The materials in this packet are also available online via the LNHS English Department Web Site. GRADUATION PROJECT PURPOSE & OVERVIEW The NC Department of Public Instruction is requiring all students, beginning with the Class of 2010, to successfully complete a Graduation Project as one of their graduation requirements. The four components of the NC Graduation Project include a research Paper, a Product, a Portfolio, and an oral Presentation. As students create a product, build a portfolio, and deliver an oral presentation, they will demonstrate how well they showcase new learning acquired through the Graduation Project experience. Completing this project allows students to explore their passions and various interests and provides an opportunity for them to merge these passions/interests with academic skills. The NC Graduation Project is a performance-based assessment that allows for meaningful student engagement with teachers, parents, and community members who assist students in expanding their education beyond the classroom walls by helping them to move beyond the discovery of basic facts and to engaging in critical thinking/problem solving. PAPER Component (11th Grade) The PAPER component of the Graduation Project is a composite of many literacy skills including identifying, selecting, analyzing, and evaluating information and information resources. Students will demonstrate their ability to develop a chosen topic, conduct the necessary research, and write proficiently on that topic. Students’ ability to use appropriate research skills in selecting and documenting sources accurately and effectively will be critically important. PRODUCT Component (12th Grade) The PRODUCT component of the Graduation Project is an opportunity for students to expand on what they learned from the research paper. For this component of the Graduation Project students will need to select a mentor. ● GRADUATION PROJECT MENTOR ○ A Graduation Project Mentor is a community or faculty member who has expertise and experience with the research topic and accepts the following responsibilities: Makes Time and Arrangements to work with the student on the product Provides suggestions and advice on the product/project Provides accurate/honest verification of the student’s work Serves as a support and resource for the student Spends 2 hours minimum with mentee to work with student on product Signs and Returns all required forms ○ Anyone from the community who is 25 years of age or older and is considered to be an expert in the field a student is researching for the project may serve as a Graduation Project Mentor. The mentor may NOT be a family member unless the family member has expertise and experience with the research topic. PRESENTATION Component (12th Grade) The PRESENTATION component of the Graduation Project is the verbal culmination of the project. It allows students the opportunity to highlight work and learning in an area of special interest. It helps students to develop and exhibit a variety of skills required in the 21st century. Through the presentation component, students will demonstrate public speaking skills while delivering accurate, credible information on the topic and about the product. PORTFOLIO Component (12th Grade) The PORTFOLIO component of the Graduation Project is the record of the student’s work on his/her journey from choosing a topic and thesis to the presentation before the judges; thus proper documentation and evidence, as well as a professional and creative appearance, are essential. The Graduation Project IS a GRADUATION REQUIREMENT! The paper counts as a grade in the 11th grade English class, and the entire portfolio (including presentation and product/project) counts as a grade in the 12th grade English class. THE PRODUCT: Procedures and Requirements For many students the question continues to be “What is a Product?” – is it a physical object or thing I can hold (tangible) or is it more abstract and composed of ideas, actions, and outcomes (intangible)? The answer is that it can be either. For some it may be a model, a painting, a hemi-V8 or some other tangible object. For others, it will be an intangible output such as a community service event they organize, job-shadowing in a profession that interests them, or an expression made through music, song, or dance. The possibilities are almost endless! Students will already have built the foundation for the overall Graduation Project – the research paper. The product provides the opportunity for a depth of learning that builds on that foundation. This product should be an extension of their research and should show a learning stretch. In other words, your product should challenge you and enhance your understanding of the Graduation Project topic you have selected. Parameters for developing a product include: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● The product must be based on a student-created Fieldwork/Product Proposal. The Fieldwork/Product Proposal must be approved by the Mentor and submitted to the student’s 12th grade English teacher. The product must be student-generated based on individual interest. The student should be able to show that his/her product is an extension, application, and synthesis of his/her research and has practical applications in the real world. The product must show evidence of the effort and time (please see rubric for hour requirements) to meet the criteria established for the product. The product must be adequately documented with photographs, logs, letters, reflective journal entries, and other forms of documentation (some of which are Portfolio elements). Students should avoid choosing topics that might require significant expenses. All expenses related to the individual student’s Graduation Project will be the responsibility of the student. In all cases, the product should have a viable and logical link to the research topic and thesis. Relevancy to the topic is necessary in order for the product