Annexe 1 Insurance coverage in respect of placement learning

University Code of Practice
Placement Learning (QH:K9)
Annexe 1
Insurance coverage in respect of placement learning
UK-based placements
Public Liability (PL)
The University provides Public Liability (PL) insurance to its students and to host placement
providers should the University be found legally liable. PL cover indemnifies the University in
the possible event that it is held legally liable for a student’s actions (e.g. if the University
tells a placement provider that a student has certain skills or training that they do not have)
and such actions cause injury or property damage to the placement provider. The cover may
also indemnify the student in circumstances where the University would have been
responsible had the case been brought against it rather than the individual student.
Employers’ Liability (EL)
Host placement providers must provide Employers’ Liability (EL) insurance and evidence of
this insurance must be provided to the placement co-ordinator before the student
commences the placement. The only possible exception to this is for placements with some
Government departments (e.g. the Ministry of Defence, Justice Department) because they
self insure. Should this issue arise, the University Insurance Office must be contacted by the
placement co-ordinator as soon as the placement co-ordinator or student is aware of this
The majority of insurers class work placement students as employees under the policy’s
‘employee’ definition. This will result in the student being under the full protection of the
placement provider’s Employers’ Liability cover.
Motor Insurance
Students travelling to their placements via their private car must check with their own motor
insurers to ensure they have ‘business’ use on their policy and not just ‘social, domestic and
pleasure’ use.
Medical Students
Students working within NHS hospitals in the UK are covered for professional risks under the
Clinical Negligence Scheme for Trusts. The practice’s medical malpractice cover should
cover those placed with a GPs practice in the UK. If the placement is in a private hospital,
hospice or nursing home, the placement co-ordinator needs to ask the provider if their
insurance covers the liability of the student for injuries to third parties, including clinical
errors, or property damage arising from their duties within the organisation. It may be
Placement Learning
Curriculum Development & Teaching Enhancement
Annexe 1:1
Version 0 04 – March 13 – Considered by RCPC on 17 April 2013, approved by ULTAC on 1st May 2013
possible for insurance to be purchased by the University should there be a need to go to a
particular organisation that does not have this cover; however, this can only be carried out
on an individual basis. Should this issue arise then the University Insurance Office must be
contacted by the placement co-ordinator.
If suitable insurance coverage cannot be purchased the placement must not go ahead.
Non-UK-based placements
Public Liability (PL)
The University’s Public Liability extends to worldwide cover excluding USA, Canada and any
territories within their jurisdiction. If a placement is required in any of these countries then the
University Insurance Office must be contacted by the placement co-ordinator as
supplementary insurance to cover these areas may be obtained. However cover will only be
considered on an individual basis.
Employers’ Liability (EL)
The majority of overseas placements will have either Employers’ Liability or Workers’
Compensation insurance cover (the USA has both) and evidence of this cover must be
requested by the placement coordinator and seen before the student leaves the UK. It is
acknowledged that some more remote countries (such as many of the African countries) do
not provide either cover. If this is the case the placement co-ordinator and the Dean (or
nominee) of the relevant faculty must decide whether the student should attend the
placement or an alternative location be sourced.
When considering new overseas placements the placement co-ordinator must enquire if the
placement provider has cover in place for injury or sickness suffered by the student which
can be attributable to their duties within the organisation. If cover is not available then the
University Insurance Office must be contacted to see if cover can be arranged through the
Travel Insurance
The University provides travel insurance for those students on placements of less than
twelve months where the travel costs of the trip are paid for by the University (with some
exceptions for countries deemed to be high risk). Within this policy there is a level of
Personal Liability cover which will become the principal insurance coverage should the
student be deemed legally liable to pay damages in respect of accidental bodily injury to
others or accidental loss of property damage.
The policy also provides unlimited emergency medical cover, for trips of less than twelve
months, to all students on a University placement (regardless of whether the cost of the trip
is paid for by the University) should the student be injured either whilst on placement or
otherwise with some exceptions for countries deemed to be high risk. Details of these
countries are on the Insurance Office webpages
Placement Learning
Curriculum Development & Teaching Enhancement
Annexe 1:2
Version 0 04 – March 13 – Considered by RCPC on 17 April 2013, approved by ULTAC on 1st May 2013
Medical Students
Placement providers overseas should be asked by the placement co-ordinator if their liability
insurance includes cover to the student for any damage arising from their duties within the
organisation. For proposed placements in certain countries, such as Australia, the placement
co-ordinator should ask the provider if their insurance covers the liability of the student for
injuries to third parties, including clinical errors, or property damage arising from their duties
within the organisation. If the provider answers ‘No’ to this question, the placement must not
go ahead unless suitable coverage is found.
If adequate insurance is not available the placement must not go ahead.
With all these insurance policies both in the UK and overseas, cover will not be in
place should the student deliberately act irresponsibly or maliciously.
Should placement providers require evidence that the University has Public Liability
insurance in place for its students, a ‘To Whom it May Concern’ letter can be downloaded
from the University Insurance Office website.
In any situation where cover is not provided by the placement provider the University
Insurance Office must be contacted by the placement co-ordinator for further advice on how
to proceed and if additional insurance can be purchased.
This document is available in alternative formats from
Curriculum Development and Teaching Enhancement
This Paper was considered by RCPC on 17 April 2013 and approved by ULTAC
on 1 May 2013
Placement Learning
Curriculum Development & Teaching Enhancement
Annexe 1:3
Version 0 04 – March 13 – Considered by RCPC on 17 April 2013, approved by ULTAC on 1st May 2013