*Note: Detailed instructions, resources, and other helpful information for any of the activities associated with a test administration may be found in the following resources: District and Campus Coordinator Manual (DCCM) Test Security Supplement (found on the TEA Student Assessment website) TEA Student Assessment Division website: http://www.tea.state.tx.us/student.assessment/ (Sign up for the ListServ) Pearson website: http://www.texasassessment.com Texas Assessment Management System and Schoolhouse websites TSNAP and regional affiliate websites, e.g., CATS, BRATS, RATS, etc. http://www.tsnap.org 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 December 2011 December 2, 2011: DCCM 2012 and Pearson Calendar of Events posted online. December 2, 2011: Receive campus and district reports from the October Exit Level Retest administration and distribute to appropriate personnel. Prepare reports as needed. December 5 – January 20: Register OOS testers online for the March TAKS Exit Retest. December 5-7, 2011: 2011 Texas Assessment Conference, Hilton Austin Hotel and Austin Convention Center. December 9: Deadline to change the precoding option for March TAKS Exit Retest, TELPAS, March 10-Exit TAKS, and Late March STAAR Writing, Reading, Math – gr. 4, 5, 7, 8 By December 9: Enter administration details for the March TAKS 10-Exit administration on TAMS. Initial and sign the District Coordinator security oath, then file for safekeeping until you must return it to TEA next October. (In DCCM) Check Student Assessment website for postings of the Assessment Conference presentations. Continue to enter student information and “error-proof” the information in the STAAR Alternate system. Be sure that all STAAR Alternate students are registered and assigned to a group in the STAAR Alternate system before January 9. Be sure all STAAR Alternate staff have successfully completed required in-district training and all TEA training modules. If you haven’t already done so, notify students and parents of October Exit Level Retest results by December 30. January 2012 January 3 – March 13: Online Night Testing Selection is available for the March TAKS Exit Retest (Administration Details). January 3 – March 13: Registration site open for student data submission for March TAKS Exit Retest (online testing only). January 3 – March 13: Manage test sessions for the March TAKS Exit Retest. January 3 – 20: Register students for the March TAKS (Grades 10, 11, Exit). January 4, 1:00-3:00, TETN #10043 STAAR Alternate Testing Window January 6, 9:00-12:00, TETN #10553 Annual LPAC Training – not open to districts, only ESCs January 3-20: Prepare and submit precode file for March TAKS Exit Level Retest. January 3-27: Update Participation Counts for April and May tests on TAMS. District and Campus Coordinator manuals and 2012 Calendar of Events arrive in districts (Jan. 9-13). July TAKS Exit Retest = dark blue STAAR-Alt = pale blue TELPAS = beige Mar. TAKS Exit Retest = bright green Late March STAAR 4/7Wr = pale pink Late March STAAR 5/8RdMath April TAKS Exit Retest = orange Late April STAAR (3-8) May EOC = turquoise July EOC Retests = gold Oct. TAKS Exit Retest = light purple Mar. ELA TAKS 10-11 – purple/blue Late March STAAR EOC = tan Late April TAKS 10-11 = rose 10 Initial and sign District Coordinator security oath (if you haven’t already). 11 Receive and distribute to appropriate personnel the TELPAS Manual for Raters and Test Administrators (January 9-13). 12 January 9-13: Districts receive combined TAKS manuals 13 January 9: Registration site opens for DTCs to select precode option and sort order for the May EOC administration (until March 30). 14 January 9: STAAR Alternate (TAMS) system opens to teachers (Closes 4/20/2011). 15 January 10-11 in Austin: State DTC Training for ESCs and largest districts. 16 Conduct or assist in conducting training using materials from the January 6 TETN by the Student Assessment Division of the Texas Education Agency on the LPAC Decision-Making Process for the Texas Assessment Program. 17 If you haven’t already, register for, and attend, District Coordinator Training at your regional education service center by the January 27 deadline. 18 January 16 – April 13: Manage TELPAS test sessions. 19 January 16: Assembling and Verifying Grades 2-12 Writing Collections online course is available (TELPAS). 20 January 16 – April 16: Registration site open for student data submission - online testing only for TELPAS. 21 January 16 – April 2: Registration site open for student data submission for online testing (March STAAR EOC). 22 January 16-April 2: Register students for late March STAAR EOC. 23 January 16-April 2: Manage test sessions for late March STAAR EOC if doing online testing. 