St. Mary Parish & School 750 South Main St. Akron, OH 44311 Sunday Mass 9:00 a.m. Daily and Holyday Masses See Mass Intentions inside for times Sacraments Baptism–On Saturday mornings, call the Parish Office to attend a Pre-baptismal class and to schedule a baptism date. RCIA – Interested in becoming Catholic? Attend an Inquiry Session or call ourParish Office. Confirmation or Eucharist – Call the Parish Office to register your child for instructions. Penance – Call the Parish Office to arrange a convenient time for confession. Marriage – Weddings for parishioners are arranged through the Parish Office. Please allow six months for sacramental preparations. Holy Orders – Please contact one of the priests at the Parish Office regarding your desire to serve. Anointing of the Sick – Any time upon request; callthe Parish Office or the hospital chaplain. Parish Office (Mailing Address: 44 University Avenue Akron, OH 44308) Phone: 330-762-9247 / 330-253-6949 (Fax) Hours: 8 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Mon. – Fri. (Email) (Website) St. Mary Elementary School Mr. Terry Kowalski, Principal Mrs. Maryanne Williams, Secretary Hours: 7:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. 330-253-1233 Pastoral Staff (Se habla español *) Fr. Daniel J. Reed, Pastor * Fr. Frank Basa, Parochial Vicar Mrs. Patsy O’Connor, Business Manager Mrs. Nancy Cabrera, Secretary * Miss Cindy Badran, Music Ministry Mr. Jim Spraggins, Custodian Funerals Please have your Funeral Director contact the Parish Office to finalize arrangements. St. Mary Mass Times & Intentions have spiritually adopted who is in danger of abortion.” - Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen November, 9 The Dedication of the Lateran 9:00 Deceased of Knights of Columbus Friday, 14 2:00 Pro Populo November, 16- 33 Sunday in Ordinary Time 9:00 + Jack & Jeannette McCormick Scripture Readings for the Week Mon.Ti 1:1-9, Lk 17:1-6 Tue. Ti 2: 1-8, 11-14, Lk 17:7-10 Wed. Ti 3:1-7, Lk 17:11-19 Thur. Phlm 7-20, Lk 17:20-25 Fri. Jn 4-9, Lk 17:26-37 Sat. Jn 5-8, Lk 18:1-8 Sun. Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 1 Thes 5:1-6 Mt 25: 14-30 Your Sacrificial Offerings Weekend of Nov. 2nd- $973.00 All Saints’ Day $75.00 All Souls’ Day $175.00 Fr. Hilkert School Fund $60.00 Thank you for your continued support! Faith Enrichment Events REAL WOMEN OF THE BIBLE, WOMEN LIKE US: An intergenerational women’s retreat experience. Hosted at the home-like Bethany Retreat Center in Chardon Friday, Nov. 14at 7:00 p.m. to Saturday., Nov. 15 at 7:00 p.m. Cost is $75 with limited number of scholarships available. More info and to register, contact Sr. Kate Hine, SND or 440-476-6094. Mass Intentions for 2015 The St. Mary Mass Intention Book is now available in the parish office for Masses between January 1 and December 31, 2015: - Come to the parish office during regular hours (8am – 5pm) Monday – Friday. Or, mail your intention(s) to the parish office with your phone number and monetary sacrifice. A monetary free-will donation is made as a sign of one’s gift or sacrifice. Generally, a donation is $10 per mass but we do not charge it. Whatever is a sacrifice for you – more or less – is accepted. Area Social Events COMMUNITY PREGNANCY CENTER - in Barberton will start a Men’s Ministry program. This ministry is of trained male mentors to meet with the young fathers/fathers-to-be who come into the center. More information on Friday, Nov. 14th, at 7pm. Attendance does not imply a commitment. Volunteer men, age 20 and over (working, retired, married, single) who would have a positive influence on a young man’s life, join us by calling 330-825-1900 for questions and meeting location. CATHEDRAL ORGAN CONCERT - held this Friday, November 14 at 7:30pm at St. John Cathedral, East 9th and Superior, Cleveland. Organ works by Marchand, Decker, J.S. Bach, SaintSeans, Guillou. Performed by Jonathan D. Rudy of Batavia, IL. Admission is free; parking is free in the Cathedral Parking Garage. NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING - class series begins Nov 15th @ St. Francis de Sales Parish in Akron. If you know someone please refer them to Kay Metzler at 330-896-3350. Online Registration at IHM SCHOOL 60th ANNIVERSARY on Nov. 16th at the 9:30am. Mass. Please contact Mary Anne D’Andrea at (330) 945-9668 or Julia Norton at (216) 978-7220. SPIRITUAL ADOPTION PROGRAM – This prayer may be offered daily for nine months:“Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I love you very much. I beg you to spare the life of the unborn baby that I RECECYCLING/FUNDRAISING PROJECTS We collect Newspapers, magazines, junk mail and cardboard in bins in our parking lot. Acme receipts for