Extended Constructed Response Prompt One Artificial Intelligence


Ms. Wiscount Exploring Computer Science Score ________

Extended Constructed Response Prompt & Rubric – Artificial Intelligence

Name: Pd:

Read: “The Rapid Advance of Artificial Intelligence” by John Markoff, October 14, 2013 in the New York Times.

Prompt: The article discusses ubiquitous computing , an advanced computing concept where computing is made to appear everywhere and anywhere, and how artificial intelligence fits into this picture.

ECR Four-Paragraph Outline:

 First Paragraph - Introduce (Costa’s Level 1) artificial intelligence as a major component of ubiquitous computing and whether you believe society is headed in a positive or negative direction with the advancement of artificial intelligence

“everywhere and anywhere” that illustrate your position

 Second Paragraph – Discuss/Verbally Demonstrate (Costa’s Level 2) different applications of artificial intelligence in our world and how society may be affected by these different applications. Will life improve or diminish with artificial intelligence

“everywhere and anywhere”?

 Third Paragraph - Support (Costa’s Level 3) with evidence from the article the artificial intelligence that drives the applications and effects you discussed and verbally demonstrated in the second paragraph. You may also use real world applications from your prior knowledge in your support of whether artificial intelligence brings a positive or negative force to society

 Fourth paragraph - Summarize (Costa’s Level 1) your writing about what artificial intelligence offers society today and draw a conclusion (Costa’s Level 3) where it may be in five, ten or twenty years from now which may showcase your position becoming true (artificial intelligence IS will be a positive OR negative force in society).

Remember to include a WOW statement!

Total points: 40

Tips to remember in writing:

 Review rubric so you know how you are graded: o Claim/Thesis – should be precise and takes an identifiable position o Development – introduction (paragraph 1), discussion/demonstration

(paragraph 2), support (paragraph 3) and summary with WOW statement

(paragraph 4) read with logical and sequential reasoning of topic o Content – used proper terminology, true facts and real world artificial intelligence applications o Cohesion – transitions and train of thought between paragraphs were sensible and smooth o Conventions – proper English capitalization, punctuation, spelling and grammar

ECR Design/Logic Principles MTHS
