Ph.D. Studentship Sediment-laden density currents Supervised by Peter A. Allison, Matthew D. Piggott & The presence of suspended sediment in an aquatic flow increases the density of the flow. When such a flow enters a still water body it behaves as a density current and travels down slope and progressively mixes with the ambient water and rains out suspended sediment. These flows occur at a range of scales and examples include: effluent outflows, riverine discharge into lakes and marine sediment laden currents that can run for 1000s of km. The latter have substantial erosive power and pose a significant geohazard to submarine pipelines and cables, and have in the past triggered fatal tsunamis. At the global scale they are also responsible for transporting significant quantities of sand and mud into the deep ocean. The sediments laid down by such flows, turbidites are characterized by waning flow and typically have a lower part that is composed of clean sands. Such sands are well known as potential hydrocarbon reservoirs and are active exploration targets. Knowledge of the generation and propagation of these flows is clearly important but there is a limit to the value of experimental simulations and numerical simulations have clear appeal. However, such simulations are numerically challenging, the flows themselves are typically turbulent and modeling the dynamics and mixing of the flow is computationally expensive. Figure 1: A) Unstructured mesh of the Earth. Note increased resolution in areas of bathymetric change and complexity. B) Tidal (lunar semi-diurnal) model of the Earth in Aptian (Cretaceous) times using an unstructured mesh. C) Gravity current flowing down an idealised slope. This uses an adaptive mesh which dynamically focuses resolution on those areas of the simulation that require it. Note also that this model is non-hydrostatic and thus captures the mixing associated with the Kelvin-Helmholtz billows at the density interface. An adaptive, non-hydrostatic model will be crucial to model the flow of sediment-laden density currents down modern and ancient slopes. The Applied Modelling and Computing Group (AMCG) at Imperial College has developed a state-of-the-art finite element model (Fluidity-ICOM) that utilizes an adaptive mesh that dynamically focuses computational resource on areas of evolving flow complexity (Fig. 1). This facilitates considerable computational efficiency. The model has been used to model a variety of flows and oceanic phenomena (Piggott et al, 2008; Mitchell et al, 2010a,b; Wells et al, 2010) and recent developments include the capacity to model the deposition and entrainment of sediment from dilute flows. As a first step the student will validate recent code developments against published and bespoke experimental data and have the opportunity of collaborating on laboratory flume experiments generating validation data. S/he will: Define the limitations and operation of this new model and produce an operations manual for future users. Develop the model to predict areas where specific sediment bedforms may develop. Evaluate the impact of bathymetry (slope angle, bed smoothness, flow obstacles) on flow propagation on sedimentation. Ph.D. Studentship The student will join a well-funded and vibrant multi-disciplinary group ( of around 50 scientists, engineers and computational numericists in the Department of Earth Science and Engineering at Imperial College London. The group provides both formal and informal training in model development and application and works closely with geologists involved in petroleum exploration. This project will suit a numerate graduate with a First Class degree in either physics, geophysics, maths or an engineering subject. References Mitchell, A.J., Allison, P.A., Piggott, M.D., Gorman, G.J., Pain, C.C., Hampson, G.J., Numerical modelling of tsunami propagation with implications for sedimentation in ancient epicontinental seas: the Lower Jurassic Laurasian Seaway, Journal of Sedimentary Geology (2010a), Vol:228, Pages:81-97. Mitchell, A.J., Ulicny, D., Hampson, G.J, Allison, P.A., Gorman, G.J., Piggott, M.D., Wells, M.R., Pain, C.C., Modelling tidal current-induced bed shear stress and palaeocirculation in an epicontinental seaway: the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin, Central Europe, Sedimentology, (2010b), Vol: 57, Pages:359-388. Piggott M.D, Gorman G.J, Pain C.C., Allison P.A., Candy A.S., Martin B.T., Wells, M.R., A new computational framework for multi-scale ocean modelling based on adapting unstructured meshes, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, (2008), Vol:56, Pages:1003-1015. Wells, M.R., Allison, P.A., Piggott, M.D., Hampson, G.J., Pain, C.C., Gorman G.J., Tidal modeling of an ancient tide-dominated seaway, part 2: the Aptian Lower Greensand seaway of norwest Europe, Journal of Sedimentary Research, (2010a), Vol:80, Pages:411-439. Wells, M.R., Allison, P.A., Piggott, M.D., Hampson, G.J., Pain, C.C., Gorman G.J., Tidal modeling of an ancient tide-dominated seaway, part 1: model validation and application to global early Cretaceous (Aptian) tides, Journal of Sedimentary Research, (2010b), Vol:80, Pages: 393-410.