24 January 16: Data File Submission begins for the March STAAR EOC (ends February 10). 25 January 16-February 10: Register students for late March STAAR 4/7 Writing. 26 January 16-February 10: Register students for late March STAAR 5/8 Reading and Math. 27 By January 20: DTC selects precode option and sort order for March STAAR EOC. 28 January 20 – Last day to register students for March TAKS ELA. 29 Continue to register TAKS Out-of-School (OOS) or Out-of-District (OOD) examinees for the March TAKS Exit Retest online (until January 20). 30 Work with campus personnel to reserve campus labs for the online TELPAS Reading tests and online EOC testing in the spring. 31 Conduct NAEP assessments for long-term trends (9, 13, and 17 year-olds) if your district/campuses are assigned to do so. The windows are throughout the year. 32 January 25, 1:00-3:00: TETN #10418 on Special Ed Assessments 33 January 27: Final date for district testing coordinator training for all TELPAS components 34 January 27: Last day for District Testing Coordinators to attend annual training for 2012 spring/summer test administrations 36 If you haven’t already, report results of October Exit Level Retest to local board of trustees by January 27. 37 January 30: Online basic training courses for new K-1 and 2-12 raters are available (TELPAS). 38 January 30: Web-based training for supplemental support providers is available (TELPAS). 39 January 30: Download online materials list and distribute to campuses for the March TAKS Exit Retest administration. July TAKS Exit Retest = dark blue STAAR-Alt = pale blue TELPAS = beige Mar. TAKS Exit Retest = bright green Late March STAAR 4/7Wr = pale pink Late March STAAR 5/8RdMath April TAKS Exit Retest = orange Late April STAAR (3-8) May EOC = turquoise July EOC Retests = gold Oct. TAKS Exit Retest = light purple Mar. ELA TAKS 10-11 – purple/blue Late March STAAR EOC = tan Late April TAKS 10-11 = rose February 2012 1 February 6: Download online materials list (online only) and distribute to campuses for the March TAKS ELA 10th and Exit administration so that campuses can determine if additional materials are needed. 2 February 10: Last day for data file submission for March STAAR EOC 3 February 10: Last day to register students for the March STAAR Writing (4/7) 4 February 10: Last day to register students for the March STAAR Reading and Math (5/8) 5 February 10: Final date for Campus Testing Coordinator training on holistically assessed components 6 February 13 – 17: Receive combined materials shipment for March TAKS Exit Retest. STORE ALL MATERIALS IN A SECURE PLACE AND KEEP EACH ADMINISTRATION SEPARATE. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 February 13 – 17: Receive combined shipments of materials for March TAKS/TAKS-M ELA. February 13-May 19: Configure TestNav for late March STAAR EOC. February 13-March 12: Order Optional Reports for March TAKS Exit Retest. By February 17: Receive precoded materials for March TAKS Exit Retest. Continue to monitor test administrator progress on the STAAR Alternate assessments. A district coordinator can access the “District Assessment Status Roster Report” and the “District Assessment Dashboard Report” by clicking the STAAR Alternate link from the TAMS Home page. February 17: Last day to change precoding option/sort order for April TAKS 10-Exit February 17: Last day to change precoding option/sort order for April STAAR 3-8 By February 18: Receive precoded materials for TELPAS (electronically). February 20: Deadline to update Braille order for March TAKS Exit Retest February 20: Deadline to update Braille order for March TAKS Gr. 10 and Exit ELA February 20: Calibration window opens for new and returning TELPAS raters – first two sets February 20: Earliest eligibility date for TELPAS writing samples By February 20: Train test administrators on TELPAS Holistic Rating. By February 21: Receive TAKS OOS and OOD materials for the March TAKS Exit Retest. February 24: Final date for Campus Testing Coordinator training on TELPAS online reading By February 24: STAAR Test Administrator manuals due in districts Order additional materials if necessary for March TAKS/TAKS-M administrations by Feb. 27th . February 27: Deadline to order additional materials for the March TAKS Exit Retest February 27: Materials List posted online for March STAAR EOC (order until March 19). February 27: Materials List posted online for March STAAR Writing 4/7. February 27: Materials List posted online for March STAAR Reading and Math 5/8. February 27: Last day to order additional materials for TELPAS if you