8th Grade Schedule Request - Monroe County Community School

Monroe County Community School
3980 South Sare Road
Bloomington, IN 47401
Telephone (812) 330-2451
Fax (812)330-2457
Mr. David Pillar, Principal
Mr. Greg Weimer, Assistant Principal
Mrs. Kristin Poage, Assistant Principal
Mr. David A. Terwilliger, Guidance Counselor
Mr. Matthew Stanley, Guidance Counselor
Ms. Deidra Larche, Social Worker
2016-2017 Grade 8 Course Selection Information
 Informational Letter to Parents/Guardians (Please keep.)
 Course Descriptions (Please keep.)
 Course Selection Sheet
(This sheet must be detached from the back of the packet and returned to Jackson Creek Middle
 Music Information Sheet
(This sheet must be detached from the packet and returned with the course selection sheet for all
students requesting Band, Mixed Choir, or Orchestra.)
Monroe County Community School Corporation
Jackson Creek Middle School
3980 South Sare Road
Bloomington, IN 47401
Telephone (812) 330-2451
Fax (812)330-2457
Mr. David Pillar, Principal
Mr. Greg Weimer, Assistant Principal
Mrs. Kristin Poage, Assistant Principal
Mr. David A. Terwilliger, Guidance Counselor
Mr. Matthew Stanley, Guidance Counselor
Ms. Deidra Larche, Social Worker
January 4, 2016
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Welcome to Jackson Creek Middle School! It is the purpose of this letter and the packet that follows to help you
understand important information concerning academic planning for your child at JCMS. Your child has received this
packet to help you decide what courses to enroll him/her in next year.
Your child will be enrolling in seven (7) courses. Five (5) of the courses are required by the State of Indiana, and two of
the courses are elective courses. Students may not skip levels of World Languages. Students must begin with Level 1 for
any World Language.
The five (5) required courses are as follows: (See Course Descriptions for more information.)
Language Arts
Social Studies
Grade 8 Exploratory
Grade 8 – 1 semester PE and Health, one semester Technology or Project Lead the Way
Every attempt will be made to place your child in their first elective choice. However, scheduling conflicts, lack of space
and teacher changes may prevent a 1st choice from being fulfilled.
Placement in a mathematics course is determined by middle school teachers based on test results and prior teacher
recommendation. All advanced middle school math placements must be coordinated and approved through the
MCCSC High Ability Office. Online courses for credit or placement cannot be accepted. Mathematics courses are
sequential. Students will not be permitted to skip Algebra and move directly into Geometry Honors. Your child will be
taking a placement test in the late spring of 2016. The levels of mathematics are as follows:
 Standard Mathematics Grade 8
 Advanced Math Grade 8
 Accelerated Learning Program - Algebra 1-2 Grades 7/8
 Accelerated Learning Program - Geometry Grades 7/8
There are multiple sections of Standard Mathematics Grade 8, Advanced Math Grade 8 offered because of the number of
students enrolled in those courses. The MCCSC’s automated scheduling program will try to place your child in a section
that does not conflict with the elective choice.
Courses in Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies are teamed in a block and offered at two levels of placement. The
levels are as follows:
 Accelerated Learning Program – Grade 8 Humanities (Language Arts & Social Studies) & Advanced Science
All Accelerated Learning Program placements are determined by acceptance into the ALPs program through the formal
application program. Please direct all questions regarding ALPs placement to Mrs. Kim Williams at (812) 330-7700.
Standard Grade 8 Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies
The automated computer program randomly places all of the students in a team that is composed of Language Arts,
Science, and Social Studies classes. The only students who are hand-scheduled to teams are as follows:
Special Education & ELL (English Language Learners) students who are following an Individualized Education Plan
as per federal and state law.
Qualified ALPs students who are accepted in the district’s gifted and talented program.
Most 8th graders eat lunch with their peers every day. They will have time to be with their friends during this time. The
size of the 2016-2017 Grade 8 class is going to be approximately 280 students. Please keep in mind that there are so many
sections of courses that it makes it impossible to hand-schedule students with their friends and/or specific teachers. Thank
you in advance for your understanding of this situation.
The JCMS staff is looking forward to a successful year with your child as part of Team JCMS. Please contact a JCMS
Guidance Counselor at 330-2451 with any questions and/or concerns you might have. Thank you!
