INFORMATICS Unit 3 Outcome 1 SCHOOL-ASSESSED COURSEWORK Performance Descriptors Task 1 Unit 3 Outcome 1 Design a solution, develop it using a relational database management system, and diagrammatically represent how users interact with an online solution when supplying data for a transaction © VCAA Very Low Low Medium High Very High Very few solution requirements are represented in the design indicating limited interpretation of the analysis. Some solution requirements are represented in the design indicating an understanding of some key aspects of the analysis Key solution requirements are represented in the design indicating a sound interpretation of the analysis Most key solution requirements are represented in the design indicating a clear interpretation of the analysis All key solution requirements are represented in the design indicating a thorough interpretation of the analysis Very limited or inappropriate design tools are selected and limited techniques applied to outline the data types, structures and how the solution will function. A range of errors of fact or logic affect the quality of the designs. Few appropriate design tools are selected. Some correct techniques are used to describe data types, structures and how the solution will function. Some errors of fact or logic affect the quality of the designs. Some appropriate design tools are selected. Mainly correct techniques are applied to describe data types, structures and how the solution will function. Some errors affect the quality of the designs. Appropriate design tools are selected. Correct techniques are applied to describe the data types, structures and how the solution will function. Minor errors exist. All selected design tools are appropriate. Correct techniques are precisely applied to accurately describe data types and structures and how the solution will function. The designs are error free. Limited checking of the reasonableness of data. Limited validation techniques used to check the reasonableness of data. Some validation techniques adequately check the reasonableness of data. Most validation techniques efficiently and effectively check the reasonableness of data. All validation techniques efficiently and effectively check the reasonableness of data. Performance Descriptors Task 1 Very Low Low Medium High Very High Limited skills applied to manipulate data and construct queries. Some skills applied to manipulate data and construct queries; however, limited information is retrieved. Sufficient range of skills applied to manipulate data and construct queries that correctly retrieve some required information. Well-developed skills efficiently and effectively applied to manipulate data and construct queries that retrieve most required information. Highly developed skills efficiently and effectively applied to manipulate data and construct queries that retrieve all required information. Limited tests partially detect why the solution does not operate fully as intended. Some tests detect why key requirements of the solution do not operate as intended. Testing confirms that most requirements of the solution operate as intended. Systematic testing confirms that the key requirements of the solution operate as intended. Comprehensive testing confirms that all requirements of the solution operate as intended. KEY to marking scale based on the Outcome contributing 90 marks Very Low 1–18 © VCAA Low 19-36 Medium 37-54 High 55-72 Page 2 Very High 73-90 Performance Descriptors Task 2 descriptor: typical performance in each range Task 2 Very Low Low Medium High Very High Unit 3 Outcome 1 Design a solution, develop it using a relational database management system, and diagrammatically represent how users interact with an online solution when supplying data for a transaction Limited interactions between the user and online solution represented in a user flow diagram. Brief annotations outline relationships little reference to a data protection method. Some interactions between the user and online solution correctly represented in the user flow diagram. Some relevant annotations including reference to a data protection method. Interactions between the user and online solution are generally correctly represented in the user flow diagram. Most annotations adequately describe relationships and an appropriate data protection method. All interactions between the user and online solution correctly represented in the user flow diagram. All annotations adequately describe relationships and appropriate data protection methods. All interactions between the user and online solution have been correctly and comprehensively represented in the user flow diagram. All annotations fully and accurately describe the transaction requirements and appropriate data protection methods. Very few design features of the relevant user interface are included. Some design features of Most design features of the relevant user the relevant user interface are represented. interface are accurately represented. All key design features of the relevant user interface are accurately represented. All design features of the relevant user interface are accurately and clearly represented. KEY to marking scale based on the Outcome contributing 10 marks Very Low 1-2 © VCAA Low 3-4 Medium 5-6 High 7-8 Page 3 Very High 9-10