need printed materials Conduct Campus Coordinator training for all March TAKS/TAKS-M administrations by February 27th. Receive and distribute to campuses the pre-code materials for March TAKS/TAKS-M administrations by February 29th. Set up sessions for the March TAKS Exit Retest online (if applicable to your district) until 3/13. February 27: Last day to train Campus Testing Coordinators for March TAKS Exit Retest July TAKS Exit Retest = dark blue STAAR-Alt = pale blue TELPAS = beige Mar. TAKS Exit Retest = bright green Late March STAAR 4/7Wr = pale pink Late March STAAR 5/8RdMath April TAKS Exit Retest = orange Late April STAAR (3-8) May EOC = turquoise July EOC Retests = gold Oct. TAKS Exit Retest = light purple Mar. ELA TAKS 10-11 – purple/blue Late March STAAR EOC = tan Late April TAKS 10-11 = rose 33 February 29: 3rd and final calibration set available for TELPAS raters who need it. 34 February 29, 1:00-3:00: TETN #10419 on Special Education Assessments 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 March 2012 Be sure that Campus Coordinators conduct test administrator training for March TAKS/TAKS-M administrations by March 2nd. March 2: Last day to hold test administrator training sessions for the March TAKS Exit Retest March 5-9: Receive combined shipment of materials for March STAAR EOC. March 5-16: Register students for late April STAAR 3-8. March 5-16: Receive combined shipments of test materials for STAAR Writing 4/7. March 5-16: Receive combined shipments of test materials for STAAR Reading and Math 5/8. March 5-16: Register students for late April TAKS (10/Exit). March 5- May 21: Registration site open for student data submission (online testing only) for May EOC. March 5-30: Submit precode files/send student data for May EOC. March 5, 7, 8, 9: Conduct TAKS Exit Retest administration. M=SS, W=ELA, Th=Math, F=Science. March 7, 8: Conduct ELA TAKS administrations: Grades 10 and Exit. Note specific day to make-up Gr. 10 ELA on March 8 only. Campus coordinators return scorable material for March ELA TAKS/TAKS-M to district coordinator by March 9th. CTC return TAKS Exit Retest scorable material to district coordinator by Friday, March 9. District Coordinator ships all scorable Exit Retest material and orders optional reports on TAMS by Monday, March 12. Ship scorable materials for TAKS/TAKS-M ELA by March 12th. DTC must also order optional reports on the TAMS by this date. March 12: Deadline to order optional reports for March TAKS Exit Retest March 12: Deadline to enter administration details for March TAKS Exit Retest March 12 – May 2: Select Optional Reports on Administration Details screen for STAAR 3-8. March 12: Deadline to update Braille order for Late March STAAR 3-8 March 12: Deadline to update Braille order for Late March STAAR EOC March 13: Deadline to enter night online testing option on TAMS for March TAKS Exit Retest Be sure campus coordinators train test administrators on TELPAS reading online tests by March 16. Continue to monitor STAAR Alternate test administration progress using available online reports (TAMS). March 16: Deadline to register students for April STAAR 3-8 March 16: Deadline to register students for April TAKS 10-Exit. Campus coordinators return all nonscorable TAKS ELA material to district coordinator by March 19. Campus coordinators return all TAKS Exit Retest nonscorable material to district coordinator by March 19. July TAKS Exit Retest = dark blue STAAR-Alt = pale blue TELPAS = beige Mar. TAKS Exit Retest = bright green Late March STAAR 4/7Wr = pale pink Late March STAAR 5/8RdMath April TAKS Exit Retest = orange Late April STAAR (3-8) May EOC = turquoise July EOC Retests = gold Oct. TAKS Exit Retest = light purple Mar. ELA TAKS 10-11 – purple/blue Late March STAAR EOC = tan Late April TAKS 10-11 = rose 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 March 19: Deadline to order additional materials for March STAAR EOC By March 19: Districts receive precoded materials for March STAAR EOC. By March 19: Hold Campus Coordinator training sessions for March STAAR EOC. TELPAS window opens Monday, March 19 and closes Wednesday, April 11. March 19: Deadline to order additional materials for the late March STAAR Reading and Math 5/8 March 19: Deadline to order additional materials for the late March STAAR Writing 4/7 By March 19: Receive precoded materials for the March STAAR Writing 4/7. By March 19: Receive precoded materials for the March STAAR Reading and Math 5/8. March 19: Last day to train Campus Coordinators for March STAAR Writing 4/7 March 19: Last day to train Campus Coordinators for March STAAR Reading and Math 5/8 March 20: Registration site