC is only responsible for issuing Visit Visa to applicants who will be shortlisted by the
programs and invited for personal interview in Qatar. However, HMC will not cover or fund
any travelling or living expenses for shortlisted applicants invited for the personal
For applicants who require HMC to issue “OK to Board”, they must provide the
Department of Medical Education with the following:
a. Copy of Flight Itinerary
b. Copy of Valid Passport for at least 6 months
c. Copy of Entry-Visa Issued by HMC
12. What about the recruitment process in HMC?
Applicants who will successfully pass the personal interviews and will be matched in the
Programs will receive an Offer of Employment from HMC Human Resources Department.
Applicants MUST respond to HR within (10) days from the date of receiving the
Offer of Employment. If the applicants do not send acceptance to HR within (10) days,
then the offer of employment will be cancelled and the post will no longer be available.
Normally, matched candidates will have to wait for period of few weeks to receive the Offer
of Employment and obtain work visa to Qatar.
All matched and accepted applicants should join their respective programs on/or before
July 1, 2017
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13. How can I check on the status of my application?
The Medical Education Department will inform the applicant via email once the complete
application is received.
Once shortlisted by the program for the personal interview, the candidate will then be notified
by the Medical Education Department via E-mail.
If the candidate passes the matching personal interview, he/she will be informed about the
final matching result via E-mail, and the candidate may receive the Offer of Employment
from HR Recruitment Section on later dates.
All applicants are discouraged from making phone calls to the Department of Medical
Education to follow on the status of their applications.
14. What are the Residency Programs sponsored by HMC and what is their duration?
ACGME-I status
Duration of
Arab Board
Approved Resident
Annual Compliment
Internal Medicine
General Surgery
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Emergency Medicine
Family Medicine
Diagnostic Radiology
Cardiothoracic Surgery
Community medicine
Anatomical Pathology
15. What is the ACGME-I accreditation? And ACGME-I requirements?
Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education International (ACGME-I)
accreditation demonstrates that graduate medical education programs outside the United States
meet established standards for Institutional, Foundational, and Advanced specialty education. The
ACGME-I employs a comprehensive, peer-review process not only to evaluate, but also to improve
and publicly recognize programs and sponsoring institutions in graduate medical education that
meet – and often exceed – our standards of educational quality. - ACGME-International
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Accreditation is not certification. HMC is NOT currently offering American Board Certification yet
and graduates will sit for Arab Board Certification Exams.
16. What is the Matching Process?
1. All applications are initially reviewed by the Dept of Medical Education for eligibility criteria.
Candidates. Eligible applications will then be forwarded to the relevant residency program
to be reviewed by the program’s selection committee. Applicants who are not shortlisted or
do not meet the eligibility criteria will be notified by the Dept of Medical Education via Email. Such decision is final and appeals will not be considered.
2. Applications of Eligible Candidates will be reviewed by each Residency Program which the
applicant chosen as the “First Choice”. The program selection committee may will shortlist
suitable candidates for the personal interviews. Applicants who are rejected by the
program’s selection committee will be notified by email and this decision is considered final.
Shortlisted Applicants will be notified via E-mail regarding the details of the Residency
Matching Interviews.
3. Each program will provide the Graduate Medical Education Office with a final list of
matched candidates and a waiting list.
4. Following approval by the DIO (Designated Institutional Official), the results of the
Residency Matching Programs will be announced.
5. Candidates shortlisted in the Waiting List will be called in the event that selected
residents withdraw their applications. .
Program Directors will review the Waiting List applications again and the Department of
Medical Education may contact applicants on the Waiting List if they get selected by the
17. What is the Letter of Intention (personal statement)?
It is a short letter addressed for EACH PROGRAM expressing the applicant’s interest in
joining a particular HMC Residency Program. The letter should also highlight the applicant’s
strengths and experience to showcase his application to the department he/she has opted to
apply to.