to be an effective extension of learning. Ideas for Products Students should discuss their ideas for their product with their mentor. The mentor has access to many additional resources. Before going to the mentor, the student should write down what he/she hopes to learn as a result of doing the Graduation Project and begin to develop a list of specific ideas that interest him/her that he/she thinks could be developed into a PRODUCT. Scoring of the Product The product has very specific guidelines for scoring. Make sure that you read and understand the rubric that will be used to assess your work. MENTOR QUALIFICATION FORM (To be returned to your English IV teacher once completed) Student Mentor ____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Mentor’s Address Mentor’s Home Phone: Mentor’s Work Phone: Mentor’s Cell Phone: Mentor’s Email: ● Is your mentor at least 25 years of age? ● Is your mentor related to you? ____Yes ____Yes ____No ____No Hours, methods and days the English Teacher may contact mentor: Describe your mentor’s qualifications and/or background in the field related to your Graduation Project topic: (Please attach a business card, if available.) Describe all of the ways that you anticipate your mentor will help you in accomplishing your Graduation Project: (giving ideas for products, monitoring your progress of your project, listening to your speech, etc.) PRODUCT/PROJECT PROPOSAL/APPROVAL This form will go in student’s portfolio along with the Mentor Product/Project Approval form. Please complete and give to your Mentor. Student _____________________________________ Mentor __________________________________________ 1. What is your approved topic (see topic from English III grad project paper)? 2. Check one: 3. ____physical product ____intangible product (community service event, job shadowing, volunteering an not profit, etc.) In very specific detail, explain your product (please attach an additional sheet of paper if necessary): 4. Describe how the fieldwork and/or product relate to your research topic. 5. How does creating this product reflect your learning stretch? 6. What materials will you use and what expenses, if any, do you anticipate? 7. In specific details, describe how you will create this product with your mentor. PRODUCT/PROJECT PROPOSAL/APPROVAL for MENTOR to COMPLETE This form is to be completed by your MENTOR! If your mentor suggested that your product proposal needed further clarification, you will make the necessary adjustments on the original proposal form. ● Both the product proposal form and the mentor approval form must be included in your portfolio. If your mentor does not approve your product (product was DENIED), you will need to make adjustments and resubmit your product proposal by filling out a new product proposal form. ● The original proposal form, original approval form and re submitted forms (if applicable) must be included in your portfolio. After careful review of your Product/Project Proposal and the guidelines governing the project, your mentor has made the following decision on your product/project: Clarification Comments: Clarification Comments: _____Clarification needed in one or more of the following areas: _____ Not a significant learning stretch* _____ Weak product _____ Product description unclear _____ Product is a presentation, not a product _____ Product does not relate to topic _____ Product cost factors unclear _____ Product completion may not be feasible within time constraints _____ Other:___________________________ Denied Comments: Denied Comments: _____ Denied as specified below: _____ No apparent learning stretch* _____ Creativity is lacking _____ Product considered dangerous _____ Violates LNHS policy _____ Other:________________________ *Learning stretch: the art of making great demands upon one’s abilities while gaining knowledge, comprehension, or mastery through experience or study. Student Name___________________________________ Student Work Log On this form, you will document the time you have worked on your product. This form will help you pace yourself. Be sure to have this form with you when working on your product or meeting with the various individuals along the way. The person assisting and/or supervising this time must sign the last column. Several copies of this form may be needed. If so, please place all forms together in chronological order. (If you need another sheet to keep track of your hours, please download and print off this form again.) This form will be part of your portfolio. Date/Hours Description of Work Signature of Mentor Portfolio Checklist for Student Use Student______________________________ Date______________ * Original Cover _____ * Table of Contents _____ * Proposal form and Mentor Approval Form _____ *Time Sheet______ * Research Paper _____ * Photo Gallery _____ * Presentation Outline _____ * Graduation Project Self- Reflection _____ * Acknowledgements Page _____ Description of Portfolio Items The Self-Reflective Portfolio is a notebook of information that you compile to document the Graduation Project process. ● Cover: Choose graphics, color, and fonts that illustrate your personality and goals for your senior research. Do not use pencil or ink for the graphics unless you are an accomplished artist. Use word-processed letters. Include your name, your research, and your product. At the bottom of the page, include your English IV teacher’s name and your class period. Make sure that your cover is colorful and professional looking; it will provide the first impression of your work. ● Table of Contents: (see list below) * Original Cover * Table of Contents * Proposal form * Research Paper * Photo Gallery * Presentation Outline * Graduation Project Self- Reflection * Acknowledgements Page ● Project Proposal and Mentor Approval Form: Copy of the approved form. ● Research Paper-clean copy ● Photo Gallery: All students must have a picture gallery of themselves working with their products to verify their work. Present photos in an attractive format and provide typed captions that explain what is taking place in the photo. This component should be part of your product/project documentation and should be in your portfolio. ● Presentation Outline: Your final presentation outline. ● Graduation Project Self-Reflection: Now that the project is complete, you will reflect on the process and your academic and personal growth. Answer each question in complete sentences. Graduation Project Self-Reflection Student Name _________________________________ Date _______________ Research Topic ____________________________________________________ Describe your Graduation Project experience in complete sentences. Please type your responses after each question. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ● What problems did you encounter? How did you overcome these problems? Who helped you the most over the three year period? How did your product/performance and your research paper topic connect? How many hours did you spend on your Graduation Project? ______ What date did you start? _____________ When did you finish? _____________ Did your Graduation Project turn out the way you had planned? Explain. What would you have done differently? What was the best decision you made during the process? What was the biggest mistake that you made during the process? What did you learn from this experience? What have you learned about yourself that you did not know before you began the Graduation Project? How have you grown as an individual? Acknowledgement page: This page is your opportunity to thank those people who helped make your Graduation Project possible. Product Rubric Exemplary (5 points) Successful (4 points) Satisfactory (3 points) Emerging (2 points) Developing (1 point) Not Submitted Documentation Documentation including 7-8 photos/ captions, or 7-8 log entries or a mix of photos and log entries reflects exceptional insight into the overall process and development Documentation including 6 photos/ captions, or 6 log entries or a mix of photos and log entries reflects good insight into the overall process and development Documentation including 4-5 photos/ captions, or 4-5 log entries or a mix of photos and log entries reflects sufficient insight into the overall process and development Documentation including 2-3 photos/ captions, or 2-3 log entries or a mix of photos and log entries reflects limited insight into the overall process and development Documentation including 1photo/ caption, or log entry or a mix of photo and log entry reflects no insight into the overall process and development Fails to submit product. Hours Student documented 2 hours consulting with mentor on product/presentation. (see time sheet) N/A N/A N/A N/A No documentation for product was submitted or student failed to submit product. Quality and Work Ethic Exhibits creative and exceptional results using talents, abilities and varied resources. Exhibits successful and strong results using talents, abilities and varied resources. Exhibits adequate results using talents, abilities and varied resources. Exhibits ineffective results using talents, abilities and varied resources. Exhibits unacceptable or no results. Fails to submit product. Displays extensive attention to detail. Displays successful use of detail. Displays sufficient use of detail. Displays minimum use of detail. Lacks use of detail. Fails to submit product. Chooses a challenging product representing a significant learning over time. Chooses a successful product representing a good learning stretch over time. Chooses a product representing a sufficient learning over time. Chooses a product representing limited learning over time. Chooses a product with no learning over time. Failed to submit product. Demonstrates a logical and relevant link to the research topic. Demonstrates a successful link to the research topic. Demonstrates an adequate and relevant link to the research topic. Demonstrates a minimal link to research topic. Shows no link to the research topic. Fails to submit product. Demonstrates significant creative thinking, decision-making, reasoning, and/or problem solving. Demonstrates successful creative thinking, decision-making, reasoning, and/or problem solving. Demonstrates sufficient creative thinking, decision-making, reasoning, and/or problem solving. Demonstrates limited creative thinking, decisionmaking, reasoning, and/or problem solving. Demonstrates no evidence of creative thinking, decision-making, reasoning, and/or problem solving. Fails to submit product. Learning Over Time and Depth of Knowle dge Total Points per Row Total Points in Column: Content and Coherence Communication and Presentation Skills Presentation Rubric Exemplary (5) Successful (4) Satisfactory (3) Emerging (2) Developing (1) Not Submitted (0) Consistently employs appropriate eye contact, posture, and nonverbal communication. Successfully employs appropriate eye contact, posture, and nonverbal communication. Frequently employs appropriate eye contact, posture, and nonverbal communication. Employs infrequent eye contact and/or poor posture and/or nonverbal communication. Makes no eye contact. Fails to make presentation. Consistently varies tone of voice Successfully varies tone of voice Generally varies tone of voice Sporadically varies tone of voice Presentation is monotone, and speaker does not vary tone of voice. Fails to make presentation. Consistently exhibits poise and confidence. Successfully exhibits poise and confidence. Generally exhibits poise and confidence. Exhibits limited poise and confidence. Lacks poise and confidence. Fails to make presentation. Consistently employs standard grammar. Successfully employs standard grammar. Generally employs standard grammar. Infrequently employs standard grammar. Does not employ standard grammar. Fails to make presentation. Adheres to prescribed time guidelines. (10-12 minutes) * Maximum time allowed is 15 minutes. Time frame