open for student data submission (online testing only) for TAKS Exit Retest (April Administration) – until May 1. By March 23: Be sure test administrators are trained for March STAAR Writing 4/7. By March 23: Be sure test administrators are trained for March STAAR Reading and Math 5/8. By March 23: Be sure test administrators are trained for March STAAR EOC. Ship nonscorable materials for TAKS/TAKS-M 10 & Exit by March 26th. DTC ship all nonscorable materials for March TAKS Exit Level Retest by March 26th. Beginning March 26: Download and distribute online materials lists for the Late April STAAR 3-8 test administration and distribute them to campuses. March 26 – April 6: DTCs submit participation counts for paper and online EOCs in July. March 26 (Monday): English I Writing, English III Writing March 27 (Tuesday): English I Reading, English III Reading March 28 (Wednesday): English II Writing March 29 (Thursday): English II Reading March 30 (Friday): All make-up tests for March EOC must be completed March 27 (Tuesday): Grade 4 and 7 Writing, Day 1 March 28 (Wednesday): Grade 4 and 7 Writing, Day 2 March 27 (Tuesday) STAAR Mathematics 5/8 March 28 (Wednesday) STAAR Reading 5/8 March 29: Make-ups for STAAR Writing 4/7 must be complete. March 29: Make-ups for STAAR Reading and Math must be complete. By March 29: Campus coordinators must return scorables to DTC for Writing 4/7. By March 29: Campus coordinators must return scorables to DTC for Reading and Math 5/8. Receive preliminary rosters (Y/N) online for TAKS March Exit Retest by March 30. By March 30: Campus coordinators must return scorables to DTC for March STAAR EOC. By March 30: Ship all scorable materials for STAAR Writing. By March 30: Ship all scorable materials for STAAR Reading and Math 5/8. By March 30: Order optional reports for STAAR 3-8 on TAMS. March 30 – June 15: Resolve Student Alerts/Record Changes for March STAAR EOC. March 30: Last day to select precode option and sort order for May EOC administration July TAKS Exit Retest = dark blue STAAR-Alt = pale blue TELPAS = beige Mar. TAKS Exit Retest = bright green Late March STAAR 4/7Wr = pale pink Late March STAAR 5/8RdMath April TAKS Exit Retest = orange Late April STAAR (3-8) May EOC = turquoise July EOC Retests = gold Oct. TAKS Exit Retest = light purple Mar. ELA TAKS 10-11 – purple/blue Late March STAAR EOC = tan Late April TAKS 10-11 = rose 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 April 2012 April 2: Deadline to enter administration details on TAMS for late March STAAR EOC April 2: Deadline to ship all scorable materials and order Optional Reports for March STAAR EOC (Note that reports will be ordered with the May STAAR EOC administration.) April 2: Download online materials lists for the April TAKS Exit Level Retest and distribute to campuses. April 2: Materials Lists posted online for April TAKS (10/Exit). Download and distribute to campuses. April 2 – 13: Receive combined shipment of materials for the Late April STAAR 3-8 administration. By April 4: Campus coordinators return all nonscorable materials for STAAR Reading and Math 5/8 to DTC. April 9-13: Receive combined shipments of test materials for April TAKS (10/Exit). April 9: Receive and download Materials Lists for May EOC administration (online only). By April 9: Campus coordinators return all nonscorable materials for March STAAR EOC to DTC. April 9: Deadline to update Braille order for April TAKS Exit Retest By April 9: Campus coordinators return all nonscorable materials for STAAR Writing to DTC. April 9: Deadline to update Braille order for April TAKS Gr. 10-Exit April 9: Deadline to update Braille order for Late April STAAR 3-8 April 9: Optional Reports Order Selection begins for March and April TAKS (ends May 2). April 9 – 13: Receive and distribute combined shipment of TAKS Exit Retest materials to campuses. April 10: DTCs ship all nonscorable materials for STAAR 5/8 Reading and Math. By April 13: Receive precoded materials for April TAKS Exit Retest. April 13: Last day to register students for TELPAS April 13: Last day to enter administration details on TAMS for TELPAS April 13: Last day to manage test sessions for TELPAS April 13: Order Optional Reports for TELPAS on TAMS. By April 13: Complete verification of all TELPAS records on TAMS. Ship TELPAS materials (if your district did a paper administration) by April 13. April 16: Deadline to order additional materials for April STAAR 3-8 April 16: Deadline to order additional materials for April TAKS Exit Retest April 16: Deadline to hold CTC training sessions for April TAKS Exit Retest April 16: Deadline to hold Campus Testing Coordinator training