community cash back program. Coca-cola reward codes from packages or bottle caps. Used brand name ink or toner cartridges (not remanufactured). Box tops for education. All these can be placed on the table by the side door of the church to be taken to the school office. Thank you. RESPECT LIFE COMMITTEE - Have you ever wondered what more you could do as a Catholic, who is concerned about being pro-life? Perhaps you have prayed for a woman who is pregnant, in a crisis pregnancy, or you have spiritually adopted an unborn child. Won't you consider joining our Respect Life Committee and share your ideas, your faith, and your passion for respecting all areas of life? Our next meeting is on Monday, Nov.10that 1:00pm in St. Bernard's conference room. UA NEWMAN PANCAKE BREAKFAST Come one, come all for pancakes! Prepared by the UA Newman Campus Ministry: Sunday, November 23 from 9:30-11:30 a.m. in St. Bernard Social Hall. FUNERALS - Considerations mentioned last week: 1. For your own funeral - Write your wishes down and give them to a relative or Funeral Director. 1. For others - If possible, call a priest for the "Last Rites" before someone is unconscious. A priest is on staff at City (Summa) and Akron General. 2. Meet with your Funeral Director to arrange a Funeral day and time. Depending on their schedule, they will call the parish with your preference. 3. The funeral rites can be at a Mass (preferred); at a Prayer Service (in the Funeral Home); at the cemetery (graveside). Much depends on the needs and religious practices of the mourners. 4. Cremation is permitted as long as it is not an act to protest belief in the resurrection of the dead, and the cremains (ashes) are intended to be buried. 6. The Funeral Mass is the same for the pope, a housewife, bank CEO, or an indigent person. The focus is the life and death of Jesus Christ. The body or cremains can be present. Family members can participate, if they so wish, in designated parts of the Mass or Prayer Service (e.g. Readings, etc). 7. Eulogies or "Good words" are open to all to share at the visitation/wake, graveside, or meal/ gathering after the internment. A family member may give a eulogy then, and invite others to add. 8. Finally, it is a work of mercy to keep the soul of the deceased, and the needs of the mourners in one's prayers and concerns weeks or months later. Dear Parishioners, Alumni, and Friends – Prayer for Vocations - Thanks to those who attended the Eucharistic Adoration and Mass this past Wednesday to pray for an increase in Ohio. How to Build Extraordinary Parishes was a Diocesan-sponsored workshop that I and some parishioners attended this past Thursday. Hopefully we can apply some of the insights to the parochial vision I have set forth for this parish. City of Akron Ward Meeting - is this Thursday, Nov. 13, 6-7:00pm. Come find out what is happening in your parish. Held at the Odom Branch Library, 600 Odom Vernon Boulevard. Cathedral Organ Concert - if you're into long-hair music I'll see you at St. John the Evangelist Cathedral this Friday, Nov.14 at 7:30pm. See ad above. Free admission and parking. Bulletin Content - Thanks to our traveling parishioners who bring back a Parish Bulletin for me to get ideas. What do you want to see in this bulletin? What helps? What do you need/want to know? You tell me, please! 2015 Parish Envelopes - will be distributed in the church during December. If you had them in 2014, your 2015 Box will be alphabetized by surnames. If you contribute every week by check, you do not need a box we'll just give you a number. Loyola Retreat House - If you ever want a place to get away for some peace and quiet - check out Loyola down in Clinton. Walk around or find scheduled retreats at Funerals - Some asked for the guides from last week's homily. Find them in today's bulletin. The Lateran, the Cathedral of Rome What? We are praying about a building? Kind of! Do you have a place you find conducive for prayer; a sacred space? Maybe there is a place in your home where you and your family connect with God's presence, say a rosary, or family prayers. I look at the Lateran in that way. Since the early 4th century the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist in the Lateran was the place where the pope lived and worked, the family of God celebrated Sacraments, prayed to and worshiped the Trinity, decorated its walls with art, and where Church history was made. Our thanks to God for that sacred space in Rome. I hope today's celebration leads us to give thanks to God for our own St. Mary church building and for the Church (people) who sacrificed to provide it; and where sacred events and memories are still made among us today. Thanks be to God! Fr. Dan