Must Do


Application to Use an Independent Study or Research Project to Fulfill the

Intensive Learning Requirement

Student name: ___________________________________________ RCID: ______________________

Faculty mentor name: ______________________________________

Term in which the project will be completed and credit awarded (check one and add the year):

Fall ______ Spring _____ May ______

Summer 1(June) ______ Summer 2 (July) ______ Summer 3 (June – July) ______

How should the credit be recorded? (check one, specify the department if needed)

INQ 477 Independent Study

Project title:

DEPT 477 Indep. Study (specify dept _____________ )

Anticipated number of weeks in which this project will be the student’s main focus: _____________

How often will the student and faculty member be in direct consultation?

Signature indicates that faculty member has read and approved the project description, literature references, timeline, and plan for final product.

Signature indicates the project and plan for final product meets or exceeds department guidelines.


Supervising Faculty Member Signature


Department Chair




Gen Ed Director project approved Date

Must Do

Attach a document including

The project’s purpose, scope, background, and methods, including literature references.

An approximate timeline sufficient to show that the project can be completed in the time available.

 A description of the final product(s) of this project: paper, oral presentation, artistic works, portfolio, etc. including anticipated length.

Why the student desires to use a project rather than a regular IL course for this requirement.

Application to Use an Independent Study Project to Fulfill the Intensive Learning Requirement

An independent study or research project may be used to satisfy the Intensive Learning requirement.

Not all will qualify, however, as these projects must


Be clearly focused, well-defined and limited in scope and breadth


Conclude within the proposed schedule.


Provide opportunities for significant interaction with a faculty mentor.


Be the student’s sole academic pursuit during the period of the project.


Result in the production of a paper, report, or other product.


Be taken as INQ 477 Independent Study or DEPT 477.


Meet all requirements imposed by the academic department of the faculty mentor.


Be approved by the Gen Ed Director after an application submission according to the timeline below.

To apply for approval to use an independent study or research project to satisfy the IL requirement, complete the attached form, get it signed by the faculty mentor and department chair, and submit by

April 1 for May Term projects

April 15 for Summer or Fall Term projects

November 15 for Spring Term projects

Submit completed cover sheet and description of the project to:

Dr. Gail Steehler

Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