sessions for April STAAR 38 By April 16: DTCs ship all nonscorable materials for March STAAR EOC. By April 16: DTCs ship all nonscorable materials for STAAR Writing 4/7. April 16: Deadline for DTCs to order additional materials for April TAKS 10/Exit By April 16: Hold Campus Coordinator training sessions for April TAKS 10/Exit. April 16 – 20: Receive combined shipment of materials for the May EOC administration. April 16 – May 4: Resolve Student Alerts/Record Changes and submit test information July TAKS Exit Retest = dark blue STAAR-Alt = pale blue TELPAS = beige Mar. TAKS Exit Retest = bright green Late March STAAR 4/7Wr = pale pink Late March STAAR 5/8RdMath April TAKS Exit Retest = orange Late April STAAR (3-8) May EOC = turquoise July EOC Retests = gold Oct. TAKS Exit Retest = light purple Mar. ELA TAKS 10-11 – purple/blue Late March STAAR EOC = tan Late April TAKS 10-11 = rose 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 changes for March STAAR 5/8 Reading and Math. By April 17: Receive precoded materials for April 3-8 STAAR. By April 17: Districts receive precoded materials for April TAKS 10/Exit. By April 17: Receive OOS and OOD materials for April TAKS Exit Retest. April 18: Receive Standard and Optional Reports for STAAR 5/8 Reading and Math. April 18: Receive and distribute standard and optional reports for Late March 5th and 8th grade STAAR Reading and Math. Districts resolve Student Alerts/Record Changes for the March TAKS Exit Retest: April 18 – May 4. April 18, 1:00-3:00: TETN #10420 on Special Education Assessments April 20: Last day to register students for STAAR Alternate April 20: Submission window for the STAAR Alternate online system closes at 7:00 pm CST. April 20: “STAAR Alternate Documentation Form of Student Performance” records generated by teachers and used to evaluate students must all be accounted for, turned in according to district procedures, and securely stored. District Coordinators must be sure that all students no longer being assessed with STAAR Alternate, those no longer in the district and those in grade 12 have been unregistered in TAMS before the window ends on April 20. April 20: Receive and distribute standard and optional reports for March TAKS Exit Retest. Set up sessions for the April TAKS Exit Retest online if applicable to your district. April 23: Deadline to update Braille order for May STAAR EOC administrations By April 23: Be sure test administrators are trained for the April TAKS Exit Retest By April 23: Be sure test administrators are trained for the April TAKS 10 and Exit administration. By April 23: Be sure test administrators are trained for the Late April STAAR 3-8 administration. Monday, April 23: Grade 10 TAKS LAT Math Tuesday, April 24: STAAR Grade 3, 4, 6, 7 Math Tuesday, April 24: TAKS Exit Retest - ELA Tuesday, April 24: TAKS/TAKS-M Gr. 10 Math, TAKS/TAKS-M LAT Gr. 10 ELA Wednesday, April 25: STAAR Grade 3, 4, 6, 7 Reading Wednesday, April 25: TAKS Exit Retest - Math Wednesday, April 25: TAKS/TAKS-M Exit Level Math Thursday, April 26: STAAR Grade 5 and 8 Science Thursday, April 26: TAKS Exit Retest - Science Thursday, April 26: TAKS/TAKS-M Gr. 10 and Exit Science; Gr. 10 TAKS LAT Science Friday, April 27: STAAR Grade 8 Social Studies Friday, April 27: TAKS Exit Retest – Social Studies Friday, April 27: TAKS/TAKS-M Gr. 10 and Exit Social Studies April 27: Campus coordinators return all TAKS 10/Exit scorable materials to DTCs. Saturday, April 28: All make-up sessions from ALL tests this week must be finished. By April 27: CTCs must return TAKS Exit Retest scorable materials to DTC. By April 30: CTCs must return STAAR 3-8 scorable materials to DTC. July TAKS Exit Retest = dark blue STAAR-Alt = pale blue TELPAS = beige Mar. TAKS Exit Retest = bright green Late March STAAR 4/7Wr = pale pink Late March STAAR 5/8RdMath April TAKS Exit Retest = orange Late April STAAR (3-8) May EOC = turquoise July EOC Retests = gold Oct. TAKS Exit Retest = light purple Mar. ELA TAKS 10-11 – purple/blue Late March STAAR EOC = tan Late April TAKS 10-11 = rose 68 69 70 71 72 73 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 By April 30: DTCs ship all scorable materials for TAKS 10/Exit and order Optional Reports through TAMS. By April 30: DTCs ship all scorable materials for TAKS Exit Retest and order Optional Reports through the TAMS. April 30: Deadline for DTCs to order additional materials for the May EOC By April 30: Hold Campus Testing Coordinator training sessions for the May EOC. By April 30: Receive precoded materials for the May EOC administrations. April 30 – June 8: Registration for OOS/OOD examinees for TAKS Exit Retest. May 2011 May 2: