Workshop Presentation Topics and Brief Description

Workshop Presentation Topics and Brief Description
Topic: Simple Algodoo Simulations to illustrate Physics Concepts
Subjects: Physics and Mathematics
Technology: Algodoo
Presenter – Nick Carlson. C2PRISM Fellow
One common complaint teachers have about simulation software like Algodoo is that preparing
a lesson or demonstration is complicated and time-consuming. In this session, we look at a
handful of easily implemented but illustrative simulations that demonstrate key concepts in
mechanics, kinematics and optics.
Topic: Introducing iPads to the STEM Classroom
Subjects: All Subjects
Technology: iPAD Applications
Presenter – Nick Carlson. C2PRISM Fellow
Many instructors are realizing the value of the iPad tablet in K-12 education as a generalpurpose communication, collaboration and exploration tool. In this session, some of the
possible STEM applications of the iPad are demonstrated, with a focus on data collection,
calculation and information sharing
Topic: Identifying Properties of Acids and Bases using Vernier pH Sensor
Subjects: All Subjects
Technology: Vernier
Presenter – Khady Guiro. C2PRISM Fellow
Organisms are often very sensitive to the effect of acids and bases in their environment. They
need to maintain a stable internal pH in order to survive—even in the event of environmental
changes. So the purpose of this lesson is to identify acids and bases, determine their
characteristics, and to use the Vernier pH Sensor to measure the effect of an acid (HCL) and a
base (NAOH) in water, alongside some common house hold acids and bases (unknown
Topic: Using Prezi for an Interactive Lesson (on the Pythagorean Theorem)
Subjects: Mathematics/ All Subjects
Technology: Prezi
Presenter – Brooke Odle. C2PRISM Fellow
The Pythagorean Theorem will be presented with Prezi, a free web-based zooming presentation
software that allows for the incorporation of video clips, photos, websites, and pdfs. Prezi is
also iPad friendly. Prezi can be a useful presentation tool for class lectures as well as tutorials
or study guides. To demonstrate how Prezi can be used to make a lesson more interactive, a
lesson based on The Pythagorean Theorem will be presented. The interactive components of
this presentation will include Youtube clips and a short web game that reinforce key concepts.
The lesson will end with a series of example problems. Even though the presentation topic is
mainly for math (geometry and algebra) classes, Prezi can be used to make a lesson more
interactive for any subject. To view sample Prezis I’ve created please visit: and
Topic: Investigating Sine Waves using National Instrument’s MyDAQ Tool
Subjects: Mathematics/ Physics/ Engineering
Technology: MyDAQ Tool
Presenter – Peter Paliwoda. C2PRISM Fellow
Some people listen to radio every day whether in a car or through a cell phone capable of
receiving radio stations. It’s not obvious that trigonometry is one of the tools that make this
technology work. This presentation will introduce the basics of pre-calculus trigonometry
where the sine function is studied. Using National Instrument’s tool “MyDAQ” it will be shown
how one can generate an electrical sine wave and how this wave can be captured to be then
shown graphically using MyDAQ software. Other functions of this tool will be presented, such
as multi-meter (for voltage, current and resistance measurement), function generator and
oscilloscope. Visit for more information.
Topic: Introduction to Algodoo
Subjects: All Subjects
Technology: Algodoo
Presenter – Matt Manzi. Former C2PRISM Fellow
Given district budgets and the current state of our country’s economy, it may come as
no surprise that inner-city mathematics and physics instructors often have difficulty
incorporating useful technologies in their everyday lessons. For example, whereas important
rudimentary concepts such as the relationship between mass and acceleration (F=MA) are
traditionally demonstrated with a pencil and paper, not all students benefit equally from this
particular teaching style. The most effective routes of primary and secondary education are
changing with the times alongside technological and social innovations. Although many
traditional teaching methods have proven their efficacy time and again over the last few
centuries, it cannot be denied that the everyday student is continually evolving such that the
best way to reach them in the classroom is not always necessarily the traditional method.