18. What is the Letter of Recommendation?
The applicant must enumerate the persons indicated as referees for the applicant. The
applicant must include the full name, official designation, email and other contact details for
each referee whose names appear on the Recommendation Letters as attached on the
19. What do interviewers focus on?
Interviewers look primarily at communication skills, reasoning, ethics and professionalism,
English language competency, and understanding of the responsibilities and scope of the
specialty of choice.
Applicants should have a strong reason for selecting any residency program as a first
choice (that is applicant’s best choice).
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State that clearly in the letter of intention for each program selected and be ready to
answer why?
The selection decision is entirely an official Program Committee decision and is not subject
to appeal or explanation to the candidate.
Some programs might demand competency in spoken Arabic language like Psychiatry,
Family Medicine, and Community Medicine
Copies of all original documents and one set of the candidate’s application documents
should be brought to the interviews by the candidate.
20. Can a resident transfer to another program after the match?
It is not possible or advisable. Candidate may risk losing his/her post in the program.
21. What about the resident’s professional Language competency TOFEL or IELTS?
The resident is supposed to provide evidence of passing one of these tests before the
closing date and a copy of the scores should be included in the application package.
The USMLE Step 2 CK component of spoken English does NOT replace IELTS or TOEFL.
It is advisable for a non-Arabic speaker to take a course in the Arabic language once they
have been matched while waiting to start employment.
22. If a resident is matched to a program, what is the employment process?
The process is entirely done by the Human Resources Department and may take a few
weeks to few months however residents should join the program before the 1st of July each
year. The process includes:
Labor department Approval
Ministry of interior - CEID (Criminal Evidences and Information Department)
Job offer from Human Resources – MUST respond within (10) days upon receipt
Candidate Acceptance of the Offer of Employment
Immigration process for Work Visa
Applicants should provide Medical check-up clearance for Hepatitis B & C, T.B., HIV
Sign a work agreement with HMC Medical Education after the credentialing of all
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23. What about resident salaries and benefits?
Residents will get paid monthly salary as per HMC Human Resources Department. They will start
receiving salary from the date of signing the contract, with annual increments based on
performance evaluation.
Details of salary and benefits will be included in the Residents Terms and Conditions of
Employment which will be attached to a contract of employment.
All residency programs start on July 1st each year.
HMC is committed to equal opportunities, and the reliability, fairness, and
transparency of the matching process.
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HMC Residency Matching Program - Frequently Asked Questions
General Guidelines on Completing the Application
A. Applicants MUST complete the Application Forms electronically.
(Handwritten applications WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED)
B. Application forms are available on HMC Website and can be downloaded, completed and
then printed out.
C. After completing the Application Form, the applicant should send one copy with the
attached required documents and keep one copy for their personal reference.
D. All mandatory required documents should be in English Language and if the original
document is in another language it has to be officially translated into English and a copy of
the original document should be attached to the translated document.
The documents requested with English Language are as follows:
Medical Degree
Transcript of Records from the Medical School
Internship Certificate
Evidence of Clinical Practice or Postgraduate Training (Certificates)
Dean’s Report/Letter
Medical License
Recommendation Letter/s
E. After completing the application, the applicant must make sure that all the required
documents are available and attached according to the Check List Page.
F. Completed applications must be sent by registered mail courier or postal service
(e.g. FedEx, UPS, Aramex, DHL) to this address:
Medical Education Department
Hamad Medical Corporation
P.O. Box 3050
Al Rayyan Rd., Doha
State of Qatar
The candidate is advised to keep the tracking reference number issued by the registered
mail courier or postal service provider to regularly check and verify if the package was
delivered and received by the Medical Education Office.
G. Faxed or E-mailed documents or applications are NOT accepted.
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Guidelines on Completing the Application Form
1. Candidate Name
and should reflect the same name as spelled on the applicant’s Passport.
