13 days - West Virginia Department of Education

All OIEP building level administrators
Jacob C. Green; Assistant Director of Administrative Services
Office of Institutional Education Programs
Assurance Statement for IEP Compliance
As was discussed at the March 2009 Principal/Lead Teacher Meeting, all schools within OIEP must
adhere to the following in regards to students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs):
1. All IEPs shall be reviewed, corrected, and implemented per the guidelines established in West
Virginia State Board Policy 2419: Regulations for the Education of Students with Exceptionalities
and the West Virginia Procedures Manual for the Education of Students with Exceptionalities.
2. The most common situation OIEP schools deal with is that of a student who transfers in with a
current West Virginia IEP. The following is direct language from Policy 2419:
When a student with a current West Virginia IEP transfers school districts within the same
school year, and enrolls in a new school, the district must make reasonable efforts to
consult with the parent within TWO SCHOOL DAYS of initial enrollment AND to
initiate FAPE for the student within ONE SCHOOL DAY of the parent consultation.
FAPE includes services comparable to those described in the previously held IEP. Within
TEN SCHOOL DAYS of the parent or adult student consultation, the district must
ADOPT the previously held IEP OR DEVELOP and implement a NEW IEP.
2 school days
to make efforts
to consult with parent
1 more school day
to initiate FAPE
1O more school days
to 1) Adopt/Amend previous IEP
OR 2) Develop a new IEP
Current IEP in place
OIEP expects all schools to operate within this policy. If there are any questions regarding compliance
to Policy 2419, please contact Jared Hughes at (304) 558-8833 or at jbhughes@access.k12.wv.us.