Algodoo is an inexpensive two-dimensional sandbox-style physics simulator designed to
accurately reflect Newtonian mechanics in the real world, while maintaining user-friendliness
such that even primary-level pupils may easily interact with and manipulate it in ways not
unlike they would with modern handheld video games. The C2PRISM program has recently
hypothesized and begun to demonstrate that software like Algodoo may effectively appeal to
all mathematics and physics students, especially those who stand to benefit less from the more
traditional instructional methods, while still teaching them fundamental concepts. This short
lecture will introduce Algodoo to attendees, and will provide a basic tutorial that should suffice
as a springboard for these instructors to begin designing their own Algodoo simulations for use
in the classroom.
Topic: The Visible Spectra of Plant Pigments using the Colorimeter
Subjects: Biology
Technology: Vernier
Presenter – Dino Magou. C2PRISM Fellow
In this demo participants will extract plant pigments and measure their visible absorbance
spectra with a spectrometer. We will also measure the absorbance of blue and yellow foodcolored water samples, which will provide a control to the absorbance of the plant pigment
extracts. Plant pigments will be extracted from Spinach leaves and Carrot shavings. Also with
this demo there will be a brief lesson explaining the importance of photosynthesis and how
plant pigments play a role in photosynthesis.
Topic: Introduction to Geogebra and Collaborative Learning of Math over the Internet
Subjects: Mathematics
Technology: GeoGebra, VMTwG
Presenter – Loretta Grisi-Dicker, Doctoral Student
A step-by-step GeoGebra lesson including an explanation of how participants can download this
free software, tutorials and sample problems for use in their classes. In the latter part of the
workshop, I will introduce VMTwG, which is the Virtual Math Teams chat with collaborative use
of GeoGebra, and the participants could explore this environment. Interested participant(s) are
invited to try VMTwG with their students in their classes.
Topic: Investigating Urban Pollution Impacts on Aquatic Plants using Vernier Probes
Subjects: Biology and Environmental Science
Technology: Vernier
Presenter – Caroline Devan. C2PRISM Fellow
This presentation will use Vernier probes in order to determine the impacts of various urban
pollutants (i.e. detergent, oil, salt, acids) on aquatic plants. A primary indicator of plant health
will be rates of photosynthesis, which will be determined using Vernier probes including the
dissolved O2 probe as well as the CO2 and O2 probes.
Topic: Quadratic Functions, Polynomials and Parabolas Using Vernier, Prezi and Pixton
Subjects: Mathematics
Technology: Vernier, Prezi, Pixton
Presenter – Rosa Tolentino. C2PRISM Fellow
A quadratic function is composed of three terms that are commonly represented in the form of
y = ax2 + bx + c, with the graph this function being in the shape of a parabola. The aim of this
presentation is to use a bouncing ball to show how the graph of the ball’s height as a function
of time results in a parabola. Vernier software will be used to measure the ball’s distance from
the ground as it bounces up and down over time. The data acquired will be analyzed to graph a
parabola. Information about parabolas will be presented using Internet tools such Prezi and
Pixton to help students visualize concepts.
Topic: Interactive Use of Mobis and Clickers as Educational Tools
Subjects: All Subjects
Technology: Mobis and Clickers
Presenter – Joe Geissler (C2PRISM Fellow) and Joya Clark (Techs-NJ Project Assistant)
Clickers - The overall goal of this demonstration is to explore the use of clickers as educational
tools delivered in a way which is engaging and not distracting. Clickers offer a method to
actively track student progress. Computer programming which accompanies the clickers allows
for easy generation of text and picture based questions and offers a user friendly display of
student responses. Software can also analyze class response to individual questions to
determine if there were any questions which a majority of students answered wrong. Also, it
can combine different question session for comparison and grading. When used in conjunction
with a well-developed power point presentation, the clickers are a powerful educational tool
Mobis - During this session, we will learn how to utilize the interactive mobile whiteboards to
create hands-on, interactive lessons. Teachers will participate in a demonstration of how
lessons are created in the interwrite workspace. After taking a quiz on the CPS pulse units,
teachers will view student score reports and learn how to create a multi-user interactive
whiteboard space with the Mobi view. With the remaining time, teachers will gain hands onexperience with the gallery and lessons that come with the workspace software.