David Pillar
Mr. David Pillar
Jackson Creek Middle School Courses
Physical Education / Health
Grade 7 - 8
One semester
This is a required course which will continue to involve students in
activities which emphasize the importance of physical conditioning,
physical fitness, and lifelong leisure skills. Students will learn the rules,
basic skills, game strategies, sportsmanship, proper etiquette, and
teamwork while participating in each unit of study. No matter what the
student ability level is at the beginning of a unit, the students are
encouraged to do their best to achieve continuous improvement. The
health component will include units such as wellness and the body
systems; alcohol, tobacco, and drug abuse; communicable and noncommunicable diseases; and safety and first aid.
Grade 8
One semester
This elective course is designed to provide students with the tools and
support needed to make positive, life-long changes for an active
lifestyle. The focus will be in the areas of nutrition, basic fitness, body
toning, and cardiovascular fitness. Individual programs will be set up
to meet each student’s specific needs, and every student will track their
own progress. All fitness levels are welcome. NOTE: This is strictly
a personal fitness course…not a game or sports class.
TECHNOLOGY- GRADE 8 REQUIRED-To fulfill the grade 8
Technology requirement students must choose either Project Lead
the Way: Gateway to Engineering *or Business and Information
*Project Lead the Way: Gateway to Engineering
Grade 8
One semester
In this rigorous semester long course students will experience the
foundation units of automation and robotics and design and modeling.
In the Design and Modeling unit students will apply the design process
to solve problems and understand the influence of creativity and
innovation in their lives. They work in teams to design a playground
and furniture, capturing research and ideas in their engineering
notebooks. Using Autodesk design software, students create a virtual
image of their designs and produce a portfolio to showcase their
innovative solutions. In the Automation and Robotics unit students will
trace the history, development, and influence of automation and
robotics as they learn about mechanical systems, energy transfer,
machine automation, and computer control systems. Students use the
VEX Robotics platform to design, and program real-world objects such
as traffic lights, toll booths, and robotic arms. The Students will use
industry standard 3D modeling software to create a virtual image of
their designs.
*Business and Information Technology: Technology
Grade 8
One semester
This semester-long technology course focuses on digital citizenship,
keyboarding, and computer applications. Digital citizenship includes
cyber safety and making good online decisions. In keyboarding,
students learn the proper touch typing method to enhance their speed
and accuracy using a web-based program. For computer applications,
students gain knowledge of the World Wide Web and application
presentation/multimedia. This class is hands-on and includes practice
and projects! Technology is everywhere and this course gives students
a glimpse of its real world use.
Family and Consumer Science
Grade 8
One semester
This elective course is a project-based class that offers students
learning experiences in the areas of nutrition and wellness, textiles &
fashion, child development, and relationships. This course is designed
to help students develop life skills for managing everyday life. Eighth
grade FACS students will learn proper cooking and preparation
techniques related to foods, explore healthy diets, have the opportunity
to explore sewing construction techniques, and understand how
children develop and proper techniques for caring for a young child.
There will be hands-on projects in each area of study and students will
have the opportunity to work individually and explore teamwork while
working on cooperative group activities.
Language Arts
Grade 8
Two semesters
This required course will expose students to the various components of
language arts. The primary focus will be on major skills such as
speech, composition, spelling, vocabulary, and the various genres of
literature. Major emphasis will be placed on grammar with respect to
usage and mechanics, and developing compositions utilizing the writing
Humanities Accelerated Learning Program (ALPS)
Grade 8
Two Semesters
Prerequisite: Placement in this course is based on the selection
process of the Accelerated Learning Program.
This interdisciplinary course replaces the standard required Language
Arts course. The Language Arts Humanities students will be enrolled in
the Social Studies Humanities course also. This course will continue to
expose students to the various components of language arts. Points of
major emphasis in this course include a survey of American literature,
speech and presentation skills, drama, and interdisciplinary activities in
association with the social studies component of Humanities.
Social Studies
Grade 8
Two semesters
This required course is a survey course which focuses on United States
history, with emphasis on the period from discovery and exploration
through Reconstruction. In addition to the standard specific social
studies skills, students will be extensively exposed to research,
presentation, reading, writing, and critical thinking skills in the context
of United States history.
Humanities (ALPS)
Grade 8
Two semesters
Prerequisite: Placement in this course is based on the selection
process of the Accelerated Learning Program.