includes questions from panel! Adheres to prescribed time guidelines. (8-9 minutes) Adheres to prescribed time guidelines. (7 minutes) Violates prescribed time guidelines. Presentation is between 5-6 minutes long) Violates prescribed time guidelines. (Presentation is less than 5 minutes long.) Fails to make presentation. Wears professional attire-(interview attire) Wears appropriate attire Wears nice clothing N/A Neither professional nor appropriate dress applies hereshorts, t-shirt, club clothes, sweat shirt, ripped up paints, etc. Fails to make presentation. Effectively defines a main idea and clearly adheres to its purpose throughout presentation. Successfully defines a main idea and clearly adheres to its purpose throughout presentation. Adequately defines a main idea and adheres to its purpose throughout presentation. Insufficiently defines a main idea and adheres to its purpose throughout presentation. Does not define a main idea or adhere to its purpose. Fails to make presentation. Total Points per Row Presentation rubric continued Reflection Incorporation of Product Exemplary (5) Successful (4) Satisfactory (3) Emerging (2) Developing (1) Not Submitted (0) Employs a logical and engaging sequence, which the audience can follow. Employs a logical and thoughtful sequence, which the audience can follow. Employs a logical sequence, which the audience can follow. Employs an ineffective sequence confusing to the audience. Lacks an organizational sequence. Fails to make presentation. Demonstrates exceptional use of supporting details/ evidence. Demonstrates strong use of supporting details/ evidence. Demonstrates sufficient use of supporting details/ evidence. Demonstrates insufficient supporting details/ evidence. Demonstrates no supporting details/evidence. Fails to make presentation Reflects on successes and challenges with exceptional depth and insight. Reflects on successes and challenges with strong depth and insight. Reflects on successes and challenges with sufficient depth and insight. Reflects on successes and challenges with limited depth and insight. Does not reflect on successes and challenges with depth or insight. Fails to make presentation. Extensively reflects on the resources consulted Strongly reflects on the resources consulted Generally reflects on the resources consulted Minimally reflects on the resource consulted Fails to reflect on the resources consulted. Fails to make presentation. Confidently, politely, and accurately responds to judges’ questions and comments. Politely and accurately responds to judges’ questions and comments. Accurately responds to judges’ questions and comments. Ineffectively responds to judges’ questions and comments. Unacceptably responds/does not respond to judges’ questions and comments. Fails to make presentation. Student engages the product in his/her presentation in a way that greatly enriches or enhances the presentation Student engages the product in his/her presentation in a way that enriches or enhances the presentation Student attempts to use product in his/her presentation in a way that adds to presentation Product just a show piece-in other words, here is my product, look at it. Student does reference product. Student had no project/product. Fails to make presentation. Total Points per Row Total of Points in Column: Completeness Portfolio Rubric (Completed by English IV Teacher) Exemplary (5 points) Successful (4 points) Satisfactory (3 points) Emerging (2 points) Developing (1 point) Not Submitted Meets all requirements for portfolio contents. Meets most requirements for portfolio contents. (Missing 1 component of Portfolio) Meets most requirements for portfolio contents. (Missing 2 components of Portfolio) Meets some requirements for portfolio contents. (Missing 3 components of Portfolio) Does not meet requirements for portfolio contents. Fails to submit portfolio. Adheres to all guidelines for portfolio appearance. (All items are typed and professional). At least two of the portfolio components are exemplary. Adheres well to the guidelines for portfolio appearance. All items are typed and most are professional-One of above categories -portfolio components- are exemplary N/A Adheres to some guidelines for portfolio appearance. (Some items are typed and professional) Does not adhere to guidelines for portfolio appearance. (All items are handwritten and unprofessional, portfolio appears thrown together) Fails to submit portfolio. Reveals exceptional insight into how the student anticipated changes and dealt with contingencies. (SelfEvaluation shows strong work ethic, integrity, and perseverance to difficulties) Reveals good insight into how the student anticipated changes and dealt with contingencies. (SelfEvaluation shows good work ethic, integrity, and perseverance to difficulties) Reveals sufficient insight into how the student anticipated changes and dealt with contingencies. (SelfEvaluation shows work ethic, integrity, and perseverance to difficulties) Reveals limited insight into how the student anticipated changes and dealt with contingencies.(SelfEvaluation shows little work ethic, integrity, and perseverance to difficulties) Reveals no insight into how the student anticipated changes and dealt with contingencies.(SelfEvaluation shows no work ethic, integrity, and perseverance to difficulties) Fails to submit portfolio. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Score on Project Rubric: N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Score on Presentation Rubric: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Presentation Grade Project Grade Student Reflection Format/ Appearance ● Original Cover Table of Content Product Proposal and Mentor Product Approval form Time Sheet Research Paper Photo Gallery Presentation Outline Graduation Project SelfReflection Acknowledgements Page Total Points per Row Final Grade for Portfolio: The final portfolio grade is the total number of points added together in the last column.