2. Passport Information
Passport should be valid for minimum one year by the end of July 2016
If the Passport will expire before April 2016, the applicant MUST have their passport
3. Contact Details
Applicants must provide a valid E-mail address on the Application Form and CV. The
Applicant should check the E-mail address provided regularly to follow-up responses
from HMC. In some cases, E-mail providers may redirect certain e-mails to the
Junk/Spam Folder. It is highly advised that the applicants should check their
E-mail on a regular basis including the Junk/Spam Folder. Medical Education is not
responsible if the candidate fails to receive or respond to any communication sent by
the Medical Education Office.
Applicants MUST provide their personal mobile number and their home phone
number. Applicants living outside their home country should provide a contact
number in their current country of residence and a contact number for their next of
kin currently living in their respective home country.
4. Education and Qualifications
Name of Medical School/ College or Faculty should be ELECTRONICALLYTYPED IN CAPITAL LETTERS as shown on the degree.
Applicants must provide accurate details for the following:
i. Date of Joining the Medical College
ii. Date of Graduation from the Medical College
(The Date of Passing the Final Exams, NOT the date of issuing the degree)
5. Other Academic Qualifications
All qualifications awarded to the applicant MUST be documented including the
Name of Academic Qualification Awarded, the inclusive dates, awarding date, and
country where the academic qualification was awarded.
6. Internship Training
The applicant MUST write the start date and the completion date of the internship
training program as well as the institution and country where the internship training
program was undertaken.
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7. Medical License
The candidate MUST indicate the License Number, Type of License, Country where
the Medical License was issued and the validity of the license. The Candidate must
either be eligible for licensing or was issued a valid medical license in the country
where they currently practice.
8. Language
Applicants must indicate their native language and second language then
accordingly rate their competencies for each.
9. Postgraduate Training or Clinical Practice after completing Internship
The applicant must state the inclusive dates (from-to) for every period of postinternship practice or training in chronological order starting from the most recent.
The applicant MUST provide reference and support with evidence (i.e. document
from the hospital or health institution or university).
Undocumented experience will be considered as gap in training or clinical practice. If
there is a gap in clinical practice or training, the applicant is required to state the
duration of the gap including the details regarding the gap period.
A. Current Clinical Post
The applicant MUST specify the current clinical post held at the time of completing
the application including the Title/Position, Institution/Hospital name, Country where
the institution/hospital is based, Inclusive Dates of the current clinical post and the
Type of Training.
B. Other Clinical Training Post
The applicant MUST specify the clinical post/s held previously including the
Title/Position, Institution/Hospital name, Country where the institution/hospital is
based, Inclusive Dates of the clinical post and the Type of Training.
10. Letters of Recommendation
The applicant MUST enumerate the persons indicated as referees for the applicant.
The applicant must include the Full Name, Official Designation, E-mail and other
Contact Details for each referee whose names appear on the Recommendation
Letters as attached with the Application.
A. Dean’s Letter
The Dean’s Letter is usually prepared to provide an evaluation and summary of
the medical student’s achievements across all aspects of their medical education.
The current terminology associated with the Dean’s Letter is the Medical Student
Performance Evaluation (MSPE).
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B. Letter from the Current Supervisor or Program Director
If the candidate is currently working or enrolled in a Residency Program, he/she
is required to submit letter from immediate Supervisor or Program Director, as
relevant, confirming that he/she is currently working in good standing.
C. Letter from Other Consultants
The candidate is required to submit a letter of recommendation from a
consultant or faculty who he/she worked with closely within the university or
during postgraduate training or experience.
11. Matching Choices
The Applicant must select only two (2) programs as FIRST CHOICE and SECOND
HMC will give more weight to the first choice, and the application will be screened by
the concerned program. The candidates may not get the opportunity to be
interviewed in the Second Choice Program as it depends on available posts.
12. Exam Results/Scores - Mandatory Exam Results
The Applicant must indicate his/her exam scores for the mandatory exams (USMLE
Step 1 and Step 2 CK or IFOM-BSE and IFOM-CSE) in the Application Form
and submit copies along with the completed application.