This interdisciplinary course replaces the standard required social
studies course The Social Studies Humanities students will be enrolled
in the Language Arts Humanities course also. This course is a topical
course which includes several seminars on United States history. In
addition to a survey of United States history, the topics covered are
government and ethics, immigration, protest and dissent, and popular
culture. This course emphasizes student directed learning, participatory
activities, critical and creative thinking skills, independent reading, and
creative writing.
Grade 8
Two semesters
This required course covers Physical Science (Studying Materials,
Chemistry), Life Science (Genetics, Evolution) and Earth Science
(Weather & Atmosphere). Hands-on activities help students learn to be
good citizens through understanding the impact of science in their lives
and the impact of their choices on the environment.
Science Accelerated (ALPS)
Grade 8
Two semesters
Prerequisite: Placement in this course is based on the selection
process of the Accelerated Learning Program.
This required course covers Physical Science (Studying Materials,
Chemistry), Life Science (Genetics, Evolution) and Earth Science
(Weather & Atmosphere). Hands-on activities help students learn to be
good citizens through understanding the impact of science in their lives
and the impact of their choices on the environment. Additional units of
study selected by students (Ex: astronomy and inherited diseases) will
be incorporated into this course.
All advanced middle school math placements must be coordinated and
approved through the MCCSC High Ability Office. Online courses for
credit or placement cannot be accepted. Mathematics courses are
sequential. Students will not be permitted to skip Algebra and move
directly into Geometry Honors.
Standard Mathematics 8
Grade 8
Two semesters
In this required course students use rational numbers, irrational
numbers, exponents, powers, roots, ratios, proportions, and percentages.
They solve simple linear equations and inequalities; graph functions and
understand the concepts of slope and rate; construct shapes that meet
given conditions and apply geometric concepts to solve problems;
convert between units of measure and use rates and scale factors to
solve problems; collect, organize, represent, and interpret relationships
in data sets that have one or more variables; make decisions about how
to solve problems and communicate their ideas.
Advanced Math 8
Grade 8
Two semesters
Prerequisite: Prognostic test scores, teacher recommendation, or a
combination of both.
This course replaces the standard required mathematics course. This
course emphasizes exponents, square-roots, irrational numbers, and
applications for simple equations and inequalities with rational
numbers. Students will also be introduced to factoring, notations,
manipulations, and problem-solving techniques necessary for success in
Algebra at the high school level.
Algebra I
Grade 7 - 8
Two semesters
Prerequisite: Prognostic test scores, teacher recommendation, or a
combination of both.
This course replaces the standard required mathematics course. Topics
in this course include operations with exponents, radicals, and variable
expressions; solving and graphing linear equations and inequalities;
relations and functions; pairs of linear equations and inequalities;
factoring polynomials; algebraic fractions; quadratic, cubic, and radical
equations; and mathematical reasoning and problem solving. Students
taking this course may choose to obtain high school credit for it.
This course may be organized in a 6th/7th/8th grade combination format.
Grade 7 – 8
Two semesters
Prerequisite: Placement in this course is based on the selection
process of the Accelerated Learning Program.
This course replaces the standard required mathematics course. This
rigorous course is for students who successfully completed Algebra I in
the 7th grade. This course consists of a study of the undefined terms, the
axioms, and the theorems of Euclidean geometry. Emphasis is placed on
understanding the deductive processes involved in proofs, numerical
and algebraic exercises and geometric constructions. The topics covered
include inductive and deductive reasoning, triangles, perpendicular and
parallel lines, constructions, area, the Pythagorean Theorem, circles and
area, loci, and similar and regular polygons. Students taking this course
have the option of choosing to obtain high school credit for it. This
course is organized in a 7th/8th grade combination format.
Exploring Music
Grade 7 – 8
One semester
This elective course helps to fulfill the State of Indiana’s fine arts
curriculum requirement. This course explores the connection between
music and video technology including MIDI basics, computers and
digital sampling, synthesis, the physics of sound, multi-track recording,
sound system basics, and piano keyboard skills. A major outcome of
this course will be each student’s creation of a 60 minute CD using
music technology.
Exploring Music II
Grade 7-8
One semester (repeatable)
This elective course helps to fulfill the State of Indiana fine arts
curriculum requirement. This course expands the knowledge of music
technology learned in Exploring Music I. Multi-track music recording
software is used to record live instruments and voice. Students learn to
use electronic music software extensively. Students repeating the
course will learn live and studio music production more extensively
and will produce and record live music events at school.