Deadline to enter administration details on TAMS for April STAAR 3-8 May 2: Deadline to enter administration details on TAMS for April TAKS 10-Exit May 2: Last day to order optional reports for STAAR 3-8 May 2: Last day to order optional reports for March and April TAKS/TAKS-M By May 2: DTC must ship all scorable materials for the STAAR 3-8 administration. By May 3: Notify students and parents of results for the STAAR 5/8 reading and math tests. By May 3: CTC must return TAKS Exit Retest nonscorable materials to DTC. By May 4: Be sure that CTCs have trained all test administrators for the May EOC. May 7: Last day to select Optional Reports for the STAAR 3-8 April administration By May 7: CTC must return TAKS Gr. 10-Exit nonscorable materials to DTC. Testing window for the EOC tests: May 7-18. Tests include: Algebra I, Biology, World Geography, World History, Geometry, Chemistry, U.S. History, Algebra II, and Physics. (First-time 9th grade students) By May 9: CTCs must return STAAR 3-8 nonscorable materials to DTC. May 9 – June 1: Resolve Student Alerts/Record Changes for TELPAS. May 11: Receive Standard and Optional Reports for TELPAS K-12. By May 14: DTCs ship all nonscorable materials for the April TAKS Exit Retest. May 14 – June 1: Resolve Student Alerts/Record Changes for the April TAKS Exit Retest. By May 15: DTC must ship all nonscorable materials for the STAAR 3-8 administration. May 16: Receive Standard and Optional Reports for April TAKS Exit Retest. By May 16: DTCs ship all nonscorable materials for April TAKS/LAT 10/Exit. May 16 – June 15: Resolve student alerts/record changes and submit test information changes for the May EOC administration. May 21 – End of window for online student data submission Receive corrected CSRs and data files (online) from the March Exit Retest (May 18). May 18: Receive corrected CSRs and Data Files (online only) for March STAAR Reading and Math 5/8. May 21 – June 1: Resolve Student Alerts/Record Changes for March TAKS 10 – Exit tests. May 21 – June 1: Districts submit test information changes for March TAKS 10 – Exit tests. May 21 – June 1: Resolve Student Alerts/Record Changes and submit test information changes for March STAAR Writing 4/7. July TAKS Exit Retest = dark blue STAAR-Alt = pale blue TELPAS = beige Mar. TAKS Exit Retest = bright green Late March STAAR 4/7Wr = pale pink Late March STAAR 5/8RdMath April TAKS Exit Retest = orange Late April STAAR (3-8) May EOC = turquoise July EOC Retests = gold Oct. TAKS Exit Retest = light purple Mar. ELA TAKS 10-11 – purple/blue Late March STAAR EOC = tan Late April TAKS 10-11 = rose 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 May 21 – June 1: Resolve Student Alerts/Record Changes and submit test information changes for April TAKS/LAT for Gr. 10 and Exit. May 21 – June 1: Resolve Student Alerts/Record Changes and submit test information changes for April STAAR 3-8. By May 21: Campus Coordinators return all scorable materials for May EOC to DTC. By May 22: Notify parents and students of TELPAS test results. By May 22: DTCs ship all scorable materials for May EOC. Notify parents and students of March TAKS Exit Retest results by May 22. May 23: Receive and distribute scores from late March STAAR Writing tests (Gr. 4 and 7). May 23: Districts receive and distribute Standard and Optional Reports for STAAR Alternate (grades 3-8 only). May 23: Districts receive and distribute Standard and Optional Reports for March TAKS/TAKS-M Grade 10 and Exit . May 23: Receive and distribute Standard and Optional reports for April TAKS 10/Exit and LAT Gr. 10. By May 23: Districts receive Standard and Optional Reports for March TAKS/LAT 10th-Exit. By May 23: Districts receive Standard and Optional Reports for STAAR 3-8. May 23, 1:00-3:00: TETN #10421 on Special Education Assessments By May 28: Campus coordinators return all nonscorable EOC materials to DTC. May 28 – July 16: Registration site open for student data submission for July TAKS retest. Notify parents and students of March TAKS 10, 11, and Exit results by May 29. By May 29: Notify parents and students of test results for Late April TAKS and LAT 10/Exit. Notify students and parents of test results from the Late March STAAR writing administration by May 29. Notify students and parents of test results from the Late April STAAR 3-8 administrations by May 29. May 31 – June 14: Online registration is open for OOS/OOD students for July EOC. June 2012 1 By June 1: DTCs ship all nonscorable materials for May EOC. 2 June 4-6: Select precode option and sort order; send student data and submit precode files for July EOC Retests. 