adaptation in animals

Lesson: 3 – Adaptation in Animals
A. Keywords
1. Arboreal
11. Scales
2. Terrestrial
12. Fins
3. Aerial
4. Migration
5. Aquatic
6. Amphibian
7. Hibernation
8. Aestivation
9. Feathers
10. Camouflage
B. Knowledge and understanding.
1. Terrestrial animals: Animals that live in land are called terrestrial animal.
(eg: lion, cow, rabbit, earthworm).
2. Aquatic animals: Animals live in water are called aquatic animals. (eg: fish, starfish,
3. Arboreal animals: Animals that spend most of the time on trees. (eg: monkeys, lizards).
4. Aerial animals: Animals that can fly and spend a lot of their time in the air are called
aerial animals. (eg: birds and insects).
5. Hibernation: In winter some animals sleep for a great length of time in caves or
underground burrows. This process of sleeping is called hibernation.
6. Migration: The regular mass movement of birds from colder regions to warmer region
is known as migration (eg: Siberian crane, artic tern).
7. Camouflage: Outer appearance of an animal allowing it to blend with the
environment. (eg: grasshopper, polar bear).
C. Fill in the blanks
1. Bat is a flying mammal.
2. Sharks live in the sea.
3. Animals that live mostly on trees are called arboreal.
4. Animals are living in hot places have thick and less hairy skin.
5. Snails are found in fresh water.
6. Fish have fins for swimming.
D. Give one word answer
1. Animals which live on land – Terrestrial animal.
2. Animals that breathe through gills – Aquatic animals.
3. Animals that live in land and water – Amphibians.
4. Animals that live in air most of the time – Aerial.
5. Animals that live on trees – Arboreal.
6. Animals that live in or on the body of other animals – Parasites.
7. A long summer sleep in some animals – Aestivation.
8. Animals that eat flesh of dead animals – Scavengers.
E. Give reason for the following
1. Dormouse and rabbit hibernate in burrows.
They hibernate in burrows because during hibernation, they use up the fat stored in
their body.
2. Siberian cranes of Siberia migrate to India every year.
Siberian cranes migrate to India to escape from extreme cold weather condition of
Siberia (Russia).
F. Answer the following
1. Why do animals adapt themselves?
Animals adapt themselves slowly in order to survive in their environment. Those
animals that are not able to changes in their environment, slowly die out.
2. What is adaptation?
Animals have to developed special structures to survive in their unique surroundings
this process of adopting to the environment is called adaptation.
3. Why do aerial animals have hollow bones?
Hollow bones make their body light and help them to fly their fails helps them to
change direction while flying.
4. How does the cuttle fish protect itself from enemies?
The cuttle fish has an ink sac on its body when it senses it releases the ink making the
water blue the enemy is not able to see anything and the fish swims to safety.
5. What adaptation does a frog have in order to survive?
It has limbs that are suited to live on land and the webbed feet on its legs helps to
swim in water. It can breathe through lungs and also with its moist skin.
6. What are the adaptation that help a reptile which has no limbs to move?
Animals which do not have limbs, move with the help of their muscles and scales on
their body.
7. Why do some animals have skin which matches with the surroundings?
The colour of the skin helps these animals to blend with the surroundings making it
difficult for their enemies and prey to notice them easily.
1. Why are the birds like kiwi and penguin unable to fly?
Birds like kiwi and penguin unable to fly because they have a heavy body.
2. How do some animals get merged with their surroundings?
The shape and colour of some animals helps them to merge with their surroundings.
For example tigers and zebras have strips on their bodies which help them to merge
with their surroundings. The polar bear is difficult to locate in snow because of the
white colour. A chemelen can change its colour to match with surrounding. The leaf
insect look like a leaf while a stick insect look like a twig of a plant.
3. What are the features which help an animal to be herbivores?
They have sharp front teeth. Their back teeth are strong and broad which helps to
chew the hard plant parts. They have long legs which are strong enough to travel long
distance in search of their food.