Video Production/Jackson Creek TV
Grade 8
One Semester (Repeatable)
In this elective class students in the Video Production/ Jackson Creek
TV class will learn to plan, film, edit and publish video. Students will
create newscasts, as well as public service announcements and short
creative films. A variety of video, music and digital art software will be
learned and utilized to create videos.
Grade 7 – 8
Two semesters
Prerequisite: Placement determined by instructor.
Elective Band is explored through the study of performance
fundamentals on a woodwind, brass, or percussion instrument as a
soloist, in small ensembles, and with the full band. Placement in a
specific band class will be determined by a student’s musical
background and ability. Beginners and experienced musicians are
welcome. Regular at-home practice is encouraged. Each class performs
2-4 concerts per year with the possibility of performing at annual
ISSMA Festivals. Instruments, books, and supplies may be obtained
through local music stores. Instruments, not available through the local
music stores, may be rented through the school’s music department.
Full or partial scholarships for instrument rental are available on a
limited basis. Students are required to enroll in band, choir or
Orchestra to participate in the extra-curricular Jazz Band or Rock
Band – designed for students who want to start playing a band
instrument and for those with some experience. No experience
Concert Band – designed for students who excel in playing their band
instruments, read music well and have significant experience playing in
ensembles, large and small.
Choir – Beginning / Advanced
Grades 7-8
Two Semesters
Prerequisite: Placement determined by instructor.
In this elective students develop musicianship and specific performance
skills through ensemble and solo singing in a mixed choir. Instruction is
designed so that students are enabled to integrate music study into other
subject areas. Classes provide instruction in creating, performing,
conducting, listening to, and analyzing, in addition to focusing on the
specific subject matter. Students develop the ability to understand and
convey the composer’s intent in order to connect the performer with the
audience. A limited amount of time, outside the school day, may be
scheduled for dress rehearsal and viewing of performances by
professionals. Students must participate in performance opportunities,
outside of the school day, that support and extend learning in the
classroom. A fee of $20.00 will be collected for purchase of part of a
costume and shoes. Part of the costume will be provided. We do a
fundraiser to purchase music, props, pay for outfits, choreography, and
computer software/hardware. As a part of the curriculum assignments
will be written every semester.
Grade 7 – 8
Two semesters
Elective Orchestra is explored through the study of the fundamentals of
performance on an orchestral stringed instrument - the violin, the viola,
the cello, or the bass - as a soloist, in small ensembles and with the full
string orchestra. Regular at-home practice is encouraged. Each class
performs at least 4-6 concerts per year with the possibility of
performing at the annual ISSMA Festivals. Instruments and supplies
may be obtained through local music stores. Cellos and basses may be
rented through the school’s music department.
Arts and Artists
Grade 7 – 8
One semester (repeatable)
In this elective course students will be assessed by a rubric
measuring: Elements & Principles of Art, Content Connection, Tool
Competency, Care & Craftsmanship, and Class Citizenship. In any
project, I look to see your “personal voice”—I want to see your
personality shine in your artwork.
You will be responsible for one independent sketchbook entry every
other week. These sketchbooks build technical skill and creative
thinking throughout the semester. By the end of each semester, you will
have technical art skills, know artists names and their contributions to
societies, and begin to develop a personal artistic style.
Art and Artist I
This elective course will focus on giving experience with a variety of
materials and processes. We will look at art movements and genres
throughout the world, past and present. By doing so, the class will learn
about historical eras, cultures, careers, and even ourselves!
Projects will alternate between short (1-3 day) projects and long (8-10
day) projects.
Art & Artists II
Prerequisite: Art and Artist I
This elective course will focus on giving experience with a variety of
materials and processes, with opportunities to use media of choice to
fulfill assignments. The class will continue to look at art movements
and genres throughout the world, past and present. By doing so, we will
draw inspiration for personal artwork from historical eras and cultures.
Projects will focus more on artistic rigor and will alternate between
short (4-7 day) projects and long (8-15 day) projects.
Digital Design
Grade 7-8
One semester (repeatable)
This elective course will look at art movements and art genres to
evaluate the impact fine arts have on digital design and marketing. By
doing so, we will learn about eras, cultures, careers, and even ourselves.
