AFAMS Master Lesson Plan (MLP) Dental Therapist Program EO 010.03 Deliver Post-Operative Instructions c Instructor Serial/Semester Location Start/Finish Time Date LESSON OBJECTIVE Performance: Deliver Post-Operative Instructions.. Conditions: Given: supervision. Denied: nil. Environment: classroom / clinic. Standard - The Dental Therapist Trainee will Prepare post-Treatment Administration by: (1) (2) (3) (4) Knowing Post-Operative Instructions for clinical procedures Reviewing appropriate Post-Operative Instructions with the patient Providing appropriate written Post-Operative Instructions to the patient for clinical procedure Scheduling follow up appointment, as required TEACHING POINTS 1. Knowing Post-Operative Instructions for clinical procedures including: 3. a) anesthesia b) restoration c) extraction 1 Providing appropriate written Post-Operative Instructions to the patient for clinical procedure AFAMS Master Lesson Plan (MLP) Dental Therapist Program EO 010.03 Deliver Post-Operative Instructions 2. Reviewing Post-Operative Instructions with patient the 4. a) Explain post-operative instructions to patient b) confirm patient comprehension Scheduling follow up appointment as required, with: a) Dental Therapist b) Referral INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGY Method: Instructional Method Media: Environment: Classroom Environment. OTHER LESSON SPECIFICATIONS Type of Lesson: End of Lesson Test: Instructional Time: Reference(s): Resources: enter training/learning aids required LESSON PLAN APPROVAL __________________________________________________________ Signature of AHPI Director _______________________ Date INTRODUCTION Allocated Time: 2 Minutes Review: Remember to review your Course Manual and your Powerpoint Handouts Objective: The intent is to have students successfully review the steps involved in 2 AFAMS Master Lesson Plan (MLP) Dental Therapist Program EO 010.03 Deliver Post-Operative Instructions ensuring the Deliver Post-Operative Instructions. Approach: The approach will be demonstration be reviewed by the instructor on a mock patient. After that students will practice in partners and then under supervision by Instructors. Control Statement: If you have any questions during the lesson please feel free to ask. BODY 1. Teaching Point: KNOWING POST-OPERATIVE INSTRUCTIONS FOR CLINCIAL PROCEEDURES Allocated Time: Introduction: 30 Minutes Before using the checklist it is critical that students be familiarized with the different forms and content of the ANA dental charting system. Learner Participation: Skill Lesson See Performance Steps PERFORMANCE STEPS: The instructor will present two standard dental cases involving an extraction and a restoration, each encompassing the standard practice scope of the dental therapist. The instructor will explain the details involved in the case and review with the trainees, as a group, the appropriate contents the post operative instructions that are required for each case. Teaching case: You (the trainee) have just finished a large four surface restoration on an elderly woman at your dental office in downtown Kabul. The preparation was especially deep. You’ve placed a liner within the preparation and finished the restoration with amalgam. The occlusion has been adjustedand the restoration burnished. The patient thanks you for your work and prepares to get up from your chair to leave. Each student will: a) Deliver Post-Operative Instructions appropriate to the case above b) Explain Their choices 3 AFAMS Master Lesson Plan (MLP) Dental Therapist Program EO 010.03 Deliver Post-Operative Instructions The contents of the referral should follow the bellow checklist: CHECK LIST YES NO a. Proper identification of the patient with contact info. b. Proper prescription of the date and expiry date of the prescription. c. Clearly indicates the medication to be used (brand or generic name) d. Clearly indicates the strength of the medication e. Clearly indicates the quantity of the mediation to be dispensed. f. Clearly indicates dosage of the medication. g. Clearly indicates the route of administration (eg: Oral, IV, Patch) h. Clearly indicates the frequency of administration. i. Clearly identifies the prescribing clinician j. Signature on the Prescription 2. Teaching Point: COMPLETING PATIENT FORMS AND ASSOCIATED PAPERWORK. Allocated Time: 30 Minutes PERFORMANCE STEPS: 4 AFAMS Master Lesson Plan (MLP) Dental Therapist Program EO 010.03 Deliver Post-Operative Instructions The instructor will use the case presented in the first teaching point to demonstrate and evaluate the proper format for writing a prescription. Each student will be asked by the instructor for their opinion on what commonly used medications in dentistry (if any) should be prescribed for the patient in the TP 1case. The students will then be asked to explain their choices and write a prescription for that medication. DENTAL MODEL CHECK LIST k. Proper identification of the patient with contact info. l. Proper prescription of the date and expiry date of the prescription. m. Clearly indicates the medication to be used (brand or generic name) n. Clearly indicates the strength of the medication o. Clearly indicates the quantity of the mediation to be dispensed. p. Clearly indicates dosage of the medication. q. Clearly indicates the route of administration (eg: Oral, IV, Patch) r. Clearly indicates the frequency of administration. s. Clearly identifies the prescribing clinician t. Signature on the Prescription 5 YES NO AFAMS Master Lesson Plan (MLP) Dental Therapist Program EO 010.03 Deliver Post-Operative Instructions 3. Teaching Point: COMPLETING AND UPDATING PATIENT CHARTS Allocated Time: 60 Minutes PERFORMANCE STEPS: The Instructor will provide the dental therapist trainees with a blank ANA dental chart. All trainees will complete the dental chart using the case outline in TP1. Each student will have the below checklist and 30 min to completely fill out the empty patient chart. CHECK LIST a. Patient personal and contact information b. Relevant histories c. Chief complaint d. Radiographs e. Charting (odontogram) f. Problem List g. Treatment Plan h. Progress notes i. Copies of post treatment documentation affixed in chart. 6 YES NO AFAMS Master Lesson Plan (MLP) Dental Therapist Program EO 010.03 Deliver Post-Operative Instructions The instructor will check over each of the trainee patient charts with the following chart outline. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Patient personal and contact information Medical History a. Questionnaire b. Do a functional inquiry c. Follow up questions on meds, allergies, and past dental treatment. Dental history a. Last dental experience Chief Compliant a. Location b. Onset c. Frequency d. Intensity e. Secondary symptoms Radiograph labeling a. Patient name b. Date c. Correct mounting Charting a. Correct odontogram labeling b. Copies of prescription and referral form copied and inserted in chart Problem List Treatment Plan Progress Notes a. Histories b. Types of clinical exam performed. c. Number and type of Radiographs taken d. Medications prescribed or administered i. Amounts ii. Dosage e. Detailed account of events f. Describe informed consent g. Requirements for further appointments or referrals h. Sign and date. 7