3 June 4 – July 17: Registration site open for student data submission (online testing) for July EOC. 4 June 6 – June 15: Districts submit test information changes for March STAAR EOC. 5 By June 6: Districts notify parents and students of results from the April TAKS Exit Retests. 6 June 8: Paper copies of CSRs and labels due in districts from the May STAAR EOC administration. 7 June 8: Receive and distribute STAAR Alternate EOC results. 8 June 8: Districts receive Standard and Optional Reports for March STAAR EOC. 9 June 11: Materials lists posted online for the July EOC Retest. Download and distribute to campuses. 10 June 11: Download online materials lists for the July TAKS Exit Retest and distribute to July TAKS Exit Retest = dark blue STAAR-Alt = pale blue TELPAS = beige Mar. TAKS Exit Retest = bright green Late March STAAR 4/7Wr = pale pink Late March STAAR 5/8RdMath April TAKS Exit Retest = orange Late April STAAR (3-8) May EOC = turquoise July EOC Retests = gold Oct. TAKS Exit Retest = light purple Mar. ELA TAKS 10-11 – purple/blue Late March STAAR EOC = tan Late April TAKS 10-11 = rose campuses. 11 By June 15: Notify students and parents of results for the May EOC administrations. 12 By June 15: DTCs must be trained for July EOC – if not already trained in January, 2012. 13 By June 15: DTCs must be trained for July TAKS Exit Retest – if not already trained in January, 2012. 14 June 15: Receive updated/corrected Confidential Student Reports and data files (online only) for the April STAAR 3-8 administrations if updates were made in the Pearson system and distribute to campuses. 15 June 15: Receive corrected CSRs and Data Files (online only) for March STAAR Writing 4/7. 16 June 15: Receive corrected CSRs and Data Files (online only) for TELPAS. 17 By June 15: Notify students and parents of results for the March STAAR EOC. 18 June 15: Receive corrected CSRs and Data Files (online only) for April TAKS/LAT 10 and Exit. 19 By June 15: Receive updated/corrected Confidential Student Reports and data files for the March TAKS/TAKS-M (Gr. 10 and Exit only) by June 15 if updates were made in the Pearson system and distribute to campuses. 20 By June 15: Receive updated/corrected Confidential Student Reports and data files for April TAKS Exit Retest if updates were made in the Pearson system and distribute to campuses. 21 June 18-22: Receive combined shipments of test materials for the July EOC. 22 June 18-22: Receive combined shipments of materials for the July TAKS Exit Retest and distribute them to campuses. 23 By June 22: Receive precoded materials for the July Exit TAKS Retest and distribute to campuses. 24 By June 22: Receive precoded materials for the July EOC retests. 25 June 25: Deadline to update Braille order for July EOC Retests 26 June 25: Deadline to update Braille order for July TAKS Exit Retest 27 June 27: Districts receive corrected CSRs and data files for March STAAR EOC (online only). 28 June 27: Receive corrected CSRs and data files (if changes were made). These will come electronically on TAMS. July 2012 1 Order additional materials for July EOC retests by July 2. 2 By July 2: Receive OOS/OOD materials for the July EOC retests. 3 By July 2: Hold campus coordinator training sessions for July EOC retests. 4 July 2: Deadline to order additional materials for July TAKS Exit Level Retest 5 Receive July TAKS Exit Retest OOS and OOD materials by July 2. 6 Set up sessions for the TAKS Exit Retest Online test (if applicable to your district). 7 Hold Campus Coordinator training sessions for the TAKS Exit Retest by July 2. 8 Be sure test administrators are trained for the TAKS Exit Retest by July 6. 9 Be sure test administrators are trained for the EOC Retest by July 6. 10 Conduct test administration for the July TAKS Exit Retest – Monday, July 9: ELA, Tuesday, July 10: Math, Wednesday, July 11: Science, and Thursday, July 12: Social Studies. July TAKS Exit Retest = dark blue STAAR-Alt = pale blue TELPAS = beige Mar. TAKS Exit Retest = bright green Late March STAAR 4/7Wr = pale pink Late March STAAR 5/8RdMath April TAKS Exit Retest = orange Late April STAAR (3-8) May EOC = turquoise July EOC Retests = gold Oct. TAKS Exit Retest = light purple Mar. ELA TAKS 10-11 – purple/blue Late March STAAR EOC = tan Late April TAKS 10-11 = rose 11 Conduct test administration for the EOC English Retests: Monday, July 9 – English I and III Writing, Tuesday, July 10 – English I and III Reading, Wednesday, July 11 – English II Writing, Thursday, July 12 – English II Reading (Specific days!) 12 July 9-13: Conduct EOC retests in math, science, and social studies 13 July 12 – August 17: Resolve Student Alerts/Record Changes and submit test information for the EOC administration. 