You will be assessed by a rubric measuring: Elements and Principles of
Art, Content Connection, Tool Competency, Effort/Craftsmanship and
Class Citizenship. The class will alternate between short projects and
long projects. The short projects are to build skill and familiarity with
computer tools; the long projects are to show off your innovation and
creativity. In any project, I look to see your “personal voice”—I want
to see your personality shine in your artwork!
Digital Design I
This elective course is held in the JCMS Digital Arts & Design
Computer Lab. This course will focus on giving students experience
largely with GIMP, an image creation and photo editing program.
Digital Design 1 is designed with beginners in mind but projects will
challenge students of all skills.
By the end of this semester, students will have technical art and design
skills, know artists names and marketing strategies, and developed your
personal artistic style.
Digital Design II
Prerequisite: Digital Design I
This elective course is held in the JCMS Digital Arts & Design
Computer Lab. This course will focus on giving students more
experience GIMP and will introduce programs FOTOR, Blender and
Synfig. Digital Design 2 is designed with intermediate and advanced
students in mind.
By the end of this semester, students will have technical art and design
skills, know designers and animators’ names as well as marketing
strategies. The class will further develop students’ personal artistic style
and push the concept of originality in image generation.
Students will have the option to receive one year (2 credits) of high
school World Language credits upon earning a B or better for each of
the two semesters. If the student opts to receive high school credits, the
level of course and grade that is completed will be recorded on the high
school transcript.
French I
Grade 7 – 8
Two semesters
This elective world language course is the first year of study in a
rigorous middle school program. Successful completion in this
particular middle school world language course is the equivalent of
completing Level I in the high school program. Students will be
expected to cover the same material as a high school French language
student. This course stresses the four basic skill areas of listening,
speaking, reading, and writing in the French language.
French II
Grade 8
Prerequisite: French I
Two semesters
This elective world language course is the second year of study in a
rigorous middle school program. Successful completion in this
particular middle school world language course is the equivalent of
completing Level II in the high school program. Students will be
expected to cover the same material as a high school French language
student This course stresses the four basic skill areas of listening,
speaking, reading, and writing in a foreign language.
Spanish I
Grade 7 - 8
Two semesters
This elective world language course is the first year of study in a
rigorous middle school program designed to prepare students to enter
Level II of the Spanish language program. Successful completion in
this particular middle school foreign language course is the equivalent
of completing Level I in the high school program. Students will be
expected to cover the same material as a high school Spanish student.
This course stresses the four basic skill areas of listening, speaking,
reading, and writing. in the Spanish language. Students will be required
to interact in the target language, using dialogues, skits, and
presentations. This is a course that will require daily practice and study.
Spanish II
Prerequisite: Spanish I
Grade 8
Two semesters
This elective Spanish language course is the second year of study in a
rigorous middle school program. Successful completion in this
particular middle school foreign language course is the equivalent of
completing Level II in the high school program. Students will be
expected to cover the same material as a high school foreign language
student. This course stresses the four basic skill areas of listening,
speaking, reading, and writing in a foreign language. Students will be
required to interact in the target language, using dialogues, skits, and
presentations. This is a course that will require daily practice and study.
Chinese I
Grade 7-8
Two semesters
This elective world language course is the first year of study in a
rigorous middle school program designed to prepare students to enter
the Chinese Language program at Level II. This course will introduce
students to effective strategies for beginning Chinese language learning.
This course encourages interpersonal communication through speaking,
writing, to make and respond to basic requests and questions,
understand and use appropriate greetings and forms of address. Students
will participate in brief guided conversations, write simple sentences
using characters and develop reading and listening comprehension
skills. Students will examine the practices, products and perspectives of
Chinese-speaking culture. This course further emphasizes making
connections across content areas.
Chinese II
Grade 8
Two semesters
Prerequisite: Chinese I
This elective world language course is the second year of study in a
rigorous middle school program designed to prepare students to enter
the Chinese Language program at Level III. This course will continue to
introduce students to effective strategies for beginning Chinese
language learning and encourages interpersonal communication through
speaking, writing, to make and respond to basic requests and questions,
understand and use appropriate greetings and forms of address. Students
will participate in brief guided conversations, write simple sentences
using characters and develop reading and listening comprehension
skills. Students will examine the practices, products and perspectives of
Chinese-speaking culture.