The minimum requirement for this year is USMLE Step 2 CK or IFOM-CSE
(Question 5)
If the candidate is matched for a program, he/she is required to request IFOM or
ECFMG centers to send a copy of the candidate’s exam results directly to Medical
Education Department.
Matched Candidates holding exam results for USMLE-Step 2 CK should complete
ECFMG Request Form 172 for verification report to the mailing address below:
Dr. Abdullatif Al Khal
Director, Medical Education
Medical Education Department
Hamad Medical Corporation
Al Rayyan P.O. Box 3050
Doha, Qatar
Matched Candidates holding exam results for IFOM-CSE are required to provide the
Medical Education with their Username and Password through the NBME website.
Medical Education will download the result from the website for verification.
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13. English Language Competency Test Scores
The Applicant must indicate his/her exam scores for the English Language
Competency Exams (IELTS or TOEFL) in the Application Form and submit copies of
the exam results along with the completed application.
Original Copies of the English Language Competency Exam Scores should be
forwarded by the exam centers to the HMC Medical Education Department once the
eligible candidate gets shortlisted for the personal interviews.
Additional Information
The Applicant may indicate any other information related to their application into the
Residency Matching Programs. Any additional information, including certifications,
merits should be submitted with verifiable evidence.
 The Applicant must make sure that all copies of the documents provided are true
copies of the originals.
 Any information provided in the Applicant’s CV should be accompanied with an
official document as verification (from hospital officials, Chairs, Program Directors,
Deans or university officials) including the applicant’s current post, previous
rotations or training period, internship.
 The Medical Education Department performs primary source verification
(credentialing) for all documents provided by the Resident through (Data Flow
 Providing any false documents will be discovered and this may subject the
candidate to legal consequences and dismissal from the program.
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HMC Residency Matching Program - Frequently Asked Questions
Guidelines on Formatting Your CV
Personal Information
a. Name
i. Name should reflect the same spelling as indicated on the Candidate’s Passport
b. Gender
c. Civil Status
d. Nationality
e. Date of Birth
i. Include Passport Number and Date of Validity
Contact Information
a. Candidate
i. Home Phone Number, Mobile Phone Number, Fax Number
ii. E-Mail Address
iii. Postal Address
b. Next of Kin (in case of emergency)
i. Home Phone Number, Mobile Phone Number, Fax Number
ii. E-Mail Address
iii. Postal Address
Education and Qualifications
a. Undergraduate Degree
i. Name of Institution
ii. Degree Awarded
iii. Date Awarded
b. Internship Training
i. Hospital
ii. Country
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iii. Period of Internship Training
c. Postgraduate Qualification/s (MA, PhD, MSc)
i. Qualification Awarded
ii. Date Awarded
iii. Institution
d. Other Qualifications and Certifications
i. Qualification/ Certification
ii. Date Awarded/ Certified
iii. Name of Certifying Body
e. Medical License
i. Medical License Number and Type
ii. Issuing Country
iii. Validity Dates
Exam Scores
a. Mandatory Exams
USMLE Step 1 and 2 CK or IFOM-BSE and CSE
b. Other Exam Scores
i. (e.g. USMLE 2 CS, 3)
c. English Competency Exams
i. IELTS (Academic Level ) – Minimum Score (7.0)
1. IBT (Professional Level) – Minimum Score (80)
2. CBT – Minimum Score (213)
3. PBT – Minimum Score (550)
Clinical Practice or Postgraduate Training
a. Current Clinical Post
b. Previous Clinical Practice or Postgraduate Training
i. Gaps in Clinical Practice must be clearly indicated including the dates
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Scholarly Activities
a. Research and other Publications
b. Courses and Workshops Attended
Interest and Extra-curricular Activities
i. Personal Interests
ii. Hobbies
iii. Social Club Memberships
iv. Volunteer work and Community Service
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