14 July 13: All make-up EOC testing must be complete by this day. 15 By July 16: Campus coordinators return EOC scorable materials to DTC. 16 By July 16: DTCs ship scorable materials from the EOC retests. 17 By July 16: CTCs return all scorable TAKS Exit Retest materials to DTC. 18 By July 16: Ship scorable materials for TAKS Exit Level Retest. 19 By July 18: Campus coordinators return all nonscorable EOC materials to DTC. 20 By July 18: Campus coordinators return all nonscorable TAKS Exit Retest materials to DTC. 21 By July 24: DTCs ship all nonscorable EOC materials. 22 By July 24: DTCs ship all nonscorable TAKS Exit Retest materials. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 August 2012 August 6 – 24: Select pre-code option for October TAKS Exit Level Retest if you are submitting your own district file. OOS/OOD registration period for Oct. TAKS Exit Retest: Aug. 6 – Sept. 17. August 8 – 24: Resolve Student Alerts and Record Changes from TAKS Exit retest. Receive and distribute Campus and District reports from July TAKS Exit retesting – by August 10. August 10: Receive and distribute Campus and District reports from July EOC administrations. August 13: Receive precode file layout for Oct. TAKS Exit Retest. August 24: Receive corrected CSRs and data files (online only) for July EOC. September 2012 September 4 – 14: Submit precode files/send student data for October TAKS Exit Retest. By September 7: Notify parents and students of July EOC results. By September 7: Notify parents and students of July TAKS Exit Retest results. September 7: Receive corrected CSRs and data files from the July TAKS Retests (online only). September 10 – October 25: Registration site open for student data submission (online testing only) for October TAKS Exit Retest. By September 21: Attend a DTC training session to prepare for October TAKS Exit Retest (if not previously trained in 2012). September 24: Receive online materials lists for TAKS October Exit Retest and distribute to campuses. September 28: Deadline to report results from all the spring test administrations (through May) to local Board of Trustees October 2012 October 1-5: Receive combined shipment of materials for the October TAKS Exit Retest. By October 5: Receive precoded materials for the October TAKS Exit Retests. July TAKS Exit Retest = dark blue STAAR-Alt = pale blue TELPAS = beige Mar. TAKS Exit Retest = bright green Late March STAAR 4/7Wr = pale pink Late March STAAR 5/8RdMath April TAKS Exit Retest = orange Late April STAAR (3-8) May EOC = turquoise July EOC Retests = gold Oct. TAKS Exit Retest = light purple Mar. ELA TAKS 10-11 – purple/blue Late March STAAR EOC = tan Late April TAKS 10-11 = rose October 8: Deadline to update Braille order for October TAKS Exit Retests By October 9: Hold Campus Testing Coordinator training sessions for TAKS Exit Retests. October 15: Deadline for DTCs to order additional materials for TAKS Exit Retests By October 15: Receive OOS/OOD materials for the TAKS Exit Retest. By October 15: Be sure that test administrators are trained for the TAKS Exit Retests. Supervise October TAKS Exit Retest administration: ELA – Oct. 22, Math – Oct. 23, Science – Oct. 24, and Social Studies – October 25. 9 October 26: Campus coordinators return all scorable materials to DTC for Oct. TAKS Retest. 10 By October 29: DTCs ship all scorable Oct. TAKS Exit Retest materials. 11 October 30: CTCs return all nonscorable TAKS Exit Retest materials to DTCs. 12 October 31: DTCs ship all nonscorable materials (TAKS Retest). 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 November 2012 By November 2: Report July EOC results to local board of trustees. By November 2: Report July TAKS Exit retest results to local board of trustees. November 9: Receive preliminary rosters (online only) for TAKS Exit Retest. November 28 – December 14: Resolve Student Alerts/Record Changes for Oct. TAKS Retest. November 30: Receive Standard and Optional Reports for Oct. TAKS Retests. 1 2 December 2012 By December 28: Notify students and parents of results from October TAKS Exit Retest. December 28: Resolve Student Alerts/Record Changes (Oct. TAKS Exit Retest). 1 January 2013 By January 25: Report results from October TAKS Exit Retest to local Board of Trustees. July TAKS Exit Retest = dark blue STAAR-Alt = pale blue TELPAS = beige Mar. TAKS Exit Retest = bright green Late March STAAR 4/7Wr = pale pink Late March STAAR 5/8RdMath April TAKS Exit Retest = orange Late April STAAR (3-8) May EOC = turquoise July EOC Retests = gold Oct. TAKS Exit Retest = light purple Mar. ELA TAKS 10-11 – purple/blue Late March STAAR EOC = tan Late April TAKS 10-11 = rose