English as a New Language
Grade 7 – 8
Two semesters
Prerequisite: Students attending schools in the United States for
less than 3 years or referral by counselor.
This course provides students with instructions in English that will
improve their proficiency in listening, speaking, reading and writing.
Emphasis is placed on helping students learn to independently function
in an English speaking school.
Peer Tutoring
Grade 8
One semester (repeatable)
Prerequisite: Approval of the Community Based teacher.
This semester long elective is designed to provide opportunities to work
with students with significant disabilities. Peer tutors will work with
students on such skills as: using money, vocabulary building, social
interaction (such as turn taking and playing games), common household
skills, and basic job skills. This will allow peer tutors to have an
opportunity to develop acquaintances and friendships with students in
our Community Based program. Peer tutors should be positive and
dependable role models of typical middle school behaviors. Depending
on scheduling, you may accompany students to other classes, such as
Adapted P.E., art, choir, etc. This course is limited to a maximum of
two peer tutors per period.
Skill Development I/II (Academic Lab)
Grade 7 – 8
One semester
This semester long elective is intended to provide students an
opportunity to accomplish assignments during the school day. Students
in good standing may be offered the opportunity to become Office or
Library Aids. No grades are recorded.
Skill Development (Academic Lab Leap)
Grade 7 – 8
Two semesters
Prerequisite: Students placed on student need, ISTEP results or
Annual Case Review recommendations.
This year long required course is intended to provide the opportunity for
JCMS Academic Interventionists to work with individuals and small
groups on academic areas of weakness identified utilizing standardized
tests, classroom work or Individual Education Plans (IEP) as
determined by the Annual Case Review. No grades are recorded.
Using the course descriptions (page 5) circle the Technology course you prefer to take
Project Lead the Way: Gateway to Engineering
Business and Information Technology: Technology
Using the course descriptions as your guide:
Please circle 4 elective choices from the list below
If you have a strong course preference please rate them #1 - #4 to the right of your circle.
Preferences cannot be guaranteed.
Art and Artist I
Art and Artist II
Digital Design I
Spanish I
Digital Design II
Spanish II
Exploring Music I
French I
Exploring Music II
French II
Video Production/JC TV
Chinese I
Chinese II
Academic Lab* II
English as a New Language
Peer Tutoring I
Personal Fitness
Peer Tutoring II
Academic Lab *
Family Consumer Science
Please provide us with 2 additional classes for alternates.
*Some students may be required to take an Academic Lab to receive academic assistance or remediation if they failed
sections of the ISTEP or if determined by special education case conference committee.*
Note: Students may not enroll in two performance based music courses (Band, Choir, or Orchestra) or two World Language
courses (Spanish, French, Chinese)
Note: Students will be placed in the appropriate level of band (beginning or concert) depending upon experience and ability.
Student Name (Print):
Student Signature:
Parent Name (Print):
Parent’s Signature:
Home Phone:
Cell Phone:
Work Phone:
Current School:
Please sign this sheet and return it to your teacher by Friday, January 15, 2016. Your teachers will return the sheets to
JCMS Guidance office. After this deadline, this sheet is due as soon as possible to the JCMS Guidance Office. Elective
requests not returned will be completed by the JCMS Guidance Department. For clarification contact David Terwilliger (8th) or
Matt Stanley (7th) at 330-2451.
Music at Jackson Creek Middle School is a great way to develop that hidden talent, express your creativity, make
new friends, and have fun doing it! Band, Mixed Choir, and Orchestra meet five days a week during the school
day for the entire year.
Can I join Band, Mixed Choir, or Orchestra if I have never played an instrument or sung in a choir before?
Yes! The instructors will teach you everything you need to know.
Can I participate in sports, cheerleading, etc., and still be in band, mixed choir, or orchestra?
Yes! The schedules for these activities do not conflict.
Please return this sheet with your 2016-17 Course Enrollment Sheet.
Student’s Name (Birth Name):
(last name)
(first name)
Present School:
Parent’s Name:
(last name)
Home Phone:
(first name/s)
Work Phone:
Please indicate the student’s music choice from the “Course Enrollment Sheet” below. See the Course Description Guide for
help in choosing the appropriate course.
Below, neatly list all formal, organized musical experiences you have had, indicating the length of time for
each. Be sure to include private lessons and ensembles, in and out of school, both vocal and instrumental.