Mineralogy - Crystal Mountain

Rainbow Moonstone
A variation of Orthoclase, Moonstone is a sodium potassium aluminium silicate. Moonstone has been
used in jewellery for centuries, including ancient civilizations. The Romans admired moonstone as
they believed it was born from solidified rays of the moon. Both the Romans & Greeks associated
Moonstone with their lunar deities.
The most common moonstone is of the mineral adularia. The plagioclase feldspar oligoclase also
produces moonstone specimens. Moonstone is feldspar with a pearly & opalescent luster. An
alternative name is hecatolite. Moonstone is composed of two feldspar species, orthoclase & albite.
The two species are intermingled. Then, as the newly formed mineral cools, the intergrowth of
orthoclase & albite separates into stacked, alternating layers. When light falls between these thin flat
layers, it scatters in many directions producing the phenomenon called adularescence.
Deposits of moonstone occur in Australia, the Austrian Alps, Mexico, Madagascar, Burma, Norway,
Poland, India, Sri Lanka and the United States. Currently the state gem for Florida
Metaphysical Properties
Holds pure & divine Goddess energy. Excellent meditation & manifestation stone. Place under pillow
to aid lucid dreams and calm sleep. Opens crown Chakra connecting you with spirit guides & higher
self. It is gentle yet strong & offers strength while teaching fearlessness. Also helps to improve
learning difficulties in young children & protects homes.
Crystal Healing
Assist with hormones, fertility, thyroid, womb, after breast operations.
Group: Feldspar (Silicates/ Tectosilicates)
Crystal System: Monoclinic
Composition: (Na,K)AlSi3O8.
Form/Habit: Short Prismatic
Hardness: 6-6.5
Cleavage: Perfect
Fracture: Subchonchoidal to uneven, brittle
Lustre: Vitreous
Streak: White
Specific Gravity: 2.5-2.6
Transparency: Transparent to translucent
R.I: 1.51-1.54
Colour: Colourless, white, cream,yellow, pink, brown-red